View Full Version : Quest and Character Completion

The Archer
09-08-09, 04:48 AM
Hi there. I have a quest that has been sitting, pretty much dead, for over a year now (year and a half is about accurate, unfortunately), and it's the last thing I need to do with this guy before I can reincarnate him into someone or something (or maybe even someWHEN, with Althanas you never know) better, if I feel the need to.

The thread is Beneath the Crimson Moon (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=10224).

What I'm looking for, in a nutshell, is either someone who might be interested in helping this guy hunt down a guy he bit and dispose of him, then try to help him fend off a generic demon/vampire/creature of the NIIIIIIIIGHT hunter (who I will name Rick Genner. I WILL do it, if I have to), but be unsuccessful (or successful too late) and Seth then dies. So sad.

What I would PREFER, however, is someone who is between levels 2-4 (higher levels would be welcomed well enough, and I wouldn't necessarily kick aside a lower level character if I thought he/she could do the job) who would have an interest in killing a lycanthrope. This would allow for a couple posts a piece of cat and mouse (while he chases down and kills the guy he bit), and then a short battle in which you kill my character. Since this guy isn't an influential or high level chara, I don't think it'll qualify you for the Legendary Weapon thingamawhatsit, but you'd have a PC permakill under your belt, and those are pretty darn rare.

If you would be amenable to just volley posting and have this over and done with, that would be great. I'm estimating somewhere between 4 and 7 posts apiece until this is over (although it could potentially go longer if you have an idea).

So yeah...interested parties, please post here. I'm never on this account, so I'm not going to be able to respond to PMs addressed here.

Visla Eraclaire
09-08-09, 06:29 AM
I can envision a situation where I would do something like this. Frankly, my character is so morally ambiguous that I could find myself either defending or killing you, whichever you prefer. I can set up the circumstances to fit either.

Catch me on aim or reply here if this suits you.