View Full Version : What is this land I have stumbled upon, why am I here?

09-22-09, 12:26 PM
"I highly regret not bringing the serpentine stone with me in the beginning of my travels. Something wildly in me sensed the psychic energies I would soon greet were out of my training. I had already passed a member of the White Brotherhood along the way, mystic sorcery was easy to spot and destroy from further pestering... but what else lay ahead?"

Saddeyez stopped to rest at wherever she had found herself exhausted the most. The man from the white brotherhood told her she would end her journey in Althanas to rest. She hated it when seers were right. She stripped off her backpack like second skin and threw it aside. There are space-clearing spirits hard at work here. Saddeyez watched as one set the backpack on fire - as if to say, you will no longer need this here.

She gazed ahead at what appeared to be massive kingdom-like structures. She couldn't help but laugh and then suddenly howled! Saddeyez began to run, clenching her Chalcedony tight in her left fist. The plan was to stay in motion until something or someone stopped her. Next mission, food and shelter.