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Mr. Smith
08-02-09, 07:38 PM
Name: Joseph Smith
Age: 43
Race: Human/Were-Sue
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 172 lb
Occupation: Accountant

Personality: It’s a terrible thing to stereotype people based on their occupation alone. Many accountants are normal, exciting, well-balanced people who go hiking on the weekends and enjoy social interactions as much as anyone else.

Joseph isn’t one of those accountants. He is terrified of danger. He never does anything he would think to be even the slightest bit risky, or dangerous. He enjoys having a boring, safe, bland life.

He isn’t anti-social, or unlikeable, or afraid of talking to people, he just doesn’t have any...need...to. He sees other people as vaguely unnecessary, chaotic, unpredictable appendages to an otherwise well organized life. If he must talk to people, he is perfectly adept and able to.

On the other hand, occasionally he gets these...urges. They can come in many forms. Wanting to listen to loud music. Wanting to wear black (not a respectable black suit, a black that’s somehow...bad). Wanting to be crazy, do amazing things, suck people’s blood. He knows where these urges come from and he does his best to suppress them. They come from the Other.

Appearance: Joseph is of fairly average looks and appearances. He isn’t remarkably attractive, or especially ugly. His hair is cut short and it’s a dull mousy brown. Recently, though, it seems as though he’s had to get his hair cut more and more often, and it seems to be getting a darker shade. His facial features are fairly forgettable and indistinct. He is adamantly opposed to getting tattoos, but nonetheless he has one. There is a skull with flames around it on his upper right bicep, and he doesn’t remember getting it.

When not working he typically wears comfortable but not particularly stylish brown clothes. When working (most of the time) he wears a plain gray suit. Recently, however, he’s found himself buying some very strange styles. Lots of black (especially leather), pentagram necklaces, and weird combat boots that would be useless in actual combat. One morning he woke up with pain in his left ear, and went to the mirror only to find that it was now pierced. He’s also been getting these strange urges to by shirts with skulls on them...


Bookkeeping: Joseph takes very accurate and detailed accounts of the finances of his household, and of his customers. A well-organized and balanced row of numbers sings the beauty of the universe to him.

Mental Math: Joseph is exceptionally good at arithmetic and can do it in his head at fantastic speeds. Even complicated algebra problems take him mere moments to solve!

Tax Accounting: He is exceptionally good at complying with jurisdictional tax regulations.

Theory of Accounting: As a well respected member of the accountant community, Joseph is well versed in the various theoretical aspects of monetary flow. He knows all of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, International Accounting Standards, and International Financial Reporting Rules. In fact, he has written a small book on the subject which has gotten him a fair amount of prestige and now circulates throughout several large underground accountancy-organizations. He used the money from it to buy a new suit.

Equipment: Joseph carries no equipment, except a single fountain pen in his pocket.


Joseph was born to a long-standing family of accountants. He had an average childhood, and an average family. Nothing burned down, or was destroyed by monsters. No parents were killed. In fact, he wasn’t even born in a small idyllic village in the countryside of somewhere-that’s-convenient. He was born in a large city.

Naturally, he carried on the family business and became an accountant. He was fairly good at this and prospered a fairly average amount. Did I mention how average he is?

Then, something very un-average happened to our poor hero. Something exciting, interesting, dangerous, and cliché. He was bitten by a Sue.

Well, not literally. What happened more literally was this:

On occasion, two minds will connect. Sometimes this is the feeling known as “love at first sight”. Sometimes this is unseeable, undetectable, but nevertheless there. On rarer occasion, such a connection will happen across two worlds, two universes. It’s like two radio stations trying to play simultaneously on the same channel. Sometimes this is a good thin, and amazing revelations will be shared between two sentient beings across the otherwise ungapable chasms of Time and Space. Ever wonder how the glorkf got from Kamerdosia to Earth 7? Don’t worry, I didn’t either. But it happened.

Joseph just had the misfortune of connecting with a certain twelve year old who fancies that he can write. That twelve year old logged on to a website called Althanas (a site already dominated by certain powerful hackers, Demonhack and Taskmienster being the screennames of just two of them) and created a character.

Then it happened. Joseph’s innocent, mundane mind and body were violated and molded into a hideous cliché monstrosity against all odds. He was molded, changed into something hideous and evil and powerful. Herobane Dark’n’ess.

Ever since then, whenever that certain twelve year old logs on to his role-playing account, Joseph will...change. Sometimes weeks go between incidents, sometimes only hours. Most often it happens at night (when that twelve year old is allowed to use his computer) but attacks can come at any time of the day.

Ever since then, Jospeh’s life has been plagued by strange occurrences. He is unaware of his lapses directly (as is his alter ego) but nonetheless they effect his life. Slowly, Joseph has figured out that he is changing into another person during these “blank spaces” of his life. He thinks of this person as The Other.

It gets worse than that, though. The Other’s personality, appearance, and abilities are slowly seeping into Joseph’s life. Occasionally he will find himself wanting to drink blood, or slay a thousand mortals, or some other cliché and terrible thing. For instance. he gets these urges to buy an exciting and “badass” weapon, like a katana or a scythe or something. In those instances he goes out and discreetly buys one from a novelty weapon shop, and brings them home in small black boxes. He has a fairly good-sized collection of these in the back of the closet of his apartment, where he occasionally checks on them in a vaguely embarrassed fashion.

At the same time, Joseph is slowly changing The Other. Without really knowing why, Herobane is slowly becoming more cowardly, and has been growing a strange fascination with numbers and counting (much to his “player”’s chagrin).

And some day they will meet in the middle.

08-02-09, 08:03 PM
Overall great profile. I would request that if you plan to use any special skills or abilities from "The Other" that you include them now so that I can approve them, too. All in all a very well-written profile. Good work on the history, too.

Mr. Smith
08-02-09, 08:06 PM
Mmm, yeah, probably a good idea. I'll work on that.

At first I was thinking that I would post on The Other's account when he changed forms, but honestly I don't know if that makes sense. Might as well have all the exp go to one account instead of being split across two, anyway.

08-02-09, 08:10 PM
Yeah, I would recommend just using two forms from the same account. It tends to work better, and we've had others who've done similar. Just post a reply to this once you've added them in and I'll look it over and reconsider it.

Welcome and thanks. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

Mr. Smith
08-02-09, 08:15 PM
I...don't even know any more.

I thought this was a sort of amusing and interesting idea for a character (the whole Herobane lolcow and then this guy switching off between eachother), but given the reaction it's gotten on the forums, I'm seriously rethinking this whole idea. Not to whine, but I THOUGHT adding the additional dimension of a second personality made it different from the ridiculous numbers of joke characters out there, but I dunno. Whatever.

I may or may not bother finishing this at all at this point. Sorry. I mean, if it doesn't entertain or interest people, that sort of defeats the whole purpose. Especially when you're writing humor.

08-02-09, 08:18 PM
Well, here's the key to things like this...

OOCly, be yourself. ICly, be your characters. I've had my character in this past go into months of insanity, where he was practically an entirely different character. It's doable, and you never really know until you try. And, if you like one aspect, but not the other, come level one you can write the aspect you don't like out.

And also, ignore a lot of the players reactions to the characters. Base it off what you feel, but also keep in mind we try to keep things OOCly seperate from ICly (ok, those of us who are intelligent). Some take the concept of their "character" into their own personalities, and it never reflects well upon them.

Some of our best roleplayers have used different characters from time to time to time. If you have any questions or want to discuss the idea with someone who's willing to listen, gimme a shout on Private Message, and I'll see about getting together with you over IM to work out some concepts and ideas.

If you decide not to go with this further, please let me know with a reply and I will close this and move it.

10-02-09, 02:26 PM
This thread has been sitting around for a month now, and no edits have been made. I'll be closing and moving. However, should you wish to continue it, I'll be more than happy to reopen it and help you with the approval process.
