View Full Version : A Field Guide to Salvar

07-16-09, 03:20 PM
The guide ahead is composed of information collected and written by myself and my predecessors. The goal of it is to provide an easy-to-read atlas that consists of all the facts related to the country and remain as up-to-date as possible. Use it to reference any information needed to make your quests more authentic and accurate to the region you're writing in. I hope it serves you well.


The Table of Contents:

I. Introduction
II. Census
III. Places of Interest
IV. Government
i. Description of Government
ii. Composition of Government
V. Factions
VI. Race
VII. The League of Salvic States
i. Nobility
ii. The Feudal System
iii. Fiefdoms and Feudal Lords
iv. Within the League
VIII. Religion
i. Religions in Salvar
ii. Deities
IX. Economy
X. History
XI. Map

07-16-09, 03:21 PM
I. Introduction

Welcome to Salvar! The northernmost region in Althanas, Salvar is a brutal and unforgiving country which is populated by hardy barbarians, terrible creatures, and a civilization of man that could be dated to nearing the end of it's own medieval era. It is a country of extremes, ranging from the frigid north where the elements are at their worst to the warmer southern lands which are usually full of war and strife to try and control as much of it and it's rich resources as possible. Nature has little love for Salvar and those that dwell within it, so those seeking to carve out a life within it's borders must be strong enough to endure it's many perils.

The terrain in Salvar also varies considerably, from the infamous tundra of Skavia that has proven to be both savage and trying to those who seek to venture into it to the humid marshlands of Illamund that lie to the southeast, resting both below sea level and hiding some of Salvar's more sinister secrets within it's swamps. The country's often deplorable conditions often hide or even spoil it's true beauty to outsiders who haven't learned how to appreciate it.

Salvar's untamable wilds offer the chance for adventure and exploration for those daring enough to try, while untold riches and potential for greatness lies for the taking within the borders of the country where the so-called 'civilized' man lives. The only question you should be asking yourself now is whether or not you have what it takes to survive everything Salvar has to offer.

Do you?

07-16-09, 03:25 PM
II. Census

Name: Salvar
Capital: Knife's Edge
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: King Iorlan Lord Rathaxea I
Races: 90% humans, 3% Troll, 3% Dwarf, 2% Orc, 1% Dark Elf, 1% others
Language: Salvic, Common
Nationality: Salvaran
Adjective: Salvic, Salvarian
Major Religions: The Church of the Ethereal Sway, Pagan, Thayne.
Legal System: Theocratic Law.
Technology: Medieval with speckles of industry.
Major Exports: Raw materials, ore, weapons, armor, lumber, skins and furs.
Natural Resources: Timber, ore, beasts.
Terrain: Taigas, Steppes, Tundras, Foothills, Mountains, Frozen Lakes, Icy Seas, and Farmlands.
Climate and Seasons: Long, bitter winters with short growing seasons.
Natural Hazards: Avalanches, blizzards, earthquakes, landslides, floods.

07-16-09, 03:29 PM
III. Places of Interest

Uroda - Towards the southwest corner of the country lies Uroda, thousands of miles of sprawling plains and farmlands that sit well within a milder climate. Near the Ahyark Mountains that border Alerar, the steppes serves as the country's belt of agriculture and home to most of Salvar's people. Also host to the fiefdoms and the noble class, this part of the country is desired by many for it's rich soil and the offer for a place to live that is less exposed to the elements. Because of this, there is often much strife and war in order to hold control of as much of Uroda as possible. And ever since the civil war between the Ethereal Sway and the Salvarian monarchy has begun it is not uncommon to see the fields run red with blood. Knife's Edge, Salvar's capital, is also located within these steppes.

Illamund - The often overlooked part of the country, on the southeast of Salvar you will find Illamund. Bordering the Ahyark Mountains and the surrounding areas of Salvar, Illamund lies next to the Beris Sea and is often nicknamed "Uroda's Bowl" because of how much of the land lies below sea level. Much of the terrain is made up of marshlands and swamps under a thick, unforgiving humid climate. Though the soil is poor and there isn't much to be cultivated in this area of the country, much of the country's rivers and water sources end here. Illamund is primarily used as a source of irrigation for Uroda and it's farmlands.

The population within these wetlands is sparse as it seems the high humidity and it's location has made Illamund host to all sorts of bizarre creatures and plants and makes much of the land unhospitable. Those who do dwell within these swamps, however, are usually xenophobic tribes of fishermen and trappers content to keeping to themselves and their strange worship of both reptiles and fish as Gods. It isn't known for sure on whether Illamund has chosen to divorce itself from the country or if the rest of Salvar believes the wetlands to be best forgotten, but whatever the case the marshlands offer a chance for exploration.

Knife's Edge - One of the oldest and largest cities in the country, it is nestled in the Testhan River Valley where it serves as Salvar's capital. A brilliantly built kingdom, it looms over the rest of the country as matters of politics and war are decided by Salvar's monarch and his nobles. Once a stronghold for both the monarchy and the Church, it was held as a safe haven for any who enters it's walls allowing for trade to prosper. However, since the civil war began Knife's Edge has become a city divided where both friend and enemy can be found only blocks apart.

1) Rathaxea Square - The government district inside Knife's Edge. A well fortified area for both military and royalty that is cut off from the rest of the city. The Square consists of the noble's parliament where matter of politics and debate are waged in privacy of those of noble and royal birth, as well as many barracks and offices. Castle Rathaxea also rests within the district, the monarch's prized palace and throne where he and his nobles rule over the rest of Salvar.

2) St. Denebriel's Cathedral - Both awe-inspiring and daunting, the cathedral is an architectural wonder that looms in the center of Knife's Edge. Acting as the headquarters for the followers of The Ethereal Sway, the cathedral is both a place of worship and a fortress. A safe haven for it's flock, until the civil war began it was common to be transfixed with the cathedral's beauty but once war broke out did screams of terror and human anguish echo from within it's walls. As the Ethereal Sway continues to wage war with both the monarchy and unbelievers, the cathedral seems to lose more of it's luster.

Skavia - The infamous tundra that Salvar has become known for all over Althanas, Skavia covers the country's northern and central lands. The landscape is composed of frozen wastelands, vast forests, and rugged mountains that are harrowed by the elements and harsh climate. Skavia is constantly slammed with blizzards, brutal winds that could strip the flesh off of a man, and avalanches that could bury an entire city in an unmarked grave. But, fret not. Skavia is not completely unhospitable-- The wasteland is peopled by the proud, hardened tribes of barbarians and throwbacks to previous eras of Salvar who fight both Nature and the ferocious beasts and creatures who call Skavia their home. The tundra is full of adventure and places to put your courage and ability to survive to the test. Welcome to Skavia, where survival is a gamble and death is the only sure bet.

1) The Kalev Highlands - Towards the northwest of Salvar lies the Kalev Highlands, a plateau resting on the highest point in the country. The highlands rest atop the remains of one of Salvar's mountains, Modhgar which borders the Gorum Mountains and the western coast. One of the few places in Salvar to have cyclical, balanced seasons, the Kalev Highlands is often the brunt of harsh winds and terrible storms which seem to be Nature's way of making up the difference. The highlands are composed mostly of grasslands and hills with a few patches of forests wherever the landscape might allow. It is populated by the nation of Andvall, a people who are direct descendants of the knights and nobles who seperated themselves from Salvar's monarchy in the pursuit of religious freedom. Though benevolent and often passive, the people of Andvall are considered traitors and deserters to the Salvarian kingdom who do not recognize the nation's sovereignty. Despite it's political misgivings and often bloody history, the Kalev Highlands are a place of wonder and the stuff of legends. It is home to most of Salvar's giants and a plethora of other fantastic creatures that were often thought to be only in folktales.

2) Sulgoran's Axe - A narrow pass within the jagged Gorum Mountains between Salvar and Berevar. Serving as the only entrance into Berevar, it is fiercely protected by tribes of barbarians seeking to hold Berevar's orcs at bay. Located in the most desolate part of Salvar, Sulgoran's Axe is exposed to the harshest of elements making it a common place for blizzards and avalanches. Between savage barbarians, Nature's wrath, and terrible monsters it's a coin toss between what will be your undoing. Enter at your own peril.

Berevar - An uncharted, arctic wasteland that lies just north of Salvar. Bordering Salvar, the continent is almost completely cut off from it's neighbor by the jagged Gorum Mountains that run along it's border. Home to the hardy, savage orc clans and a plethora of other terrible creatures, Berevar is considered to be largely unhospitable to those who can't stand up to it's horrible conditions. Rumors have circulated for years that Berevar is also where the old Gods of Salvar retreated after the fall of their paradise thousands of years ago. But, whether you're looking to explore the wastes or uncover the mysteries of the past it's best to be wary and well prepared for everything this savage country has to offer.

07-16-09, 03:30 PM
IV. Government

i. Description of Government

Salvar's government is that of a feudal monarchy, with three levels of power dividing up the responsibility of ruling the country. It is to be immediately understood that this division of power isn't meant for the best interest of the country or it's future but rather the interest of those that rule it, the lives of their subjects and people they lord over a distant second in priorities. While the chief goal of any government is to rule and remain sovereign, this monarchy and it's subordinates are composed of dictators on every level. Each level has their own responsibilities and powers given to it in order to tend to the country and the monarchy's needs. While most of these roles would be shared by any government in Althanas it is to be remembered that this division of labor is not to advance the country but to keep the current status quo where there is money to be made and the people they rule over are too feeble-minded to question their judgment.

The first thing to consider about this country and it's government is territory. While the region's only sovereign government claims that everything within Salvar's borders falls under the rule of the Crown, in reality it can't be further from the truth. The actual border of the Salvarian kingdom lies with the entirety of Uroda to the south, the western half of Illamund and stretches as far north as the western Namirov Coast. That's it. The northern, central, and eastern half of Salvar are left to the wilds. Because as far as spheres of influence go the monarchy and it's other subjects simply don't have the military power or the influence to rule over the entirety of Salvar without the risk of the country being spread too thin and the threat of invasion too great to thwart.

However, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. While the highlands, mountain ranges, and tundra belong to the barbarians and the primitives that dwell within it, the monarchy retains control of the best that the land has to offer. They rule in Salvar's agricultural belt which is at the heart of the country's trade with access to the coast and thereby the rest of the world as well as water sources for irrigation. The rest of Salvar in the eyes of the monarch is simply just scenery.

Next, there is the form of government. While it is a monarchy, Salvar's government is composed of a feudal system which is ruled solely by the noble class. Most of those that reside in Uroda are of the peasant class, working and living on the fiefdoms that litter that part of the country. While the noble class will be covered in greater detail in a later chapter, the important thing to learn about them is the way their role ties in with the bigger picture. Nobles are given the ability to govern and rule the people within their fiefdoms, giving them direct control of most of Salvar's population. Any writs or rulings by the king are passed down and distributed directly to the nobles who will police whatever whim the monarch finds necessary. This idea of having a direct influence on the population by controlling how they work and how they even live has cemented the power of the monarchy.

In addition to nobles governing the nation's citizens, the Church of the Ethereal Sway plays a crucial role in maintaining the government's power over it's people. Because it's the only religion to be allowed to legally operate within Salvar's borders, the Church uses it's tenants of religion as common ground to draw in all citizens and make them into followers. This influence over the people is especially true since the Church became a power that is both authoritarian and invasive, allowing it to weed out those too stubborn to fall in line with their rule. It is also a form of social brain-washing, trying to promote the feeble-minded while doing it's best to hold firm control over the educated and the rebellious. This method allows Salvar's government more freedom to do as they please with citizens that are either too stupid or too afraid of reprisal to question them.

All of this use of social order and control is bent on keeping the monarch and his cohorts in power. Whereas with some governments it would be ruled by the people and progress slowly over the centuries, Salvar's government remains steadfast at holding the reins and keeping the rest of the country in the dark. Each level of power has it's own duties and responsibilities, and whether it was intended or by accident they've somehow managed to fall together in such a way that they work cohesively. It is only once the civil war began that the machinations of the Salvarian government truly came into the light for all to see.

ii. Composition of Government

The Salvarian Monarchy

With the civil war still raging within Salvar as both the Crown and the Church fight for sole power over the country, both powers have undergone drastic changes. Most important to note is that the King has gone into hiding, leaving his subjects to fight the war and rule the country in his stead. There has been no word of his condition since Salvar was plunged into the Long Winter.

King of Salvar - King Iorlan Rathaxea I

The supreme ruler of Salvar and it's people. He has complete power over the government and his subjects will police his every wish. It is Iorlan who dreamed up the current state of Salvar with the noble class and Church aiding him in maintaining power over the country. Unfortunately, he didn't foresee his subjects to be the ones to try and usurp him from his throne.

Status: In Hiding

The Royal Court

Made up of all of the monarch's advisors, the Court has been torn apart since the civil war began with many of it's subjects either going into hiding or falling victim to assassination from the Church.

The Sovereign - General Daniil Imund

Often acting as the military advisor, the Sovereign also retains control of much of Salvar's military as a leader in the event that the King has fallen. He often discusses tactics and strategy with the King, but also works with the Minister of War and Foreign Affairs in order to keep the country functioning during times of war.


Prime Minister - Rolund Gomman

Acting as head of the royal ministry, he does much of the work to coordinate the ministry and with both Parliament and the Royal Court as efficiently as possible.

Status: ACTIVE

The Arch Duke - Gregori Ivanov

Acting as the voice of the noble class, he is elected by the nobles within Parliament. His responsibility is tremendous given the sheer number of nobles within their respective class, but his power more than makes up for it. He has underlings of his own to do most of the footwork, but the Arch Duke remains the sole voice between the King and nobility.


The Royal Ministry

Set up much like the ministry in Corone, Iorlan has given special status to these advisors as 'ministers'. Operating outside of the Royal Court, they act as bureaucrats and liaisons between the monarch and nobles. They advise the King indirectly, doing most of their business within the Parliament with the rest of the noble class. Some of these ministers are in fact nobles as well.

Minister of War - Klev Shensky
Minister of Agriculture - Orland Vance
Minister of Defense - Baron Boris Vasiliov
Minister of Trade - Baron Silas Fletcher
Minister of Domestic Affairs - Julia Korpela
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Algernon Royce

Status: ACTIVE


Parliament is the place where every noble can gather to discuss matters of politics and state. This is where most of Salvar's policies and rules are hammered out after the King has issued them, but also acts as a conduit between all of Salvar's nobles. Originally created by King Iorlan, the Parliament was formed to give nobles a place to wage whatever campaign they might have with words rather than violence. The Royal Ministry also operates within Parliament.

There are literally hundreds of members of Parliament, which given greed and self-interest it is often that matters within these walls boil down to bickering and in-fighting. There are too many names to list as members of this organization, but it is to be noted that the League of Salvic States and it's members have considerable sway over Parliament.

As of the Civil War, Parliament has grown increasingly more violent as the remaining nobles within Knife's Edge fight over which way to fight this bloody war with both the King missing and nobles outside of the city being slaughtered by their peasants.

Status: ACTIVE

The League of Salvic States

Rumored to have been formed by Iorlan and other nobles most loyal to him in an attempt to have greater control and watch over the noble class, the League's existence has dated back for nearly twenty-four years. Any noble may join this alliance between fellow nobles to better rule their lands and people within Uroda. This group is given considerable power and influence over other nobles as well as a stronger, united voice in Parliament. It is led by an oligarchy of nobles known as the Vagarand. Since the Civil War, the League has been in turmoil as members are cut down and the Vagarand attempts to hold the League together long enough to crush the Church of the Ethereal Sway.

Status: ACTIVE

The Vagarand

The Vagarand are a small group of nobles wielding the power and authority to hold leadership over the League. Though it is said that matters between nobles are often settled by the Vagarand with diplomacy, it is usually ended with a knife in someone's back. These five individuals are among the most powerful nobles in Salvar as they choose to rule both Uroda and the League with an iron fist.

Baron Derek Bramm
Baron Gerard Dresden
Baron Sigmund Frivold
Baroness Irja Mikkola
Baroness Janice Koveleva

Status: ACTIVE

The Church of the Ethereal Sway

The state church and the official religion of Salvar, The Church of the Ethereal Sway has held power over the country's people for decades. It's doctrine and tenants may hold some truth to it's followers but to the outside observer it seems to be just a way to hold people in check. Through influence and cold manipulation the Church rules over Salvar and answers only to the monarch himself. However, ever since the Church started this war with the Crown for control of the country that may change.

The Justice - Lev Testhan

The known leader of the Church and appointed by the monarch himself, the Justice has the power and authority to lead the Church in whatever way he chooses. He or she answers only to the King or Queen and holds the Clergy as advisors. This title now only exists by name ever since Lev Testhan was slain by Ashiakan and his cohorts. Saint Denebriel has since returned to take charge of the Church.


The Clergy

The Clergy is composed of four members of the Church directly appointed by the Justice to help delegate labor and important matters for the betterment of the Church. Though the Justice leads the Church, it is the Clergy that makes the real decisions with actions committed by the Church of the Ethereal Sway and it's followers.

Jonas Lund
Dahl Storstrand
Ivan Wolf
Rupert Jokela

Status: ACTIVE

07-16-09, 03:32 PM
V. Factions

The Salvarian Monarchy
Leader: King Iorlan Lord Rathaxea I
Base of Operations: Castle Rathaxea
Description: The sovereign government in Salvar and led solely by the monarch, King Iorlan lords over the country with almost autocratic control. He directs the military, foreign and domestic policy with absolute power, leaving lesser duties such as higher and lower crimes to the state Church and his nobles. He also has much control over the state religion, The Church of the Ethereal Sway.

He rules Salvar from Knife's Edge, one of the country's few large cities. As well as being King of Salvar, the monarch is also named the Grand Duke of Knife’s Edge which gives him direct control of much of the prosperous river lands around the Ahyark Mountains. On the whole, the monarch's power may be proclaimed to extend to all the known borders of Salvar, but in reality his control lies heavily on the western and eastern coasts and the southern lands. He leaves control of the northern mountains and the border into Berevar in the firm hands of Salvar's hostile barbarian tribes.

Much of the King's control relies on both his military power and the backing of his nobles who reign over most of the country as feudal lords in their fiefdoms. The monarch depends heavily on his nobles' loyalty to help preserve law and order within his borders, relinquishing control much of his army and lands to give them the authority needed to rule over these harsh and bitter lands.

Until a couple of years ago, the monarch used the state Church as his eyes and ears within the country. The Church of the Ethereal Sway was given the power to dole out punishment for high crimes. But, with the civil war between both Church and State, the monarch and his cohorts have had to take over the duties once presided over by the church with little success.

The Church of the Ethereal Sway
Leader: Saint Denebriel
Base of Operations: St. Denebriel's Cathedral
Description: Once the only religion legally allowed with Salvar's borders, The Church of the Ethereal Sway has since fallen from King Iorlan's grace as a civil war wages between both the Church and the Crown. Before the war, the Church and it's ways dominated most aspects of Salvarian government and daily life, holding a firm grasp on both the people and the monarch's ear. Because of this, the Church was allowed to expand throughout Salvar, preaching it's gospel and the ways of The Ethereal Sway. This was accomplished largely through a law passed by King Iorlan ordering his nobles to place a church within their fiefdoms allowing the Ethereal Sway to conduct their religious services and keep a watchful eye over the local government.

When it came to politics and law, the Church was allowed to do as they please in the name of the Crown and their religion, which often meant the persecution of unbelievers and having a hand in keeping the country in the dark ages. The Church was bestowed with the power to try criminals for high crimes against the government which included treason, assassination and conspiracy. This gave the Church an overwhelming amount of power over both the guilty and the innocent, often choosing to throw people to the wolves who are innocent of heinous crimes, but are unwilling to bend to the will of the Church and it's leaders.

Ever since the war, however, the Church's grip upon the country has tightened in some ways and grown lax in others. The same churches that were constructed to watch over lower areas of the government became sources of guerilla warfare to drive the nobles into a panic and leave the Monarchy vulnerable to defeat. The plan was brilliant and gave the Church and it's cohorts a foothold in both the country and the war. But, not even the Church could forsee their leader, the Justice, being assassinated. For a brief few weeks this left the cult in disarray, giving the Monarchy an opportunity to fight back and recover some of it's lost ground.

The revered Saint Denebriel has since taken leadership over the Church, the woman a religious icon with the Ethereal Sway. Not much is known about her or her doings with the war, but it seems to have rallied the members of the Faith into waging war after the Long Winter.

The League of Salvic States
Leader: The Vagarand
Base of Operations: The Parliament/Taburum Hall
Description: Led by a small band of Nobles known simply as the Vagarand, the League of Salvic States consists of those of noble and royal birth who own both fiefdoms and land within Uroda. All members of this organization are considered royalists and swear their loyalty both to the King and the League. If the Church of the Ethereal Sway's history is cryptic, the league is even more so since most of it's doings are held behind the walls of Parliament which is unavailable to the public eye and spread through word of mouth. What is known about the league is that they hold sway both over Parliament and local government within Uroda, choosing to police other fiefdoms and rule their part of the country with an iron fist. The League has been bestowed with the power to try and punish criminals for lower crimes committed within their borders, giving them a fair amount of power to lord over those they have chosen to rule. Salvar's military also has to thank the League largely because it's forces are responsible for policing Uroda and answering to the Crown when the King calls. Rumors say that this group's formation was largely responsible by King Iorlan in order to have some sort of hold over the nobility in Salvar. Any noble or feudal lord may join this organization for the right price.

The League, once one of the three factions in Salvar holding a fair amount of power within it's borders, has been driven to the brink of disbanding ever since the civil war. The Church of The Ethereal Sway's method of using their churches within the fiefdoms as points for infiltrating has truly seperated the strong from the meek when it comes to the nobility. The few who were strong enough to overcome the invasion slaughtered their revolting peasants and Ethereal Sway priests and managed to burn the churches to the ground, ending their plight. However, the majority of the nobles seemed to be more bark then bite, leaving few feudal lords outside of The Vagarand able to stave off being crushed by the rebellion causing the numbers of the Crown's army and members of the League to dwindle.

As the civil war waged and fell into the Long Winter, the nobles who managed to hold their reins of power regrouped and bolstered their forces. Unable to find the King to lead them, all eyes within the League have turned to the Vagarand for leadership. As it stands, the Vagarand has moved their armies to protect their fiefdoms and dismantle the ones of their fallen brothers to remove any remaining influence of the Ethereal Sway within Uroda. Once spring arrives, there are rumors of the League and their armies marching to Knife's Edge to fight the Church at their doorstep and end this war once and for all.

The Vogruk-Stokes Trading Company
Leader: Yorgei Vogruk and Edgar Stokes
Base of Operations: Stokes's Estate
Description: "Where there's coin, there's Vogruk and Stokes."

The saying couldn't be more true. The Company, starting just shy of five years ago, has since then blossomed in Salvar growing deep roots in both the community and the land itself. It was started by two unlikely business partners, a amoral business man from Corone named Edgar Stokes and a charismatic Urodan peasant named Yorgei Vogruk. With the Coronian's business savvy and Yorgei's ability to draw in other natives to do their bidding, it was only a matter of time before this company took off. Conducting most of it's operations across the country, the Trading Company has it's hand in also sorts of business ranging from sea trade to mining to even slave trading. The goal for Vogruk and Stokes isn't just profit, but to help bring Salvar forward and help it's people prosper.

The Company supplied workers and financial backing to Alerar's good will gesture to running a rail road from the heart of dark elven country, through the Ahyark Mountains, and to Salvar's capital, Knife's Edge. This has brought both a lot of trade and commerce within the country, and since the civil war Vogruk and Stokes have chosen to cocentrate on building up ports and expanding the sea trade along the western coast, their efforts largely successful. The Trading Company has sworn to remain neutral in this conflict between both Church and State, but there have been rumors that the company has begun to dabble in the arms trade, choosing to sell to the highest bidder or even to both sides at once.

Often at odds with both the Crown and the Church of the Ethereal Sway for their idealistic ways in the betterment of Salvar, the company has begun to rely heavily on both private armies and navy to protect their interests. In just five short years, this company and it's founders have managed to expand not only nationally but globally as well, having stakes in various business ventures in Corone, Fallien, and even Alerar. Because of this, Vogruk and Stokes have had both the coin and the territory to not have to rely on any power residing in Salvar, making it the only one of the four factions able to weather the war and still be left standing no matter who comes out the victor.

07-16-09, 03:34 PM
VI. Race

Humans - Being the most prominent race in Salvar, man has managed to remain dominant within this region. Though older races seem to be vanishing beneath the sands of time, humans have prospered and managed to turn even the most unhospitable places of Salvar into a home. With so many differing cultures of humans who sometimes don't even speak the same language, there is a bit of hostility between some of these cultures. In fact, sometimes humans get so caught up warring amongst themselves over land and resources that they don't tend to pay attention to the subtle details hinted by greater forces that something ill is coming their way. To the older races, they see humans as children and that of a young, arrogant race that rarely learns from their own mistakes generation after generation. Worst of all, it's their incessant need to claim ownership over land and the plundering of resources that have been the direct result of other races falling into extinction. The sobering reality to anything nonhuman is that while man continues to prosper, every other race's existance is threatened.

While not all of Salvar is as untamable as it was once known for, it's likely to see some form of human civilization in just about any part of Salvar. Making up ninety percent of the population, humans are far more diverse than many of the other races that dwell here. Where there might be kingdoms that cement some form of civilization in the southern, warmer lands there are also barbarians to the north enduring the worst Nature has to offer.

These are the main subtypes of human cultures in Salvar as of today;

1) Urodans - Often called the civilized people of Salvar, they dwell within the southern lands of Uroda and within the borders of Salvar's sovereign government. Living in a land rich with resources, mild in climate, and access to the outside world has given Urodans a reputation for being greedy. Because, despite settling with the best the land has to offer, the people of Uroda crave for more and it is a common sight to watch them bicker and war amongst themselves to control as much as the land as possible. Who is to blame? Often the finger is pointed to the Urodans themselves, but it can also be directed at the leaders or ruling classes of their government. They have cultivated a society off the back of would-be slaves and peasants and are behind much of the war that threatens to tear their kingdom apart for the sake of coin.

Most Urodans are of average build, usually caucasian and have no traits or distinctions that would seperate them ethnically from other races. They tend to speak Salvic and live an average lifespan.

2) Skavians - To the north and central Salvar lies Skavia and it's people. It is up here where the primitives and barbarian tribes dwell, isolated from both the outside world and the rest of Salvar. A proud, hardy people, Skavians all bear the common trait of having incredible levels of fortitude. Scarred and battered by the elements, Skavia and it's people often take the brunt of Nature's wrath, but seem to always endure and grow stronger for it. While the southern lands are structured and rigid with government, Skavia's only form of any real rule or society is that of tribal laws shared by most of the barbarians that live there. The truth is, Skavia can be seen almost as the exact opposite of Uroda in every way. Where Urodans are often greedy, weak, rigid and act as lap dogs for their masters, Skavians are usually brawny, proud people that often live for themselves rather than others.

Freedom in Skavia has a high price that can only be discovered if you were to dwell within these untamable lands. The people of Skavia endure nature, terrible monsters, and even themselves in order to survive. Yes, even in Skavia it seems that humans haven't escaped their need to war with each other which is often the case of for the tribes of barbarians who reside here. With absolute freedom, there has been little or no unity amongst the primitives here and only recently since word of the civil war plaguing Uroda has a warlord stepped up and began uniting these rabbles of barbarians into a war machine to invade Uroda.

With barbarians making up much of the population here, Skavians tend to be superstitious to both magic and technology, preferring to live simply while worshipping the old pantheon of Gods. Skavians are usually of muscular build, speak Salvic, and are sometimes slant-eyed or oriental but are usually caucasian. Their lifespans are short and tend to be devout pagans.

3) Kalevians - Dwelling within the peaceful, weathered highlands of Kalev, these people are the oddity of Salvar. Decades ago, Kalev was home to only the creatures that live there, often faeries or giants with no interaction of humans at all. That was until sixty years ago when a band of knights and nobles seperated themselves from the rest of the noble class and sought for better lands and religious freedom. You see, Uroda and it's kingdom only allow worship within the Church of the Ethereal Sway and do not tolerate much else deviating from this. Feeling the religion to be strict and repressive, the future Kalevians broke away from the kingdom and moved farther north in pursuit of liberation even at the cost of being labeled traitors.

Since the day they discovered the highlands, the nation of Andvall was formed and remains the sole source of human civilization in the area. Having divorced themselves from Uroda, the Kalevians have flourished within the highlands having made ample use of it's resources and sharing whatever they've cultivated with each other or travelers. Kalevians tend to fall under the banner of a religion known as Igna which is similar to quakers in real life. Many of the people in Kalev are strictly pacifists and abhor violence, only seeking to defend themselves as an absolute last resort. Because of their willingness to remain passive and share with others, Kalevians are the only people who've formed a deep, unshakable bond with the older races of Salvar. Where most of human civilization feeds itself with greed and the blood of others, Kalevians have proven they can do otherwise and are respected by other races for it.

However, the peace of isolation and rejection of civilization has it's price. All Kalevians and the nation of Andvall are considered traitors of the Crown and are often victim to attacks from Urodan nobles seeking to claim the bounty on their head. It is only having a single, easily defended entrance to Kalev that the people of the highlands have managed to survive against such brutal attacks. Kalevians are of average build, mostly caucasian and speak both tradespeak and Salvic. They have long lifespans.

4) Berevarians - Cousins to the people of Skavia, Berevarians share many of the traits that Skavians possess. Most Berevarians dwell as close to the Gorum Mountains as they can, for much farther out than that the land becomes inhabitable from the elements and no known food sources. Similar to that of Antartica, Berevar is brutal and desolate with it's people often finding themselves trapped here. Berevarians, although very few, are absolutely isolated from the outside world with the only entrance into Salvar being the pass of Sulgoran's Axe.

The only other thing that prevents civilization from prospering in Berevar are the monsters. Often dotted throughout Berevar, there are creatures that dwell within these lands that are hostile and ferocious almost as if they were throwbacks to earlier eras in Althanas's history. The only race to have prospered in Berevar are the Orc. Nobody knows how or where they might have come from, but orcs live within Berevar comfortably with a mastery over it's perils and desolation. Rumors have that they dwell underground, but no human has ever found orcs beneath Berevar and survived to tell the tale. Much like Skavians, Berevarians are often victim to attacks or raids from orcs which is probably the biggest reason they choose to dwell within the windy crags than an easily accessible city upon the ground.

Berevarians may be isolated for much of their lives, but they do have contact to the outside world through Skavians. Treating each other with respect, the two groups often trade and share amongst one another. They even go so far as working together to stave off the hordes of Orc that threaten to trickle down into Salvar on a regular basis. With absolute freedom and almost no contact from the outside world, Berevarians are one of the rare exceptions of human civilization that find no quarrel with one another often finding themselves too busy trying to survive than to fight amongst themselves for the very little which they can call their own.

Berevarians are usually of muscular build, have very short lifespans and speak Berevic which is an offshoot of Salvic only more primitive and guttural. They are usually of pagan worship, and caucasian or oriental which has become a more common sight the farther north you go.

5) Illamites - Within the marshlands rests the people of Illamund. Considered savages by the Urodans, Illamites were in a way shoved away from the public eye given their strange, outlandish ways. Because of this and the fact many of these swampfolk are xenophobic, not a lot is known about them. Rumors have been passed around over the years that these tribal people have used the humid marshlands as a part of their religion, worshipping both the land and the creatures on it. If this weren't strange enough, it has been said that villages in Illamund still practice blood sacrifices and even cannibalism, but the validity of either of these is shaky at best.

The truth is, Illamund and it's denizens keep to themselves, ask nothing from any other part of Salvar and as long as they stay within their territory nobody will tread on their ground. Well, almost never. Nothing either side of Salvar has questioned in centuries. While an ideal compromise, it has had it's side effects. Because of their forced isolation and their numbers dwindling over the years with no fresh blood to add to their backwater society, inbreeding has become an inevitable result. This has caused the Illamites to become more hostile to outsiders and to begin to take measures into their own hands. Recently a rash of kidnappings between the border of Uroda and Illamund has risen over the years, often without Urodans doing much to prevent it.

Illamites are usually fishermen or hunters, often using their intimate knowledge of the wilderness and resourcefulness to take down the enormous predators that lurk within their swamps. These primitives are often excellent trackers and possess keen sight in the dark. Illamites are usually of tanned complexion, average build, and speak a bizzarre language known as Illar which may have had it's roots in Salvic. They have short lifespans and have a multitude of religions.

Troll - The lesser known race of Salvar, the Troll rival the Dwarves and Giants as being the oldest race in Salvar. The name 'Troll' is actually a misnomer since these creatures are in fact cousins to actual trolls who are fierce, monstorous beasts that dwell in dark places. In some text, the distinction between these two species has been made with the smaller, sentient type being dubbed 'Trollkin'. But, since Trolls are practically unheard of in Salvar, the name 'Troll' stuck. The origin of this race isn't really known, but it is said by the Dwarves that these creatures came up from the primordial muck after the end of Salvar's Golden Age and the fall of it's original civilization.

Trolls typically reside beneath Salvar, whether it be in a labyrinth of caverns or underneath the many mountains that dot the region. They've built and fashioned cities that, despite not being as practical and advanced as the Dwarves, they are remarkable. Possessing some of the original relics or artifacts of Salvar's first civilization, the Troll manage to etch out their own society with little difficulty. They are even rumored to dwell within the mythical, subterranian city of Samirung, said to have been the last remaining city of Salvar's original civilization and whose location has been sought after by scholars for centuries. Even the dwarves hold the location of such a city as a closely guarded secret.

It seems that the Troll are the only race with an intimate knowledge of these artifacts and the technology of this precursor race, passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation. Obviously, over the ages this information has grown corrupted and the Troll don't seem to be able to teach other races a conventional means for utilizing this technology, believing instead that it is a gift from their primordial gods.

A primitive, imitative race the Troll have been at war with the Dwarves for years, though the reason as to why is an answer lost in the pages of history. Whether it is over territory, artifacts, or resources these two races have a mutual hatred for each other that predates most historical text. Given how advanced the Dwarves are with steam-powered technology and some of the finest craftsmanship in Althanas, it'd be assumed that they would've wiped out the Troll long ago. Instead, it has become a war of attrition with no end in sight. The Troll's salvation has been both their familiarity with their surroundings and access to technology, even if it is bastardized, that is a millenia away from anything a dwarf could hope to achieve. For now, this shadow war between Troll and Dwarf that simmers beneath Salvar remains a stalemate.

Trolls are a race that are apeish in appearance, but with much less body hair. They are of great girth, bulky frames and usually range from five to eight feet in height. Their flesh looks to have taken on the appearance of stone and is actually quite thick, almost as if it was a gift from the subterranean environment they have carved out as their home for thousands of years. They are omnivores, but given their isolation they typically feast on fungi and underground flora. The Troll are a clannish race that typically keeps to themselves, preferring solitude than to be host to guests who live above ground. Despite the urgings from dwarves, the tribes of the Troll are usually benevolent to most races, having shed the bloodthirst and savagery that their cousin races are infamous for.

It is to be remembered that despite the ability to understand the technology hidden beneath artifacts from a precursor race and fashioning it for use of themselves, Troll are still primitives and usually are mild in intelligence. Instead of relying on science and reason associated with their technology, Troll instead have turned to mysticism and are reknowned for their worship of both this precursor race and the gifts they endowed upon them. Most dwell within the Gorum Mountains, the caverns in Skavia and even within Berevar.

Dwarves -

Dark Elf - Usually the denizens of Alerar, the drow have become a common sight in Salvar. With the railroad connecting both Alerar and Salvar, there has been an influx of elves in the population. The reasons for their arrival vary greatly, but they are usually refugees or just elves seeking opportunity some where in the country. They make up 1% of Salvar's population.

Giant - A dying race, the giants are among the oldest creatures within Salvar. Their numbers have dwindled over the centuries, and though the rumor has been that they were hunted down over the years it's undetermined exactly why they're on the verge of extinction. The rise of man may have also had something to do with it, with the two races usually at odds over territory and food.

Giants are solitary creatures, often residing in the most lonely places of Salvar which lie within the mountains or crags tucked safely away from the eyes of man. They are also omnivores, capable of eating anything and everything but usually feast on animal flesh. Giants are usually between eight to fifteen feet in height, with great girth and powerful build. Bearing both titanic strength and wisdom gathered over the ages, giants are considered some of the fiercest of warriors and the wisest of counsel. Their flesh and appearance is usually determined by the environment they dwell in, often drawing their strength from the earth itself. Truly, to encounter a giant is a very rare opportunity.

It is very rare to see giants live in groups, usually prefering solitude and attempting to avoid flaring tempers and disagreements that while wouldn't mean much to humans are catastrophic when between giants. Giants can be wicked or benevolent, almost as unpredictable as humans are with their emotions. Salvar's mountain chains, the tundra of Skavia, and the Kalev Highlands are where most of this race call home, though there are exceptions. There have been sightings of giants within Illamund or even sometimes Uroda, the race sharing the desire to travel and declare ownership of the land with their rival, man.

Whatever the case, this magnificent race continues to falter and without a known cause as to their demise, the fall of giants seems imminent. Fortunately, because they live for so long it'll probably thousands of years before the last giant dies. There are three distinctive types of giants within the lands of Salvar, and though all generally bear the same traits there are some great distinctions between them. They are as follows;

1) Jotun - A word for "great eater" in ancient salvic, the Jotun are a variation of giant that bear great appetites. They are unable to control their hunger, having the ability to devour entire crops or even hordes of cattle. The Jotun are usually the most ferocious of giants and of considerable temper, typically seen by humans as the prime example of giant's hostility. But, that is not often the case. Requiring vast amounts of food per day, the Jotun are often the giants with the shortest lifespan and are typically the ones that have the most interactions with other races, often for the worse. They are of massive girth in appearance and usually dwarf over the giants in size.

2) Thurses - A muddled word that has been a topic of heated debate among academics for centuries, Thurses is an old word from a precursor of Salvic that either means "great drinker", "high tower", or even both. Thurses are unable to quench their thirst having to drink countless fathoms of water per day in order to survive. They typically reside near bodies of water, and although very rare it is some times possible to see the remains of a Thurses by the coast unable to stop themselves from trying to drink the seas.

Thurses are the odd variation of giant, being among the most tall and lanky of all creatures. The easiest way to picture them is that they look like walking trees with narrow frames. They are usually very solitary and have less of a temper than Jotun might have, but it'd be foolish to ever stand between these kinds of giants and a source of water. These are the rarest form of giants.

3) Ettin - Arguably the most common form of giant, the Ettin tend to be the giants that have lived for ages. As it was earlier stated, all giants begin to take on traits from the environment they live in, having to draw their strength from the land itself -- Ettin are the same way, but with one key difference. After living for so long, Ettin have drawn so much from the world itself that they eventually begin to wield the power of a corresponding element. For example, if an Ettin were to live within a mountain range and draw strength from it he would eventually bear the traits of a mountain and have influence over the earth such as causing earthquakes, mudslides, etc. The same can be said for other elements such as water, air, and fire. It all depends on where the Ettin has lived and he or she has aged over time. The Ettin are essentially Salvar's elementals, having the closest relationship with Nature then all other forms of giants.

The Ettin vary greatly in size, shape, and color given that their appearance takes on such considerable changes from whatever element it is that they draw strength from. These giants are often found in some part of Salvar or another, and vary in their outlook towards other living creatures. Ettin are usually even-tempered and are the wisest of giants.

Orc - The Orc are a hardy, savage race that orginated within the uncharted wastes of Berevar, but have claimed parts of Salvar as their own. Belonging to a fierce, warring culture that strives only to pillage and destroy, the Orc are held at bay by the tribes of barbarians that lie within Skavia. In fact, the only real reason why the Orc haven't poured down from Berevar to invade Salvar is because of the barbarians. They guard Sulgoran's Axe, a narrow pass that acts as the only link between both Berevar and Salvar which allows such a mundane force to withstand the ferocity of an entire horde of orcs.

It isn't really known as to why the Orc are as hostile to all other races, having spent ages scrabbling for the opportunity to gain a foothold within Salvar. They are like humans in many ways, but could be considered a throwback to ages past that is both primitive and tribal. The biggest distinction between the two races is strength. Where humans rely on technology and numbers to defend their homes, the Orc instead have remarkable strength and endurance that seems to back up the brutality of their primitve weapons. Their ability to hone their rage has made Orcs capable of being the most formidable warriors.

Orc stand at about the same height as most humans, but have bigger frames. The color of their flesh often ranges from green, brown and black but their eyes always seem to have a sort of red hue to them. They also bear tusks that are used more for intimidation than anything practical. Orcs are mild in intelligence and prefer to cut their enemies down first, eat them, and then ask questions later. Like other older races, Orcs rely on mysticism and primitive magicks for learning rather than the use of academics.

Though they are located in Berevar, activity of Orcish hordes attempting to strongarm their way into Salvar has become more recent as of today, but the reason as to why has yet to be discovered. It is known, however, that for some time the Orc have worshipped a dark, primordial God that they claim to be living and ushering them into unity. Whatever this God's intentions for Salvar, however, are assumed to be sinister.

07-26-09, 10:34 AM
VII. The League of Salvic States

i. Nobility

How does one become a noble? Like in most countries with royalty, nobility in Salvar was originally awarded by the King or Queen of the time for feats of honor, influence, bravery and other qualities that made them fit in the monarch's eyes to rule. This was usually accompanied by some sort of ceremony in which the king or queen would join the nobles in signing papers in blood that granted them their nobility. The thinking at the time was that a noble may retain their status so long as their papers are kept, but it was usually only a ceremonious gesture for few nobles ever lost power with the loss or destruction of those papers. It was also common for the monarch to issue this special status in times of war as well, with much less formality, in attempts to bolster his or her forces or restore order within the country.

Upon being granted this status, a noble and his entire bloodline both past, present and future were also given this status from birth and even surpassing death. This in itself made the history and origins of specific nobles murky and hard to discern, because every noble saw fit to wield their power and to keep their family's history of themselves or ancestors as commoners a closely guarded secret.

All nobles both past and present were awarded with a parcel of land and power over the people who dwell within that part of the region. Wealth, though not awarded, as one can imagine was never very hard to obtain when you reached this sort of status in the Kingdom of Salvar. In a sense, nobles were there to govern the people within the country as well as tend to the land with whatever the noble in question deemed necessary. They were an extension of power of the monarchy and every noble was expected to pledge unquestioning obedience and loyalty to his or her king. This allowed the King to have nobles police his will over the country with an unspoken agreement between the two classes that the nobles were here to serve, and the monarchy was there to provide and protect them.

However, unlike other countries Salvar drew a distinct line between both the noble and royal class. Royalty you were either born or married into in times of peace, or you took in times of war if you were fit enough to overthrow the current dynasty. Nobles themselves couldn't become king or queen of the country in some sort of complicated line of succession that some countries have, which made the passing of regimes often bloody. It was considered both unusual and a sign of social deviancy for somebody of the noble class to move between the two classes, but it didn't make it entirely unheard of. This line between either class was established in order to prevent in-fighting between the royal and noble class, as it was seen that the royal class remains supreme and nobles were granted their status to oversee and serve. Nothing else.

Through the centuries, the ideology and reality of nobility has mutated and changed many times in order to stay current with the times. For example, where there was once an archaic system of titles of nobility that granted a specific designation of power and a place on the social pecking order, it was eventually discarded by King Iorlan Rathaxea I a few short years before the Civil War. The system of Dukes, Earls, Barons, and Counts was entirely confusing for outsiders to learn and be able to respect that semblance of power, even though it was promptly learned by every noble or monarch when they came of age. It also led the way for many nobles to attempt to seize more power for themselves and be given higher status, which often led to Uroda being a place of much bloodshed and volatility.

In an attempt to broker peace within the noble class, King Iorlan saw to it that this system was shed and instead a lateral system was put into place in which upon being granted status of nobility, both past, present and future they were given the titles of barons and baronesses and awarded the same amount of land and power. What the nobles then did with that power was entirely up to them, but at the very least it made things far less abstract and put a ceiling on the social class that remains to this day.

This was a gesture that many saw as a stab at Corone since the King's last visit there had shown him a sort of complacency within their own noble class and inability to recognize the sovereignty of his underlings. As of now, the only higher status one can obtain as a noble is to that of the Arch Duke which acts as the voice of all the noble class. Informally, however, the highest seat of power one could obtain as a noble would be to become one of The Vagarand, which is a small group of nobles that act as leaders of the alliance, The League of Salvic States, a prominent organization that holds sway in court, parliament and in Uroda itself. This status is selfishly guarded and it is seen as the Vagarand are the most powerful nobles for their ruthlessness and brutality in seeing that they retain this level of power.

ii. Fiefdoms and Feudal Lords

Almost every fiefdom in Salvar has found it's place in some part of Uroda and is under the rule of a noble, or sometimes even a group of them. The construction and appearance of a fiefdom varies upon who governs it, as well as what it is populated with. With one fiefdom it'd be common to see indentured servants or serfs, while another's workforce is entirely composed of slaves. This diversity of ruling as a noble class has had the unexpected side effect of providing nobles with the ability of constructing and reinforcing their own power base with little need to fall into a common system. The opinion of the monarchy has always been to use the nobles when it is needed, but otherwise leaving them to their own devices.

Once a noble is given the authority and power to do as they please, all nobles are given fifty acres of land to start with, the land allotted to them usually depending on how affluent the noble is with the monarchy. The better their status, the richer with resources the land they are to get. Once they have the land signed over in their name as a deed, they are also given the ability to govern over the people who dwell within their respective territory. The fate of those who reside in a noble's territory is entirely within the hands of their new lord, and it isn't uncommon to see a noble slaughter or run off peasants from their towns in droves so that he can demolish them and construct the land in his vision.

After they are given land and the ability to govern as a baron, the nobles are also allotted a number of soldiers from the royal military to start off with. It is never much, usually a couple battalions of soldiers to keep order and make sure the noble's will is respected, most of the time with brute force. In almost all instances, these soldiers are eventually phased out with mercenaries or men that the noble has either hired or struck a deal with to help protect his or her land. The ability and aptitude of these men are entirely subjective and depends entirely on how well they are individually trained and who is leading them. A good noble usually finds himself the toughest, most ruthless soldier he can find to run his military operations but given the vast range of how different every noble thinks and their ability to govern, the military leader can be just about anybody for any reason.

While much of Salvar is set in the late medieval era, technology between each fiefdom varies considerably. This often ties into how much influence and wealth a noble might possess and the wealthier the noble the more likely they are to have access to more modern technology like the rest of Althanas. This goes for weapons for his soldiers, the tools his workforce might have or even how much access he has to his land and what he can do on it. However, while there are specks of industrialized fiefdoms with factory work, it is very rare to see such things.

What the baron chooses to do upon his land is often meted out with what resources he finds within it. With most nobles they develop collective farms and reap and sow crops upon the land's ultra-rich soil and then put them on the market to sell or export out of the country. Other times, the land might be rich with minerals or have access to certain metals like iron or silver that could be considered very lucrative should the baron choose to specialize in it. Other times it's a combination of both. Resources within Uroda are so vast and diverse that it is a common line of thinking that few barons ever fall into the same scheme for riches. The same thing could be said for the construction of fiefdoms where one noble might have a castle as their headquarters another might base themselves around a church or factory.

Now with all this in mind, it's time to discuss war and greed. Not all nobles are up to the task of making the most of their land or even protecting it, and these are often the ones to fall quickly to the hostilities of other more powerful nobles. There has never in the history of Salvar been an official set of laws to help govern the aggression between nobles because they are often too diverse or too spaced out for the monarchy to police all of them himself. Instead, it provides an opportunity for barons to take that fifty acres of theirs and make something out of it. Then turn it to one hundred acres, then two hundred. It all depends on how well a baron can control his land and dominate the land of others, the most experienced of which usually control thousands of acres of land and their own private armies.

This is usually what leads to life in Uroda becoming a dog-eat-dog world. Nobles come into power and fall out of it so often that records of their ascension and span of rule are usually individually kept, but with the more powerful barons and baronesses like the Vagarand having the intention of writing histories of their rule and having it published. In Uroda, power may be given or taken freely by the noble class, but it is always up to the monarchy to watch over them and see that they always remain the dominant force in the country.

iii. The Feudal System

The form of government within the country of Salvar has always been a feudal monarchy. What this means is that the monarchy presides as ruler of the country and the noble class is given the power and authority to own land within the country and to govern the people living in it. This system has been kept in place more as a way of being able to better control the country's population and maintain power then it being seen as Salvar's inability to get itself out of the dark ages. The monarchy cannot handle every possible problem within the country and expect to remain a capable, stable power. So, instead the monarchy delegates the power to directly govern the people to the noble class and supervises over it.

In most aspects of the feudal system it is usually lax and left to the nobles to figure out what they are to do. But when it comes to economy and loyalty to the Crown, there is no wiggle room. Nobles take what they can from the land as a profit it and export it out of the country, giving the appearance of a free market system. In reality, the monarchy takes a direct cut of thirty percent of all profits made from each noble within their land; the rest is left to the noble to decide what to do with it. With a handful of nobles this wouldn't be enough to fill the royal coffers and keep the monarchy fat and happy, but since there are hundreds of nobles in power at any one time and potentially thousands over the course of a few centuries it is entirely plausible for the monarchy to fuel their country with this tax. Any noble unwilling to pay this tax are stripped of their power and are considered a rebel nation within the country of Salvar, which usually makes them ripe for the picking from more powerful nobles knowing that there is something to gain by taking out a fellow noble who no longer has the support of the monarchy. More of economy will be discussed in a later chapter.

As it's been said before, the loyalty to the Crown by the noble class must be absolute. While this isn't often the case, the monarchy sees to it that the nobles at the very least respect and understand who actually rules Salvar. All nobles may have their land taken by the monarchy and their resources at any time for urgent matters of state and are expected to relinquish temporary or permanent control willingly. All nobles also must have their own armies or military forces at the king's disposal at all times for any reason. To better illustrate it, it needs to be known how exactly the country's military has changed over time. While the monarchy has a military power of it's own that is mostly centered around Knife's Edge and the borders of Uroda, most of the country's military is actually the combined forces of nobles. Originally, the monarchy held power over an entire military force over the country, but over time it became less and less reasonable to pay and feed soldiers from hundreds of garrisons across the country when armies could be constructed just as easily from issuing writs to nobles for free. The king or queen will use this ability to command vast armies and police their will with both their own armies and other nobles.

iv. Within the League

An alliance formed roughly twenty years ago, the League of Salvic States is a loose confederacy of nobles within Uroda. It was forged during a time when warring nobles and territorial disputes became so prevalent and caustic within Uroda that it had managed to rock the country's economy to a standstill. Nobles fell in and out of power so often that it became common place for these barons to grow more aggressive and ruthless to protect their interests. The monarchy had publicly turned a blind eye to the warring states for far too long, chalking it up to the usual disputes nobles have with one another. Only until the economy and the country's people began to wither did the King become involved by using military might to start quashing border wars all over the nation, but it only threw more gasoline onto the fire.

Amidst the chaos, a group of nobles decided that in order to keep themselves in power and to keep the money flowing into their coffers they'd form a partnership. The goal of this partnership was to pool resources, protect one another, and use their numbers and different levels of power to safeguard their interests. This was the precursor to the alliance that would later become the League of Salvic States and most of the original nobles who started the League would move onto becoming members of The Vagarand.

This partnership managed to stave off other more powerful barons from taking their land and usurping any of the nobles from power. Mind you, things like alliances between members of the noble class have been attempted before, but never to this scale. Steadily these barons became more and more influential and powerful as the monarchy and it's army systematically moved throughout the country and ended these fights between nobles by any means necessary, even if it meant burning fiefdoms to the ground. Eventually, the noble class got the message and an uneasy peace that lasted for more then a year came into place.

During this time of recovery from the fighting that nearly tore the country to shreds is when the alliance began to flourish. Word began to spread around Uroda about a group of nobles working together to keep each other in power and the success they had during the upheaval. More and more of these barons seeking to keep themselves alive and prepare for the next state of unrest that every noble knew was just around the corner joined the alliance. Soon, this meager partnership among nobles became what is known today as the League of Salvic States.

How the League of Salvic States operates is simple; any noble may become a member of the League so long as they offer up portions of their resources for the entire alliance and will pay dues that will go directly into the League's coffers. While most confederacies operate like a democracy where agreements are hammered out and votes are held so everyone's voice is heard, the League treats it a bit differently. The League is ran by an oligarchy of powerful nobles known as the Vagarand, because as it stands whenever a huge group of nobles within Salvar get together to act democratically.. people die. They manage to hold it together with powers of influence, diplomacy and military might. While it is common for nobles within this alliance to propose ideas amongst one another, it is up to the Vagarand to make the final call. Their power is absolute within the League, and anybody who doesn't realize that fact will find themselves on the bad side of these barons very quickly.

The League of Salvic States functions more in the interests of trade then acting as a military power, but within the country of Salvar the latter is always necessary to any noble wanting to remain in power. This alliance makes up a large percentage of the country's economy and has been largely responsible for most of Salvar's growth in the past two decades. While not all nobles are a part of the League, it has been shown in years past that the League holds not only the majority within the noble class, but act as leaders of the pack. If someone in the alliance falls under siege, it is up to everyone within the alliance to take up arms and help defend them. To injure one is an injury to all within the League, and it is this philosophy that has been widely accepted by all nobles within Uroda, for better or worse.

When it comes to politics, the League unsurprisingly is the formidable power within Parliament. While other nobles bicker amongst one another, it is the League that spends much of it's time within these walls hammering out policies and law amongst themselves and under the watchful eye of the Vagarand. This idea of a dominant power within the noble class has kept much of the violence that had acted as a catalyst for the alliance from breaking out prior to the civil war. Now that the Church and Crown fight for the right to rule within the country, the League has banded together once more in the interest of survival to remove the Church of the Ethereal Sway from Uroda and use the very tools that helped forge this alliance to preserve the future of the noble class.

12-19-09, 06:02 PM
VIII. Religion

i. Religions in Salvar

While the Church of the Ethereal Sway has dominated the sovereign country of Salvar for decades as it's official and only legal religion, it's often overlooked that it isn't the only religion in the entire region of Salvar. There are many faiths that still operate within it, some of them as old as the Church, others only a few decades old, and some whose practices even pre-date known history. These are the current religions in Salvar and some information about them;

The Church of the Ethereal Sway - A state sanctioned religion; the Church of the Ethereal Sway has been around even before it found itself in power. Looking beyond the Church's need to control and dominate, the religion itself is about as old as the country and its monarchy, being a household name and common for citizens of Salvar to worship freely. However, once it was recognized by the Crown and given world attention did the agendas change from spreading the Word and preaching to controlling the government and its people. Little is known of the origins of this drastic change, but it is rumored to have been because of a change in leadership.

The Church today operates much like Catholicism in that it is rigid and orderly, striving to perfect its followers with their morality and values found in their scriptures. But, that's where much of the similarity between it and Catholicism ends. It has little tolerance for outside religions and has been known to do anything to preserve its place in Salvar, even going as far as to murder and torture heretics to foster more conversion within their ranks. The word of the Church is law in their eyes, and its flock are expected to follow it to the letter.

The religion itself is centered on the worship of spiritual beings known as the Ethereal Sway, who were rumored to have traveled from another world to Salvar thousands of years ago. They allegedly guided the original civilization of Salvar into a kind of golden age, but then vanished for more than a millennia. The reasons for their sudden departure are unknown, but the Church was founded upon the idea of perfecting individuals and even society so that they may communicate with these beings in the hope that the Ethereal Sway will return and guide them to greatness once more.

Nowadays, the worship of the Sway has translated into the worship of Saints or men and women considered prominent enough by the Church to be sanctioned as subjects of reverence. In truth, this is the only real aspect of the Church that seems reflective, in which the worship of Saints gives an opportunity for it's followers to look upon men and women who have lived among them and have acquired aspects or attributes over the course of their lives that could potentially aid the Church's original goal in restoring the Sway's place in Althanas. These Saints and their teachings are found in gospels within the Church's holiest of books, The Liand.

In it's infinite wisdom, the Church of the Ethereal Sway has sought for generations to preserve it's power and prominence within Salvar by not only persecuting unbelievers, but taking it upon themselves to delve into crusades of purging and ridding the country and Salvar as a whole of lesser religions. It was responsible for multiple smear campaigns against Paganism and it's dissolution, and often the bloodiest chapter in the Church's long history occurred during the times in which it roamed not only the country but the entirety of Salvar and sought out temples or places of worship of the Pagan Gods and destroyed them by fire and killed or converted their followers. Fortunately, this wasn't an annihilation of Paganism, but an opportunity for growth as it became far more widespread and worshipped by too many for the Church to control all of its strains and their followers.

The Church, instead, decided to satisfy its desire for control by focusing its power of propaganda and influence on the country it occupied and the outside world at large. And for the most part, its own name and practices has encompassed the entire view of Salvar's worship by outsiders, often forgetting the primitive faith of Paganism that has infested the country for ages. But, as much as the Church has attempted to demonize and eliminate inferior religions and force their followers to become their audience through law and terror, the Church has in fact given the followers of these religions another reason to exist by rebelling against it and ensuring that their traditions and practices never be forgotten.

Paganism - One of the most virulent of faiths, Paganism is both widespread in it's practice and considered by many to be one of man's oldest religions in Althanas. The very definition of a Pagan and to be one is something that has been the topic of debate and argument among scholars for generations. The definition most agreed upon or upheld by academics, however, states that Pagans are ". . Those who hold their faith and traditions in Nature as being their creator and mother of all Man, and that She should be revered and respected for her indifference to the survival of the races She created." Naturally, the name 'Pagan' also takes on a negative aspect as being the label pressed upon those who worship this strange and archaic faith by organized, powerful religions like the Church of the Ethereal Sway.

The truth is, the terms 'Pagan' and 'Paganism' have been corrupted as their meaning has slowly been diluted over the ages as generation after generation of man worshipped it's many powerful Gods in strange and often bloodthirsty ways. Often the traditions of these alien forms of worship were passed down through oral history to each succeeding generation, and naturally after awhile the meaning behind these sacrifices or reverence to these strange Gods grew distorted and eventually lost upon all but the most fervent of believers.

What is known about Paganism is that it has been held as one of the biggest practicing religions in Salvar, both openly and underground in the region's only country that has outlawed its practice. It is a polytheistic faith that has a pantheon of many Gods and Goddesses that centers around the worship of Nature and all of its aspects, including those of Man. Though its origin and true age is unknown, Paganism holds a bloody history and after having most of its worship and faiths persecuted and eventually purged by the more powerful Church of the Ethereal Sway, it still survives to this day. It is practiced most prominently in Salvar's wild lands such as Skavia and Illamund, but traces of it have also been seen in the arctic wasteland of Berevar.

Thayne Worship - One of the more prominent, well-known religions on Althanas, the worship of Thayne hasn't escaped notice in Salvar. It is practiced mostly within Salvar's only country, the Kingdom of Salvar, and many who practice it do so underground and against the wishes of their King and the persecutions and inquiries of the Church of the Ethereal Sway. More information on it can be found here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=294).

Cadhathul -

Igna -

Agthal -

ii. Deities