View Full Version : Battleground of The Heart

07-16-09, 06:12 AM
(Yes it's short but it's been pretty crazy. This is Solo and something that I want to write myself but if you have any suggestions feel free to drop a line)

"Move out of my way. . .NOW!" Raven said in a low threatening voice.
"But I don't want you to leave, you mean something to me and you don't find what we had very often. So please just stay." Babica said trying to convince Raven.
"You have two choices, either you move voluntarily or I move you involuntarily, the choice is yours." Raven told him.
"Just one last kiss then?" said Babica.
Raven went through a lot with Babica in the past five or so months, but he just couldn't take it anymore. He just had to get out of there, had to get away, had to get him out of his life. It was the last straw, what Babica did and Raven was done.
"No, now move." Raven said and pushed him out of the way.
His wings broke free from their fleshy prison and as just as soon as he stretched them he took to the skies. Soaring through the sky, feeling the soft clouds pass over his face, he thought about all that he went through. Everything came in a film strip like line of thought, he just couldn't stop it from invading his thoughts. A single tear dropped from the corner of his eye, after that it was over, the tears just came and he couldn't stop, they flowed like a flash flood.

Remembering that he had a client to meet, Raven wiped away the tears and put an extra boost in his speed. Arriving at the home of his client whos name he never caught and never would cause that would be breaking one of his initial rules of the job. He could never have a connection with his clients, anything that could trace him back was a big no no.
As the wings went back into the intricate design that always laid on his back when the wings were not in use, Raven knocked on the door and awaited an answer. "Who's there?" A high pitched voice said.
"It is the Darkness that consumes all things." (A nick name that he has been called since he became an assassin)
"How do you do?" The young girl asked.
"I am fine young lady, do I not seem okay?" Raven said trying to sound strong.
"I sense the pain of others and I sense a great pain inside of you, like a war being waged and you are the battle field." She said.
"Enough of this talk. Who is the one that hired me for the job?" Raven inquired.
"Twas me who has need of your services." She told him.
"Then let us get down to business." Raven said as she waved him in.