View Full Version : Red. War.

08-13-09, 09:33 PM
All bunnying and details for this thread are approved by both parties. Enjoy

The sound of polite knocking on a wooden door echoed out into the field. It nestled between the rumbling of a brook, whispering of the wood, and soft chatter of birds. A peaceful clearing surrounded by cherry trees so clustered their roots and limbs intertwined and formed a barricade. A vivid green sea of grass swayed under a light breeze that swung down to kiss the ground and carry falling cherry petals. Nearly center of field a rock rose like a monolith above the wind-swept waves, black as moonless night. Although the sun, hidden behind clouds, shone brightly on the pillar of earth it reflected nothing. Sitting atop it, calmly as if he belonged nowhere else, was an old man. His arms relaxed and legs crossed in a meditative state, his ears had barely heard the out-of-place sound. A third time it came, now an impatient bashing of flesh on wood, and the elderly eyelids opened. With a great sigh, he stood and slowly climbed to the ground. With the ocean of grass brushing his waist, he made for a seemingly random side of the clearing. Before reaching it, however, a brown oak door slowly faded into vision. It stood alone, with no wall on either side or any evidence that it was at all useful. Gathering the long weapon resembling a staff that lay on the ground next to it and lashing it to his back, the old man opened the door and stepped out.

On the other side a monk had been growing impatient, and stared angrily at the man. Carefully turning to close the door to his room, Kazejin simply smiled kindly. Obviously hurried to be done with this and on to something more useful, the monk started moving immediately down the hall and talking in a very rushed manner.

"Another battle has been arranged. Not really your normal daily go-and-beat-them-up sort of match. It's a bit different, for sure. Yeah, different. Anyways, you'll figure it out soon enough I guess. Enjoy your self, old man." They arrived at a door painted such a deep crimson that a chill ran slowly down Kazejin's spine. It was as if the fibers of the wood had been thoroughly soaked with blood. Typical of doors within the Citadel, it opened into a space nothing like a room. Prepared for nearly anything, Kazejin entered his new arena. This would be the fourteenth of his battles, only a tenth of what his debt finished.

The scene spread out before him was an incredible sight to take in. It was definitely no place on Althanas, for never had he remembered being anywhere in which the sky was tainted such a cruel shade of red. On every side of him tall valley walls rose to incredible heights, entirely sheer and impossible to climb. A crater of some sort, but nothing he knew of could make such a massive whole. Most of Radasanth could fit within its confines, he imagined. On the far horizon, just barely coming above the sharp teeth of the valley's edge was a full moon, eerily taking a dark orange. Kazejin was not sure if it was a trick on the eyes due to the color of the moon and sky, but he could swear that the very stone and rock of the crater had been painted red. Lowering his eyes, he saw that he stood in some sort of quickly made fortress. Brown nondescript tents sat in neatly made rows, most rather small but at the far end, hugging the crater wall, stood two larger tents flanking the largest of them. On the opposite end of the encampment, facing the open valley floor was a cruel wood and metal barricade twice as tall as any man. On the outer edge spikes and razor edges of wood and metal awaited any stupid enough to come close, and behind that a solid wall of wood stood to stave off ranged attacks. Many slits and holes were cleverly hidden behind the barbed wall for archers and scouts to use. There was only one gate, and it was massive and appeared to possibly be made from four entire trees. Thick and heavy, it could not barely move but would withhold even the strongest attacks.

Kazejin walked to one of the slits in the barricade, staring out at what would warrant such heavy protection. As soon as he had looked he regretted it, for a shocked gasp escaped his lips and he stepped back a moment. Regaining his composure he stared out again, his eyes once more falling upon a battleground. The ground itself could no longer be seen, for it was covered from edge to edge with bodies of all shape and size. Some where so old they were but bones, weapons of all kinds left forgotten standing like dead trees. It was a horrible sight, but it did not smell of death. He also spotted large areas down the center where the bodies had been trampled so excessively that nothing but a dirty gray swath of powdered bone remained. On the far side of the valley he saw a shadow of a similar encampment, and then knew what this was. A never-ending battle, between two forces that fought ceaselessly but never gained the advantage.

"You are wrong, advantages have been gained and lost, but the war has yet to end." The voice came from behind him, and seemed to have read his mind. Startled, Kazejin turned and saw a man heavily armored in a traditional Akashiman style, the red plate matching the dark hue of the sky. Under one arm he held his warlord's helmet, and on the other side two Akashiman long swords were sheathed. His free hand was held out, and Kazejin took it and shook it firmly. Apparently they were to be friends. "There are certain advantages that we were told would come today, and before the Blood Moon falls once more we expect this war to be finished. Welcome, we have been expecting you... Commander Kamido."

"I see. So I am to command you. What comprises my army then, Warlord, and what is to be known about this place."

Nodding and gesturing to a table nearby that was set about with tactical maps, the warlord placed his helmet there and began.

"Sir you have under your command several different parties of fighters numbering a total of one thousand. Half of your army is foot soldiers, each lightly armored and equipped with either Naginata or Katana. They are trained, but not very well, and none are very much above the average soldier's skill. Behind that is a legion of long bowmen ranking near a hundred, a third of which stay behind to man this camp at all times. All of them are trained well and act as scouts when needed, and one of them is among your Elite, sir, for he has yet to miss a shot. Next would be our Cavalry, fifty well-trained and well armored spear men on horseback, with ten on armored horses. At the vanguard are what I call the Invincibles, although they are far from it to our enemies' weapons. It is two hundred men who are very well armored in heavy plate mail enchanted to slightly repel psychic and magical damage. Most of them wield war hammers and pole-arms, but they are trained in their armor and weapon proficiently. Among the last hundred are moderately trained guards who remain here in case of any attempt on our enemy's part to sabotage and can be called upon if needed. Twenty five more are our Shadows, spies and assassins who are skilled each in sabotage. Then the last twenty five include me and you, sir. Our Elite, the very best who are here and the men and women who will accompany you into battle personally. You will meet them later, sir."

Kazejin reviewed the list for but a few memories, committing it to memory, before he shifted that parchment aside and brought forth the map of the valley. On one side of the crater there was a seal of Kazen that marked his camp, and on the other a strange symbol he had never seen before. Between them was a vast river, and he pointed to it and eyed the Warlord.

"The river is wide, yes, but it runs rather slowly and is very shallow. There is a waterfall on one side and it slides into an underground river. What you can't see on that map is that the river lives between two very large hills that run most of the length of the battlefield."

Looking back towards the map, he spotted a massive black splotch that took up the vast majority of the northern part of the canyon, either side of it almost touching both encampments. Seeing the old man staring at it, the Warlord spoke again, "That is the Pit. There are some...unsightly things there that sometimes crawl out and join the fray. The more heated the battle, the more deadly the things that come out of it, and the more often. If we fight during the day, then hordes of the things rush out to join in, and they are fearsome fighters. I'm not here to tell you how to act, but I'd suggest staying away from it unless you mean to die."

Kazejin simply nodded and smiled, then he stepped away from the table. There was nothing else interesting about the battlefield, the rest was mostly plains covered in corpses and forgotten weapons. This war was going to be troublesome but the Warlord was right. With the amounts of men left on either side, it would end with one more battle.

"Who is the commander of the other army?" Kazejin looked straight at the Warlord, who simply smiled and shrugged. So that was the point of this battlefield, his opponent would be the opposite commander. The point of the conflict was to kill not the other army, but the other commander.

"This is going to be fun." He laughed and walked off with the Warlord to meet his Elite.

~Total: 1000
Footmen: 500
Longbows: 100
Cavalry: 50 (10 armored)
Invincibles: 200
Guards: 100
Shadows: 25
Elite: 25
~The Elite: (explained next post)
Onido: 20
Commander Kazejin Kamido
Warlord Tsubasa Miyamoto
Bow Master Rinjukai Miyamoto
Untouchable Akuro Matsuyami
Shade Samsara Miyamoto

08-13-09, 11:58 PM
For about a year now, Dyne had been working the anvil for the army of Draconus the Ancient. Underneath the banner of Lord Draconus, the youth slaved along with a small group of several other youths. All supervised by a master smith named Epharab Phacholl. There was a part of the army set aside for the manufacturing of the distinctive weapons used by the army of Lord Draconus. The technology of Lord Draconus and his secrets differed greatly from the secrets of Kazedo. With a division of the army set aside for developing new technologies and doing research, the army was well rounded. The work-force comprised itself of 300 units. Blacksmiths, engineers, miners, researchers, and other core developing units. A fort stood heavily fortified on the field almost directly opposite the line of sight of Kazedo's own fort. The fort was made out of heavy stone, had a powerful wall surrounding it with a moat, and ramparts. The fort had several towers visible around its edifice. The towers functioned as both strategic watch points, and sniping points to prevent the enemy from crossing an event horizon.

Somewhere in the edifice was a small house built in the courtyard. The house was roughly twenty feet long, and about three stories tall. From the top of the house waved the banner of Lord Draconus. The symbols of Lord Draconus' own Eldritch runes were visible upon it. Several gruff looking guards were visible directly in front of the structure as they observed the area for signs of intrusion. Dyne worked in the courtyard area along with the rest of the blacksmiths and engineers.

Heavy machinery made its noise much like a clock-work dragon might. The machines were worked night and day as the fires of the furnace-forge were lit constantly. An ancient war machine, the army of Lord Draconus was built less for finesse and more for bravado. Volunteers and members of the army largely comprised the membership of Lord Draconus. Many of the warriors were seasoned veterans fighting the Kazedo army on many occasions prior.

Some even lived to see more than one battle.

The people outside of the house were a members of a group of Knights used primarily for flanking and disposing of front-line units. They were heavily armored in full battle-suits and long pikes as primary weapon. They had, sword, shield, and were well trained. With a green tint to it, the armor they were was clearly the material known as plynt and masterwork in quality. These were the bulk shock-troopers of Draconus. Of these units, the army comprised of roughly 200 warriors. Making the bulk work-force and the bulk units of shock-troopers roughly half of the army. Forming the rest of the 1,000 troops were specialized units of various sorts. Including 100 Siege Engines designed specifically to mow phalanx charges down. 100 Troops were specially trained to operate the siege engines in small groups depending on how many were in operation at the field at any one time. Another 100 units were powerful Magi of Draconus. Of these units, fifty of them were dedicated Priests of Lord Draconus. The rest were odd mixtures of Elementalists, Sorcerers, Necromancers, and ten of the units designated for Healing magic.

Another 50 units were mounted units with long spears and swords used effectively from the backs of warbeasts. The warbeasts that they road into combat were not horses, but rather a certain type of wolf that was native to the land. Trained especially by the Priests of Lord Draconus, these War Wolves were ridden by the mounted cavalry. There were a total of 50 of the War Wolves. Lord Draconus' Priests received the blessings of their deity both on the battlefield and off. A temple to Lord Draconus was erect in the central axis point of the fort's walls. Worship of the patron deity commenced daily to appease the wrath of the entity.

In the exact center of the courtyard, near to the building structure with the flag on it, was a statue in bronze dedicated to Lord Draconus. Near the statue was a well. The well was purified daily by the Magi of Draconus and inspected for pests regularly as well. Any spies found within the fortress were soon brutally executed in public. Not all of them were always caught. The last group of units in the army of Lord Draconus was comprised by a group of tacticians, strategists, and military experts. Of these there were 50 units, with another 50 units comprised of peasant folk that simply followed Lord Draconus. They served no purpose other than to provide a backbone work force. That comprised Lord Draconus' Army. Of all of these units, four were very special. One was Commander Minthot Dhogot. Leader of the armed forces of Draconus' Army. High Priest Akelor Stellac who was the eldest Priest in Lord Draconus' priesthood. Master smith Epharab Phacholl and his star pupil Alberdyne Cormyr.

In the house with the flag, there lurked several individuals. One was the commander, one was the high priest, and the other was the master smith. Each one represented the leadership body of their specific divisions. It had been sometime before the last battle was waged against the Kazedo army and the morale of the troops was low. If a war was to start again soon, Draconus would not be kind and send them reinforcements. They were on their own. "Gentlemen." The commander began. "As you all know, it has been sometime since the last offensive took place between us and our enemy." The commander was a distinctive man that was the stark opposite of the enemy warlord. He was a man that wore a rogue's outfit, and dressed somewhat like a commoner. He wore all black, and wore the symbols of Lord Draconus on his outfit. He was armed with a claymore sword that was worn at an angle on his back and made of dehlar. It possibly had enchantments on it. He had angular cheekbones that were similar to rolling hills. His eyes were blue and his hair was red. His hair was tightly cropped and short. There was a wicked scar across one side of his face.

"Your priests indicate that the final offensive will be tonight."

Another man, high priest Akelor Stellac, stood opposite the commander. He was taller than the commander by at least two inches but much thinner. Akelor leaned against a long staff tipped with a rare jewel upon it. It glowed with magical properties. "We have completed the Scrying ceremonies late last eve. The signs all point to the next offensive starting on this tide or next tide." The commander then turned towards the other man. He was a big man who wore a brown hide outfit with many decorations and beads. His hair was braided, it was colored black and his eyes were brown. The master smith turned to look at Akelor. Though the man was tall and skinny, the master smith respected the high priest greatly and often consulted the man with personal problems. Including an addiction to ale. The conversation went on. "My men are well fortified. Production of the secret weapon is well underway. We should be able to penetrate their front-line defenses with ease once our new siege engine is complete." The man said gruffly. "I would very much like to get to back to work." The commander nodded. "We all would. Very well then gentlemen you all know what to do. Proceed as planned."


Alberdyne Cormyrs' hammer hit the blade several times. He was frustrated, angry, and hungry. He'd been working at this project all day needing to build the last sword in his order. Each of the units of the army of Lord Draconus needed to be well armed for the coming skirmishes and battles. Dyne knew this. He'd studied for a year under the tutelage of the master smithEpharab Phacholl. Dyne saw that the other smiths in the forge were working as hard as he. A large furnace was worked day and night, all hours of the week to complete this or that order of equipment and to ensure the functionality of the siege weapons that the army used.

Dyne was a part of that work-force. So when he paused to see the angry look of his sire's face when the man entered the room, the youth sighed as he continued to work. The master's temper was very a very rotten sight to see. Dyne continued to hit the heated blade with his heavy hammer, timing the motion just as he was taught. Dyne was well paid for the job at hand. He just wanted to be sure that he always did a fine job and earned his weight like the other smiths in the forge. Dyne was surprised when the master walked over to his person. "Meet me after you're done with that blade and be prepared for a long discussion." The master said. Dyne nodded and continued his work.

He knew he was in for a hell of a day.

Total-1,000 Troops
Workforce-300 Units
Shock Troopers-200 Units
Siege Engines-100 Units
Siege Engine Operators-100 Units
Magi-100 (50 Priests of Lord Draconus)
Mounted Units-100 (Fifty War Wolves and Fifty Riders)
Peasant Folk-50

08-14-09, 01:44 AM
Kazejin and the Warlord grew closer to the set of three large tents at the back of the encampment. On their route he took the time to view his surroundings, watching the lay out of the army he is to command and their ethics. Inside many tents he saw entire groups of soldiers sitting in traditional Akashima garb meditating, preparing for something that was coming. In the very air he felt the tension of a coming battle, and knew before the moon had ascended even another foot they would be on the march. Between tents were small circles of dirt surrounded by six wooden posts. In them men sparred, using wooden swords and trying to push the other man either into a post or out of the circle. The soldiers did a very clumsy job of it, often hitting posts or themselves. However he saw a few that were obviously of a different rank gracefully fighting and parrying with obvious talent. Finally, just before they reached the Officers' quarters was a line of straw squares painted with targets and men shooting arrows into them. The army never seemed to truly sleep, constantly training and keeping sharp, and despite this the morale appeared to be quite high. They knew the end was near, and seemed to accept either victory or defeat. The only thing they cared for was to battle, and to fight honorably, and to die with dignity if their lord demanded it.

Bowing deeply, the Warlord held out one dark red gauntlet before him to part the curtain of the largest tent. Inside a fire brewed in the center of a massive ornate circular desk of sorts made of a black ebony stone. Almost as if it was hematite, it reflected and spread the light throughout the tent, adding a bluish hue to everything. On the outer rim of the top of the table sat 5 enormous rubies laid into the stone at equal intervals. Behind the rubies were chairs, almost thrones, each of a different quality and size. The largest was at the far side, and was of pure white wood with a graceful and elegant design. Grinning deeply, Kazejin circled the table and sat down, watching the men and women sitting in each of the current three occupied chairs. Just as he sat, the Warlord sat in the chair nearest him, one built of dark blood red oak and black metal. Gone unnoticed before, he saw a shifting in the darkness at the very edges of the tent. Twenty men, each garbed entirely in pitch black armor stood diligently in a circle. One moved to close and tie the tent entrance, then sat before it to guard against eavesdropping. As soon as that was done, the Warlord spoke.

"Commander Kamido, I would like you to meet the very finest of your army. Those collected here at this table are your Officers, and the men you see in the shadows are the Onido, our personal bodyguards and elite. Each Onido is a master warrior of their own fashion, and a few even known hidden techniques in Spiritualism. I would imagine, at least for your Officers, that names are in order." At this he stood and held out his left hand. Something glittered there, on his gauntlet, that had failed to cross Kazejin's attention before. Nestled between what seemed like claws of twisted black metal was a ruby of the queerest nature. Its insides almost appeared to be moving, spinning and twirling chaotically. Fascinated by the artifact, the elderly man barely noticed when the Warlord turned to him and began speaking. A rough laugher broke his trance, though he wasn't sure whom it came from. The Warlord glanced at Kazejin, then turned his palm so that the gem was hidden from sight, baring only a charred and twisted ebony gauntlet that did not at all match his other. Unsettled by this, he spoke more timidly, losing some of the command in his voice.

"I am the Warlord Tsubasa Miyamoto, heir of the Kazedo Army that you have spread before you. Although I am their leader, it is never for me to be in command. Before you are my brother and my sister. Rinjukai, the master of bow I spoke of before," Tsubasa pointed at a man across from Kazejin who bore the purest white, short hair, and the most innocent face. His entire frame spoke of speed, agility, and precision. Not a shred of armor was on him, but he wore clothes of a blood red almost as deep as the Warlord's. "My sister, Samsara, a curious woman who we simply call the Shade. You will understand why once you see her in the battlefield." The woman was indeed curious, her hair seeming to be on fire with orange and red curls that fell on a pitch black robe. The robe itself almost appeared to suck in light, and if not for it being tight to her form he'd not know where she began and the shadows ended. "Lastly, a recruit who showed such excellent skill we recently added him to the Elite. When he was in the army, he ranked among the Invincibles, but now we named him the Untouchable. Akuro Matsuyami has been with us for many battles, and shows unmatched prowess in every weapon he touches. Although I have never seen a scrap of armor on this boy, I've also never spotted a single wound." The last officer was, as the Warlord said, just a boy. Seemingly no older than sixteen he had short black matte hair that appeared very dirty. His clothing seemed to have once been another color, but now were a dark red made by dried blood caked into every fiber of cotton. Like the warlord, there was something strange about him that unsettled Kazejin even to look at the boy.

Nodding to each of his officers and appraising them once more, Kazejin then grabbed the Immortal from behind him and laid it on the table before him. A slight glow eminated from the ruby closest to him, but it went unnoticed as he turned to speak to all of his officers.

"I do not know your quarrel with your enemy, but it does not matter to me. I Kazejin Kamido. I am Ookami-jin. I have allegiance to none, and I fight only for my own goal. Today your goal rests alongside mine, so I shall lead you into battle. I felt the tension in the air, and I know that battle comes quickly. Tsubasa, when do we move?"

"Upon your word, before the hour ends."

Kazejin lowered his eyes, already expecting such an answer. Many thoughts ran through his head, but none of them wondered if what he was doing was right. Something felt different about this place than a Citadel room, and he suspected he was truly no longer inside the Citadel's magical walls. It was a real war, between two real opponents. His decisions may be the catalyst for change. Change was not to be feared, however, and the Ookami-jin did not balk from death.

"Ready your men, and take up arms. We shall wet our blades on their blood before the moon rises another inch!"

08-18-09, 07:15 PM
Walking alongside the older master smith, Dyne admired the troops working within the fort. It was a well-oiled machine. The research went on behind the scenes as various Siege Engines were constructed by Lord Draconus' work force. Lord Draconus was a particularly notorious Thayne. He could be calm one moment, and finally, the next moment there would be a raging storm sent from Am’aleh herself. It was not known if the pagan deities of old functioned in tandem with the Thayne codex. What was known was that Draconus functioned very slowly, built up momentum, and struck with the force of a tremendous typhoon or earthquake. The servants of Lord Draconus all knew to be the truth. Alberdyne Cormyr had little to say that afternoon. He simply just walked alongside his master after he'd finished his work for the day knowing that another youth his age or perhaps slightly older would take his place in the forge. Dyne was hot, he hadn't hand a chance to change his clothing. They were damp with sweat and he feared he smelled terribly, not a very positive outlook for one of the key apprentices in the forge.

Alberdyne Cormyr knew that Epharab Phacholl was a man of few words. From Dyne's experience, the youth understood that the older man's passion was working the forge. As a master smith, the man was capable of making weapons of tremendous artisan quality. Dyne witnessed the man's prowess on a daily basis and respected the older man with his life. Dyne knew that if Epharab Phacholl asked for it, he would lay down his life to the enemy blade. That's how much respect Alberdyne Cormyr had for the older man.

The ground was a simple dirt road that was tightly packed together. Well trodden grass decorated the surface of the earth. Dyne smelled the furnace as well as food from an out-door eating area that made his stomach ache. It had been some time since his last meal. Alberdyne Cormyr walked with his back upright, and his chin set level. He did not carry his chin too high or too low. A breeze came in from the East, but there was not a comfort in it because it carried with it a distinct scent of death and destruction. Scents from the battlefield. Alberdyne Cormyr understood his place in Commander Minthot Dhogot's army. He was a soldier in a volunteer army.

Though he had a profession, he was still a soldier and could be called to duty at any time. Deep down in his gut, the youth understood that this situation was probably going to take place. He found himself looking at his superior when he realized that the man was looking back at him. They had stopped walking.

"You know this day would come didn't you?" Epharab Phacholl asked of the youth for a moment. "Yeah." Alberdyne Cormyr said casually as he looked at his superior. "I'm going to ask you to put down the mantle of smith and take the mantle of the soldier." Dyne nodded as he heard the words. "Where will I be needed?" Dyne waited for the older man to respond. "You will become one of the Commander's Shock Troopers. They always need more warriors for the front lines. The bulk of the army is comprised of siege engines and Shock Troopers protecting the Magi. Without our Siege Engines and Magi, we would stand no chance against the enemy. Understand that point. You are the blade of Lord Draconus." Dyne nodded once more, complacent with the fact that he was meant to serve. And with that, one final piece of the army was added. Alberdyne Cormyr himself. Dyne looked at his superior. "Will I not hold the Phalanx down without proper training?" Epharab Phacholl chuckled at that last statement. "There will be several flanking divisions. You will help hold the line of skirmish for the siege engines to be put in play." Dyne listened carefully and nodded once more.

"You will have to wear a uniform."

"Understood sir." Dyne responded. "I have some requests." That last part put a worrying expression on the older man's face. "What is that?" Dyne smiled. "I wish to take a Hammer with me...and I request one of your swords."


08-20-09, 06:21 PM
I am the shadow at your feet. I am the whisper in your wind. I am the Stalker.

Ryuken recited the mantra again and again in his head as he lay on a medic's bed being healed. It kept him calm, and it reminded him that he was in enemy's hands. He was not the first of the Shadows to infiltrate the Draconus' base, but would most likely be the last. During the last skirmish, he had intentionally cut himself with an Invincible's spear and took the armor of a fallen enemy. Laying injured in the field, he was later recovered by their healers and brought in as an ally. Somewhat of a Trojan horse, due to previous tactics of climbing walls and sneaking in had been easily thwarted by the fortress's design. Sighing calmly, he let the healer's hands work of the self-inflicted injuries. It had taken some time before he was healed enough to even be conscious, let alone the fact that he was told he would be released today. Tsubasa had told him that he was to return before the full moon reached its apex this month, and that moment was within hours. The spy only hoped he would be able to discover something in his time here before the final battle. Even one clue might be enough to turn the tide of this endless war. Finally he felt the soft, warm touch of the magi's hands leave his skin and the ache subside completely. Thanking him in a carefully practiced accent, the Kazedo soldier stood from his bed and stretched his joints. The injury had been far from fake, and he was simply thankful the Draconus had very skilled healers. Even an enemy deserves respect.

Quickly leaving the infirmary, the soldier walked out into the crisp air. The wind was blowing gently, only carrying the scents of sweat, steel, and fire to his nose. A smell far preferable to what he would encounter if the wind shifted. Stretching again, and smoothly falling into the role of seeming like he belongs, the Shadow glanced around. It was the first time he had seen the interior of this fortress, and it seemed foreboding and massive. The endless hammering of the forge, the smoke and steam of machinery, and so many men carrying out their roles without question. Compared to the Kazedo encampment, this could have well been another planet. The two forces were as if light and darkness, clashing in a hazy middle ground. Shrugging off the metaphor, he began his work. He moved with conviction, as if he knew where he was headed, but in truth was wandering aimlessly. At one point he crossed paths the with Master Smith, who he recognized from the battlefield, and an apprentice who looked at the surly man with deep respect. The Shadow could understand why, for this smith was a powerful warrior and widely feared among his people. Nodding curtly to the officer, Ryuken gulped nervously and moved on, not bothering to listen to their conversation for it sounded useless.

Ryuken passed several of the armored machines that brought soldiers to the front lines in his wandering, being worked upon by mechanics. Even a few of the larger more deadly machines were out in the open, being repair and serviced in this time of momentary peace. The shadow couldn't help but look upon them with both awe and hate, for many had died by the metal and steam of the Draconus army. He knew nothing of machinery, although he wished he did for sabotage would seem an easy thing to accomplish. Many spies had made it behind these walls, and yet the Draconus were arrogant enough to let their machines lay out in public. Coming close to one, he placed a hand on its rough dented metal, a grin spreading across his face. He had hidden a few small explosives on him, and managed to keep them up until now. Maybe sabotage was possible after all! About to climb inside, a loud and gruff voice called out from behind him.

"That is close enough!"

- - -

A dark, whispering energy slowly orbited Samsara who sat on a wooden dais engraved with a protective circle of magic. Kazejin had learned that the woman called upon powerful ancestral spirits, and sometimes demons, for their powers. She had other, more subtle abilities that were born from an acute knowledge of the mystic. Wisps of purple swirled around her, some settling into the runes on the stone dais and glowing brightly, others forming brief symbols in the air. After a few moments of what seemed to be meditation, the woman opened her eyes and began to spoke, though her words didn't seem to be for anyone in particular.

"Names are a powerful thing. To name something is to set its purpose in this world, to change it's path from what it was to what it shall be. If something is aptly named, then it can accomplish a task that otherwise would have been impossible." As she said this, the sorceress reached out with one finger and ran it through the purple energies around her. As if ink taking to a quill, the energies stuck and she began writing in the air. Kazejin watched, with awe and anticipation for in her lap lay his sword. The woman had promised to return it in finer condition than before, but it still worried him for the weapon to be accompanying another for even a moment. "As thus, I do aptly name you Zantetsuken!" The last word she shouted at the top of her voice, the same word written in Akashiman in the air. A violent burst of lightning exploded in every direction and when the light faded the name was burnt in the blade of the Immortal. A clear ultraviolet flame rested on the steel edge, giving the weapon an ominous appearance. After, the powers that encircled Samsara faded and she sheathed the Odachi, smiling lightly at Kazejin.

"For one hundred draws, your blade will find little resistance. Use it wisely."

She placed the blade in his hands and returned to her quarters, preparing for the ritual she had planned. Tsubasa then came to him and patted his shoulder, "Are you sure you want to do this? It is risky, and they are stronger than you think. We might not need the extra time you'll buy, if it costs you life."

Kazejin simply nodded grimly, then saddled a white horse that had been prepared for him and rode out into the battlefield. The hooves stomped heavily on bone and forgotten armor as he rode hard. Behind him, barely waiting but a moment, was the Cavalry and foot soldiers of the Kazedo army. They were moving out, marching across the plains. They rode at a steady pace, falling behind quickly as the old man called his steed to move faster and faster, propelling himself across the field. Before long he was cresting the far hill and coming within sight of the fortress on the opposite horizon. With naught but his blade in hand, the man unmounted the horse and slapped its rear to send it running home. Taking a steady pace, the warrior strode calmly to the Draconus base, knowing their soldiers would soon meet him on the field.

- - -

Tsubasa stood atop the dais, speaking loud for all the hear just as Kazejin left. Their plan was simple, but required perfect timing or else it would be calamitous. The Invincibles would line themselves along the apex of the hill, using the river and its depth as a final defense before reaching their shielding armor. Behind them the entire archer legion would stand, bows at the ready, for the enemy to approach. With the majority of the army behind them, Tsubasa and Samsara would have the entire Onido encircling them, protecting Samsara as she begun her taxing ritual. It would take time to complete, and Tsubasa feared they did not have enough, but if it was finished they would instantly gain at least a small advantage. With the cavalry standing by on either flank, they would hold until the last moment, praying their Sorceress' ritual successful. They rode out, knowing they were fast enough to be in place and preparing before the Draconus army had time to meet their front.

08-21-09, 06:12 PM
Once the hour had arrived, Dyne looked wore the mantle of soldier. He was a recruited shock-trooper now. The army was designed in such a way that during emergencies, the work-force could become Shock-Troopers to support the front-line while siege engines were being prepared. What the Kazedo did not know, was that the commanding body of the Draconus army was working on a secret weapon. A secret weapon that could potentially end the war all together, once and for all. A secret weapon that would ultimately be described as the most advanced Siege Engine ever built. Dyne had no idea something like that was currently being built, he was a smith and not a member of the work-force. So he was not privy to that classified sort of knowledge. Dyne had some time to train with his spear, and ready the sword that his master had given him. A masterwork, plynt broadsword, kept hidden behind a heavy shield. Dyne felt uncomfortable moving in the heavy plate armor. It covered his body, and the helmet limited his vision somewhat. However, he soon got used to the lowered peripheral vision.

His focus was more on the area in front of him. He looked around at the other troops that were more experienced than he. Trained as a blacksmith, Dyne had very little actual combat experience. Still wondering why he was recruited, the youth looked around his particular section of the Shock-Troopers legion and saw that there were several other lads his age or slightly older. A boy stood next to him and looked in his general direction. "You scared Dyne?" Alberdyne Cormyr looked at the other youth for a long moment. "Shit yeah. This is my first time fighting the Kazedo." Dyne said looking at the older boy. He wore his hammer at his side just like Epharab Phacholl had allowed. If worse came to worse, he could use the hammer to bash people's skulls in. Dyne looked up ahead and saw that their commander, Minthot Dhogot stood in front of the Shock Troopers squadron. He was a mighty presence, that looked upon the men with great respect that was given in return. "All of you know me." The man said calmly. "All of you know that as long as you are in this fort, you have a role to play." Dyne listened to the man's words. "As long as we live in this fort we are servants of Lord Draconus. We are expected to fight for him, live for him, and give up our lives for him." The man carried a powerful looking shield with an emblem of Lord Draconus etched upon it. He also carried his famous weapon.

At his side, was a man that was tied and bound. Commander Dhogot unsheathed his brilliant Dhelar longsword. He then pointed it at the man's neck. "Traitors will not be tolerated. Spies will not be tolerated. All will answer to Lord Draconus." The religious fanatic turned to face the spy that was caught in their midst not shy a few hours prior. Publicly, the man's fate would be dealt with. "You are to be judged by Lord Draconus!" The man said calmly. And another man, Akelor Stellac, walked over to the commander with their verdict. The man whispered into the commander's ears and frowned visibly at what he was told. However, it was an order directly from Lord Draconus. It was an order that would be complied with at all costs. Dyne saw that the commander sheathed his longsword painfully slowly, walked over to the spy, unbound him and wore a solemn expression on his face. "By the will of Lord Draconus. You are to be released. But heed this, spy. Tell your superiors that a new weapon is being developed. One that will put an end to this long-drawn out fiasco." The commander grinned. "I would hate for a spy to leave his duty unfinished. Take this with you. And no there was nothing you could have done in the end." The commander gave the spy a small document. "Show that to your commanders."

Then, another soldier walked towards the commander. One of the men that was formerly stationed along the fort's walls and towers. The man whispered another set of words to the commander. After the exchange, the commander looked upon his men. "Men. Mount your Carriers. The enemy is moving against us even as we speak! We ride!"


Earlier. Patrolling one of the siege engines, Ruth Calloway, looked upon a soldier that seemed out of place. Normally soldiers didn't attempt to patrol the worker's areas. It was protocol unless there was a distinctive reason from high command for the soldiers to patrol there. Ruth looked at the soldier for a long moment and then saw that the soldier attempted to physically touch the siege engine whilst it was being serviced. Ruth drew his sword, motioned for several others to walk with him and advanced upon the soldier. "That is close enough." The siege engineer caught a particular scent on the man's body. A scent that didn't belong. "You can only be a Kazedo spy if you didn't know uniformed guards are not allowed near siege engines that were being serviced." Ruth wore an angry expression on his face. "You there. Call the guards." There were four men that were surrounding the spy. Ruth looked at the man with the same angry expression. "This is the last time you play your games."

And the guards quickly showed up.


Somewhere underground.

"Commander Dhogot." A man said. "The Project is ready." Commander Dhogot looked on as he saw the carapace of the secret weapon. He wore a smile on his face. "An exact tribute to Lord Draconus, years of research and hard work. Ready the weapon. I shall pilot it myself." The Siege Engineer looked at the commander for a moment. "My Lord. Would it not be better if one of the Siege Operators piloted?" The commander shook his head. "No. It would be too costly. Just teach me how to operate the machine. I will pilot it myself in battle. This is my story, I shall be the one to give Lord Draconus the glory that he deserves. I shall be the Hero of Prophecy." Looking at the commander, the Siege Engineer sighed. "That is just a Prophecy." The commander shook his head. "It is the will of Lord Draconus. I firmly believe I am meant to be that Hero." An insane look touched the commander's eyes that made the siege engineer take a few steps back. "Aye sir. As long as we are the ultimate winners of the war. That is the job we are tasked with."

The high commander looked at the large room he was in. It was an underground chamber that was made of metal, and part of a set of tunnels lurking somewhere underneath the fort of Draconus. The chamber was several hundred feet by several hundred feet in every direction. In the chamber was several platforms made of metal that were connected by several staircases. The commander and his advisers stood atop the top most of these platforms overlooking the entire secret project. Many steam-driven pipes were connected to a large mass in the center of the chamber which was upon a dais. As both sides of the battlefield prepared to march upon the other, a new secret weapon was being developed by the Draconus. The commander eyed the mass of the secret weapon. It was nearly complete. It would be completed just in time for the next offensive to begin. Walking alongside the advisers the commander looked at them for a moment. "Will there be time to test it adequately?" The man asked. "Probably not. Lord Draconus has dictated that the Time of Prophecy is upon us."

"And my hour is near." The commander grinned as they walked down to the weapon's location.

"The world's first Steam-powered chaos engine." The commander said as he walked.


"You are mad!" The spy yelled as he looked at the plans that the commander gave him. "Such a weapon goes against everything that the Kazedo fight for!" The commander merely laughed. "Surely you jest. This is a war. History will remember those who won this hour. There is no honour in combat, there is only survival." The commander said to the spy. "Open the front gates!" He suddenly yelled. And other guards repeated. "Open the front gates!" In a mantra-like sequence. "You will be spared the ravages of this war, spy." The commander began. "Go home to your people and tell them what you have learned. Be the lapdog of history." The spy moved to protest, but the commander shook his head and drew his sword. "The will of Lord Draconus will not be deterred!" The commander walked over to the spy. "Leave or die." The war had gone on for millennium it seemed, and the war had spawned fanatics and lunatics. Each side dealt with its own share of problems. Seeing he had no choice, the spy moved away from the commander and began to run back to the Kazedo. His return trip was going to throw a huge wrench into the plans of the gods.


Sitting in the troop personnel carrier, Alberdyne Cormyr sat in a deep meditation as he thought about the battle ahead. He prayed to Lord Draconus for a swift and true sword, a well forged armor, and the blessing of the Thayne. Their commander had gone to retrieve the ultimate weapon which was revealed into existence for the first time. Dyne wondered what exactly was the ultimate weapon. However, he was just focusing on what little he knew about military tactics. The personnel carrier was a simple vehicle powered by steam that traveled on large wheels. The wheels were the key point of the siege engine. It was piloted by a team of siege engineers and it could move up to 30 miles per hour on land. It was an all-terrain vehicle. There were approximately ten of the siege engines dedicated just for troop movement. It was a strategic element that would assist in moving large forces quickly across the battle-worn terrain. Tires crushed skulls and bones of fallen members of the war. Littered with both sides of the aisle, the dead had no stories left to tell.

Once the siege engine came to a stop, the back door of the transporter opened up to empty its contents. In simultaneous fashion, several siege engines came to a stop at around the same position on the battlefield. What the main officers of each squadron was expecting to find was the enemy Kazedo army prepared to march against the fort of Draconus in a siege attempt. All two hundred shock-troopers were divided into small divisions of parties of between ten to twenty men. Each division contained magi that functioned as support. Already, the troops were buffed up with support spells. Dyne could feel the power of the magi's support spells flowing through his squad. Dyne looked at their leader for a moment. He was a lieutenant. The man wore the same finely fashioned plynt that they all wore, and had an elegant cloak. Dyne looked at his leader for a moment, eager to impress. The man looked at his men. "All right lads. Steady. Let's move on the Kazedo. Intel reports one unit on the field with many more approaching."

One of Dyne's companions looked at the commanding officer and raised the idea up. "It could be a trap sir." The youth said. "I thought of that too. Proceed with caution, shields and lances at the ready." With that, the first of the shock trooper's transport carriers stopped on a flatland roughly several yards from Kazejin's position. Cautiously, the first wave of troops, roughly twenty men, began to approach the lone warrior. All of them had the suspicion that something was wrong. So they kept their shields at the ready. Magi stood in the back row, while they planted support buffs upon their allies. They prepared to cast attack spells when the order was given. The front-line soldiers were fearless and their eyes were narrowed as they walked forward. Metal boots made clanking sounds as they traveled across the field towards the Kazedo enemy. Each of the front-line warriors were prepared to face whatever the lone Kazedo threw at them. For they were the blades of Lord Draconus. When the warriors reached several feet from Kazejin's position, the men paused. Fists were raised to signal the initial assault. Resting several yards behind the front line position, the Magi began to hurl fire-bolts and lightning spears in the general direction of the lone Kazedo warrior. There was no reason to put men at risk yet.

Front Line-Two hundred Shock-Troopers distributed across the field in units of ten Siege Engines.

Magi-Sub-Division of Magi begins to assault with spells of Fire and Lightning in various positions meant to attack Kazejin from a distance. Fear of a trap is evident.

Secret Weapon-Siege Engines will be deployed soon. Secret Weapon is being prepped for battle.

Casualties-None yet.