View Full Version : Who wants to quest with a cyborg?

07-14-09, 03:15 AM
The title pretty much says it all. Who wants in? I don't have any solid quest ideas yet, and if you've ever seen me write or have ever written with me, you'll find that that is completely normal. I just feel the need to get someone who will be dedicated to questing before I post an open thread. Because god knows how that's worked in the past for most people.

So, post here if you're interested and if you've got some crazy ideas of your own, I'm more than happy to hear them.



07-14-09, 12:26 PM
I'm always up for anything bro. Let's kick it OLD SKOOL style. Im me later on AIM when you're ready to plan something. I got a new quest up that's also open for everybody so if you want to join that bad boy up, be my guest. I will appreciate all the rpers I can get. In any event dude, I'm ready to go. Just let me know when a thread is ready. We'll discuss your ideas on AIM.

07-26-09, 07:43 AM
I'm Interested, i'm looking for one, maybe two others to help (or hinder) my breaking into the Furnace, If So, send me a PM