View Full Version : The Tantalum (PG Interest Gauge)

07-20-09, 06:28 PM
Hullo, so basically, after I've waffled on in Duffy's Solo I fancied giving setting up the Tantalum in terms of a Power Group, and am gauging interest on that, so, if you have an artist, a craftsmen, a rogue, an actor, an urchin, healer, nurse or a bard of any description and you'd like to give the Tantalum a go (think the Tantalus Theatre Troupe from FF9 mixed with Shakespeare) then drop a line here, or even if you'd like to make a character just for the group.

Let's bring a little pazaaz back to Scara Brae :cool:

Kerrigan Muldoon
08-11-09, 03:05 AM
Well, I think my character meets the requirements perfectly since she is a (freelance) performer/actress/fortune teller who frequently scams her customers as well as random people.

If Kerrigan would ever join a PG, this would probably be it. But to be honest I have my reserves about creating a PG, especially since it costs quite a lot of extra time while PG are not a major success as - far as I know.

Anyhow, do keep me informed.

Lar Sceawian
08-11-09, 04:00 AM
This IS a non-combat PG isn't it. If it is then I'm in, you just read my character and you will see what I mean.

A character with 0 will for combat.

08-14-09, 10:59 AM
Sorry guys I let this skip over when it didn't get a reply or two for a while - I'm stoked that others are interested, it's great news!

Combat will only ever be a case of 'if you want to,' it's going to focus on naturally, the performing/socialising side of the troupe - if that floats your boat, drop another message and I'll see about setting up the credentials - awesome sauce!

Lar Sceawian
08-27-09, 01:56 AM
So, I just dropped in here to say that I'm still waiting for a reply. When can I join? I just saw the PG get accepted but I still think you should have made it a 'no-fighting' PG. That option could have been chosen according to what I have read about PG's.

08-27-09, 03:12 AM
We will be fighting, but not with swords and kisses, more with words and rhyme, mwhahah!

Lar Sceawian
08-27-09, 08:42 AM
Then that's okay with me, my character would do that if he could. Diplomacy and all that, better for him than to attack people.

The Mime
08-27-09, 10:33 AM