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Requiem of Insanity
09-06-09, 04:20 AM

Darkness loomed over the night as Cassandra stepped lively onto the field, her breath short and even as she looked around her. She had been running for miles it seemed and her chest heaved in exasperated efforts to fill her lungs with air. She coughed for a moment, her lips quivering into a snarl as she suppressed the fear within her. It was a new feeling all together, and she couldn’t comprehend what was happening.

She ran as fast as she could forward. Running was all she could think to do to stop whatever was coming after her from reaching its target. She felt a wave of terror tingle down her spine, and the tiny hairs on the back of her head lifted in warning. She jumped, barely avoiding the sharpened edge of a titanium axe from cleaving her head off.

Rolling down the hill was all she could do. She let the momentum take her as her body bounced and fell to it’s appointed stop. With a loud crash she landed upon a log, her back aching and head spinning. Disoriented and filled with fear she woozily climbed over the log she landed into, only to barely avoid the axe blade from biting into her neck. She stumbled again using her momentum to try and shift back into control, but she stopped moving all together. Looking back she realized her foot was caught in the log.

Now she screamed. It was an inhuman wail of dread and complete terror. The darkness was getting closer, far closer than ever before. The axe head was coming down, and this time she could only roll to the side. The wet sound of dirt being chewed into reached her ears, her back sprayed with the earth like blood from a victim. She at last freed herself and ran as fast as she could.

She rounded a corner into the forest, running deeper into the wooded mess of trees. As she glanced back the darkness moved swiftly like a nimble elf darting from branch to branch. When she looked forward again her eyes exploded with surprise. She tucked and rolled, the blade of the axe a whisker shy of hitting her vulnerable neck. She continued to run forward as she rolled back to her feet ignoring whatever was behind her.

Her heart was pounding in her ears, and her breaths were getting even shorter. Her hands reached up towards the moon in longing, her thoughts pleading for the guardian of the night to save her from the darkness. She heard the chuckle of her dark companion, and with a loud roar of challenge her deluded lover rose from the shadows of the earth and charged whatever darkness was chasing her. She turned to see the epic battle, her body tripping on her own feet as she spilled to the ground sliding along the leaves and debris.

Her lover was screaming like a tortured demon, unable to defeat the darkness that came for her. It clawed and howled but was unable to gain any form of advantage eventually being overwhelmed by the monster that chased Cassandra. She cried and shouted for her love, but it made no difference. Her dark companion was dead.

With the love of her life killed and the moon being covered by the dark clouds she sniffled her fear as she looked up into the eyes of the darkness with teary hazel orbs. Cassandra had enough time to see one face, and then the axe buried into her face.

Requiem of Insanity
09-12-09, 07:15 PM
Cassandra never dreamed. She couldn’t recall ever having such a human notion before. This last experience was foreign and strange to her, and her eyes shot open in alarm. A calming hand from her dark companion grazed her shoulder and she lifted up to her side propped up on one elbow. She wiped her forehead and felt the cold sweat. Her whole body felt murky and wet and she shook the feeling away. Unsatisfied with the new sensation she kicked her legs off to the side of the bed and stood tall, stretching her back and walking towards the shower. She twisted the knobs forcefully stripping down and entering the chilling water. Her body convulsed, but she didn’t make a peep. Her entire focus was on the dream.

As the droplets of water cascaded down she remembered the feeling of the dirt spraying down upon her back. She turned instinctively to wash her back, but paused at the silliness of the motion. There was no dirt and she wasn’t in a forest. She was in Carthage lands near the border of Emprea staying at a motel, tracking down her latest hobby playmate.

Palming the knob she turned off the water and exited the shower, grabbing the towel and drying her body quickly. The sun started to slowly peak over the mountain ridges illuminating the room with its light. She dropped the towel to the ground walking towards her satchel and reached in grabbing her clothing she would wear for the day.

The unmistakable chill feeling of her dark companions attentions lavished around her waist, gripping her like a lover as it began to whisper seductively into her ear. She melted into his touch swooning as she got dressed. The kill was taking an abnormal amount of time, that was all. The dream was just stress building up from not killing something. That had to be it.

Except Cassandra never dreamed. That was what was bothering her as she sighed in frustration. She reached back into her bag pulling out a book and propping open the pages. She turned past a few poisonous potions and looked down upon the serum she had concocted the night before bed. Umbra was the title of this particular poison. A special drug used to incapacitate the victims muscles but keep the nervous system active. It was hard to produce, and the materials set her coin purse back quite a bit. Despite that she gladly paid the cost to test out new ways to torture her victims. The thought of getting close to a kill made her smile as she walked lazily over to the window where her poison was located. Inside a tiny vial held up by two books gently pushed together was her poison. When the sun hit the glass the liquid inside turned a dark blood red. She crossed her fingers as she went back to the book of poisons.

The book itself was a ratty old book, filled with dozens of exotic poisons and potions. She had mastered only a few, but always found it entertaining to try something new with each victim. The book was a parting gift from Catrina Ferman, one of her victims who like herself had darkness welled up inside her that fed upon people’s screams. But where Cassandra liked the vintage cries of remorse, Catrina liked the diluted sound of typical terror and anguish. She killed her and made her feel remorse, taking her book as a trophy. One potion still eluded her knowledge of expertise and that was the deadly Blood Sire. One small dose would make the victim feel all his nerves light up as if on fire, and see small bugs crawling under their flesh. The mental and physical torment was exotic and Cassandra had been unable to duplicate the poison ever since.

“Perfect!” She shut the book with one hand stuffing it into her bag and reaching for the vial. The vial toxin was ready for field testing and she knew just the man for it. His name was Alexander Goddard, a Carthage peasant with a dark hobby. He would lure woman and small girls to his place of business and hypnotize them. When they left his place their dreams would be hounded by dogs or other vicious animals chasing them. This in turn would bring them back for more hypnotherapy. Eventually they would get so paranoid that he would ask them to stay at his place. Then he raped them while they screamed in a psychotic fit of terror. That was the cure, fucking them while they were being tortured in their dreams.

She sighed a bit to herself. Raping a woman or child wasn’t really her normal target of choices. Yet she hadn’t found anything that stood out for a long time. Not since Serenity Dahlios, scourge of Lavinya and daughter to the demon Seth. But what could she do? Carthage military normally scooped up any criminals and enlisted them in the military as their time served for punishment. You don’t get the title Blood Stained Kingdom for slapping them on the wrist and sending them to a jail. It was Alex’s way of staying out trouble by using his business as a front to do his evil deeds that caught her attention. That and she was getting really bored. It was either a petty thief or at least someone with a gimmick. Not a hard decision.

She walked out the door with her bag and looked to the rising sun. In order to get in close to her kill she would have to play the part of the victim. “Guess I should get used to the nightmares.” she whispered walking down a flight of spiraling stairs, her hand running along the wooden white walls.

To bad Cassandra never dreamed.

Requiem of Insanity
09-12-09, 07:42 PM
The warm air in Carthage was a contrast to the stormy clouds that loomed overhead. She could feel the industry of war in the air, it was like everything inside this kingdom was tied in some way to war. Every town, no matter how small seemed to have a blacksmith that was always toiling away and producing some weapon or armor. The people all were dour and angry looking, their faces hiding resentment. Maybe it was just this town, Cassandra didn’t know. But whatever the case may be she loved this town simply because she didn’t have to pretend to be a happy go lucky girl. She could just be herself.

The central area of the town was loaded with carts and peddlers selling their wares to anyone who would listen. She walked lost in the crowd, becoming a backwash of those around her. Nobody seemed to notice who or what she was, and she blended in with the mass of people. A group of patrolman walked by, and all she received was a push to the side. She grinned to herself as she got back up, but her smile faded as a slender desert tanned hand offered itself to her. She unknowingly took the hand and let herself be lifted upwards.

“Bunch of jackasses aren’t they?” the woman said. She had long black hair all tied up in one knot that pushed up to her scalp. Her body was dressed in a low cut pair of khaki shorts and matching tank top. Her breasts were perky like a pears and she had a very sensual demeanor to her look. Her eyes were like tigers, golden and sharp. Her lips were a cherry red. Cassandra would be lying if she didn’t admit she had a small attraction to her physical form.

“Ya, don’t care for much do they?” Cassandra replied back rubbing her butt. “Thanks by the way.”

“No worries,” she said nonchalantly waving her hand over face. “Nothing to even mention. Name is Lucia, and you are?”

“Cassandra.” She smiled her dazzling teeth, and she raised a curious eye as she noticed Lucia seemed to admire Cassandra the same way she did to Lucia not moments before. “Well, if you’ll excuse me, I have an appointment to keep, Lucia.” She began to trek ahead and heard the heavy steps of boots trying to catch up. She turned to see Lucia catch up to her smiling.

“Where you heading?” Lucia asked innocently. Cassandra felt a bit of irritation at the company, but kept her charm.

“Oh, I’ve been having these weird dreams lately. I figured that wonder doctor Alexander Goddard could help.”

“Really!” Lucia shouted. “What a small world, for I’m going there too!” Cassandra faked her enthusiasm with a weak grunt of joy. “We can go together.” She stated as she took the lead. Cassandra didn’t really feel like arguing. Lucia’s part in this wasn’t a detriment. She only went to meet him so she could stake out the place where she would kill her foe.

“Yippee…” She muttered. Lucia linked her arm with hers, and Cassandra had enough pulling out at pushing her a bit. Lucia kept her smile and raised her hand up brushing Cassandra’s cheek, making her swat at her hand in irritation. “What the fuck!” She lost control of her nerves as she stood her ground reaching into her pocket for the butterfly knife.

“Just claiming you as mine.” She wet her lips with her tongue. “Your too cute to let go.” Cassandra gave her a confused look.

“What, you want to sleep with me or something?” Lucia casually nodded her head as if this wasn’t a big deal. Cassandra snorted her anger and pushed forward. “Whatever bitch, I’m moving on.” As she passed she felt Lucia’s slender hand grab her ass. Now she twirled with her fist ready to go, her heel planted as she swung with full force. Her wrist was easily grabbed and Lucia’s free hand shot up to her throat wrapping her fingers softly choking her.
Cassandra’s eyes were held wide open as she felt powerless in her grip. She softly began to cough feeling tears swell in her eyes and Lucia seemed to be enjoying this moment.

“I like it rough too,” she winked blowing Cassandra a kiss letting her go walking forward. “Save it for tonight cutie.” Cassandra gave her a death glare as she moved on ahead of her. She made a vow that tonight two people would die.

Requiem of Insanity
09-27-09, 07:40 PM
The first thing Cassandra noticed when she was stuck within Alexander’s building was the smell of perfumes and the foggy haze of all the candles. Lucia seemed to be a bit extra cautious as well, looking around in dim lights as they both waited for the owner to approach. She studied Lucia’s movements, calculating her weight in her mind and much pressure she would need to put into her to knock her out.

After what seemed like eternity some beads hung from the ceiling shifted, and a scrawny man entered, his hair gelled back into a point as he approached them wearing heavy robes. He bowed low, lifting up slowly like he was some kind of holy saint. “Welcome, ladies. I do hope you don’t mind I did a double appointment to save you both on time. No doubt your dreams are bothering you both terribly much.” He gave them an appraising look, and Cassandra could feel her dark intentions hiding, biding its time before revealing itself.

“Oh yes, I had a nightmare just last night.” Cassandra spoke first. “I dreamed like a monster…some shadowy figure was attacking me.” She spoke truthfully.

“Mine as well, he had a weapon on him. Some kind of giant small cutlery like a potato peeler.” Cassandra’s heart skipped a beat. She looked to Lucia, who looked to Cassandra. Alexander pretended to be deeply concerned with this. He was a terrible actor. He lifted his hand to his chin, rubbing the spot tenderly before he lifted a finger.

“Two nightmares in one night, both the same in habit and design? A coincidence I think not!” He turned, his robes lifting up and hitting both woman in the face. Cassandra felt her hands lifting to grab him by the neck seeing Lucia’s own hands lift as well. She looked to her sideways and began to wonder just what Lucia was doing here after all. “Ladies, I think that the darkness is beginning to cover you both. Like a blanket if you will. This darkness is only the works of a demon, which is coiling around your hearts. But I have the power to free you. I have the power to set you free!” He motioned with one finger for them to come over. They both followed, daggers for eyes as they glared into his back.

In the antechamber they saw two made beds, ready for them. Heavy incense burned near the beds and he patted the fabric with his hands. “the therapy will begin right away. You have no time to waste with my smaller doses of medicine. I wish for you two to rest in this bedroom, and I shall begin administering the treatment right away.”

Cassandra gave Lucia a concerned look, who in turn smiled sitting on the bed. She kicked her boots off and got under the covers. Cassandra listened, hearing the twisted chuckling of her deluded lover. She took her boots off as well and crawled into bed. As the covers were raised the man began to speak some silly chant he probably got off a comic book and lifted the incense. Cassandra felt to terror to the idea of letting him put her to sleep. So long as her love watched over her Alexander posed no threat. The incense filled her nose and she felt dizzy before she closed her eyes and began to feel the darkness consume her.

She smiled happily at the comfort it gave.

Requiem of Insanity
09-27-09, 07:48 PM
“Ah, both are sedated now.” Alexander said happily removing his robes and arching his back. He felt his muscles begin to relax as he looked to each one and felt a twinge of satisfaction. These two would feel good against his dick, he mused. He lowered his pants and began to decide upon which one he would ’cure’ first. He laughed sinisterly deciding upon the blond haired woman.

“Well, I guess I should keep my promise to Lucia first. She insisted on taking her out physically and mentally. Besides, the money will be good too. Despite how glorious her skin is to me.” He took two steps before feeling a cruel laughter fill his room. Lights began to flicker and he turned to see nothing behind him.

He walked out to his main chamber, seeing nothing unusual as he walked back into the ante chamber, figuring all the incense were getting to his head. He licked his lips and began to rub his hands over themselves as he felt his body getting hot and bothered at the prospect of screwing the woman before him.

He took another step forward towards Cassandra’s body, but this time a powerful wave of dread washed over him. It was focused and powerful, making him fall to his knees before a loud crash sound echoed in the other room. The wave was gone and he felt a coldness enter the entire building. “Who’s…Who’s there?”

“What’s the matter, tiny man,” Said a dark, jagged voice. It was as if something was stuck deep in his throat adding a twisted echoing effect. “Do you not want their succulent flesh?”

“Who are you?” Alexander demanded. He heard the sound of sand softly spilling onto the floor, but couldn’t locate the noise for the life of him. Half naked he began to look around the room. The darkness chuckled again making Alexander panic. He ran out into the other room again, tipping over the tables and furniture to find whatever was making him paranoid.

“What’s wrong, Alexander?” He turned quickly. Nothing. “You don’t look well. You know what you need?” Alexander felt his body start to grow tired. Alexander shook the feeling off and began to run away, his face covered in sweat as his heart raced in fear. He saw something large growing in the shadows before him. “You look like you could use some rest.”

“No, please. Who are you?” He began to pack pedal before he bumped into something. He turned just in time to see a fist punch him square between the eyes. He fell like a stack of bricks onto the ground, leaning forward.

Before he lost consciousness he felt grains of sand fall upon his face.

Requiem of Insanity
09-27-09, 08:19 PM
The world was dark again and Cassandra woozily lifted herself upwards. She was in a forest with no light. She had just the feint glow of the moonlight, but it was covered by clouds. She got up, dusting herself off as she looked around the new universe she was in. A groan echoed from behind her and she turned to see Lucia standing up softly. She was dressed in a one piece suit, all black that helped her blend into the background. Cassandra looked down to herself to see she was in her light reflecting sneaking suit as well. She quickly reached for her face mask, but couldn’t seem to locate it. She ran off into the shadows biding her time for Lucia to become away of everything.

Lucia arched her back, looking around her surroundings. Her face lifted in fear of something for a half moment, before her eyes lowered looking around. “Cassandra! Cassandra where are you!” She shouted. She waited patiently as Lucia began to walk over to her, unaware the woman she sought was hiding in the brush.

When Lucia turned her back to her Cassandra sprung like a coiled spring. Her arms and body moved lucidly as she trapped Lucia in her headlock, making her squirm and shout in alarm. She dropped to her knee, twisting inwards and using her strength to push herself up off the ground. Cassandra tripped on her own feet, her hands still locked in place. They both collided on the ground and Lucia elbowed Cassandra in the ribs getting free from the hold. She coughed and crawled away slowly getting back up before turning to Cassandra getting ready to kick her in the stomach. As her foot lurched forward Cassandra managed to catch it and twirl, knocking her over into a tree where she met it face it first. Lucia shuddered and landed onto all fours, wiping her face as Cassandra got back up.

Cassandra jumped at her fallen foe quickly. Lucia’s fingers searched around managing to grab hold of some loose dirt launching it into Cassandra’s face. She had to jump away to avoid it, rolling on the grass back to her feet spread out like a cat ready to pounce. Lucia was back on her feet, grabbing a large tree branch and charging recklessly forward, a war cry on her lips as she did so. Cassandra felt around the ground, finding a smooth rock that she lifted and aimed at Lucia. The mineral soared in the air, hitting Lucia in the stomach hard causing her to slow her pace, coughing and spitting. Cassandra’s foot kicked her in the face causing her to twist and fall to one knee. As she brought her other leg in she felt her shin connect with something hard.

Lucia had lifted the branch in time to block the blow, the opening allowing her to tackle Cassandra to the earth. They fought in close quarters, each trying to wrap their arms around the other’s neck. It was at that moment Cassandra felt a burning desire to speak.

“Wh…What do you want with me?” She shouted. Lucia laughed a high pitch wail as her hand fumbled over Cassandra’s larynx.

“Does the name Catrina Ferman ring a bell?” she seethed. “She was my step sister!”

“God bless it! A useless family affair?” Cassandra whined feeling her thumb rub against her lymph nodes. “You could have just killed me from the start and save us all this energy!”

“Well you know how it goes,” she laughed as her hand at last reached around Cassandra’s throat. “Professional courtesy and all!” her teeth glinted in the soft light. Cassandra lifted one foot up to Lucia’s thighs, feeling her hot breath as she laughed wildly trying to choke the life out of Cassandra. She pushed with all her might, managing to lift her up and over her head releasing her grip. Her mouth took in a large intake of air as she coughed to regain air flow into her lungs.

The two stood back up slowly, both sore from their fights with each other. Cassandra looked around her to see if there was something she could use in her fight. There wasn’t much around. Lucia lashed out fiercely, her hands starting a martial arts combination that made Cassandra take to the defensive. She took a few hits, unable to keep up and felt her body growing numb from the repeated blows.

“And now, Cassandra Remi, time to die!” Lucia shouted preparing for one last kick. As foot came up a powerful rumbling shook the earth, and both woman fell. “An earthquake? Now?” She shouted in shock.

Yet for all of Cassandra’s wandering, all her time with her dark companion, she had learned a few things. “No, this isn’t an earthquake. This is laughter.”

Requiem of Insanity
09-28-09, 02:29 AM
“Oh very well done, ladies.” the darkness spoke as one, echoing like a shout into an endless chasm. “Your desire to kill each other exceeded what I had first anticipated…” the shadows in the area began to swarm around in circles like a fleet of bats, and Cassandra looked to Lucia who gave her a confused look back. The sound of sand dropping filled the air, and they both turned to see the shadows cover one area in particular. As the two woman looked over they noticed the sand began to form up into the shape of a human being. The darkness parted, revealing a muscular man covered only by a small pair of hand knitted burlap shorts.

“And just who the hell do you think you are?” Lucia snarled. “Your not Alexander’s shadow demon are you?” the newcomer laughed violently as he heard this, his voice still echoing in the darkened clearing. Both woman held themselves in a ready stance.

“Please, as if I was anything that stupidly weak. I destroyed that long before the deluded fool was aware it was missing. Whatever plan you had with him was just bait for her!” He pointed to Cassandra. “She’s my real target. But I do enjoy a side project every now and then…” he pondered loudly.

“What do you want with me? A vendetta for a loved one I killed?” Cassandra asked loudly. He chuckled to himself shaking his head. “Well then what the hell do you want with me?”

“Does it really matter or change the situation as it is?” he countered. Lucia stepped forward angrily.

“No it doesn’t, because whatever it is you think your going to do means nothing to me! You can have her after I’m done. I may be gracious and leave a scrap or two for you, ya lunatic!” Cassandra just rolled her eyes at the threats.

“Look, the attention is really flattering, but what makes you think I am going to just crawl onto the ground and pray for the best?” Cassandra asked.

“And what makes you think you’re going to make me play second fiddle to you?” the man turned to Lucia with a cocky grin on his face.

“What makes you so sure you can underestimate me?” Lucia fired back. Cassandra rolled her eyes in irritation. “She’s mine! This is a matter of family. You won’t even tell me what you want so you can just kiss my ass and wait your turn!”

“Do you both even understand the situation your in? I am the ruler of the dream world! I run this show and you two are my actors I allowed onto my stage!” he shouted to them both. Cassandra and Lucia both gave him a threatening glare. “Lucia, do you even understand that if you or Cassandra die your collective souls will not go back to your bodies?” Both gave him a curious look. “Heh, didn’t think of that one did you?”

He walked forward lifting his hands to the skies, removing the clouds from the moon. Instead of the familier sentinal of the night it was replaced by a giant hourglass with grain. “You see, in the dream world everything is possible. Mankind’s mind is an amazing thing, truly amazing.” His hands lifted as a pair of white chairs rose from the ground sweeping both Lucia and Cassandra off their feet. “Anything within the imagination of the sleeper is unlocked. One can fly! One can romance with the desire of their heart! Be with a long lost friend or family member!” he stepped into their proximity and turned his back lifting his arms up to the hourglass.

“It’s within this ultimate distorted reality that one can truly achieve anything they set their mind to! This is what makes the dream world so spectacular!” he turned to them. “And so devastating!” he walked towards Lucia’s seat, and with a wave of his fingers the chair began to twist into vines with large thrones, locking her in place. “It’s the land where your deepest secrets are revealed, where your childish ambitions are destroyed. Where you relive the haunting, tragic demise of those you love!” Before Cassandra rose up a single body chained to an operating table, a female with long gorgeous blond hair and the deepest ocean blue eyes. Lucia shrieked in panic when she saw this woman, and Cassandra felt her heart skip in anticipation. It was Catrina Ferman, Lucia’s step sister.

“Within the hell of your own mind is the reality that you have no choice but to except. Those things that are stripped from you, those atrocities you committed are presented to you in two fold. You can’t outrun your own guilty conscious forever. One day you may trip and fall from running. This is the price mankind pays for treading in this ultimate state of mind. It’s a fifty fifty chance at birth that your dreams may be good, or they may be bad. Fear is one thing, but fear of your own mind? Ha, that is the greatest form of torture.” he turned to Cassandra with venom in his eyes. “Wouldn’t you agree, Ms. Remi?”

“Can’t say I don’t.” She admitted. “So then, this whole spectacle was created in my honor I take it?” The man bowed low to her.

“Yes, Ms. Remi.” he said softly. “The perfect form of torture awaits you for all eternity. Trapped within your own mind forever and over, running from your own fears.” He looked her dead in the eyes, her cold hazel orbs not blinking. “I arranged for Alexander to rush this, I made sure to plant the seeds. I even gave you a preview showing of what awaits you just the night before. That nightmare was no by-product of your imagination. Your dream was cultivated softly by me.”

“So then, what’s the rules of this contest?” Cassandra asked. The man lifted his gaze to the hourglass moon. He laughed softly.

“You were always observant, Ms. Remi. Very well.” he clicked his fingers and the body of Catrina Ferman vanished. Lucia was a wreck, her eyes brimmed with tears. “That hour glass is filled to represent thirty minutes. That’s all you have to find me, and then kill me. If you can’t manage it before the last grain drops you’ll fail to save your souls from this plane.”

“Why that amount of time?” Lucia asked. Before the man could answer, Cassandra interjected.

“Because that’s how long it takes for his ritual to work.” The man pointed to her.

“Exacto!” he said laughing wildly. His body began to sink into the ground, droplets of sand falling from his body. “One hour, or your souls belong to me.” he said before his body completely exploded into sand. Cassandra snorted at his show, lifting herself and moving into the forest.

“Where are you going?” Lucia shouted chasing after her. “I’m not done with you yet!”

“In case your stupid petty vendetta has clouded your mind, imbecile,” Cassandra lifted her hand to the hourglass in the sky. “We have half an hour to put aside our differences so we can defeat this nutcase and return to the real world. I promise once we are back we can waste all the time we want killing each other but until then we should probably work together. So let’s go.”

“How do you know you’re going the right way?” Lucia challenged keeping in step with Cassandra.

“Because this is my dream, remember?” Lucia paused for a moment to contemplate that and shrugged not understanding what she meant, but not really thinking she was supposed to anyway considering how the night was going.

Requiem of Insanity
09-29-09, 11:36 PM
A half hour is not an extraordinary amount of time. It doesn’t leave much room for error, and nothing can really be though out in detail. Yet with this challenge before her Cassandra’s brain wracked with thoughts of what she would do to defeat this twisted individual. Lucia had remained quiet, keeping her target at arms length. Cassandra was positive that if they both lived this encounter they would fight all over again in another brutal contest to finish the other off. Out of one frying pan… She mused.

The two walked in silence for a few more paces when Cassandra turned her head carelessly. "So, this nutcase used you as bait, probably found out you were tailing me. But in order for any of this to even happen in the first place you had to organize this entire elaborate plan to get my attention. So how'd you do it?"

Lucia showed all her teeth in a devilish grin. "Not easily, I assure you." She walked forwards ahead of Cassandra looking to the hourglass moon. "I had to tail you for months and eliminate any potential playmates you would have found. Your sick twisted brain is so good at sniffing out the degenerates of society I had to on more than one occasion wipe out groups of people just to make sure you had no targets. I knew once you got bored enough and hungry enough you would eventually resort to finding the next best thing. Anything so long as it had remorse." She turned walking backwards. "I made a deal with Alexander to lead a woman to him to rape. So long as I got to join in this woman's dream world and take her out mentally. He didn't even ask for details just as long as he got to rub his dick inside something."

Cassandra thought it over in her head before nodding in approval. "Wise," she admitted. "By taking out all the fun in my hunts I would naturally turn to something to entertain me. You must have been following me for months then I take it." Lucia nodded. "I'm honored. You must really hate my fucking guts."

"You really have no clue." She smiled. "I loved Catrina like flesh and blood. We were inseparable, and when we both found we had a taste for the...applied sciences, we grew even closer." Her eyes sparked like a zealot before battle. "I loved her so much, and to see the way you...you destroyed her..."

"She played me for a fool." Cassandra said in a warning tone. "You of all people should know not to make a fool of me and expect to survive my wrath." Lucia shrugged, her menace increasing.

"You are a fool, Cassandra Remi." She said in such a matter-of-fact way that they both remained silent. "How else can you explain your thorough work in destroying her. You broke her mind, you broke her body, you even managed to break her spirit!" She spat at the ground in disgust remembering the mental images she saw of her dead step sister.

"The way you talk sounds like you two bumped pelvises in the bedroom. How many times you guys fuck?" Cassandra asked sweetly. Lucia's eyes narrowed into two cat like slits of hatred. They remained like that for a minute before Cassandra tossed her head in a puff of irritation as she walked forward. "We're wasting precious time here!" she seethed.

“Well have you come up with a brilliant plan yet, Remi?” Lucia snarled. She turned, giving the bronze woman a dark eye before slowing her pace.

“I got one idea, but," She bit her lower lip as if the next words were going to kill her. "We’ll need to work together.” She looked to her left and saw where the woods became darker. It looked eerily similar to her nightmare’s forbidding forest. Lucia rounded behind Cassandra looking into the darkness ahead of them. “This lunatic is after me, so you’ll not be as big a threat to him. That means if I can grab all his focus onto me you can sneak up and attack him from behind.” Cassandra gave her an apprising look. “Then we can go back to ripping each other apart.”

“Why should I listen and trust you?” Lucia wrinkled her nose. “Smells funny to me that you’re willing to play the part of the puppet. Almost like you want me to sneak up on him only to have me do all the work so you can finish me off.” Cassandra rolled her eyes.

“Please, like I give two shits about you.” Cassandra sassed. “You have no idea what I am capable of little girl. So why don’t you just….I dunno, go die in a fire?” she offered sincerely.

“You think you are so untouchable don’t you? Well little miss know it all, I have some information you may not be aware of!” Lucia lifted up a small book from her pocket. “Do you have any idea what this is?”

“Your diary?”

“No, it’s the other half to Catrina’s ledger of death.” she said matter-of-factly. “The two of us came up with all those poisons and potions and inventions for torture. I taught her everything she knew. I was on my way to meet up with her when you came in and ruined our lives. You took her from me, and you took her purity with your methods of demented torture.” She felt her ire rise as her fist slowly clenched on itself. “Seeing her like that…all cut up like a novice butcher’s first time!” Her fist lifted and she prepared to throw it at Cassandra, but she noticed her target wasn’t even around. Cassandra had walked off towards the forest.

Lucia pocketed her book and ran off after her. As the two met the ground began to shake again. Both woman stopped moving to turn around just in time to see the shadows form the shape of a humanoid figure. The creature slowly screamed into life, before two red slits of demon like eyes glared into them. A giant axe was held in its right arm, and it raised it up high into the air shouting infernal tongue before charging after them.

Cassandra pushed Lucia off to the side and ran head first into her foe, jumping at the last minute with a sadistic grin of glee on her face as the axe swung under her legs. Her body was about to collide with the shadows when it shrank and retreated. Her body fell to the earth and she rolled end over end violently down the grassy knoll into the dark forest. The shadows reemerged in the forest, and another infernal cry of battle entered the night. Cassandra rolled into a log and felt her entire body tense up. Woozily she got up only to be pushed back to the ground. The shadow monster held his weapon overhead, ready to behead Cassandra when Lucia’s body slammed into the creature, knocking it over.

The creature lifted up one hand as it skidded onto it’s knees turning to face the newcomer. From his hand tiny particles of sand began to drop to the earth before a jet stream of the grain slammed into Lucia causing her to crumble to the earth. She spat and kicked but to no avail as she was literally being buried alive. Cassandra had by then regrouped and moved quickly to tackle the beast from the side, ending the flow of sand. The beast slowly regrouped, looking to the hourglass moon and howling towards it.

Cassandra noticed that when it roared to the hourglass the grain dropped at a far faster rate. Her estimates were swiftly calculated and she looked to Lucia as she slowly crawled back onto her feet, cleaning herself of the sand in her clothing. She looked up as well seeing the hourglass and sighing.

“What do you figure?” Lucia gave Cassandra a wary eye.

“I can’t say for sure. Maybe fifteen minutes.” Lucia shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t think we can take that thing in that short time span.” Lucia began to saunter over to Cassandra. “I was a fool to think you were worth sparring this hell now that I think about it.” She began to smile vilely. “Yes, yes I’ll just kill you for all eternity in your nightmares, making my own wonderful lullaby with your screams!” Lucia charged at Cassandra, just as the infernal shadow monster howled a challenge charging.

Requiem of Insanity
09-29-09, 11:58 PM
“God you stupid bitch!” Cassandra shouted in rage, rolling backwards to allow Lucia to fly over her. The shadow was upon her instantly as its axe bit into the ground deeply. Cassandra could feel the dirt splashing against her back each time the weapon dug up from the ground. When she was able to roll far enough to get up she was hit in the back by Lucia. The two grappled on the ground before the infernal creature grabbed Lucia by the head tossing her aside like a rag doll.

Cassandra rolled on the ground and kicked the beast in the legs, her foot hitting the shin hard. She cried out in alarm as a sharp shooting pain ran up her leg. It had felt like she had kicked a bag of sand. The monster’s giant hand went for her face and if it wasn’t for her fear gripping her she wouldn’t have tripped and fell just out of his reach. She rolled to her left and got up, her heart racing as she began to run like the breeze of the wind.

Cold sweat beaded its way down her face. Her hair flowed behind her in the breeze as she avoided tree log after tree branch. She stole a glance behind her only to see Lucia on her tail laughing like a deranged hyena. As she turned to focus forwards her eyes met with the monster of her nightmare lifting its axe in a deadly arc. She slid on her legs between the beasts feet and launched upwards shoving the creature forwards. It wasn’t a huge move for the larger demonic being, but it was enough for Lucia to slam into it. It roared at her gripping her by her waist and tossing her aside like she weighed nothing.

With one puzzle solved she turned and ran looking to the clock in the sky. She had but a few hundred grains left, the tell tale signs of the last bit ready to go. She looked forward and cried out in terror as the backhand of the beast slammed into her face sprawling her to the ground. She bounced and skidded upon the dense terrain and woozily landed upon the side of a log. The beast made heavy steps towards her, stopping once to cry into the night. The sand seemed to drain a bit faster as it did this and she was down to her last few minutes. She felt every bone in her body ache and the muscles spasm in her arms and thigh.

The creature of the night took it’s massive hand and grabbed Cassandra by the throat, lifting her up into the sky. The other hand was brought up and a stream of sand flew into Cassandra’s face at close quarters. Her eyes shut tight as did her mouth, but before long she began to cough and choke as her body broke down. The beast let her go dropping her to the earth before placing its boot upon her stomach in triumph. Lucia was behind him, licking her lips. She charged forward slamming into Cassandra knocking her free from the beasts grip.

Freed at last she took in large amounts of air, heaving up the sand in her lungs. The creature howled again and moved forward gripping Lucia’s neck in a vice hold and slamming Cassandra with sand using its free hand. Both woman fought against their bonds before the infernal laughter wailed into the night.

“Your time is up!” It shouted in a guttural tone as if choking back on some sand in its mouth. Each syllable caused a gush of sand to escape its lips. The final grains of sand in the hourglass dropped. "Now," it heaved. "Darkness takes you!"

“NOOO!” Cassandra wailed in terror as the hourglass exploded, large drops of sand raining down burying the world around her.

Requiem of Insanity
10-04-09, 09:50 PM
The room was silent save for the sound of sand pouring onto the ground from a giant ornate hourglass. It was the size of a small child covered in rubies and gems made of precious metals. A solitary figure stood in the room as his feet was doused in the sand. He knelt downwards scooping up the fine grains in his hand and washing it over his face like blood of a fallen victim. He rubbed it over his chest before chuckling a guttural laugh looking towards the bed with Cassandra Remi. “A worthy foe?” It breathed deeply, sand falling out of its mouth. “Guess not.”

It turned over to the woman on the other bed, looking at her curiously. “You have much darkness within you as well.” It walked over to her, each step heavy as if he was weighed down by sand bags. “Had you not interfered with me she probably would have put up a much greater challenge. Such is the risks with people like her. You never know what weirdos will show up.” he chuckled at his own irony He looking to the hourglass as the last few bits of sand dropped downwards and onto the pile made neatly on the floor.

“Life is not unlike the sands of an hourglass Ms. Remi.” It muttered. “No matter what you do, no matter what you accomplish, your life still trickles away one grain at a time. When the grains run out, you die. You can turn it upon itself before the last grain drops, but even then the sand still drips. You can’t stop the flow of time; you can’t defeat the inevitable. Everyone has an hourglass just dropping the precious life force they have left.” He looked to Cassandra a bit more then he turned to Alexander, who was still unconscious on the floor. “Had I the strength you pitiful creature, I would devour your dreams as well.”

It began to saunter away leaving behind a trail of sand in his wake. He stopped pulling out a small white foggy orb. “Your majesty?” It spoke into the orb, lifting it up. The orb resonated a small piercing shriek for but a fleeting moment, and then the fog softly calmed.

“I take it your mission is complete?” a voice responded.

“Yes,” he looked back to the bed with heavy set eyes. “Cassandra Remi wasn’t worth your time. She had the potential, that there was no doubt.” he looked to Lucia’s bed. “Some bitch got in the way, but there’s really no excuses for such a piss poor performance from a murderer of her caliber.”

“Agreed,” the voice responded smoothly. “It’s a shame that Ms. Remi had to perish, but I guess you can’t always get what you want in life.” The man returned to walking out of the place.

“I guess not,” it muttered loudly. “What’s my next target?” Laughter filled the room.

“Already hungry for more?” the orb responded. The man knocked a fallen table out of his way.

“Like I said,” he stepped over Alexander’s body, letting the sand cover his body like a warm blanket. “She wasn’t worth our time.”

“Very well. Your next target is Seth Dahlios.” The orb let out another shriek and then the room was silent. He took heavy steps towards the door, lifting his legs up slowly as he climbed the steps into the entrance chamber. He continued like this slowly as the sand continued to drip from his body and as he reached the door he reached his hand for the knob.

He felt something sharp protrude into his back and out his chest. He looked down to see grains of sand stained with blood, a blade shaped like a butcher’s knife aimed downwards at his feet. He heard a soft grunting come from behind as the weapon dug a little deeper down into his abdomen and he cried out in pain, dropping to his knees.

“So you do have a body.” Cassandra’s voice cooed. “Oh how great to know. I was worrying you were just a giant sand bag!” The body convulsed as he kicked the blade out, stabbing it in again through the upper shoulder blade. Another cry escaped his lips as he twisted on the spot falling to the ground clutching his stomach wound.

"My body is made up of sand," it gasped in pain. "Only after I complete a ritual does it revert back to it's vulnerable half human form." he explained in his deep guttural voice, blood and sand dropping out of the corners of his mouth. “My turn for a question. Why aren't you in your nightmare!”

“Silly creature,” she replied jovially, taking her weapon and cutting deep into the head of the monster before her. It cut halfway and she pulled it out swinging again cutting a bit deeper this time. She sized him up for the final blow and swung with all her weight chopping his head from his shoulders in a messy spray of blood and sand. His body collapsed under itself and his entire form crumbled into sand, the monster no more. “Didn’t you know I never dream?”

Requiem of Insanity
10-04-09, 10:32 PM
Alexander’s eyes slowly fluttered into life. He felt woozy and sore as his body ached all over. He felt like his nose was broken and he lifted his hand to test it. Gingerly he touched it and felt an immense pain. “Oh god.” He whispered in agitation slowly looking around. He was in one of his beds. The bronze skinned woman, Lucia, slept in the other bed and he couldn’t help but feel a little hot about it. The woman named Cassandra walked up to him and cupped his face.

“Here,” she said sweetly. “Drink this, it should make you feel better.” He tilted his head inwards to drink the liquid, finding the taste horrid. She rubbed his back gently in encouragement as he finished it off. She then laid him back down to his bed.

“Thank you.” he said lightly feeling numb all over his body. Her steps echoed into the darkness and he realized it was nighttime. There wasn’t very many lights on in his building, just one burning bright above him. The sound of the woman changing filled the air, and he tried to take a peak, but found he couldn’t move his head at all. He tried to turn his body and found that impossible as well. “The hell…” he breathed. He tried to move his fingers and toes and found nothing. “Hey, I can’t move my body!” he shouted. Dark laughter filled the air as a primal chuckle entered his left ear. He felt cold sweat dropping down his face. “Hey! What’s going on here?” he began to panic. A soft laughter, a more gentle woman like laughter filled the air. The steps of heeled boots clicked on his hardwood floor and he strained his eyes to see what was going on.

“You’re probably wondering why I am here,” said a feminine voice in a cold, seductive way. It was almost inviting with its honeyed coat, but a small hint of dark intent fringed upon it. “Alexander.” she whispered coming into plain view of the light.

Before him stood Cassandra in a skin tight black outfit. Her face was covered by a mask that went over her mouth and nose. Only her eyes and hair was left out in the open. She swayed her hips over to him, sitting on the bed near his hip and placed a gentle finger down his chest. He just now realized he was naked. “You should feel special. Umbra is a very unique poison I decided to try on you. Do you know what it does?” Alexander’s eyes widened in terror. “I’ll take that stupid expression as a no.” She lifted herself up and poised her body like a teacher. “Umbra is a unique poison that directly targets the nervous system, deadening the impulses sent from your brain to your body, thus rendering your limbs useless. However, this poison has a unique quality to it: Umbra leaves the feeling receptors completely functional. So that means!” She twirled on the spot slamming a small dagger into the palm of his hand. He exploded into screams of agony as she wretched the weapon free. “You can’t move as I torture you to death!”

“What the hell, why are you doing this?” he cried as tears streamed down his face.

“Because you’re a raping son of a bitch and I was excruciatingly bored out of my skull. That good enough of a reason?” she smiled wildly showing all her teeth.

“But, but…” he wheezed a little bit, vomiting upon his own chest. Cassandra lifted a blanket to clean the mess. “How did you know?” Cassandra felt the darkness in the room surround her and she giggled like a school girl as she leaned in closer.

“I have a dark devoted darling lover who helps me find freaks like you so I can kill them.” Cassandra ran into the darkness and returned with the sword, Butcher’s Bill, and looked to his arm sizing it up. “This may sting a little.” She teased. Before he could object the blade was up in the air and it swung down hard onto his arm at the elbow. He howled like a banshee as she continued to repeat the process until the limb became free. She tossed the limb behind her and walked over to Lucia’s body, removing the blanket from her. He looked over to see Lucia’s body chopped up into pieces. Cassandra returned with Lucia’s arm and placed it near his bloody stump.

“Ah, a perfect match.” She looked at the rest of his body. “What other pieces can I replace?” She tapped her chin in deep thought. “I know!” She dropped her sword and retreated into the shadows. The sound of metal clinking against metal made him whimper in fear.

“Shouldn’t you be stuck in my dream land?” he cried like a babbling baby. Cassandra turned lifting a small golden pendant from the inside of her suit.

“This, my dear friend, is why I am alive today!” She returned to his body and looked down at him. “You see you idiot cretin, you didn’t set me up in that dream world. Some crazy nut job sent me there. He had a better gimmick. His prey had a half hour to escape his world, or they would forever be trapped in a nightmare, unable to escape for all eternity. He makes that possible by entering your dreams during a ritual. At the end of the ritual the glass on the hourglass shatters and the souls are trapped in their dreamlike state.”

“So then how did that necklace save you?” he asked damning himself for his morbid curiosity. Cassandra gave him a dirty look as he jumped ahead of her story, and in return she leaned over him, taking a small spoon and inserting it into the top of his eyeball popping it out of the socket. His wails of anguish returned at an ear piercing pitch making Cassandra laugh wildly as she cut the eyeball loose and tossing it behind her like trash. She placed Lucia’s eyeball into his socket, and he whimpered again, muttering incoherently.

“It’s almost like cheating when they can’t squirm my love.” Cassandra said to nobody in particular. “Anyway, as I was saying. This necklace is known as the Anima Revixi. It is a powerful artifact that can literally scoop a soul out of the nether realms and place it back in the body. Kind of like this!” she took the spoon and placed it into his other eyeball pulling it out of the socket. She let it dangle, placing the other eyeball of Lucia into the empty socket. He howled to the ceiling for mercy, but Cassandra’s laughter far outshone his pitiful wails.

“I literally had no idea I would be saved just wearing this. I’m sure it will continue to add time to my soul revival Process. For a full years worth of time I need to wear this in order for my soul to synchronize back with my body. Now who knows how long. But if it protects my soul from damnation I may as well just keep it on. You know what I mean?”

“FUCK YOU, YOU CRAZY BITCH!” Cassandra gripped his penis in her hands and grabbed her paring knife. She sawed the appendage off making him shudder and convulse, his screams growing faint from all the screaming. She took his reproductive part and walked over to Lucia, looking at her and then smiling vilely.

“Take your mind,” she said looking at the shattered hourglass. “Take your body,” she looked to Lucia's dismembered body with pride. “And now your spirit!” she said slyly as she shoved Alexander’s penis into her vaginal opening. “Perfect.” she whispered to Lucia’s ear.

She turned back to Alexander, grabbing her other tools of the trade. “Come now Alexander, we haven’t even got past my introductions to the hell that awaits you!” she said, laughing wildly as his screams joined her requiem.

Requiem of Insanity
10-04-09, 11:41 PM
Cassandra wiped the blood of each instrument of her craft using the discarded clothing of Lucia and Alexander. She kept a wary eye on the pile of sand by the door, but it didn’t even seem to budge. Her dark companion regaled her with sweet nothings and dark desires as she began to pack up for the night. She stopped when she reached her book of poisons and potions by Catrina Ferman. The pages were hallowed and ratty at best, but they still functioned. However she felt this nagging feeling in her gut. With an encouraging hand from her dark companion she moved towards Lucia’s bag of things and looked inside. She tossed bottles and vials aside like they were nothing, frantically looking for her book when she struck upon something hard and leathery. She reached in and pulled it out, smiling vilely to herself.

Inside the pages were neat recipes and notes on exotic poisons, as well as notes on previous poisons mixed together. She had learned how to make Twilight safer for the host, as well as increase the duration of Umbra. It was like Catrina’s job was to develop the new poisons, and Lucia’s job to improve them, make them deadlier than ever. Cassandra grinned snapping the book shut with a sinister grin. “Sisterly love.” she whispered. She opened her pack and dumped the ledger inside without so much a peep and pulled the strings tightly.

Cassandra turned to leave when she heard a feint sound of a shrieking noise, followed by a small popping noise. “Hello? Hello?” a voice called out into the darkness. Cassandra froze on the spot. “Ms. Remi? Is that you in there?” Cassandra didn’t know what to do, but a clam hand from her dark companion gave her confidence.

“Yes, yes it is.” she replied gingerly. The voice let out a soft chuckle.

“Excellent. I take it then you have defeated one of my associates.” Cassandra moved towards the orb in the entrance room near the pile of sand. “Congratulations are in order I do believe.”

“Who are you?” she asked kicking the orb out of the pile of sand and sitting on her haunches looking down at it.

“Introductions are also in order I guess.” he cleared his throat. “Good evening Ms. Remi. I am known as the King of All. A tacky name, I know, but I like it.” he said with no small amount of pride. “You have been hitting my radar as of late, and tracking you down wasn’t exactly easy. The man you killed has been searching for six months, which is the longest it’s ever taken him.”

“How long does he usually take?”

“A day or two. He tracks you in your dreams, which apparently you don’t seem to have. A curious, but not unheard of, trait.” Cassandra picked the communication device up and lifted the orb to her face.

“Any reason why you want me dead, King of All?” a soft chuckle filled the air.

“Actually I was hoping you wouldn’t be dead. I am relieved you are alive, but I am a bit sad you killed my friend in the process.”

“Can’t always get what you want.” She sassed. The king remained quiet letting her sarcasm drip away.

“No, I guess you can’t.” he breathed. “Well, if you wish to learn why I am searching for you then I will happily inform you, under one pretense.” he let those words linger, and after some thought Cassandra tossed the orb onto the sand and began to head for the door.

“Not interested.” She said whim fully. The king’s breathing cut short as he began to call for attention. She paused holding the door knob. “What?” she whined.

“You don’t want to know why I am after you?”

“Don’t really care is the more appropriate way to put that.” Cassandra admitted. “You bore me with these allusions to knowledge and your trying to play a game with me. I don’t play other people’s games.” she twisted the knob.

“WAIT!” he shouted in anger. She adjusted her weight from foot to foot in contemplation. “Alright, no more games. I’m testing you Cassandra Remi against some of the more ruthless people I know. I want to see how cunning and ruthless you can be back to them.”

“Why?” Cassandra blurted.

“I thought you didn’t care.” The king cornered her, and Cassandra didn’t like the feeling. She opened the door a bit wider. “Gods be damned woman! Hold the fuck still for ten seconds so I can tell you why!”

“Temper temper.” Cassandra tisked her tongue mockingly. The king took in a deep breath of air.

“The reason why is because I have this flair for the eccentric. You are peaking my curiosity and I want to see how eccentric you really are. That and I know your dying for what I can offer.” Cassandra gave the orb a small tilt of her head in confusion. “I‘m going to give you a challenge, Cassandra.” she leaned a bit closer in.

Cassandra knew it was stupid to be listening to the ramblings of some idiot called the King of All, but the pile of sand at her feet was the closest person outside Serenity Dahlios to kill her. For once her heart raced while on the hunt, and she felt the experiences she hadn't ever before. For once she even had a bad dream. Whoever the King of All was, he did have a unique workforce. She would be just as stupid for passing up an opportunity to dig her teeth into a real challenge. She waited for one last sign she should take the King’s offer. With a dark chuckle and a cold reassuring hand upon her shoulder she smiled silently thanking her twisted deluded lover.

“Who is the next challenge?” Cassandra asked with a hint of anticipation in her tone.

“His name is Kingmaker. He likes to play games. It’s an ancient tradition, that no longer remains.” Cassandra took the riddle and began to think about it. She smiled realizing the answer.

“Now where do I find him?”

“What’s the only place on Althanas where two warriors can meet for breakfast, fight to the death for lunch, and enjoy a dinner afterward in the evening?” Cassandra thought for a moment, then turned on her heel walking towards the Citadel in Corone.

“Very well, your majesty.” She taunted. “Soon I will put down your Kingmaker. Then I’ll come after you.” she walked out onto the moonlit road, a spring in her step as she began her next journey on her new hunt.

10-11-09, 10:08 AM
Sorry for the delay!

Continuity - 6

Setting - 4

Pacing - 6

Dialogue - 6

Action - 6

Persona - 5

Technique - 5

Mechanics - 6 (A few misplaced errors here and there, mainly full stops instead of commas in dialogue.)

Clarity - 7

Wild Card - 5

Total Score: 56/100

All in all a pleasant if leg crossing wince inducing read. I can’t help but question some of the actions your character undertakes, such as the genitalia moments, but I guess it’s not wise to question the psychotic. The action was detailed enough but I felt you could’ve brought it to life more, well, more vibrantly, more veiled (to get away with juicier stuff!) I profess to not liking swearing or violence unless needed, but you seemed to have pulled it off much more competently than other examples on Althanas, so good work. Setting was vaguely established, and could have been built up more, and I think the action parts and the violent, random acts your character undertakes are covering persona/character development. Careful not to let yourself get carried away with the acts of wanton destruction, as well versed as they are.

Spoils: The Book of Lucia Ferman: Catrina's step sister Lucia has found a way to perfect most of the poisons in Catrina's book making them more potent and longer lasting. While most of the knowledge of the book is amazing to read, her knowledge of it is still in the elementary stages.

So that means unless she uses the poison in Catrina's book successfully, she can't use the improved version in Lucia's book.


Requiem of Insanity gains 1765 XP and 225 gold!

10-11-09, 06:33 PM
Exp and GP added

Requiem is now level 4