View Full Version : Want to be a part of something important?

Darion Ragnar
08-16-09, 02:18 PM
Title: A Dead Past
Description: On the Northwest-most corner of the continent of Corone lies a peninsula, rarely visited and mostly forgotten. The skeletal remains of a long-ruined fishing village rests amidst the sparse vegetation, at one time having been known by the name of Durhn. For one reason or other, a merchant dwelling in the city of Radasanth is rather interested in the silenced town. He has posted notices about the Citadel, and asks for a small band of two to three men to go to Durhn and bring back an item he calls "The Hammer".
Conditions: Quest -> Battle, 1-3 Players
Rewards: GP + [Optional], subject to judge approval.

This story will be extremely important to the development of my character. As such, I ask that you only respond here with a desire to be involved if you fulfill two criteria: First, you are a consistent writer who is willing to post once every two to three days at least; and secondly that you are a capable writer.

Thanks, everyone, and I hope you're interested!

08-16-09, 03:01 PM
I am tentatively interested, as I'm usually against having my character bound around continents but you've intrigued me, and it's possible Duffy is touring as a minstrel or somesuch...

So count me in for now?

Darion Ragnar
08-16-09, 04:14 PM
Ah, some interest! Good. I'm glad you've had some part of your curiosity sparked by my little tidbit. To elaborate a bit:

This quest will be, in a way, the beginning of Darion Ragnar's story - a story which will, eventually, become an epic. A story that I will, if all goes according to plan, one day publish. I have imagined Darion Redblade ever since I was an eleven-year-old with an overactive imagination, and my entire life I have attempted to capture his person, his character, his essence in written form - and rarely am I satisfied, because so much of his tale has not yet been set in literature.

Most stories start in the beginning, I know. However, this tale is to have a certain feel to it... a tone that, in my mind, can only be captured by beginning the story in the middle. Continuity will be maintained, I assure you, but the true beginning of this story will have to be related within this story as it progresses. Complicated, I know, but I assure you that in the end it will be something worth being a part of.

Again, thank you for showing a desire to participate. I look forward to working with you, writing with you, and unveiling a story that will - if all goes as I hope - change the face of Althanas, if only in my own brand or fashion.

08-16-09, 04:16 PM
Sounds phantasmagoria and good to me - anyone who can spell gets my vote, so where do we go from here?

Darion Ragnar
08-16-09, 04:37 PM
Simple: we wait at least six more hours to see if anyone else shows any interest. After that, I write up the first post, giving a bit of explanation and such. It will, undoubtedly, start in the merchant's shop. There he will give the in-depth details of the quest. Hopefully one more coherent writer will want to get involved; however, a duo will work quite nicely if we are limited to such (especially if you post with some amount of consistency and haste).

08-16-09, 06:28 PM
Put it this way, I'll have a reply to your post ready before you've even woken up :D

Darion Ragnar
08-16-09, 08:58 PM
The first post is up. If you're confused, none of the three having a seat in front of Xaeryn are your character. They're all NPCS (well, except one, but that ought to be obvious).

08-16-09, 10:54 PM
I admit to being intrigued by this. Depending on how the Magus Cup proceeds, I want in on this.

Darion Ragnar
08-16-09, 11:13 PM
Hey, NightCast! I appreciate the interest! Shoot me a PM with a link to your bio, if you will.

Also, quick question for you: are you willing/able to post somewhat rapidly?

08-17-09, 12:48 AM
Here's the issue with your question:

I am more than capable and willing, but I have to be completely engrossed in the thread. Gone are the days when I would post any aimless crap within a day of the last post.

I'm a tad busy till Wednesday, and Magus Cup takes priority, as I agreed to do that first. But I would not even have posted here if I didn't think I could get a post up within a day after the person who went before me. Check your inbox.

Darion Ragnar
08-17-09, 01:33 AM
Here's the issue with your question:

I am more than capable and willing, but I have to be completely engrossed in the thread. Gone are the days when I would post any aimless crap within a day of the last post.

I'm a tad busy till Wednesday, and Magus Cup takes priority, as I agreed to do that first. But I would not even have posted here if I didn't think I could get a post up within a day after the person who went before me. Check your inbox.

I see, and I understand quite clearly. If you are willing, then I would gladly allow you to join in on the fun. Thusly, if interest is maintained and desire persistent, go for it, my good man.

08-17-09, 01:45 AM
I just want to point out i'm in the UK so there might be time difference, post started :D

Darion Ragnar
08-17-09, 01:50 AM
You, Duffy, are a winner.

That leaves Duffy, NightCast (if he opts to join), and another person who've I've opted to give a spot in my little tale. I didn't want to get this large of a band together, really, but I've been given word that everyone will post. I'm putting a large amount of faith in the lot of you.

And if you stalemate my thread, so help me God.

Threats aside, I'm looking forward to having an extremely fun time writing this with you guys! I hope to offer the lot of you a writing experience that will be challenging, help you grow, and if anything will have been a hell of a lot of fun to read/write!

08-17-09, 02:00 AM
Blah blah blah, replied - now get posting :D

Darion Ragnar
08-17-09, 02:11 AM
Nice. I'll respond as soon as Night and the other post.

08-17-09, 09:34 PM
Sooo, question, shall I be apart of the group within the shop? Or should I write my post with my character going for a parallel aim?

Darion Ragnar
08-17-09, 09:59 PM
Whichever you prefer.

08-17-09, 11:35 PM
Alright, time to kick this operation into gear!

I had something great happen tonight, my creativity and inspiration is soaring. Who knows? You might get lucky and get a post tonight.

Darion Ragnar
08-17-09, 11:50 PM
That, sir, is a brand of awesomesauce that I truly do enjoy poured all over my thread.

In other words - woot, go do it, lulz.

08-18-09, 10:39 PM
Damn, I had a family emergency come up. I regrettably must withdraw from this. I'd rather call it quits now than have your quest crash and burn because of me.

Darion Ragnar
08-18-09, 11:02 PM
Hey, no problem - I appreciate the notice. I hope that everything works out alright for you. Again, thank you for the consideration, and take care of yourself. Real life always comes before pretend.

08-22-09, 06:50 PM
Does this mean we can expect a post soon Ra?

River Wilhelm
08-23-09, 03:50 PM
I haven't seen Darion on AIM lately so I assume something came up and he'll be back shortly.

Darion Ragnar
02-18-10, 08:33 PM
This thread is being revived. If anyone that was interested in participating it previously would like to continue forth, then please let me know here. If not, then please also let me know. I'd like to get this moving again, and if nobody's interested from the past roster then I'll be looking to add some new faces into the mix.

02-18-10, 08:38 PM
Sounds like the story of Thor and how he found his hammer of the gods.