View Full Version : Which threads are you reading?

Kerrigan Muldoon
08-11-09, 03:13 AM
While I could also lurk the 'Who's Online' page 24/7 I prefer to just ask it:

Which threads are you reading?

And why? Because they are so good, or because you want to read more of your (future) writing partner? To learn from his technique or get ideas for your own threads? Do you read them from the start to end, or skim through them? Or do you mainly read completed threads with high scores?

TS starts:

At the moment I only read lore of the region I'm playing in with my alt and the threads of my (currently only) writing partner, Visla, which I greatly enjoy. Since I have almost finished reading said threads I am unsure what to read now, so some advice is welcome :).

08-11-09, 03:32 AM
I read over the Judge's Choice and over my many threads. I read them over many times. Read my stuff and if they suck tell me how to improve. Thanks.

Clay Golem is awesome by the way, was going to make a Titanium Golem but you beat me to the punch with a clay one.....

08-11-09, 03:35 AM
I stalk Inkfinger because I want to pawn him/her in the Magus Cup - is stalking that wrong?


08-11-09, 03:37 AM
Then make sure to stay in the Magus Cup until Inkfinger loses. Best of luck, to everybody.

Alydia Ettermire
08-11-09, 03:49 AM
I stalk Inkfinger because I want to pawn him/her in the Magus Cup - is stalking that wrong?


I don't know what country YOU live in, but I happen to know that over here, in the state Inky and I live in, it's illegal to pawn somebody. Not only is it immoral, but the slave trade ended about a century and a half ago.

If you want to DEFEAT her...from what I've seen of her...good luck.

Visla Eraclaire
08-11-09, 06:29 AM
I know it probably makes me a terrible person, but I rarely, if ever, read a thread by anyone else, except for some very specific reasons:

1) It is necessary backstory for a thread I am doing with someone
2) It is a JC and not over 3 pages long
3) It is the subject of controversy
4) I am judging it (which hasn't happened for years)

There are a few threads I am reading or considering reading right now by Task and Kerrigan's alt, but I haven't gotten around to any of them yet because of work.

Kerrigan Muldoon
08-11-09, 06:45 AM
You awful, horrible person! :P

Actually, I do read certain threads! I read pretty much every new character profile posted and quite frequently read the profiles of high level chars. I only skip the latter when they mostly consist of endless methods of killing an opponent though ;).
While battles are a lot easier to read since they do not often have a great backstory or lots of intrigues, I do prefer reading quests since I like complicity and character growth.

Also, I would like to read about PG activities, but they appear to be shamefully lacking.

On a side note, don't trouble yourself reading Josef's solo. I discovered that solo's are a lot harder to write then normal threads and it turned out to be plain boring.

Visla Eraclaire
08-11-09, 06:52 AM
On a side note, don't trouble yourself reading Josef's solo. I discovered that solo's are a lot harder to write then normal threads and it turned out to be plain boring.

I'll see for myself. Being told not to read something is just another reason to do so.

Once I finish clerkship applications, TA preparation, getting ready for a jury trial, and preparing for a friend's wedding...

So I guess I'll see... eventually.

Since you mentioned it, I do read almost all character apps, just to see if there's anyone interesting. That's how I ended up writing with Kerrigan in the first place.

08-11-09, 08:17 AM
I'll occasionally browse through new character apps myself, for no particular reason whatsoever.

But genuine threads? I don't read too many other than my own--and even then, only because I need to know what I have to write next. On the rare occasion I decide to actually go questing with someone, they're usually nice enough to give me any backstory on their characters I'll need in order to make things work over AIM or pm or something.

A lot of that has to do with my personal preferences, though. I like reading stuff that's clear and concise, something that doesn't abuse fancy writing techniques that judges eat up like chocolate-covered bacon, and has just enough physical description of characters and environments to get my imagination going.

08-11-09, 09:04 AM
I stalk Inkfinger because I want to pawn him/her in the Magus Cup - is stalking that wrong?


Bring it on, Duffypants. :)

I don't know what country YOU live in, but I happen to know that over here, in the state Inky and I live in, it's illegal to pawn somebody. Not only is it immoral, but the slave trade ended about a century and a half ago.

There are, of course, exceptions; my first job being one of them. Had to dig my way out with a rusty spoon!

I like reading stuff that's clear and concise, something that doesn't abuse fancy writing techniques that judges eat up like chocolate-covered bacon, and has just enough physical description of characters and environments to get my imagination going.

My head just tried to imagine that, and my tongue and heart just died a little. D:

On the topic, I read everything written by Flames of Hyperion/Wings of Endymion and Caden Law/Aeraul Smythe (because they are both solidified awesome), and just about everything written by Slavegirl, Saxon or Letho. The new and upcoming writers on the find-things-written-by list is Duffy, mostly because I like the character.

Other than that, anything that crosses my impulsive path that doesn't bore me in the first two posts usually gets read without paying attention to who is writing.

08-11-09, 09:40 AM
I tend to read Task's stuff because he's the only one I give a damn about.

Unfortunately, I haven't finished a thread in years, as I lack motivation. Besides, I already know what happens in the thread, so why bother writing it?

The latter is a demonstration of why exactly I am a terrible person to Rp with. =p

08-11-09, 10:18 AM
Touche mon amis, Inkheart is just pure awesome, and you play him well - I like Wings too, from what little exposure I've had to her in the Cup so far.

I do read new bios, just to see what's coming on the horizon, but tend to read only stuff relating to Scara Brae and environs, as anything else going on is unlikely to affect my character.

08-11-09, 10:54 AM
I don't usually read threads unless it's to learn something. I'm not quite sure why, I just never got into the habit of it, and instead usually read character profiles to pick up on different member's styles rather then most of their threads. But I will attempt to read threads if it's suggested to do so, but I've always preferred to read pages bound in books. =P

Actually, to learn different ways to write and to help me brainstorm for different concepts I usually pick up and read any book that interests me. The research is rewarding, I think, but I tend to gravitate towards people who've done something I have yet to do--finish a book and get published. There's always something new to inspire an idea, and even the awful pulp, fanfiction writers might have an interesting twist or two.

Damion Shargath
08-11-09, 12:09 PM
I only read the material of the people I write with occasionally - but I generally just like to read things that interact with the stories of my own character.

Occasionally I browse new profiles to see if there's anyone to look out for, whose writing might be interesting to follow. That's 1 out of every 80, so feel honored if I hit you up with a "compliments" PM ;)

Amaril Torrun
08-11-09, 04:30 PM
I tend to keep one or two random quests or battles open on a separate window, with each page of the thread open on a different tab. That way when my internet cuts out (which happens just about every day), I have some stuff to read before calling it a night.

There's nothing I specifically target. I read judges' choices, other high scoring threads, some lower scoring threads, and even some threads that don't look like they'll ever finish.

Alydia Ettermire
08-11-09, 04:42 PM
I don't tend to read threads to completion unless someone has asked me to proofread their threads before sending it in for judgment, and then it's more for helping the writer work out the kinks than to actually read the story.

I'll also sometimes glance at a thread in its early stages to see if it's interesting and if I remember when it's complete, I'll give it a quick read-through. There isn't actually any specific writer I follow.

08-11-09, 07:42 PM
I read... all the threads that you guy's submit for judging. That's enough reading for me. :p

08-11-09, 08:03 PM
I type in "Penis" into the search at the top.

It gives me a wide range of interesting reads, all involving penis.

Also Visla's stuff. I've read a lot of that lately. And Slayer of the Rot.