View Full Version : To Kill A Mockingbird (Open To All!)

09-03-09, 03:02 AM
Around Scara Brae and Radasanth, flyers have appeared in a hand not dissimilar to that of the Tantalum.

It proclaims a great prize is to be won by a fortunate soul.

A daring soul!

In three days from now, the ruined mansion on 3rd Avenue, once known for it's illustrious parties and Scara Brae Balls will be unlocked from the inside and all will be invited to enter it's hallowed halls in search of a fortune most undescribable.

Clifton Manor has countless rooms and secrets, and you have one turn of the sun's hand to find the greatest of them all!

Be warned ye merry folk!

The flyer begins, continuing into dramatic heights.

That those who enter with hindsight, will be the only ones to leave with their hearts intact, and purses uncut!


Hopefully a different quest/battle to what you're used to. In the wake of inactivity I thought I'd try and drum up some of you who arn't in the Magus Cup with something a little bit...unique... Essentially, the large house in the Docklands of Scara Brae (which is indeed very large) will be the quest area. You'll all be invited into the innards, and let lose for 24 hours to explore the rooms (, not actually irl 24 hours, but the rp will be set within a day, with appropriate points rewarded for references and a sense of time), These rooms number nearly a hundred. You have this time to try and find the Manor's legendary rumoured treasure, the Orb of Attainment.

There will be traps!

There will be ghosts!

There will be innapropriate Jane Austen jokes!

And maybe, just maybe, one of you will get rich!

(Unless The Tantalum beat you to it!)

Anyone is welcome!

Lar Sceawian
09-03-09, 03:58 AM
So? About the Tantalum....

The Mime
09-03-09, 09:42 AM

09-03-09, 10:58 AM
Hehe, Duffy and Ruby will be the 'gm' posts, their search will of course be futile, but that way I can have them leave clues for the other entrants.

Anyone is welcome, including Tantalum members. I need to finish the write up and post the information in the relevant section before we are finalised!

Hope to get 4 other people on board, but 2 is good enough - thanks for the interest!

09-03-09, 11:17 PM
If you can handle one or two posts a week, I may be interested with this account. If not, well, that's too bad.

09-04-09, 01:02 AM
One or two a week is great Crimson, welcome aboard!

One more!

09-25-09, 01:04 AM
I need something to break into, sign me up!

09-25-09, 03:56 AM
Welcome Adal, once I've finishing the precursor thread this will still be going ahead, if you'll just be a little patient. Welcome to Althans!