View Full Version : The Tantalum (PG)

08-26-09, 07:03 PM

Remove the heart, name and sword, giving you the logo. I know it's a homage to Final Fantasy 9, but it is the inspiration for troupe.

The name of the group:

The Grande Tantalum Troupe of Ye Olde City of Scara Brae

The group’s leader and membership roster:

The Group's Leader: Duffy Bracken

Current Member List:

The group’s in-character location, if any:

The Prima Vista, a grande olde inner city manor house in a dense, built up area near the docklands.

The group’s goals and purpose:

To spread the poetic and artistic license throughout the city, to help those in need who have no means of helping themselves (altruistic organisation), to revive ancient plays and even playwrights to ensure good records are kept with regards to the cultural and linguistic heritage of the city, and of course, to live the classical montage that is the life of the travelling bard.

Spoils of Membership:

The Tantalus Menagerie: A thousand and one costumes and theatre props of all descriptions, musical instruments and writing implements, books on playwrights and records of plays.

A link to the group’s website, if applicable:

None as yet.

Who is helping pay the registration fee, if anyone:

Fee paid in full by Duffy Bracken.

Immediate Restrictions:

Chaotic Good/Lawful Good/Lawful Neutral/Chaotic Neutral characters only.


I will in time produce an interactive map of the building itself, (using RPG Maker VX) as well as write up a detailed history of the troupe, it's current stock/known plays and NPC members. The basic and important stuff is above, to get us up and running and recruiting.

I hope to split leadership between this account, and Ruby Leroux (once I finish writing her bio, if that's okay?)

08-26-09, 07:22 PM
Please post what the "ability" that you have that people can use are going to be able to receive... As it stands, they could get any ability that is listed with the way it is vaguely worded.

The split leadership is fine. This one should be the main account though for reason's related to powergroup stuff... like adding people in and whatnot through the technical aspect. Everything done on the site, such as making the group in the PG section, approving new people, and all that jazz can be done with whatever character you'd like.

08-26-09, 07:26 PM

Duh me on the vagueness front.

08-26-09, 07:28 PM
Hahaha, sounds good.

I'll be taking your 100 gold now and saying those words you want to hear...
