View Full Version : The Rising of the Machines (Re-reg)

07-19-06, 10:13 PM
Finally found him, so I'm bringing him back.

Level 2 profile. Updates are displayed in green.

5,811 EXP and 696 gold.

As you can see, this was my Level 1 profile. But if you look at my EXP you will clearly see Level 2 with the 5,000+ EXP. So this is simply a update of that profile. Oh, and this is the link to the cached page. Wanted to make it long cause the URL was long...had to compensate. ( 989%26threadid%3D1797+....Rise+of+the+Machines.... lvl+-+Althanas&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=2&client=firefox-a)

Name: Koran Vincint Seether (Product number 288-868-8648-836540-8265478-BDEF)
Gender: Male
Race: Cybernetic Shape Shifter
Age: 29 Really 7981 years.
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 225 (In actuality about 3 tons)
Eye color: Coal Black
Hair color: Blonde

Appearance: Koran appearance is that of a normal 29 year old human. He looks and feels like a normal human. He has normal skin color and hair color, and the only thing that can really give him away would be his black lifeless appearing eyes. Far away they look completely black, but a close up examination would reveal that they are indeed clear. You can see through them and into his main frame computer housed in the metal casing of his skull. All of his bones are made of a carbon inlaid steel that at level one is just like any other normal bone. Easy to break, but self healing. When he levels up these, ‘bones’ if you want to call them that, grow stronger and when they are broken the mend them selves faster. He is also being constantly repaired and mended by billions upon billions of tiny Nano-Machines. This is why he doesn’t rust or has rusted since he was created. This is also why he’s lived as long as he has.

During his early days in combat he experience very rough opponents who presented him with “victory and defeat” scars. The most prominent are the ones on his chest and back. They were given to him in a fight with his, soon to be, friend Sorahn. Another scar runs up his neck, from the shoulder, around his chin and up through the center of his face. This was given to him in his very first and unsuccessful battle.

He has acquired, just recently, a shirt from his best friend Sorahn in return for the one that he destroyed in their first battle against one another.

Also, another scar was placed on his chest and back during that battle. Three dots, the middle one about two inches wide and the two outer ones about an inch wide, are planted right in the center of his chest where Sorahn’s spear weapon impaled him during their most recent battle. The same three dots, only smaller, are on his back.

Because of his constant nano-machine upgrading Koran has increased in height and weight. His height has increased by two inches and he has increased in weight by 1000 lbs or .5 tons.

Weaponry: His starting weapon is an 11' polearm known as an Ashandarei. The shaft is made of solid oak, is about an inch in diameter and is 8' long. The blade is made of hardened steel and 3 feet long. Other than that he can form any weapon, as long as it isn’t curved, with his arms and hands. Within, of course, his restricting boundaries. He also has two swords, one is a 2-foot long steel Katana and the other is a 3.5 foot serpentine steel bastard sword.

Koran is currently seeking to sell both his Katana and Ashandarei and seeks to purchase another serpentine blade and upgrade his current blade to titanium.

He has abandoned all his original weapons and instead settled with a Steel Great Sword. I don’t have a link, unfortunately.

Armor: Acquired in his short enlistment to the Red Hand Koran purchased a suit of Steel Half-Plate armor which he currently wears.

Polished Steel Full-Plate, which he bought in a Salvar Bazaar.

Magical Talents and Abilities:

Universal ‘beginners’ luck when using bladed weapons and polearms.

Universal 'advanced' luck when using bladed weapons and polearms.

Shape shifting

He can form any bladed weapon he wishes. Sword, dagger, spear tip, lance tip, the whole shebang. EXCEPT for weapons that are curved, save Katanas, and have serrated edges. He can't form double-sided axe heads or great axe blades. The blades can't be more than 5 feet in length also. Most of the weapons he forms are steel until he gets to lvl 3 when they will be a mix of steel and plynt and they upgrade every lvl after that. (Ie: lvl 4 is plynt. lvl 5 is plynt and dehlar, lvl 6 is dehlar and so on.) ((He can also form objects that have some flex or give in them. Mainly cables and metal rods or the like. All are made of steel and upgrade along with the weapons but cost him his two transformations instead of just one.))

But he can only make one per hour, and thus only 12 per day, because of the physical stress on his gear and gyros. He can also shape shift into any person he comes in contact with, but only once every hour, just like his weapons. But, he can't do both at the same time. Thus if he were to shape shift from person to person, weapon to weapon, he could only do six of each or how ever the equation works out.

He can currently shape shift 2 transformations every hour. They can be 2 weapon transformations, two bodily transformations or one of both.

He can now currently transform 3 times in one hour.

He may now transform a total of 4 times in one hour.

Current Shape Shift Molds:

~ Sorahn
~ An Unknown elf with wings from the original rpg.com site.
~ Garen (Dead NPC belonging to Sorahn)
~ Nicolei (Shape shifting vampire whom he befriended.) Has wings, and can fly.
~ Tommy (A young lad who shook Korans hand.)
~ A pixie, measuring 1 inch in height. Has wings, and can fly.

Current Weapons Shift Molds:

Equivalent strength of steel: Long sword blade.
Equivalent strength of steel: 6 inch diameter cable, 25' in length. (Uses two transformations)
Equivalent strength of steel: Fire axe head.
Equivalent strength of iron: Jagged piece of shrapnel. (Looks like polished steel, but isn’t as strong.)

Infrared vision: This ability of infrared vision allows Koran to detect the heat of any living creature or object, such as a plan*t, within a 20-foot radius. This is very effective when in combat and when trekking through darkened parts of a building, forest, valley, street or anyplace shrouded in darkness. The vision lasts for 30 minutes and takes 3 hours to recharge.

His infrared vision now lasts for 45 minutes with a 3 hour recharge.

His infrared vision will stay the same.

*A plant, naturally, gives off no heat signature so it shows up as a blue color while objects that display heat show up as a red and orange.

Clone ability: Because of his ability to be able to mimik a persons body and voice Korans ever upgrading nano technology has found a way to temporarily clone another characters selected ability. He is still required to come in contact with that person and can only clone a person ability once every 2 hours. The cloned ability lasts for either the entire battle in which it was initiated or 20 standard quest posts.

Current cloning ability stands at one use every 2 hours or a standard 20 posts in a quest.

Current cloned abilties:


Personality: Koran has the personality of a person with a short fuse programed into him. He is quick to anger and will fight if the other person prods him too much. He naturally hates his creators and surprisingly other cyborgs like him. If treated with respect he will become the most loyal and helping friend the person who befriends him ever knew.

Through a sort of grisly sequence of events, Koran has come to respect some of his opponent/friends and the one most in particular is the Ranoan named Sorahn. Whom he helped greatly by assassinating his cruel master.

History: (I’m going to write this in a story format to make it make more sense, at least that’s the goal.)

The year, 2790 ETA. The place, Bivorian Cybernetics. The project, Product Number 288-868-8648-836540-8265478-BDEF, nick named Koran Vincint Seether.

Dr. Vik looked at down at his data floppy. Good, every thing is running on schedule. The project will be ready in a matter of hours. He looked up from his data floppy to stare into the blue clear tank that held a dark floating mass.

The mass had the appearance of a human being, but they had designed it to be far from human. It was attached to hundreds of tiny hoses and wires that crackled loudly in the gel like substance. It’s chest was moving slowly in and out with the soft rhythm of breathing. His eyes were half open, if those could be called eyes at all. They had no color at all, they were crystal clear and if you looked close enough you could see all the way to the back of its head. Inside the breather mask its mouth was partially open to allow its tongue to show through the gap. His long blonde goldish hair floated behind him in a huge mass of stringy hair. Dr. Vik admired his work of art. It was perfect. Fast, smart, able to adapt to just about any environment. Perfect.

This was also it’s 28th week in that tube. It was obviously angry, as the readings on Dr. Vik’s floppy showed.

It’s been wanting out of that thing since the day we created it. These things were expected Koran, you know that. Folding his floppy Dr. Vik walked through a sliding glass door and into the changing room.

Koran eyes shot open. He was back! He was stuck in that tube again. He had been dreaming again he realized. He was free in that dream, laying in the tall grass of some meadow far away. He moved his head then just in time to see one of his creators walking through, what was it, oh yes, a door. His creator then turned a corner and disappeared. Koran moved his head back into its normal position and fell back to sleep. That was mostly the drugs’ fault, he was bursting with energy. He then began to dream of that meadow again.

Dr. Vik, Dr. Hyth, Dr. Brin and all the other doctors were there. It had been twelve hours since Dr. Vik had last seen Koran. He was still in his tube, but instead of being in a blue gel, he was now in a red one. And all his wires and tubes were gone, the only thing he had on now was the breather, which helped him to breath in the gel. The gel had been designed so that you could breath in it, but the doctors had not wanted to take any risks.
“Subjects vitals are all stable,” came a metallic voice over an intercom.

“Thank you Shiva,” Dr. Vik said to the buildings AI. “Prepare to begin entry sequences.”

“Entry sequences complete sir,” came the immediate reply. Of course this was all done prior to this part.

“Stand clear,” Dr. Vik told everyone. Shuffling feet could be heard behind him. He then placed his hand on a panel over a large red button. Did it always have to be red.

He then faced Koran. Who was by now catching onto the whole thing because he was now wide awake and staring at everyone, his hands pressed against the glass. His lifeless, colorless eyes flicked left and right taking everything in. A small smile was on his face.

Here goes. He decompressed the red button.

A red light flashed and Koran looked around in surprise. All around him the gel was receding quickly. Soon he was standing in the tube, naked with out anything around him.

“Begin step two.” One of the doctors said.

“Step two beginning.” Another said.

Suddenly Koran was blasted by an invisible force. Of course he had no idea it was air, he had never experienced such a thing before. He tried to fight it, but no matter how hard he swung at it, it always came back. And then it was gone, nothing was pushing against him. He stopped, panting and looked at everyone watching him, his eyes angry.

“Open the tube.”

Open the tube? Koran thought, The tube! They’re letting me out! His face peeled back into a smile. They were finally letting him out! Sure enough the tube blasted upwards and away from Koran. Koran was the first to move. His hand shot to the breather on his face and he ripped it off.

“It’s about time you sons of pigs!” He said glaring at them.

They all shrank at that remark. Soft whispers began to go around between them. How does he know how to speak? Why did he rip the breather off? Who taught him how to speak? What will he do next?

“I’ll tell you how and what right now,” he said to their questions that required no answers, “I could hear every word you said in that, thing!” He pointed to the tube. “Thus I decoded your primitive speech and taught my self from what you people said. I learned everything I know from what you said. In fact, I think I can build another just like me from what I learned from you. What I’m going to do next is to get out of this place and live and work on my own. And anyone who tries to stop me,” He spun and searched quickly. There! An axe in the wall. He walked over to it quickly and punched out the glass. Grabbing the blade he closed his eyes. He opened them again and turned around. He then brought up both his hands to hold them in front of his face. They turned to a liquid like state and shimmered. Then they went solid again as the ax head, “will surely die.” He finished his sentence.

They all moved to the walls and cowered. Koran laughed madly in his head, Wimps! He then stormed out of the room, knocking down the door of glass with his ax head hands. He then found himself in the dressing room. Lockers filled the walls and made paths through the center of the room. He changed his hands back to normal and walked to the first locker he saw. Breaking down the door he pulled out the clothes. A black T-shirt, black dockers, white and black tennis shoes, and a black one size fits all baseball cap. He had learned all of this from those 28 years in that tube. Pitiful beings! He yanked on the clothes and walked out of the dressing room. He then found himself in a long white hallway. Looking both ways he went right and through a pair of double doors. No one was there, not a single person at all. Strange, he thought as he continued on. He went through another pair of double doors and found himself in a large room. In the center was a large desk with a single person seated at the seat. Under the desk was a huge symbol. The symbol was of a person holding a staff, but the person had six arms and six legs. Even more strange, he thought as he walked to the desk.

“Excuse me,” he said to the person seated there.

The person turned around and looked politely at him. “May I help you sir?”

“Yes. Can I have my keys?”

“Why yes Dr. Vik, you most certainly can have your keys.” She dug around in a draw and retrieved a batch of metal things that Koran supposed were keys. She handed them to him.

“Thank you,” he said and then walked out the large double doors into the outside world. He took a deep breath of the air. That’s what it was he remembered. Dr. Vik had said something about that, what?– a week ago?. Seemed like such a long time ago. He looked around and found himself in a large flat area. With strange shaped objects placed all around it.

This must be a parking lot, and those objects cars. he thought. Then he remembered Dr. Vik saying something about his new car. It was a Ramrod 4000 ZXT. That was all he had to look for. He found it, on the far side of the parking lot. He walked up to it and placed his hands around the keys and closed his eyes. He ten opened them and then tossed the keys aside. His right index finger shimmered and became one of the keys. He inserted into the slot in the door and turned. The door clicked and he opened it. Looking around he got in and closed the door. He then looked at the dash board and found the slot he needed. He interested his finger key and turned. The motor sounded and shock that car as it started.

“All right, now for the fun part.” He examined the dash board. There! He pushed a button a sweet voice said, “Auto pilot engaged. Where would you like to go?” “Bivorian Space port,” he said. The car then kicked into gear and he shot off, out of the parking lot and down the road.

He arrived shortly later at the space port. He shut off the car got out and walked into the only building there. He then walked up the lady at the front desk. His hand then shimmered and the ax head was there. He reached up and put it under her chin.

“Give me the smallest, fastest ship you got. Now!”

“Yes-s-s-s s-s-s-ir!” She said, very scared. She then handed him a card and pointed.

“Thank you,” Koran said and walked in the direction that she pointed.

He found his ship a little later. It was small. Only fit for one person. He got in, slid his card in the proper slot and pressed the engage button. The small ship shimmered and then blasted into the air and away from the planet.

Koran let out a long sigh of relief. He had wanted to get off that planet forever, and he was finally off it. He then looked out the window at the passing stars. It calmed him down some. Now to find a place to go. He looked at the computer board and pressed a few buttons at random. The ship went faster and faster.

“Whoops!” He pressed the buttons again, and the ship slowed down. “Whew, now lets see........”

7952 years had passed since Koran had escaped from his prison and he had yet to still land.

“This thing is getting cramped.” He said for the 7,456,786,986 time, he had counted he was so bored. “I’ve got to find a place to land.” He open the star map to see where he was. He was in an uncharted system judging from the ship’s computer. But there was a planet in that system. How the computer knew that Koran would never know. Looks as good a place as any, he thought. He hit a few buttons and the ship tilted towards the planet. Within a few seconds Koran’s ship entered the atmosphere and descended towards the planet’s surface.

A new home at last! He thought as he looked at it. His ship landed in some mountain range and slid for at least a half a mile before stopping. Pushing open the hatch, Koran stepped out into the new world. He had arrived at last. A new home to start anew, without those stupid scientists. He turned to look at the ship. It had taken him a long way. He shook his head and walked into the surrounding trees and into a new world.

After his ship had crashed the machine found himself in a world that was so strange to him he felt like he wanted to die. Green trees, some over 50 feet tall, towered over his head and long lush grasses broke through the dark brown soil to soak up sunlight in such a fashion that the whole landscape seemed to dim. Bird calls and wild animals’ growls lit the air like a hornets nest and Koran found himself suddenly very cautious even though he could have probably taken them all on and come out more or less alive. A strange land with strange peoples and strange beasts awaited the machine from a far off planet and the machine wasn’t sure if he was ready or not to face them.

Get a hold of yourself Koran. You were programed to adapt and live off information and conditions that anyone else would have long suffered and died from. You are better than this. Now, get out there, face those fears and show them who you really are!

The machine, Koran was his name, stood a little straighter than before and with his head held a little higher, stepped down from the small cleft on which he had been standing and disappeared into the forest in search of someone, anyone, so that he might show them what he was made of.

Cyrus the virus
07-19-06, 10:33 PM
If you don't have links, I'm afraid I can't award the items... You can keep the greatsword as a steel item, though, or keep your old ones. Let me know.

Actually, keep the armor because I feel like an ass for making the sword weaker.

07-19-06, 10:38 PM
A steel sword is fine.

Swords can be upgraded.

Edit Completed!

Cyrus the virus
07-19-06, 11:25 PM
I miss that Althanas skin. It's nice.
