View Full Version : Endless Training

08-20-09, 08:01 PM
I am looking for Citadel Battle thread participants. My only request is that you can post often and with some skill. Threads will be made depending on the individual. I'll also have something of a queue because I want to be battling for quite a while.

One battle I always request will be with someone who can post exceedingly often, kind of a "speed" battle. But not so far as to kill quality.

Battles can either be a simple brawl or epic storyline battle.

1(Speed): Bloodrose
2: Lord Anglekos
3: Duffy Bracken

4: ~empty~
5: ~empty~

08-20-09, 08:32 PM
I'm always game for a Citadel battle, assuming you're not hesitant about fighting someone with a decided level advantage. Despite the obvious difference in power, I prefer to play fair nice and make sure the thread goes somewhere - as opposed to just marching in and kicking the crap out of characters just because I can. I can post consistently once a day during the week, but I warn people not to expect much out of me on the weekends (so I might not be the best bet for the "speed" battle).

If you're interested, I'll leave the details of the thread up to you. I'm open to any and all ideas.

08-20-09, 09:10 PM
Despite the level difference, I'll probably be able to hold up against you better than the average level 0. Also I leave friday and am gone all weekend, every weekend, so speed battles only count for speed during the week. If you're up for it, you'll take my speed slot. I'll have the thread posted tomorrow. I'll see what I can do to make it a bit more even between us.

Thank you.

08-20-09, 10:00 PM
Sounds like you and I have similar schedules, so yeah, count me in for the speed slot then. When you post the thread tomorrow, either fire me off a PM with a link, or just let me know it's up and I'll hunt it down. Not to hard to find a thread in the Citadel I imagine.

Looking forward to it.

Lord Anglekos
08-21-09, 09:09 AM
Not to hard to find a thread in the Citadel I imagine.

Not hard indeed.
I'd be interested in taking you up on this. Two swordsmen and a realm where one cannot die...now where does this sound familiar...

08-21-09, 10:07 AM
My character's currently in and around Radasanth so I'd be up for a good man-sticking anyway, although I'm more the tumbling and hope to stab whilst you're laughing at me sort of fighter.

08-23-09, 11:20 PM
Blood, didn't get to post friday due to complications. Will start thread before I go to bed tonight. Duffy and Anglekos, I'll be willing to do both of you at once *dirty~!* but it'd be really nice if one of you started a thread on your own. If not, Anglekos your thread will be tomorrow, Duffy probably no earlier than the day after.

I'll pm you or something when I get them up, mates. Thanks. More people can join in, but the 4th and 5th slot will not start until one the previous battles is finished!

08-24-09, 03:04 AM
I'll have a thread started by the end of the day Odachi!

Lord Anglekos
08-24-09, 09:24 AM
Duffy and Anglekos, I'll be willing to do both of you at once *dirty~!* but it'd be really nice if one of you started a thread on your own.

Maybe. We'll see. If I get something up, I'll post the link here.
EDIT: Or nevermind, I see you have a thread already started. I'll post in that one.
EDIT 2: Posted.

08-24-09, 04:02 PM
You posted in the wrong thread. I said I'll pm you when I have your thread up.

Edit: Nevermind, you're post was good. I'll post a new thread for you Bloodrose sometime today. Gr.

Lord Anglekos
08-24-09, 04:08 PM
Oops. I forgot about ol' Bloodrose. Y'sure? I can just copy-paste all that with minor editing.

08-25-09, 08:42 AM
Alright - disregard the PM I just sent you then. It was basically proposing the same thing - starting a new thread for the two of us.