View Full Version : WMDs

07-18-09, 04:45 PM
Yeah, I figure this time of low activity is a good opportunity for some ole actiony quests. And there's been this idea that's been bothering me for a while, and I feel like it's something that should be done. Basically, it's somewhat of a crossover from Earth with a twist. And no, it won't have anything to do with the characters being mysteriously teleported to Earth to gaze at the pretty lights and no, it won't have anything to do with some folks from Earth coming to Althanas. Well, maybe it will have a little to do with the latter.

The idea is this. Four legendary weapons of Earth (Mjolnir, Durandal, Excalibur and the Spear of Destiny, if you're wondering what they are, google is your friend) aren't really weapons at all. They are instead powerful spirits that transcend time and space, conscious beings that traverse the dimensions, maintaining the balance by intervening at crucial points in history and offering their powers to worthy individuals by imbuing the weapons with their power. However, someone managed to summon these spirits to Althanas and bind them to their will, which as you might suspect will cause quite a mayhem because that someone isn't a very good person.

Basically, I need two people for this. See, these four avatars, despite being enslaved, will call out for someone worthy and our characters will find themselves drawn to them. I figure this would happen on some unnamed continent in the other regions, and the three of us would find ourselves there one way or the other and work out way from there. The continent would, of course, be in a state of major upheaval, with the new wielders of the four powers wreaking havoc and trying to force their tyranny upon everybody. We'll have to take them all out. Each of the weapons has a specific power, of course. Mjolnir (which I absolutely must claim because I've wanted a hammer for an age now :)) is a powerful hammer that's pretty much like it is in the legend, its every strike able to shake the earth beneath your feet. Durandal is able to break any defense in a single strike, making its wielder a perfect killing machine. Excalibur gives the wielder the ability to rally people, inspire and command massive armies. And the Spear of Destiny is strongest of them all, of course, giving wielder the ability to see paths of destiny both past and future, and pretty much just making the wielder impossible to kill.

Now, whoever joins me will get one of the three remaining weapons as a spoil. But keep in mind that the four avatars would leave once we free them. The weapons they possessed will still hold a fraction of their power, which would still make them formidable weapons for all of us to have. :D

I'm not very picky right now, and I'm not even asking for someone with an ability to post very often, but I do need somebody who will post. Also, I must ask for somebody who can guarantee me that he/she is in for the long haul as this is bound to be a rather lengthy endeavor. So if the foreseeable future you see something that might tear you from Althanas, please don't apply. Other than that, everybody's game. I would like one character to be a chick, but I'm not sure if there's an active hot chick on the boards so I won't push my luck. ;)

And to those of you who I'm in a quest with and I owe a post to, it will be up tomorrow. Just thought I mention that before you start sending me hate PMs about starting something new before I finish something old. :P

07-18-09, 05:22 PM
I need to build my activity back up. If you'll have me, I'd be happy to take part.

07-18-09, 05:47 PM
Bryn has experience searching for legendary objects lol - but I haven't used her since the end of Diary of the Exile... but then maybe I could tie it into that, since I'm certain that ole Loki will probably come around soon to take a look at Astrid. Whatcha think?

07-18-09, 05:50 PM
If Cael works for you (being not nearly as combat-oriented as many) I'm game. :D If not, I understand completely.

The International
07-18-09, 06:01 PM
I really like this idea, but it looks like you have your volunteers. If you by some chance need a level zero spy family let me know.

Kially Gaith
07-18-09, 06:22 PM
Kially is an avatar himself, so for him to be drawn to other avatars would make a great deal of sense, count me in if you'd so take me, I've always wanted to challenge myself on an RP with you, as we've so discussed in the past.

I'd very much hope you choose me as I can so easily tie this into my character and quests I can tie my character into are so ever difficult to find where I can feasibly enter into.

On another note:

Durandal would make the most badass spirit oriented fencing foil. <3

Edit: Perhaps you'd take three people? Then one person to claim each item. I'd love to lay claim to Durandal.

Edit two: If you want a legendary spear, how about Gae Bolg? The spear that is guaranteed to strike the heart of it's opponent.

Edit three: Given that I'm stalking this thread like a hawk, I've had chance to re-read over the opening post again and again, and I can honestly say, other than TWO days (29th and 30th) of this month, save a natural or family disaster, I'm free for the rest of this year.

07-18-09, 06:40 PM
I might be up for this if you let me modify the Spear of Destiny's powers. I've been wanting to get my Muramasa the ability to slay gods, and considering the Spear's lore that would fit perfectly as it's special fragment ability.

07-18-09, 06:59 PM
I demand In on this, and you can PM if you want reasons why

07-18-09, 07:33 PM
Let's just say you still owe me from the last time I applied for your stuff. -Rayse

Corvus MacCallum
07-19-09, 12:00 AM
Well I got here late. Oh well if anyone drops out I'd be up for it for Excalibur. The Wolf-man is always in search of curious weapons that need put back on their correct path.

07-20-09, 02:48 PM
I apologize for not responding sooner. I've had sort of a family emergency to deal with this weekend, what with my grandmother ending up in the hospital. Because of that this probably won't start for another day or two, but after that we should be back on track.

Anyways, I thank everyone for applying. I've decided to go with people who I haven't had a chance to write with before. So I'm going to pick Inkfinger and Homunculus for this one. Also, as I've been working out the story in my head, I decided that the Spear of Destiny won't be obtainable by anyone in this quest. However, I also decided that if either of you have another legendary weapon which you think is more suited for the story and your character, we can go with that instead of Durandal and Excalibur. Just keep in mind that it should be something from Earth mythos.

I'll try to get a thread up in a couple of days.

Edit two: If you want a legendary spear, how about Gae Bolg? The spear that is guaranteed to strike the heart of it's opponent.Yeah, Gae Bolg is one of the legendary weapons I find fascinating, but not as much as the alleged Spear of Destiny. Caladbolg is another, though one could argue that it and Excalibur are one and the same. Then there's also the Kusanagi, but if I put them all in the quest would probably never end. Maybe in the sequel. ;)

Kially Gaith
07-20-09, 05:19 PM
I apologize for not responding sooner. I've had sort of a family emergency to deal with this weekend, what with my grandmother ending up in the hospital. Because of that this probably won't start for another day or two, but after that we should be back on track.

Anyways, I thank everyone for applying. I've decided to go with people who I haven't had a chance to write with before. So I'm going to pick Inkfinger and Homunculus for this one. Also, as I've been working out the story in my head, I decided that the Spear of Destiny won't be obtainable by anyone in this quest. However, I also decided that if either of you have another legendary weapon which you think is more suited for the story and your character, we can go with that instead of Durandal and Excalibur. Just keep in mind that it should be something from Earth mythos.

I'll try to get a thread up in a couple of days.
Yeah, Gae Bolg is one of the legendary weapons I find fascinating, but not as much as the alleged Spear of Destiny. Caladbolg is another, though one could argue that it and Excalibur are one and the same. Then there's also the Kusanagi, but if I put them all in the quest would probably never end. Maybe in the sequel. ;)

I call a place in the sequel then. I really wanted in on this one as Durandal would have been nice.

Enjoy guys. ^_^

Corvus MacCallum
07-20-09, 05:57 PM
Definately be up for a sequel too, there's a lot of legendary weapons out there that even a trace of power would make for a very funky trinket hanging off the belt.

07-20-09, 06:23 PM
I'm up next time if Mehrune's Razor is about :D

07-20-09, 08:23 PM
Durandal sounds sexy.

07-21-09, 12:30 PM
I'm up next time if Mehrune's Razor is about :DIsn't that like a weapon from a game (that's what I got from googling anyways)? That's not really what I was aiming at, given that all the mentioned weapons are from Earth's history, or rather myths.

Durandal sounds sexy.Durandal it is.

Inkfinger brought his own toy to play, the legendary Japanese naginata Amenonuhoko (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amenonuhoko), which sounds awesome. I was thinking that we'd clash with these weapons and their wielders in this order: Amenonuhoko, Durandal, Mjolnir, Spear of Destiny. This is so the weakest fighting character gets the super-duper weapon first, making him able to do more awesomeness. :D

07-25-09, 04:30 AM
This will be up today. It's been a busy week and I didn't want to put up a crappy opening post. I'm sorry for the wait.

07-25-09, 10:18 AM
This will be up today. It's been a busy week and I didn't want to put up a crappy opening post. I'm sorry for the wait.

No worries from this end, take your time.

07-26-09, 05:02 AM
I've hit a little snag. Woke up this morning to find my router half-dead. Unfortunately, the half that died is the wire connection which I use, probably got fried during a storm. The wireless p is still working, so I'm writing this on my PSP. It's like typing on a goddamn cellphone. Anyways, this probably means I'll have limited access for a while because wireless modem/router isn't very cheap and I have limited amount of dough. I'll still try to get my posts up from another computer ASAP.

Cyrus the virus
07-28-09, 12:19 PM
FYI, I like Izzy's Mjolnir more! Bwaha.

08-03-09, 04:31 PM
Caught some time on my brother-in-law's computer, so the thread is finally up. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=152791#post152791) Hope you're both still interested in this.

Also, Cyrus, your Mjolnir sucks donkey balls. It's not even a fucking hammer. :P

08-18-09, 06:47 PM
Oh jeez, I had no idea you actually came back. I must've missed your update somehow. I'm usually a hawk on the 'view new posts' button, too. Sorry about that, I'll make up for it by being really active. However, Inkfinger never showed up either, so I don't feel TOO bad. I'll get posting ASAP, although I don't know if Ink is around.

08-18-09, 06:57 PM
Ink is around, but I'm not sure how much around. I'll try PMing him. Either way, I didn't want to bother either of you. I figured since I took my sweet time to get this up, I should at least give both of you time to respond to it.

08-24-09, 09:50 PM
Ink is around, but I'm not sure how much around. I'll try PMing him. Either way, I didn't want to bother either of you. I figured since I took my sweet time to get this up, I should at least give both of you time to respond to it.

Gah. Working on this now and should have a post up tomorrow evening, I swear! Ha.

08-26-09, 10:29 PM
Gah. Working on this now and should have a post up tomorrow evening, I swear! Ha.

Alright, so, uh. 'Tomorrow night' totally translates as 'three days later.' My post is written, but it's pushing 2200 words - is a textblock that long alright with you guys, or would you rather I break it up? *doesn't want to stomp toes << *

eta: make that almost 2500 words. I promise you, future posts won't be near as lengthy, unless they need to be. >>

08-27-09, 08:02 AM
It's all good. Post whenever you can.

08-27-09, 10:24 PM
It's all good. Post whenever you can.

Did so, am not 100% thrilled with it, so I'll probably be going back in and streamlining it eventually - but for now, tl;dr boils down to: Cael gets shipwrecked and mysteriously winds up in the desert, meets a freaky rockbending serpent, and winds up in a ghosttown. Ends with him heading tower-ward.

...now if only the post had been as easy to write as the summary was. Alas.