View Full Version : Chapter Four: Raiaera Mission Board

Flames of Hyperion
09-24-09, 03:51 AM
Factions and Missions

- Who they are and what they want you to do -

This thread is dedicated to describing the different factions battling for control over Raiaera. Look here for an insight into who’s in command and who’s actually doing the fighting in the fields and the forests, what drives them to throwing their lives down in the name of war, and what they would like you to do to aid them in their cause.

The missions on this board are intentionally designed to be mere skeletons. If you have any questions or ideas, please feel free to talk to me, Flames of Hyperion. The missions will also be updated and added to as the Chapter progresses, and the factions involved develop new aims.

Feel free to do something different. Change the premise. Reinvent the ideas. Flip-flop the good guys and the bad guys. In other words, take charge.

And most of all, never doubt that a good effort can actually influence events and change the course of history!

Flames of Hyperion
09-24-09, 04:07 AM
Moderated Quests

Moderated Quests are Althanas’s version of the ultimate player-driven storylines. Unlike standard FQ quests, the canonicity of which can be dependent upon player discretion and how well the quest “fits in” to the established storyline, MQs are a chance for a player to truly leave their mark on history. Under the general leadership of a designated moderator, a group of players will work together (or against each other) to achieve (or thwart) a crucial goal. Be forewarned, however, for these are by nature important threads based on pivotal events, and will require a commitment to activity.

At the moment, there are three MQs planned for the Raiaeran half of Chapter Four, details of which are either specified below or will be revealed at a more appropriate time. Recruitment threads will be posted under the name of the designated moderator when the time for commencement draws near.

However! Please do not assume that these are the only ways in which you can influence the FQ – these are not the only important threads, and if you are not selected for them they will not be the only way to shape the course of events. It is always possible to choose the free-form option and try to affect whether these quest groups succeed or fail. While you will need to discuss the matter with the individual GM, it is quite acceptable to try to “horn in” on a moderated quest, if that is your persuasion.

Please also feel free to suggest ideas for MQs, and then take charge of them through the tides of war. Godhand’s Necrosition Hit series, and my own Legion of Light saga, are previous examples of standard player quests that gained MQ status by discretion of the incumbent FQ moderator. If such is your desire, the only thing I ask is that you run your ideas by myself first, by PM or by IM, in order that your ideas can be incorporated into the main campaign. Although I may have to work to ensure that there is no conflict between your ideas and the general storyline behind the FQ, please rest assured that I have no intention whatsoever of stifling player creativity!

With no further ado, here are the MQs in place for the chapter so far…


Moderated Quests

MQ: Spring’s First Crimson Blossoms
As the winter snows melt to expose what sparse growth has managed to survive under the influence of the Necromancer, the ground reverberates with the sound of marching boots. Xem’zund has finally managed to pinpoint the general location of the fortress of Eluceliniel and has made his move… but Nalith Celiniel, Lady General of Raiaera, has been waiting for such an opportunity…
– GM: Flames of Hyperion
– Players: Godhand, Homunculus

MQ: Unconventional Tactics
Xem'zund is nothing if not a cunning commander. While he draws out Nalith's main force with himself as bait, his intention is to send a secondary army, under command of one of the few remaining Death Lords in which he can completely trust, to strike at Eluceliniel. The Death Lord in question has to find the fortress first, though... and Nalith has not left it completely undefended.
– GM: The International
– Players: Apply here (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19842): The International, Duffy Bracken

MQ: Breaching the Fortress
At last, the Alerian armies launch their long-awaited invasion of Raiaera. Like a sledgehammer their main force heads straight towards the ancient High Elven fortress of Valinatal, now desecrated by the undead horde and renamed Narenhad. There, Xem’zund’s new Obsidian Spire, just completed after the destruction of his first abode, awaits…
– GM: Taskmienster
– Players: Apply here (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19997): Logan, The Reborn, Izvilvin

MQ: Dawnbringers
A few brave warriors attempt to assassinate Xem’zund as he recuperates from the Battle of the River Escaldor and the besieging of his stronghold at Narenhad by the forces of Alerar
– GM: Flames of Hyperion
– Players: Apply here (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20227): Cydnar Yrene, Godhand, Caden Law, Ataraxis, Mage Hunter

Flames of Hyperion
09-24-09, 04:08 AM
The Defenders of Raiaera

The current leader of the High Elven resistance is the Lady General, High Bladesinger Nalith Celiniel. The sole survivor of the last High Bard Council, and currently the highest authority of the reformed Raiaeran High Command, Nalith is a cold-blooded battle-hardened woman with a temper like hellfire and a disdain towards non-High Elves that deepens with every passing day. Rarely seen off the battlefield or out of the war-room, Nalith often wears a suit of silver-plated mythril armour, heavily enchanted to resist damage, over which she usually casts a blue vlince cloak. Equally adept with sword, bow, and spell, her greatest strength lies in the fact that she has the unequivocal support of what remains of pre-war Raiaera’s army and government, and as thus is always surrounded by a highly skilled cadre of Bards, Wanderers, Seers, Rangers, and especially Bladesingers.

The necessities of war and the harsh winter have forced the High Elven armies to adapt and reform as best possible to their situation. Skilled commanders are as rare as an untouched food store, but unblooded conscripts are even rarer. Roaming bands of Rangers and the eccentric wizards known as the Wanderers in Starlight conduct hit-and-run operations against necromantic cadres, whilst Bards work to purify the depths of the Great Forest to resist Xem’zund’s dark corrupting magics. Bladesingers direct besieged militia and Elven regulars against the overwhelming hordes that surround them, exacting a hefty toll for every inch of ground they are forced to relinquish.

Very few humans still survive amongst the Raiaeran ranks, their numbers decimated by plague and by the rigours of winter and war. As such, the majority of those resisting Xem’zund’s incursions are of Elven or Half-Elven stock, with a scattering of Dwarves acting as mercenaries or in defence of their own mountain holds. Those attuned to the winds of magic are especially valued, as they form an invaluable force in combating Xem’zund’s necromantic retinues.

For more information regarding the defenders of Raiaera, please look here (”http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=131680”).



Horrors in Timbrethinil
The success of the Legion of Light and the armies of Tor Elythis in recapturing Nenaebreth from the Death Lords have caused them to retreat northwards to the ruins of what was once Timbrethinil Forest. There they seek to recover from their losses and rebuild their armies, all the while increasing the pressure upon Anebrilith and Galonan to reopen supply lines to Xem’zund’s seat of power in the south. Can you harry them and prevent them from accomplishing their aims?
– Requirements: None.

The Siege of Anebrilith
The ancient port city of Anebrilith has been under siege for the vast majority of the campaign, gradually falling into anarchy and corruption as the undead forces show no sign of retreat. Pirates and slave-traders freely walk the streets, whilst the city council desperately attempts to marshal its strength to survive another day. The tomes of the famed Anebrilithian library have long since been evacuated to safer locations or have been used as kindling for the great bonfires that kept those of the starving populace that refuse to abandon their homes alive throughout the winter. The Death Lord in charge of the siege, Rosven Kaverre, is a patient minimalist who prefers to take the city with the least expenditure of force, and also has a sadistic penchant for enjoying the city tearing itself apart from lack of hope. But spring has arrived, and with it a new hero… can you be the one to finally relieve the Siege of Anebrilith?
– Requirements: The ability to rally a haggard populace into defeating an overwhelming horde of undead foes may come in useful.

The Ruins of Narenhad
Where once stood the mighty High Elven fortress of Valinatal now lies a massive crater, and in the midst of this destruction is Xem’zund’s new base of operations, a second Obsidian Spire to replace the one that was destroyed earlier on in the war. Nowadays, this fortified base lies under siege by leading elements of the Alerian invasion, who are determined to wrest control of this vital staging ground where so many of their previous attempts have fallen awry. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take advantage of this chaos in any way you wish: raid stores for valuable artefacts, assassinate leading figures, or play both sides off against each other… so as to pick up the pieces later…
– Requirements: None, although you may want knowledge of Alerian. Collaboration with an opposing player is highly recommended.

Probe the Lindequalme
Ever since the very start of the war, there’s been an unspoken assumption that Xem’zund has been working his fell magicks with the support of N’jal herself. His corpse cavaliers ride into battle on giant spiders, and more than a few of his spells bear the dark signs of that lost Thayne’s power. Until now, nobody has had cause to doubt the obvious… and then came the rumours of spider-magi emerging from the Red Forest and the mountains bordering Alerar and Raiaera, attacking the Resistance and Xem’zund’s legions with equal disdain. Your mission is to find out why, and if possible, to stem the tide of a spider-mage attack.
– Requirements: None for the resistance. It bears mention that, if you actually want to find out who Xem’zund’s drawing power from, you might want to skim some of Sighter Tnailog’s Featured Quest RPs in both the first chapter and Ye Olde Shoppe (specifically: The Cosmic Detour). It also bears mention that actual success is not a requirement to completing this quest.

Battlefront: Eluriand
As a new spring awakens the land, Nalith has organised a concerted counterattack against the undead forces occupying the ruins of Eluriand, in the faint hope that there is something there left for her to salvage – whether it be tomes of knowledge from Istien University, or survivors of the High Bard Council, or even simply the lost pride of the High Elven capital. Although the brunt of this assault will be undertaken in a moderated quest, the assault is of sufficient size and scale that there is opportunity for multiple players to be involved alongside her. As the first large-scale offensive operation undertaken by the Raiaeran resistance after the defeat at Eluriand, it is of vital importance that this succeed… else all that Nalith has worked towards over the long winter months may have been in vain…
– Requirements: Contact Flames of Hyperion if you require more info. This is possibly the largest non-MQ event available to the resistance, and your participation will be essential to its success.

Other Ideas
- Go treasure-hunting in the zombie-haunted ruins of Trenyce… you never know what you might find in the ruins of what was once the richest – and most corrupt – city in Raiaera!
- Fight against the besieging armies of undead in one of the many other battlegrounds around Raiaera; Galonan and New Aurient are in desperate need of aid!
- Conduct guerrilla strikes on necromantic warbands or mercenary retinues, or strike a blow for freedom by disrupting Xem’zund’s supply lines!
- Feel like emulating Godhand Stryker? Prove your worth by assassinating as many Death Lords as you dare… if you can survive the first encounter, of course!

Flames of Hyperion
09-24-09, 04:09 AM
The Death Lords of Xem’zund

If you were to point one finger to assign blame for the turmoil that has engulfed Raiaera in the past year, it would be towards the Forgotten One Xem’zund. Necromantic demigod in waiting – give or take a few thousand sacrifices – Xem’zund is an imposing figure, always seen wearing a suit of black leather woven with adamantine scales. His face is rarely viewed by the public; he wears a wrought black adamantine mask and a hooded black cloak when entering battle. Xem’zund is a cold-hearted evil overlord, killing without mercy and with no problems doing his own dirty work. The Death Lords are mostly there so that he doesn’t stretch himself thin this time… although he’s dangerously close to having to do so, now.

His powers are insane. He’s cut deals with gods leaving him with immortality; whenever someone manages to kill him, Xem’zund returns wearing their exact likeness. There are no absolutely guaranteed ways to kill him for good at this time. As a Necromancer with enough skill and experience, raw power and immortality to lay waste to an entire nation on his own, Xem’zund is not the kind of person you can take on without some serious backup. Even if all you’ve got is plot on your side, make it count. Remember, however, that the last time he was killed, a plain warrior pulled it off with nothing but a steel sword and some help from his friends.

Xem’zund’s Death Lords are his champions, generals, and personal lieutenants. From undead Elves to living humans, classical wizards to barbarian kings, their motivations are just as diverse; some were taken right out of graveyard soil to serve on the front lines and others were seduced with whispers of power from afar. Still others sought out Xem’zund and made fiendish pacts to serve him in exchange for power. Chances are, if you’re confronting the armies of the Necromancer, a Death Lord is going to be at its head. Their power ranges from pathetic to right through the roof. Any PC acting in service of Xem’zund is automatically considered a Death Lord, no matter their level or experience.

The minions under the command of Xem’zund and his Death Lords range from newly raised zombies and plague-bearers to ancient undead Elves and wights of great power. Undead trees, corrupted spirits, harpies and fellbats, dire wolves and giant insects, chimeras and hydras and other monsters of evil repute… almost any abomination under the sun can be found in the Forgotten One’s employ, up to and including human mercenaries willing to sacrifice any semblance of soul and conscience in exchange for immunity to the necromantic plagues and a chance at plunder and glory. Some even whisper of daemonic contracts binding fiends of great power to Xem’zund’s service.

Xem’zund also employs a special cadre of minions known only as Archivists to preserve his power and his knowledge. Most are well preserved undead of any species, but a visible minority are alive. All serve as batteries and databases for the Necromancer, and are connected to him directly through arcane means. With direct access to parts of his knowledge and power, they make for formidable spellcasters.

For more information regarding the Death Lords of Xem’zund, please look here (”http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p= 131686”).



Spellweaving of a Higher Degree
The Death Lords campaigning to the east have suffered a minor setback with the loss of Nenaebreth, the chief base of operations in the area, to the resistance. They seek to counter this defeat with a spell of epic proportions, targeted upon the stubborn towns of Galonan and New Aurient that have defied them ever since the beginning of the war. This spell, however, takes much time, energy, and resources to cast… and it is up to you to ensure that this is done. Successful completion of this quest will regain the initiative on the eastern front, and will allow the Death Lords there to concentrate their attentions once more on two proverbial thorns in their side… Anebrilith, and Tor Elythis.
– Requirements: Talent in spellcasting and magic, or affiliation with an NPC with such talent.

The Siege of Galonan
Galonan is a town just northwest of the Dead Lands that used to be Timbrethnil Forest. As the months have gone by, the town has become a hotbed for conflict between resistance forces gathering to mount counterattacks and raids on Xem’zund’s armies, and those who seek to raze the town and annihilate everyone in it. The conflict has already spiralled into the single largest engagement since the Fall of Eluriand, and its outcome holds the fate of the eastern front… and with it, possibly even the entire war.
– Requirements: None. However, this mission is a good example of where you may wish to have two players, one commanding on each side. Raise hell with it!

Probe the Lindequalme
Ever since the very start of the war, there’s been an unspoken assumption that Xem’zund has been working his fell magicks with the support of N’jal herself. His corpse cavaliers ride into battle on giant spiders, and more than a few of his spells bear the dark signs of that lost Thayne’s power. Until now, nobody has had cause to doubt the obvious… and then came the rumours of spider-magi emerging from the Red Forest and the mountains bordering Alerar and Raiaera, attacking the Resistance and Xem’zund’s legions with equal disdain. Your mission is to find out why, and if possible, to stem the tide of a spider-mage attack.
– Requirements: Death Lords will require at least passing affiliation with an Archivist (assuming they aren’t Archivists themselves). It’s suggested that Death Lords focus more on defeating a spider-mage incursion. It bears mention that, if you actually want to find out who Xem’zund’s drawing power from, you might want to skim some of Sighter Tnailog’s Featured Quest RPs in both the first chapter and Ye Olde Shoppe (specifically: The Cosmic Detour). It also bears mention that actual success is not a requirement to completing this quest.

Battlefront: Narenhad
Where once stood the mighty High Elven fortress of Valinatal now lies a massive crater, and in the midst of this destruction is Xem’zund’s new base of operations, a second Obsidian Spire to replace the one that was destroyed earlier on in the war. Nowadays, this fortified base lies under siege by leading elements of the Alerian invasion, who are determined to wrest control of this vital staging ground where so many of their previous attempts have fallen awry. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to defend Narenhad at all costs in Xem’zund’s absence… should the Obsidian Spire fall for the second time, who knows what rippling effects it would have for the Forgotten One’s war effort…
– Requirements: None. Collaboration with opposing players is highly recommended.

Battlefront: Eluceliniel
Xem’zund is sick and tired of the stubborn resistance of the High Elves and their allies, and is determined to ensure that such futile efforts are stamped out as soon as possible. However, this first requires that he find the hidden fortress itself; although he has a vague idea, the arcane wards and field-craft of the Elves have so far prevented him from pinpointing its exact location. Only then will he be able to unleash the full force of his might upon the remnant Elves, scattering them like leaves before the gale wind. On the other hand, if he is successful in determining the focal site of Raiaeran resistance, then it will be only a matter of time before the High Elves are forced to flee before his might once again.
– Requirements: Contact Flames of Hyperion if you require more info. This is possibly the largest non-MQ event available to the undead, and your participation will be essential to its success.

Other Ideas
- Comb the marshes of the Alye Duina in search of ancient artefacts of great power… but ware the darkness that lies there!
- Aid Xem’zund’s cause by laying waste to Raiaeran supplies and corrupting the land they seek to protect!
- Wage skirmishes against one of the many bands of Rangers or Wanderers that roam the land!
- Strike a deal with the direst of allies… inscribe your name upon dark pacts that enable you to summon great daemons to the aid of the Forgotten One!

Flames of Hyperion
09-24-09, 04:10 AM
The Invasion Force of Alerar

The history between Alerar and Raiaera, Dark Elf and High Elf, has been nothing short of acrimonious and conflict-wrought. From the initial schism that tore the race apart during the Wars of the Tap, to the subsequent skirmishes over the years as one side or the other sought to take advantage of weakness or defend against opportunism, there has been no shortage of ill-blood between the Elven kindreds.

For years now, with their advanced arsenal many in Alerar have believed that it is time to repay the Raiaerans for their past transgressions and for pushing them into centuries of war against Valinthe, daemon, and Dwarf. The Raiaerans, for their part, view Alerar as traitors and betrayers, evil kinfolk who abandoned them in their time of need. The Dark Elves refer to their Raiaeran relations as “Darthirii”, traitors. The High Elves simply call Alerians “Tel'gothrim”, the enemy.

Six years prior, a pre-emptive Alerian invasion led by Thoracis Rakarth was halted at Valinatal by none other than Devon Starslayer, legendary hero of Raiaera and the very warrior responsible for the defeat of Xem’zund.

Now, the Alerian commanders are ready for another attempt. Their military is numerous and armed with the finest machinations on Althanas – gunpowder rifles, rune-powered cannons, and great zeppelins that ply the skies powered by a fusion of magic and technology. While the bulk of their armies are neither as well-equipped nor as battle-hardened as their Raiaeran counterparts, the Alerians make up for this with the support of their Dwarven allies, the numerous war-beasts entrained to their command, and a ruthless vigour to their actions that belies the years of preparation focused into this single moment.

Raiaera, weakened by a year of brutal war and famine and the loss of valuable infrastructure to Xem’zund, can barely hope to stand against them. But the Alerians must fight through the aforementioned undead first… and the High Council had kept a few tricks up their sleeve in preparation just for this eventuality.

The commander of the Alerian armies is High Graf Schynius, but the force is so bulky and unwieldy that individual commanders largely have free license to roam and range as long as they act in the best interests of Alerar and the grand plan… the occupation of the lands that once belonged to their weaker kin. These commanders range from effete nobles with little prior battle experience to hardened veterans of skirmishes against both daemonic and Elven foes, and individual warbands range in size from a few hundred to several thousand.

But they are all united in three things… the technological prowess of their nation, the conviction of their hatred against their fairer kin, and their determination to avenge the wrongs of ages long past.

The Twilight Peaks resound under the sound of their marching boots.



Infiltrate and Assassinate
Prior to the invasion, Alerian scouts reconnoitred much of the Raiaeran borderlands and have already marked out places and people they feel are the lynchpins of resistance. The stage has been set for the professionals to take advantage… the soldiers to occupy the lands, and the assassins to pave the way forwards. As zeppelins drone overhead and the sound of massed volleys echo across the land, some of the Alerian invaders prefer to take advantage of the cover of silence…
– Requirements: A character who doesn’t feel squeamish about doing what needs to be done. Feel free to adapt the target however you wish: one of Xem’zund’s few remaining Death Lords, a high-ranking Bladesinger close to Nalith, or even somebody not quite so high profile…

Deciphering Ancient Magic
The High Bard Council of Raiaera has been preparing from invasion from Alerar for years. One of their most effective precautions has been the sanctification of much of the land against the use of the technological prowess that Alerians are rightfully proud of. Although these ‘pockets’ cannot be detected by any mundane means, their effects are quite debilitating – no firearm or rune-cannon will successfully discharge within their confines, and even the renowned Alerian skyships are forced to avoid coming too close to land for fear of crashing. Obviously, this is a state of affairs that the High Graf is highly displeased with. It is your duty to find out the secret behind the Raiaeran spells, working to dispel it or, if not possible, to find a workaround.
– Requirements: A character with some sense of the arcane would be necessary, either PC or NPC. Dispelling the sorceries will most likely be nigh impossible, so any workaround will also require aid in the form of techno-sorcerous expertise.

Probe the Lindequalme
Ever since the very start of the war, there’s been an unspoken assumption that Xem’zund has been working his fell magicks with the support of N’jal herself. His corpse cavaliers ride into battle on giant spiders, and more than a few of his spells bear the dark signs of that lost Thayne’s power. Until now, nobody has had cause to doubt the obvious… and then came the rumours of spider-magi emerging from the Red Forest and the mountains bordering Alerar and Raiaera, attacking the Resistance and Xem’zund’s legions with equal disdain. Your mission is to find out why, and if possible, to stem the tide of a spider-mage attack.
– Requirements: None for the invaders. It bears mention that, if you actually want to find out who Xem’zund’s drawing power from, you might want to skim some of Sighter Tnailog’s Featured Quest RPs in both the first chapter and Ye Olde Shoppe (specifically: The Cosmic Detour). It also bears mention that actual success is not a requirement to completing this quest.

Battlefront: Narenhad
Where once stood the mighty High Elven fortress of Valinatal now lies a massive crater, and in the midst of this destruction is Xem’zund’s new base of operations, a second Obsidian Spire to replace the one that was destroyed earlier on in the war. Nowadays, this fortified base lies under siege by leading elements of the Alerian invasion, who are determined to wrest control of this vital staging ground where so many of their previous attempts have fallen awry. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to destroy Narenhad at all costs, preferably defeating the elements of the undead army that defend it without giving Xem’zund time to return from his campaign against Nalith. The invasion must not be allowed to stall upon the plains of Valinatal again.
– Requirements: None. Collaboration with opposing players is highly recommended.

Other Ideas
- Lead a blitzkrieg from aboard one of the famed Alerian zeppelins, striking deep and hard into Raiaeran territory!
- Work with advance scout teams to further extend Alerar’s reach into Raiaera, or go to their aid should they be in trouble!
- Raid abandoned homesteads for anything that may be of use… horse breeding manuals, texts of the ancient and arcane, or if you’re lucky, an abandoned artefact of great power…?
- Establish preliminary contacts with the High Elves in preparation for the inevitable negotiations… after all, is it really in your best interests to wipe out your kin when they would make valuable vassals, or even slaves?

The International
09-25-09, 12:01 AM
I want Vespasian and his family in one of the Moderated Quests, but I don't know what the other two are.

Flames of Hyperion
09-25-09, 02:50 AM
I will admit that I'm keeping one or two aspects of this chapter under cover until such time as they are ready to be revealed to the world... although I don't think it'd be too difficult to guess what they are by reading through the synopsi.

Also, the list of MQs will hopefully be added to in the next couple of days as willing players step forth to take the lead in storylines. I can't hope to do all of this alone, after all... so please feel free to peruse the rest of the missions or come up with one of your own that you'd like to take charge of!

Caden Law
12-24-09, 04:57 PM
Not sure if it's got to be claimed or not, but dibs on The Siege of Anebrilith under the thread name Ain't No Rest For The Wizard (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=157982). Hoping to plow through this in short order.

Flames of Hyperion
12-24-09, 05:16 PM
Cool! Thanks for the heads up, looking forward to the thread ^^.