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07-14-09, 12:22 PM
Bandit Camp (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=151580#post151580)

In light of recent times, I think its time we all got back to doing what we do best. Roleplay. Let's show the world what Althanas is all about. I am looking to roleplay with anybody interested in a simple and straightforward bandit smashing thread. There will be ample rewards gained from the Bandit's Camp, and there will be gold to be looted as well. So come one come all. All levels, all alts are welcome. No restrictions. I am just looking to have some fun. The basic premise of the thread is that there is a huge bandit camp that's been raiding nearby settlements. The bandit camp contains roughly a few hundred of the buggers of various levels. Between level 0-10 and higher for you high level cats.

If you are interested, simply post here saying you want in, and then post in thread. I look forward to playing with you all. Only join if you intend to finish.



@Blue Knight.


07-14-09, 09:07 PM
I want in, because everything else is going slow.

07-14-09, 09:19 PM
Done feel free to join the thread as soon as you can. If you're around for a while we can get some power posting done.

07-15-09, 10:14 PM
"Anybody else up for the party? Maties, Guns up!"

I don't think two people is enough to defeat an entire camp of bandits. At least not without abusing their idiocy.

07-16-09, 12:34 AM
You KNOW I'm in, mate.

07-16-09, 12:41 AM
Oh good, we've got another person up for it. I better make an update to my profile after this RP. I would probably need the update because of all the things that are going to happen in this RP and heck I might even level up on the way.

I just remembered, you were the one who restarted the character. Right? Yesterday, right?

07-16-09, 02:53 AM
blue you can ignore my post for the purposes of your next post if you wish. Lory knows what to do with what happened in my post.

07-16-09, 11:53 AM
Yeah I got two guys for my thread now. This thread recruit is now closed. Moderators can note that please.