View Full Version : Chandra Dawnspear

Chandra Dawnspear
07-03-09, 03:26 AM
Name: Chandra Dawnspear
Age: 121
Race: Dark Elf
Body: Lithe, tuned muscles from years of training with weapons and exercise.
Hair: Very bright blond, near white in appearance.
Eyes: Black Pearl.
Languages Known: Dark Elven, Dwarven, Elven, Common
Homeland: Straight of Malice (Four Leagues from the coast of Black Archipelago)

Appearance and Demeanor: Chandra is the average elven beauty, with the traditional Dark Elf mean streak, but that doesn't make her any less dangerous. Growing up in a society of treachery and brutality has numbed her from emotions like compassion and love, and all she knows is the way of the sword. Her tongue has gotten her into more than one fight, some she won, and some she regretted. Her wit is sharp and sinister, and her sarcasm is thicker than blood.

History: Chandra's homeland originally used to be the Black Archipelago. She lived upon the Black Moon Isle, and lived in a relative peace. That was before the revolution when the humans banded together on all three islands and took control, booting the elves out to the treacherous waves. She was but a babe at the time, and she had watched another family kill her own parents for a spot on the row boat, her life nearly ended when she was tossed overboard.

She was rescued by another family, the Dawnspears, and taught the ways of the sword and the axe, which she then took to kill the people who had murdered her parents and sister in a blood feud. After her bloody task was completed she found herself wanting for something more. She enlisted in the army and found herself upon a corsair ship that did raids upon the Black Armada that was hurriedly built. She had a small knack for intrigue and surprise assaults that eventually allowed her into the captains cabin for mission comprising.

Her small luck soon was noticed by the highborn noble on their boat, and he took her into his family where she was educated in the ways of nobility. She stomached the boring lessons for one reason only, and that was because only a noble could lead soldiers to battle. It took twenty years, but at last she was captain of her own ship. She led a daring raid in the dead of night into the Black Sun bazaar and stole nearly everything in a lightening attack that left the port with little to trade to the outside world.

Victory being hers she began to immediately plan for a bolder attacker, risking a huge offensive off the coast of Black Moon, while a small brigade would rush onto Black Eclipse Isle, and kill off all their weapons production managers and technicians. The plan was bold enough to be accepted, and she was to spearhead the assault, but fate had a way of making her learn that not everything in life goes according to plan.

It was unknown that at the time Black Archipelago made a desperate alliance with the local pirates, making a rag tag armada of corsairs and war ships to sail with the little meager forces they had left. These ships far outnumbered the Dark Elven fleet and the battle ended before it began, with nothing short of a slaughter taking place. To add insult to injury, Black Eclipse had made a trade with a foreigner for designs to a weapon known as the 'World Cannon' a weapon that fired cannonballs the size of curled up dragon. The weapon was mounted upon the town hall and with a thunderclap of sound the metal ball flew towards the assaulting corsair and sunk the ship in a single volley. Utterly destroyed with more than three quarters of their fleet sleeping with the fishes the retreat back to the Strait of Malice was a long one.

Chandra slept with a dagger under her pillow at all times, for it wasn't exactly hidden knowledge that it was her plan that failed, and failure was never an option. The crew always cast sideways glances at her, and murmurs of rebellion rang in her ears, but she walked the decks with a ruthless glare, showing no signs of weakness. Only once did someone muster the courage to challenge her, the father of her own adopted noble house calling her out onto the main deck for an honorable duel for command of the ship.

She accepted the challenge and walked on deck, lifted a single hand bow and shot it right into his face, cocking it and pointing it to her foster mother and shot her in the heart. She gave a warning glance to her crew and turned walking back to her cabins, sleeping easily that night.

When she arrived home the Court of Thorns called her to give her testimony on the events that took place. With out missing a detail she explained how she was given un-reliable information, and the lack of communication on her father's part was a failure they paid in blood for. She lifted his head and offered it to the court in penance. All but the high king was outraged that she killed a council member, but she cared not. As far as she was concerned her plan was flawless so long as the information she was given was correct.

The king promoted her to his personal adjutant, and disbanded all blood feuds on her name giving her immunity as a vassal to the king. To any observer this would be considered a great thing, but Chandra knew the truth behind it.

The high king was furious with her, and he would set up something extra special for her demise.


Skills and Abilities:

Weapon Proficiency: Axe: Chandra is above average in her ability with any Axe, and it feels very natural for her to use one.

Weapon Proficiency: Sword: Chandra is below average in her ability with any one handed sword, and it feels unnatural for her to wield one.

Weapon Proficiency: Hand Bow: Chandra is slightly below average in her ability with any repeater hand bow, and it feels awkward for her to wield one.

Cast Witchlight: This is a basici spell that allows the wielder to light a single torch or lamp or other apparatus to cast a non-harmful flame spell. It is a purplish color and illuminates as far as any normal torch or lantern. Can use this twice per day.

Passive abilities: These abilities are always active, and need not be mentioned to assume she is using them.

Elven Grace: Chandra is not clumsy nor a slouch, and stands with a poise and moves with a grace that even the best human dancers can only envy from afar. Chandra is above average in the acrobatic arts, able to use this grace in combat to slide, dodge, roll away from enemy attacks.

Hate: Needless to say, in her races society it is not a far stretch of the imagination for her to always look like she is brooding. Her mind is constantly thinking in negative connotations. She will always find the worst in the good and never hesitate to be that voice of doubt in any heroic speech. This is just a way for those who are attuned to darkness to know that, yes, she is indeed a vile evil person.

Three sets of simple clothing.
Leather Keihtan - a tunic made of some hide of flesh, in this case a simple cured Leather.
Steel Chainmail shirt - worn only when battle draws near, otherwise to cumbersome to use in her every day activities. (unless stated in the thread she puts it on, she is always assumed to not be wearing it.)

Steel Great Axe: Her trusted twin headed blade, it's heavy for battle, but the satisfying crunch noise more than makes up for it. Her elven grace can't be used when she wields this axe, as it is to heavy to wield and be graceful.

Oak Hand Bow: Single shot, with 15 oak black fetched arrows. Takes half a post to load, and can never be loaded and fired in the same post, as it would take to long unless given permission from opponent.

Traveling Companion: Shredder: Shredder is Chandra's war mount, a giant reptilian beast found in the jungles and the frozen tundras of Salvar and also upon the Strait of Malice. It is twice the length of a horse, and has a violent temperament, but like all lizards it has a very narrow minded way of thinking, which is eat first and ask questions later. Chandra has used enough of her will to calm the beast to obey her, but once the blood starts flowing the beast is harder and harder to control. However, Shredder and Chandra have fought for so long together that the beast considers her a pack mate, and no matter how much of a frenzy it is in, it will never see her as prey. Her allies on the other hand...

-Shredder is currently in the war pens in the high kings castle. This means she doesn't have him as a mount at this point. Unless given permission to do so, she can't use him in any threads.

- In addition to the above, Chandra cannot use Shredder in a battle unless the opponent gives permission to do so.

07-03-09, 08:33 AM
Hey there and welcome to the site. I'll be helping you out with this profile so you can get to role playing on the site. Just a few things to look at, please edit them into the first post and respond when you have done so.

1) I'd like for you to change the name of the dark elf race from Druchi, simply because it's the same as the name for the Dark Elves in Warhammer. We have a place in Althanas called "Alerar", people from there are called "Aleraran", and it's a dark elf nation. If you'd like to call the character that, it's fine. All the islands and such can be something off the coast if you need it to make sense historically.

2) The arrows should have an iron head on them.

3) Naughlir should also be changed... since it's also something from Warhammer. You can have a mount, but for now I'd like it set so that it can't be used in battle against another PC without their permission. I know you have him put away, but if given permission to use, you'll also need permission to have it fight another player.

Chandra Dawnspear
07-03-09, 11:59 AM
Perceptive, because that is indeed where I got the ideas from. However I am curious as to why this is that big of a deal. Copyright and so forth in GW doesn't lable the terms "Druchi and Naughlir." Not trying to be argumentive about this.

I can consent to the idea of calling her race by a different name, but can at least the term Naughlir stay? Pretty please?

07-03-09, 01:29 PM
Since I couldn't find the copyright to it in my Warhammer stuff, but I know it was on WAR online, I'd prefer it'd be changed.

Chandra Dawnspear
07-03-09, 08:50 PM
Okay, is that please change the name of the race or the war mount?

07-03-09, 10:59 PM
Change the name of both the race you have, as well as the name of the race of the reptilian mount. You can have a mount like that, as long as it follows the rules that I set up in my first response, but it can't have that name.

Chandra Dawnspear
07-03-09, 11:14 PM
Your changes have been made, but later on I would like to try again for the term Naughlir to stick, because it just sounds cool.

Anywho, changes made.

07-03-09, 11:19 PM
Alright, thanks for removing those names. You won't be able to have them in the future, simply because they're copyright infringements that we don't allow on the site.

What I said stands for the mount.
