View Full Version : I'ma firin' mah...Wait...No I'm not.

Kially Gaith
07-15-09, 01:06 AM
Well fuck me. It's a nice treat to finally be able to return to this place. I became so bogged down with coursework that it became impossible to post or do anything but project management.

I hope none of you missed me too much (though if you've completely forgotten me, I have been foiled again!) and I'd like to offer my apologies to any who I may have left hanging on a post.

If it matters to any of you though, my efforts on my coursework paid off and I now have a foundation degree in computer forensics and network security with the following grades:

Merit, Distinction, Distinction, Merit, Distinction, Distinction, Distinction.

Rather proud of myself to have done so well and it's great to be able to return to such a badass site.

Any news I've missed?

Did my black market idea find upkeep?

07-15-09, 01:34 AM
Site was down for a few days just last week and has only now returned to order.

This was because of the events in Witchy's explanation:

Welcome back.

No idea there was a black market, sorry.

Congrats on your degree!

07-15-09, 07:59 AM
Welcome back, Danny-boy!

Glad to hear you did so well in your course. ^_^

07-15-09, 07:30 PM

Oo who is you agean? oO

Oh well. *waves* Welcome!


*vanishes in a poof of billowing black smoke, coughing horribly along the way*

07-15-09, 09:31 PM
I think I remember reading your writing in a thread with Cyrus....I'm not sure, you might have been the boy he was training in the thread.

Anywayz, hello and congratz!

EDIT: PS-speaking of fuck, my character is a sexmaniac he just might do your character...

EDIT EDIT: Nevermind he's seven sry.

Tainted Bushido
07-16-09, 03:34 AM
Danny boy, the pipes the pipes...


Kially Gaith
07-16-09, 07:03 PM
Danny boy, the pipes the pipes...


Well hello there, been some time, hasn't it now?

Oh, and yes, I was the character Cyrus was training.