View Full Version : Ghosts, Magic and Dudes in conveniently creepy robes!?

07-25-09, 11:04 PM
I'm looking for one or two good writers to join me for an interesting romp through Eolas Braoin, Dheathain's school of magic.

Though the thread will be taking place in the school and of course the people involved will be taking classes and as such students, that is more of the backdrop to the actual story.

Rumours and Legends have always been told around the flickering light of a candle late at night about the ghosts that prowl the halls of Eolas Braoin, stealing the souls of those unlucky students they happen to come across. But now, it appears that the rumours are no longer false.

The ghost of Eolas himself has been seen wandering the corridors, walking through the walls and disappearing between the racks of books in the library. As students in Eolas Braoin it's your job to find out just what the heck is going on! Especially since none of the teachers will listen to you... (kind of reminds you of high school, huh?) Why has Eolas returned from the grave? Just what are his intentions? Will the exploration team encounter Eolas himself? If they do, will they live to talk about it?

The thread itself is going to start off rather lighthearted and fun, though will be taking a sharp turn for the serious at some point, so I'll be needing people that think they can handle both aspects. Also, you can pick one of the different forms of magic to learn during this thread and try to get a spell out of it as a reward, I know I will. After all, our characters will probably be meeting during class time, in the arena or perhaps in the library itself.

07-25-09, 11:09 PM
I'm down with O.P.P.

With Elijah and Nadia, of course.

07-25-09, 11:36 PM
Awesome, should be quite interesting with you on board. ;)

I would like at least one other person for this thread.

Lar Sceawian
07-25-09, 11:49 PM
Me? Just check out my short profile to see if I fit. I've got the perfect reason for my character to go there, so heck it seems that I'll try. Runic Magic seems perfect for my character, or we could go with blood.

Acrobatics, a classic skill.
Chemistry, this is interesting.
Stealth, classic

Relt PeltFelter
07-26-09, 03:28 AM
I'm intrigued. If you'll have me, I'll join in. Relt doesn't actually believe in magic at all, so that should be a fun dynamic to work with.

And I need to write more. This damned tournament's starting up, I have to make sure I'm in champion-level condition!

Kially Gaith
07-26-09, 06:21 AM
Kially is a solid mage/speed character, I've been looking for something interesting to jump in on and given that my character just aimlessly meanders about, there's no reason he couldn't end up at the library. No one would really question why a small child of some renown would be wondering a campus.

If you want me, consider me in.

07-26-09, 09:47 AM
Lar - does your character show or feel any kind of emotion? I mean, as a ghost hunting adventure kind of quest, I am looking for characters with a lot of emotion in them, fear, excitement, anxiety... otherwise I would think it kind of boring. He'd just stand there clinically analyzing the ghost. Unless you can give me an idea as to how he'd handle the situation.

Relt - interesting character you have there. I would love to have another female character in this. Seeing as she's all big and bad and likes killing things, how would she react to ghosts?

Kially - sorry, but I'm not really interested in having a child character.

Relt PeltFelter
07-26-09, 12:56 PM
Relt - interesting character you have there. I would love to have another female character in this. Seeing as she's all big and bad and likes killing things, how would she react to ghosts?

Almost certainly as a challenge. Figure 'em out, figure out how to shoot 'em...finally catch them and pull off the rubber mask and phosphorus-coated sheet and saying "Gasp, it was Old Man MacGregor all along, trying to scare folks away from his diamond mine!"

That sort of thing. She rolls with the punches, usually.

07-27-09, 08:03 AM
Haha! I like her, she seems like a good fit. ^_^

BTW your new avatar rocks.

I'll get the opening post up sometime today, as long as school doesn't bog me down with too much homework.

07-27-09, 06:59 PM
The quest it up!

The Eolas Braoin Explorer Club and the Ghost of Eolas Braoin (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=152397#post152397)

Sorry about the length of the intro post. I normally don't write that much, but I got a little carried away. ^^;

As it stands right now, I'd like all the characters to know each other. They don't need to be friends or best buddies, but know each other. Faelynn, Nadia and Relt are all in the same dorm room together. Elijah is in the males dorm, but is probably in class with a few if not all of them... etc. It makes it a lot easier if we don't have to go through the introductory phase of this, since it can so easily be explained by a classroom/dorm room setting.

07-27-09, 09:05 PM
I'll rock out my post tomorrow. It should be up before I leave for work.

Relt PeltFelter
07-28-09, 03:03 AM
Welp, I posted.

I'm thinking I definitely went about it in an unusual sort of way, simply because it wouldn't be too plausible for Relt to have just enrolled. In the matter of taking too much time with introductions, I completely understand, so if any become necessary I will take care to be cursory.

On the plus side, my bones are all jangling to the chorus of excitement. This thread should be a big old mess of fun.

07-28-09, 06:49 PM
Nice post, Relt. I get the feeling our characters are either going to really, really get along, or murder each other in their sleep. Let's hope for the former as I'm unsure of my immediate victory in the murdering department. ;)

07-31-09, 11:15 PM
Gosh... I'm not happy with what I put up, but it'll have to do until I can go back and revise it.

08-01-09, 09:36 AM
Your post isn't bad, Andy. I wanted to get one more post in before the weekend, but since someone took so long with his, I don't have the time now. ;) Sorry guys, you'll have to wait until monday or tuesday.

08-07-09, 08:10 PM
Sorry for the wait on my post, Microbiology was killing me this week.