View Full Version : Downtime

07-14-09, 05:30 PM
Welcome back everyone! I hope no one is suffering from too much withdrawal due to the length of time Althanas was out of commission.

We on the staff would like to first off apologize for the unexpected downtime that Althanas experienced and like to assure everyone of a few things. The rumours about Santhalas maliciously not paying the server bill is completely and utterly false. The payments went directly onto Santhalas' Credit Card, which unfortunately expired. When the payment came through as incomplete to the server, they pulled the plug on us.

Santhalas will also be retiring from the site, we on the staff wish him the best as one the original members of Althanas.

The staff is currently working towards a goal that will hopefully prevent this from happening again, including discussions on the monthly payments for the server.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to voice these to us.

~The Althanas Staff

07-14-09, 06:24 PM
May we give donations?

07-14-09, 07:12 PM
We are discussing the possibility of Donations for the site, but have not come to any conclusions yet.

07-14-09, 09:00 PM
Why discussing? Set up a pay-pal account and give us a link to the pay-pal, so we can give anytime we want to. Why discuss when you can just do, it's not like it cost money...right?

07-14-09, 09:37 PM
Because we're discussing more than just donating. In the end, there most likely will be a donation option for people who can do so, but we're working on other options as well. Plus, we need someone to take on the responsibility of the pay pal account and the monthly payments. It sounds simple enough when you just say it, but there's responsbility behind this.

07-14-09, 10:17 PM
Indeed, someone has to watch the paypal account which would require an actual physical Bank account somewhere, someone has to own it to make the payments with it, and if insufficient funds come in, someone has to cover the remainder of the bill. Someone trustworthy of looking after the obviously millions of dollars that will be pouring in from donations alone.

I myself would donate a little each month.

07-14-09, 11:36 PM
Just no adds plastered all over the site.

07-14-09, 11:41 PM
Someone trustworthy of looking after the obviously millions of dollars that will be pouring in from donations alone.

Millions? That's a bit of a stretch, but I like your enthusiasm. ;)

Whatever is decided, I'm in agreement that it should be handled responsibly and carefully. Especially if money is involved, it's not one of those things where somebody can just slap a cup down and walk away from it half-assed. Even charity requires organization and some measure of responsibility. =P

07-15-09, 12:23 AM
Huh, with this community I thought it would be natural for some money to come rushing in.

07-15-09, 12:38 AM
I'm with you on this Blue, I thought we were one big family! :D

I didn't know that a pay-pal account had monthly fees. Silly me...

I think if adds are needed they should put up adds! One it could bring in revenue, two it covers a little of the cost. Adds' might be a nuisance but think of the greater good... >.>

On a side not, some admin should send out a mass email saying that the site is back up. I'm ready to start RPing again!

07-15-09, 01:37 AM
Who says it has monthly fees? Certainly not me. All I said was it needed a bank account.

07-15-09, 08:07 AM
When I said monthly payments, I was referring to the cost of the server, not paypal. I have a paypal account and it certainly does not cost me anything.

07-15-09, 08:45 AM
Plus, we need someone to take on the responsibility of the pay pal account and the monthly payments.

Oh, you all need an accountant no less?//
This is confusing...I thought Santhalas was doing that? I mean it's not like he's ever on here...that much. He doesn't do any active RPing, why not him *referring to quote.*

07-15-09, 09:43 AM
Santhalas will also be retiring from the site, we on the staff wish him the best as one the original members of Althanas.

You may have missed this in my original statement. It was edited in about an hour after I posted the news announcement.

07-15-09, 05:14 PM
Definitely missed that part, I'm sorry, and best wishes.

07-16-09, 01:34 PM
Good luck to Santhalas...

and thank heavens Althanas is back up. I flipped out, actually having a post ready to RP with someone, when I went here and found that Althanas had disappeared and been replaced by this peachy page (literally). I'd asked one of the members about it that I know from a few other forums (Domhantir's head, actually), and he'd had no idea this had happened... phew. It's good to know we're back up.