View Full Version : *Sneakz in*

07-21-09, 11:49 PM
Yo~sh! How's it going, Althanas?

About time I got back, huh? I'm sorry I've been gone for... Whoa, half a year. ...Er, yeah. That was one helluva hiatus, wasn't it?

OK, first things first.

To all of the people at the Bazaar: I'm sorry I couldn't follow through with your trade requests (as well as the Black Market - what ever happened to it, tho?) even when I promised to re-open them way back then. As you can see, I'm no longer part of the ModWorks so I have no power in that field now.

As for re-application, I'll need to check my schedules first... ^_^;;

To all my fellow questers: I'm very sorry for disappearing off the map. Finishing my undergrad project was a lot of work and I couldn't focus on Althanas as I had wished. Now that it's done, I'm braving the world looking for a job. It will still be a while before I get back to rping, so no need to keep your fingers crossed.

But fear not, the Red-head Twins will return! (Plus the Gadgeteer. Haha.)

/me sneak away before anyone realizes.

P.S., I just realized the post count on my front page reads 9,810 New Posts... Wow. You guys have been busy.

Anyways, I returned after hearing about the "incident" from another Althanian on the web. I'm glad to see it's not as dramatic as I thought. :D

Tainted Bushido
07-21-09, 11:53 PM
*tackle* GOT YOU!

07-22-09, 07:39 AM
*uses the ropes*

Bwahahaha! You're stuck now, Advent! ;)

07-22-09, 09:38 AM

Holy crap welcome backz!

07-22-09, 10:10 AM
Haha, heya guys. It's good to be back.

So, anything new while I was AWOL? (Asides from me being kick'd off the ModWorks, but I had that coming.) And what about the FQ?

07-22-09, 10:15 AM
Heh, I never even touched the FQ, so I can't even comment on that thing.

We ran the Tournament of Champions, which just concluded. We've got Magus Cup registration starting today, The Cell soon after that and then a third tournament not long after that. So we're trying to keep busy. ;)

07-22-09, 01:53 PM
*eats a piece of cheese and watches*


*continues eating cheese*

/squeaky voice Welcome beeeeeeeeeeeek!

*eats more cheese*

07-22-09, 02:00 PM
Haha, heya guys. It's good to be back.

So, anything new while I was AWOL? (Asides from me being kick'd off the ModWorks, but I had that coming.) And what about the FQ?

The FQ is rolling onward and we're trying to get the next chapter going by July 31st. It's being played by ear right now, but it looks like things are going to be moving fast once the next chapter starts. If you'd like to write in either area, it's welcomed. We need all the participation we can get to make sure it stays active in conjunction with other events that are being planned along side of it.

Oh, and welcome back.