View Full Version : Omfg! That thing. It's back!!

07-07-09, 03:44 AM

What? Where?



I dun see nothin.

>.> <.< >.>

Anyway, I got my internet back (finally) and I'm looking to rejoin the community here and get my creative ball rolling once again. Hopefully I can keep it going this time. I've pretty much settled in my new command (for those of you out of the loop [which might be most of you] i'm currently serving in the U.S. Navy. A bummer, I know, but hey, a man's gotta make a living somehow, right?) and have quite a bit of down time between work and sleep. I work at night, so I get to sleep in until two... ish. =3

Anyway, big hiya'll to those of you who knew, or had heard of me before my disappearance, and a bigger heywhotehfookarejoo to those of you I don't know, or don't know me. Hopefully we can collaberate sometime in the furture and churn out some interesting threads and story plots.

Anyway, my bed is calling (long day at work) so I'll sign off for now. But I'll be back! I promises.


07-07-09, 08:00 AM
Welcome back, Koran!

*gives non-poisoned cake*

07-07-09, 09:12 AM
I remember you. Good on you for protecting our oceans from Jack Sparrow and the rest of Singapore.

Welcome back.

07-07-09, 09:31 AM
'Bout time.

Alydia Ettermire
07-07-09, 02:13 PM
Hi there, navy man. Welcome back.

07-07-09, 02:23 PM
Welcome back seaman.