View Full Version : Swords! Blood! Shinies!

Darion Ragnar
08-17-09, 11:16 AM
I figured that might get your attention, Althanian.

In me endeavors to continually delved deeper into this new world I've found - as well as my desire to grow as a writer - I am trying my absolute hardest to find one way or another of making a post (or two) every day here. I have already been told that this desire is foolish, and that I should turn back; however I respectfully declined, stating "gtfo nub,,, lulz".

What I want is a fight. Whatever, whenever, wherever, as long as your character is level zero or one. Not only that, but I'm keeping an open mind: I'm even open for the idea of a three-man free-for-all, or even a handicap match of some sort. Whatever the case, I just want to cause a little carnage, hopefully help a person or two gain a level, and continue deepening the character I've created here.

Any takers?

08-17-09, 12:59 PM
Sounds like fun. I, BlackAndBlueEyes, need an excuse to dust off one of my many Level Nobodies and actually use them for something other than monopolizing cool account names.

Darion Ragnar
08-17-09, 01:01 PM
Awesome! Nice to meet you, BlackAndBlueEyes. Any preferences on who you would like to post first?

08-17-09, 01:06 PM
I'm pretty terrible with first posts. By all means, go on ahead. I'll get a reply up sometime after my weekly raids at the local used video game stores.

Darion Ragnar
08-17-09, 01:45 PM
Will do. Rawr an' such.

Darion Ragnar
08-18-09, 11:01 PM
UPDATE: I've made the introduction. I decided this would be decidedly less boring than your general, run-of-the-mill battle. Enjoy!


08-18-09, 11:21 PM
Boy, am I going to have fun pitting an inventor up against a crapton of orcs!

Le post shall be up tomorrow.

Darion Ragnar
08-18-09, 11:25 PM
Heh. I love forum roleplay sparring. And nothing's more fun than slaughtering countless NPCs. So why not do both at the same time?!

I'm a genius. I know.

Terror's Thrall
09-24-09, 03:27 PM
If you still want an opponent, I wouldn't mind dusting off my keyboard...

09-25-09, 12:45 AM
I could use a good run, and I did that avatar lol, funny to see you around Gar--cheers to that.