View Full Version : How about that FQ?

06-29-09, 10:11 PM
As you can see, a lot of things have been posted in the News Forum that are updates about the FQ. (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19402) You can see an outline regarding the past two chapters, the current 3rd chapter, and the idea's brewing for the next chapter.

There are also updates about the rewards system!

So, the question is: How interested are you in being active in the FQ? What do you think about the plan's being laid?

As the Story Admin, with people writing for Salvar and Raiaera that I trust and believe will bring the new face of Althanas out with a bang, I'm am happy to post all of this and completely confident that everything will work out with enough activity!

Also, the current chapter will remain open for another month, being closed midnight est on July 31st. If no interest is expressed in the chapters that will should be following is shown, the FQ would instead of continuing be shut down and the storyline for the Featured Quests and Region will be up to the writers and myself to write out and make part of the history for the site. The regions will be affected in that way, from that point on, but instead the members wouldn't have had a say in how it all happened.

((Side note, should you decide to come in here and do anything that seems to me something akin to flaming or trolling I will not close the thread... instead I'll give you a warning. Continuation from that point on and you will be punished. Thanks,))

The International
06-29-09, 10:36 PM
I voted maybe so.
Reasons I Would Join
I want to make an impact on Althanas. Hell I want to make an impact wherever I go. It's an intriguing storyline, so much so that if I did enter the FQ I wouldn't know which theatre to enter. I would love to see the deadly Villeneuve family bring their cards to the table. By the way, I love the idea of the forum clean up nd consolidation. It'll really make the site look fresher.
Reasons I Wouldn't Join
It takes me a hell of alot of research before I even start a quest. That's going to take enough time itself. Then there's dependability for myself and others. Life happens. Threads can slow down or come to a dead halt at anytime because of things beyond the computer. That's why I'm reluctant to start anything for that matter. As much as the Featured Quest interests me, your regional missions interest me even more.

06-29-09, 10:39 PM
I was thinkin' about opening up the forum to one active thread per area in the chapter... so that you could have 2 threads going in the FQ, in case one in Salvar dies you'd have something to fall back on in Raiaera, or vice versa.

Alydia Ettermire
06-30-09, 12:31 AM
Hell yeah I'm interested. Flames and I have been working off-site for months on the next installment of his epic saga, and I can't wait to actually get it here.

Which means I'd better get my butt in gear on the one I'm running with you, Task.

06-30-09, 12:48 AM
Hell, I think I've put more hours into the Raiaeran side of the FQ than everybody else put together. Well, apart from Dissinger, obviously.

I hate to sound like a bitch, but I do sort of resent that Godhand and company's eradication of Xem'Zund's high generals seems to have had no impact on anything. The whole reason I joined the FQ was to have my actions finally matter canonically.

And the double experience points didn't hurt.

Flames of Hyperion
06-30-09, 02:08 AM
Godhand - please trust me when I tell you that your contribution has been well and truly noted, and has already had a major effect on the war. You're one of the main reasons (canon-wise, at least) why Xem'zund hasn't been able to take over the entire country already.

That said, I'm working hard on matters as well - WiTW mentioned something that we're doing behind the scenes, and I'm trying to blitz through 20+ posts for Legion of Light V to get it done by the Chapter deadline.

The International - some of the points that you've mentioned (the need for research, for one) have been noted and worked on by staff. I like Task's idea of opening up the FQ a little as well.

06-30-09, 03:21 AM
I'm on the 40/60 mark. I joined just a while ago and it seems that this forum isn't that active so I might join just because others don't but there are many other reasons for me not to join like how I might have to live up to standards.

Being new and all I probably won't participate in any of this stuff yet. 60% rejected so pretty much, no.

06-30-09, 08:38 AM
I rather like the FQ, but since my character has a bit of a mind of his own, his reaction to me throwing him into it was to...get thrown in jail. Not the best career decision! I would definitely continue on in the FQ once Cael's managed to get himself out of Liquid Time Limbo, though. I love overarching plots.

06-30-09, 09:00 AM
I hate to sound like a bitch, but I do sort of resent that Godhand and company's eradication of Xem'Zund's high generals seems to have had no impact on anything. The whole reason I joined the FQ was to have my actions finally matter canonically.

By no means was your impact on the FQ anything that is being forgotten, overlooked, or intentionally left out. The impact with the third and what you could do in the fourth chapter have not gone unnoticed or are they going to be out of the official canon that will be put up mid-chapters and at the end. So, no worries.

I'm on the 40/60 mark. I joined just a while ago and it seems that this forum isn't that active so I might join just because others don't but there are many other reasons for me not to join like how I might have to live up to standards.

Being new and all I probably won't participate in any of this stuff yet. 60% rejected so pretty much, no.

The forum, as I assume you're talking about Althanas, isn't extremely active during the summer sometimes. However, it always picks up and drops again, though there are those of us that are always on here working on things. Don't worry about activity, old faces are returning and new ones are still bringing friends with them and coming as well.

As for "live up to standards" part: that's really nothing more than what people do every day, whether on the site or in real life. You can never really get anywhere as a writer without challenging yourself, and that's really what it boils down to. Don't be afraid to push yourself.

And being new has never stopped anyone else from going far on the site, don't let that hold you back. We've had plenty of new members that have really stepped up and done something great! Working in the FQ and becoming part of the canon is possible, for new and old alike.

Cyrus the virus
06-30-09, 09:37 AM
I'd love a stickied thread that has very condensed notes regarding what other players have done to impact the storyline, as I'd have a much easier time jumping in that way. Luc has good reasons to be involved but it'd be more fun to get in on someone else's story.

06-30-09, 09:53 AM
We can get that up there and done... I'll just need to consolidate what's going on with everyone's storylines.

Cyrus the virus
06-30-09, 10:05 AM
Sure sure, I figure now's the best time for something like that since this round will be closing up.

The International
06-30-09, 11:39 AM
I would be more compelled to get in on the next chapter if I was certain Alerar would be involved. I love that region, but I would definitely need to know more about the Dark Elves' intentions. I know that there's a rumor (IC & OOC), but the managers of the forums have claimed Alerar's going to be in the 'next chapter' since chapter one.

06-30-09, 12:23 PM
Alerar will definitely be involved in the 4th and 5th chapters.

4th Chapter Involvement:

Alerar, Salvar, Raiaera, possibly Corone.

5th Chapter Involvement:

Alerar, Raiaera, possibly Fallien and Corone.

The International
06-30-09, 07:54 PM
Then you can count me in! I guess I need to hurry up and finish my solo in Alerar and get it judged. That way I'll be able to get the things I need before the next chapter starts. Do you have an estimated time for when the next chapter begins?

06-30-09, 08:04 PM
This chapter is going to end on July 31st. The next one would begin on August 7th.

However, unless there is expressed interest in the FQ continuing that chapter and the following one may not happen at all.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
06-30-09, 08:18 PM
I'm definitely game for both of my characters. I wanna get an MQ going with my Main. So I will talk to you about that on AIM.

Damion Shargath
07-01-09, 01:37 AM
I'm coming. Something one or the other should take into consideration...

07-01-09, 03:37 AM
I might join if it's going to start on the 7th.

Visla Eraclaire
07-01-09, 06:56 AM
The Featured Quest is one of the better ideas Althanas has had in a long time, but I've never been involved in it for several reasons:

1) Epic scope - Until recently, my characters would best fit into the Featured Quest as someone being trampled by an oncoming horde. I realize this can make a good story, but it didn't much appeal to me as an idea.

2) Sporadic Activity - I'm here and gone

3) Interactivity - I always liked the FQ's idea but it seemed half-executed. Finally an epic storyline for Althanas with things playing out and good writers actually focused on the goings on. Unfortunately, it's still that sort of maybe-it-happened-maybe-it-didn't situation. Multiple groups doing the same thing, individual players still controlling npcs, and so forth. I realize this is unavoidable, by and large, but it was still a consideration, albeit the least of them.

I have until the 10th at my current place of employment and I suspect the next one will be significantly less stressful and time consuming. To that end, I'm going to take a look at the thing and see if there's some way of working around my concerns.

In all honesty though, I tend to write the epic events side rather than the character reactions. Most of my roleplaying outside of Althanas is as a DM or Storyteller. That's partly the reason I play here, but at the same time it goes somewhat against my nature. That's why I tend to write solos, so that I am free to control the world and the larger events of it...

07-01-09, 08:29 PM
I'd very much like to join in the FQ, once I've gotten my solo quest completed and my character is more than a worthless slob of an elf.

Caden Law
07-01-09, 10:34 PM
I've been trying to work my way back into it. I miss the Raiaeran FQ but Caden's storylines've demanded him be in Salvar for the duration.

Hopefully the Elves and their Star-Gods stayed a bit Lovecraft in my absence :D