View Full Version : Children of the Oni.

09-26-09, 02:46 AM
(Conditionally Open. Click on this link (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17795) to read the back-story. We warn you, its a -long- thread. Contact me if you wish to join this thread.)

(This thread takes place a few months -after- Scraps of the Oni)

April 3rd, C.P. 1815
6:30 P.M.

Cold air clung everywhere like a phantom. It was a breezy April evening with rain pouring down on and off. The rain only recently stopped. A mist hung low to the ground making the environment seem almost forbidding. Worms, nightcrawlers, and other insect-life forms crawled underneath and atop the underbrush of the forest. Nature's realm. Energy was vibrant everywhere as the wild of a different sort of forest became a new way of life.

Adapting to a new role was crucial for survival. Previous failures. Past endeavors, new journeys begun.

Amidst the natural ebb and flow of the energy in the wild, there lurked a disturbance. A great disturbance to the natural order of things. This disturbance was named Lorenor. Yet, despite the very nature of the beast, the people around him accepted him as he was for they were shunned by Akashima proper as well.

Kitsune were a mysterious race. Unlike the Nekojins, the Kitsune were more akin to foxes. Most Kitsunes lived in the wilderness and tended to be playful hunters, often playing tricks on the people around them. However, the tricks were meant to be teasing and playful in nature, never devious or potentially lethal.

As outsiders to the larger community of Althanas as a whole, the Kitsune adapted to their role. They found their own place in the scheme of things, and found their own balance. Kitsune generally traded with people outside of their home-village in the Akashiman wild. Like Concordia was also named Ruild, the Akashiman forest was given a nick-name. Also called Kinoshi by its people, the forest was alive with energy. Many different realms lurked within the forest connected by the Great Crystal Spire.

On the Antifirmanent, the Great Crystal Spire glowed with a colorful hue to add a subtle difference in the bleak landscape.

Like Ruild, Kinoshi (Another name for whatever is the name of the main forest on Akashima) was a metaphysical reality more than it was a place acting along the rules of the Firmanent.

Every now and again beings from the Antifirmanent, and beings traveling from Phantaria would pass into Kinoshi and effect great physical change upon the Firmanent. This of course, would upset the natural law and homeostasis of the environment. Warders would act as the first and last line of defense along with others who would know about such disturbances.

But a recent disturbance was unmatched by all other disturbances in recorded history save for the Demon War.

The disturbance was the arrival of Lorenor on Akashima. Having upset the natural balance and order of life on Akashima, the mutant threw things off balance where ever he went. However, it was not always his fault. Lorenor thought about this as he held the fishing net in his hands. Kitsune were hunters and gatherers by nature, and as the situation called for it, Lorenor adapted. His initial mission was to become a Warder, but apparently he found out he would be unable to do so. So instead, Makira and himself adapted to the way of life in the Kitsune village. Lorenor could leave at any time if he so wished, but he was actually enjoying life in Akashima. His hands gripped the net hard, hard to the point where they got blisters. He pulled his catch in. The mutant was being careful as he was taught by the Kitsune's more experienced hunters. A male Kitsune named Jaxx was fishing alongside him, handling his own fishing net. Several others were visible as well. They were catching river fish.

Lorenor pulled his net in and saw that there were several dozen large fish in his net. He pulled the net onto the ground, opened it, and quickly caught the fish using his reflexes and speed to their fullest capacity possible in the daylight hours. He had his anti-sunlight uniform on at all times, so that uniform gave him sunlight protection at great costs to his powers. Lorenor quickly proceeded to gut and clean the fish that he'd caught. He put the meals into a bucket and then walked over to an empty spot along the ground and collapsed against it. He was dead tired. It had been a long. exhausting time period ever since Lorenor had arrived in this town. Makira had healed properly and she was off doing her own errands whilst he worked with the fellow hunters. Sometimes, they would catch big-game in the forest and other times they would hunt birds and avian creatures. Lorenor was just happy for some work, however dirty the job was. He stared at the sky for a moment when Jaxx finished his catch, cleaned and placed the fish in his own bucket and sat down next to the moment.

"You are a good worker." Jaxx said calmly. "You and your companion have been a boon to our society." Lorenor turned to face Jaxx. "I just like to do what I have to do." Lorenor said. His chest heaved up and down powerfully as his exhaustion level set in. Wiping his forehead quickly, the mutant sat up in a normal seated position. "I want to work just like any other hunter." He added. "And you've found the right place. So tell me Lorenor. Is Makira your mate?" Jaxx asked. Lorenor thought about that question for a moment and sighed deeply. "I'm afraid that's complicated. I would like her to be, but we are professional associates. I don't think mating her would be possible. I--" He cut himself off before he could finish. Jaxx was looking at him with a calm expression on his face. "You can finish Lorenor. You are amongst friends. We won't let Warders, Rogue, or, otherwise bother you here." The mutant nodded. "I care deeply for her. She is a good friend." He said. "Do you love her?" Jaxx asked. "I don't know." The mutant said honestly. "It's probably not the appropriate thing to discuss. I have my eyes on someone here anyway." Lorenor said truthfully. "Anybody I know?" Jaxx responded.

"Perhaps." Lorenor said with a wink, then gathered his belongings. They'd caught enough fish for the day. He gathered his buckets, his net, and his other fishing supplies. Placing them on his person, the mutant prepared to set back to town. He was eager for a cooked meal, and perhaps a drink or three. More importantly, he was eager to be next to Makira again. Jaxx followed shortly after the mutant.

09-26-09, 03:16 AM
Makira although being a fighter was content with taking a break. Her wings were healed. but they still felt off even months after. It was odd when she flew off she got the feeling they should hurt more, be weaker. She more or less took care of the house the villagers let them use. But she assisted with the other females, took to training and hunting sometimes. She was doing the laundry for now. Washing clothes with some other females.

She spoke to them, enjoyed their company. Many asked her questions and acted like females. She didn't mind. It was peaceful, something shed never had in her line of work. She smiled when she brought the clothes inside to set in front a fire to dry. It dawned on her she seemed a housewife. However, adaptation was adaptation.

She sighed and sat down on the porch looking at the sky and relaxing. Enjoying the wind. Judging by the sky Lorenor would be returning soon. One of the village females came over to converse with her a bit. Makira's phoenix was in her room. The bird had discovered when he wished he could be covered in black feathers with hues of red and orange in the black. He seemed to take this form more here in the village.

09-26-09, 09:27 PM
Earning his keep was what Lorenor did. Though he was a villain at heart, he had a code of honor that he always lived by. He fought for his cause, which was the cause of N'Jal and her followers. He also, occasionally, fought for the Church of Ethereal Sway in Salvar which was his home away from home. If ever there was a globe-trotter, it would have been Lorenor. The mutant kept his equipment and the buckets in hand as he walked back to the Kitsune village in silence. Jaxx walked alongside him, the two had become fast friends for whatever reason.

"What's on your mind Lorenor?"

"I'm thinking about that time. You took us in when you didn't have to. Makira and I are thankful for your patronage." Lorenor said. "I am certain by now you know what I am." Lorenor added, a look of concern on his face. "My people are always hunted. I have earned favor with the Knights of Dawn, but only because they needed someone with the power I possess." Lorenor was being modest towards Jaxx. "I sometimes have difficulty accepting that the village would be willing to put itself in danger on the behalf of a couple of rogues."

"I understand where you're coming from Lorenor. In fact, the Kitsune are often hunted as well. We are not the Nekojin who are more widely accepted than we are. Akashima is not a xenophobic nation like, maybe, Corone has become or perhaps even Fallien." Lorenor nodded as Jaxx spoke. "You are welcome to stay here. Kitsune respect strength and power, and we know that Lorenor is strong."

"Thank you my friend. I pray that N'Jal will offer you many blessings in your life." Lorenor said, reinventing his role as a High Priest of N'Jal. Jaxx laughed at that. "No need for religion here my friend. You know that we follow our own gods separate from the rest of Akashima. We just want to be left to our own devices." Lorenor had a grin on his face when Jaxx said that last part. "That's the real trick isn't it?" Lorenor said.

"Well I hope that you can succeed with whatever you wish out of life my friend." Lorenor said. He was honest with it, he never danced around what he meant with his words. Many would call Lorenor a simpleton, but not many would look past his ghoulish exteriors. "Thank you for the kind words Lorenor. The village is up ahead, let's get settled in for dinner." The man said casually as Lorenor followed. Lorenor noticed that Jaxx took the lead now.


They arrived at the town about an hour or so later. A simply organized settlement, the buildings were compromised of mud-brick. Sturdy and capable of surviving harsh winters, the structures were built low to the ground with the tallest building being only three stories above the ground. The structures were organized seemingly at random, but there were actual districts in place. An open market was visible towards the center of the town, a hospital, a school, and a Guild Hall. A building where the chieftain resided was present, and this building was where the law of the land was decided.

There was a robust residential district where many of the villagers lived in smaller buildings and houses. A few had some money so there were some large buildings, manors, in play. A certain building functioned as a public eating hall, and there were many Hunters gathered there. That's the place where people went to socialize and get their hunts tallied outside of the Guild Hall.

Lorenor walked towards the gathering hall alongside Jaxx. Several individuals greeting the two Hunters on their return trip. They specialized in the fishing arts, though Lorenor had accompanied Jaxx on several hunting expeditions for big-game. He had Makira to look over after all, it was the least he could do to earn his upkeep in the village. Once they checked their catch of the day in, Lorenor grabbed some cooked food, drink, and walked over to the house they were staying at. It was a several family home, and it was built to maintain large numbers at anyone time. There was part of the structure built below ground, as many of the structures had. Lorenor looked towards the watch-towers and nodded to himself since he saw that security was busily doing its rounds.

Arriving at the house, several young Kitsune greeted the mutant with a big hug and laughter. Lorenor sighed at that.

For the first time in his life, he felt at peace.

"I'm home little ones." They were children that belonged to the members of the household that lived there. There six all together and they danced around the mutant. "Tell us some stories Uncle Lorenor!" The mutant smiled at that. "Let me get this food over to Lady Makira first, then we can share all the stories that we want okay?" Lorenor said calmly. Then, he walked over to where Makira would be with her drink and meal. Seeing her with the other villagers gave the mutant a warm feeling in his stomach. He noticed that Kayla was staring at him as always. The stare always did unnerve the mutant, but he smiled at her nonetheless. Turning away from the girl for a moment, he walked to Makira and held the food and drink in his hand. "We caught a large amount of fish today. There were few monsters on the way back. I picked up your favorite dish today from the gathering hall." Lorenor said to Makira. He was eager to hear how her day had gone. It was a huge paradigm shift from Lorenor the assassin, to Lorenor the hunter.

What consequences would this have?

09-27-09, 03:12 AM
Makira smiled as she gratefully took the offered food and drink. "Thank you, it's good to hear that you caught such a large catch. It will help the village greatly." She took a drink and set it down beside her setting the plate in her lap to eat from. " It was a productive day, i helped in the fields a bit. The recent rains have damaged some of the crops, but not beyond our saving yet. The children of course seemed to enjoy playing our games, it was quite fun. As always they like the flying." She smiled at one of the children that was giggling in remembrance of the ride.

"I got some laundry done today, so that should be dry by later in the evening." She started to eat then paused. " So different from the lives we used to lead." She commented. She liked this peace, this tranquility. She wondered if indeed the past would ever catch up to them in this place.

They knew what was waiting if they ever returned. They knew the life that would be there. For now, whatever time was given, they were enjoying the peace. The soul healing atmosphere that surrounded these people. How willing they were for taking them in, for how simple they lived in the way that the rest of the world did not.

She smiled looking at the sky,she looked at her plate as she finished. She set her plate to the side and enjoyed her drink. To forever live in this place of peace. It would be nice, until it was time for them to move on one day, who knew when.

09-27-09, 11:24 PM
"How have your wings recovered?" The mutant said with concern in his voice.

"I trust everything is well by now?"

He looked at his companion for a moment. Wondering where she placed in his life in terms of importance. Is she my friend, or perhaps something more than that? Lorenor thought to himself as he looked at her. Tired from the fishing venture, the mutant sat down against the floor. Feeling soft grass underneath, Lorenor couldn't remember the last time he felt this relaxed. With the blazing sun overhead, his powers were reduced. It was a dreaded racial weakness that caused this reaction.

Akin to the vampire-folk of Haidia, the mutant was a ghoul. As such, he fed from the flesh of the living. Most of the time, he favored the flesh of monsters, cooked or not. Humanoids were too problematic to kill off, often a messy deed. Each time Lorenor killed off somebody, the mutant was burdened with the consequence of karma. Relatives hunted him, hunters came for his head, and worse. It was a vicious cycle that held no end in sight.

As he sat against the floor, the mutant laid down casually. After a hard day's work, it felt good to relax. It felt good to be at peace. He saw the expression on Makira's face. Studying her eyes for a long moment, he noticed that she too, was relaxed. A heavy burden was lifted off the mutant's shoulder as he adapted to the way of life of the hunter. A predator by nature, the hunter's life-style suited him greatly.

Lorenor leaned back against the ground while waiting for Makira to respond.

09-30-09, 01:53 AM
She smiled and looked at him. "More or less. They are fine but they still are readjusting to the flight without impairment. They are better though." She said folding one wing and petting the feathers there. She always marveled at the healing of he wings. How often they felt still damaged, how often she sometimes remembered the sheer amount of pain and damage was done to them, escaping from the Oni. It had been worth it.

She had saved them both even if it nearly cost her, her life and wings. That's what mattered, they were alive. They had both risked, they had both saved each other. She was reminded of some rumors that the ladies of the village had come up with about her and Lorenor. She closed her eyes clearing her mind of the rumors. Rumors were just that, rumor.

"What about yourself? Nothing bothers you to terribly does it?" She wondered as he stretched out on the porch. She once again turned her attention to the sky.

10-05-09, 11:51 AM
Laying on the ground, Lorenor looked at the sky as well. Many clouds loomed overhead. The ground felt hard on his back, with an added cushioning of grass against him. As he considered Makira's words, he remembered the serious injuries he'd sustained in his battles with the Oni. In the end, the mutant had decided to make an attempt at both Mother Brain and Clark. His attempt was unsuccessful. He'd managed to somehow break the final seal that contained the race that Clark belonged to. What effects will this have on Althanas?The mutant wondered to himself as he pondered what Makira asked him. It was a strange sort of life he'd stumbled upon. It was carefree and stressless. He did not have to worry about the conspiracies of the Church in Salvar or the happenings of the Civil War in Corone. He could spend the rest of his days in Akashima if the fates destined him to do just that. Lorenor found himself in a content existence for the first time in a long time. With a purpose in his heart, the mutant was happy to be part of this community of outcasts.

Being an outcast himself, the mutant understood the world-view of these Kitsune. He could relate to it, he embraced it into his heart. Sometimes, he even pondered taking a Kitsune for his mate. There were a few that caught his eye that he knew about. Makira was a friend, and he had his interests in her, but she was holding back her emotions. Lorenor would not pursue someone who had earth-bound attachments. Plus, she was the leader of the Thieves' Guild.

"I have fully recovered from my physical wounds." Lorenor said, hinting at what psychological damage there could remain from the battle against the Oni. "I often think about that time, but we did the best we could. And for a moment there, we clashed against titans." Lorenor said as he found himself looking at Makira.

"I am glad that you are recovering. We can stay here as long as you like, I have no pending jobs." Lorenor added. "This would make a fine vacation."

He said with a happy grin on his face.

10-05-09, 10:23 PM
Makira smiled. " It seems you'd like to stay longer. I've seen you looking at some of the females. Have you been considering to settling down?" She asked smiling. She had seen him, merely because she was observant. She often thought of the time when she had almost died, how he had acted. It both confused her and intrigued. She wondered if had truly cared for her, or it was merely pressure of the surround environment. She didn't know what to think of it, Though she often tried to without asking him.

The scene often replayed in her mind, but she wasn't sure what she was seeing. She closed her eyes and once again the scene played back in her mind. She lay there on the floor of the temple, near death. He was begging her to live, if that meant the n'jal protocol or not. She had turned the protocol down for her own reasons. She vaguely wondered if he forgave her for that.

10-22-09, 01:08 AM
"Settling down here?" Lorenor said out loud. He looked in the general direction of some of the villagers and a few were staring at him. "I don't know its possible. I only have ties to Salvar. A few connections in Corone, there's nothing that would really prevent me from using this place as a spot to sort of just function." Lorenor said calmly. It could be the home he was always looking for. A funny shaped cloud passed overhead, the mutant studied it for a moment, he caught a flash of the Antifirmanent briefly.

He saw the cloud in the Antifirmanet, but there was no other movement in that realm. All was unusually still and quiet. The unusually shaped cloud continued to move overhead very slowly. The mutant frowned when he studied the cloud, it reminded him of something he had seen before but couldn't quite place.

For some reason, the cloud bothered him a lot. N'Jal remained quiet and had been quiet for a time ever since the temple. The Endless however, would always sing their song when on the hunt. A few times, facing the most powerful beasts that lived in the wild, the mutant's living armor had come up to protect him more than once. His hunting companions marveled at that strange power that Lorenor possessed. The mutant educated the Kitsunes about the Thayne, and they, in turn, educated the mutant about the local deities that they worshiped and followed.

The Kitsune had their own origin religion based on the worship of certain earth-bound spirits. Upon further inspection, Lorenor was taken to a series of nearby caves in the forest that had paintings in their walls. One of the markings that were painted on the wall strangely reminded Lorenor of the entity known as Clark from their recent trip to the temple. Clark's symbol had a marking on it that was in native Kitsune. The Kitsune explained to Lorenor that the spirits within the temple were guardians to their people and that they were directly tied somehow to the Oni. Hearing that revelation, the mutant wondered if the Kitsune were indeed friend or foe.

However, their acceptance of the pair made Lorenor realize that they were friends and powerful allies. Unlike the Oni who were hostile to them, the Kitsune shown kindness to the two outcasts. Thinking back on all of their adventures since the time of the temple, Lorenor found himself actually enjoying his time in the Kitsune village. He'd become fast friends with many of the hunters in town, and had also become a key ally with the town's elder.

He was a Kitsune chieftain named Pumon Nmutos.

Lorenor closed his eyes still visualizing the cloud overhead. Something about the cloud really bothered the mutant. A terrible feeling in his gut, like something was coming. He just wasn't certain what it was. Lorenor opened his eyes to look in Makira's general direction.

"Well you seem to have adapted well to the village as well. I plan on staying here in Akashima at least for a time. I don't know how long. But I want to be certain that I learn to become a highly skilled Hunter to help the other villages for as long as I can. I have grown fond of them."

10-25-09, 07:16 PM
"I like it here, there's no denying that. Unfortunately i do have duties that will call me away eventually. For now though, i think i will stay. I've no hurry to return to that world i suppose, Leastwise not now." She chuckled. Who could honestly blame her. She enjoyed the peace, Although.... the pendant around her neck it gave her prophetic dreams. Her dreams were warning of her an unknown something. She knew something was coming, dangerous or not she didn't know.

She assumed she should watch for it, Elsewise the dreams would not have come. She watched the cloud that Lorenor seemed to be worried about with curiosity. Seemed overly ordinary to her, but perhaps he was seeing something she wasn't. "I wonder what your goddess thinks of the events." She said to Lorenor while she watched the sky.

The goddess's words she didn't care for, An explanation for what had happened would be welcome.

11-07-09, 12:22 AM
A moment frozen in time and of pure relaxation.

With a life of constant strife, tactical warfare, and other areas of conflict, the mutant had little time to enjoy these small moments. He had found a strange place to call home. Thinking about the kitsune that he'd called family the mutant had little time to actually ponder the recent events. In Akashima, he'd discovered more than a place to call home, he'd discovered a purpose in life. Something that the wandering High Priest of N'Jal had not discovered up until that point.

True Lorenor had a purpose as a High Priest of N'Jal, but the mutant had not found a suitable home to spread the Dark Lady's teachings. The Kitsune knew about the Thayne but worshiped their own deities native to Akashima. Lorenor would have a problem spreading the Church of N'Jal in that place. There would come a time, there would come a place.

Lorenor knew that to be the truth.

In the meantime, he was searching for a purpose in Akashima, and found one. Initially, the mutant intended to become a Spirit Warder. However, seeing the negative reaction that the Spirit Warders gave him in the first place, Lorenor decided to abandon that pursuit for the time being. Instead, he'd received education as a Monster Hunter in the Kitsune's village. It helped increase his own knowledge of the arts.

As Lorenor thought about those matters, Makira spoke her concerns. She is right, we can't stay here forever. Yet...I want to. Then she asked a very specific question. He raised his eyebrow and looked in Makira's general direction with great interest.

"Makira. You usually do not care for the will of the Dark Lady. Curious indeed. But I will answer." Lorenor said. "From what I know about The Word, N'Jal has allowed me to survive up until this exact point in time. My life is in the service of the Dark Lady." Lorenor continued. "But I know you do not wish to hear a sermon." Lorenor tapped his chin. "Everything that has happened is according to the design of the Thaynehood." And the mutant left it at that.

11-08-09, 06:27 AM
Makira sighed. " Tell me Lorenor. Though a fitting answer for you, Do you ever tire the thaynes games?" She asked. To her that's all it seemed to be. Games of children squandering over the world. She never had much thoughts to the Thaynehood. Least not before Lorenor. To her it seemed trouble. The Thaynes did nothing for people in a tight spot. The people waited and hoped to appeal to their chosen Thayne in hopes that they would be interested in helping them.

Seemed to much work to her. To become a favorite to a certain Thayne, To hope and pray that on their whim they will help you. Like a relationship, it seemed to much work. She sighed and closed her eyes. She was never one to think of such things. Destiny, fate.

To her that was all created by the life who lived. Your destiny and fate was what you lay before you. The path forged by your own actions. The Thayne had nothing to do with that. The life did. Life was forged by its owner. That's what life was. Existing in their own place. To her, the Thaynes had no place. Even so. Wisdom was always welcome.

11-08-09, 07:42 PM
She countered with a common misconception of the Thaynehood. The mutant understood where she was coming from, but she was a mortal. However gifted a mortal, she had not yet learned how to transcend time and space. He tapped his chin for a moment as he pondered an appropriate non-sermon answer to give her. He did not want to seem like he was preaching to her at all.

After he'd come up with a suitable enough answer, the mutant nodded to himself.

"It is quite simple really. The politics of the Thayne are not the politics of man. They play on a much larger chess-board than we do. It is that simple. Men stab each other in the back for a few gold pieces. Entire wars are fought and won in the name of the Thayne. The Thayne make life interesting and worth living. At least that is my opinion, I am not an expert in the Codex. Only in N'Jal."

With that, Lorenor stood up. "I will seek my studies now Makira. It has been a long, exhausting day. There are matters I still must take care of. So you can do as you wish for now." The mutant said. "When you are needed I will summon for you."

Lorenor walked back to the house he was staying at. Fortunately, the Elders of the village were kind enough to put them in the same house. It was a modest three floor structure. Built in traditional Akashiman style, Lorenor looked at it with approval. He was greeted by several people as he entered the house. There was the Matron and Patron of the house and several children that lived there as well. Some servants were visible as well. The house's Patron had accompanied Lorenor previously to the Hunt. However, during the job they had gone their separate ways.

Lorenor knew the names of the Matroness and Patroness of the house. The man was named Jynn, and the woman was named Omani. Jynn walked over to the mutant and greeted him warmly.

"How went the hunt Lorenor?"

"Very well Sir Jynn." And the family went inside the house to discuss dinner plans.

11-09-09, 05:42 PM
She sighed. She stood and went to the outskirts of the village. To a small waterfall. She disrobed and walked into the water. It was surrounded by much foliage, a hidden place to relax the female that showed her had called it. She sighed. Her wings didn't seemed to be harmed by it. She looked up at the sky.

She closed her eyes thinking. Listening to nature around her. It seemed this was more bathing place, fish and other life never seemed to enter the waters. It was enough to relax in. Away from people. She pulled her knees to her chest resting her head on them. Still mostly covered as she was on the bank, the water level came to about her shoulders and above mid thigh as her knees were pulled to her chest.

What was happening she wondered in the world she had left. She had led them to this place, to escape those that would harm her friend. Why? Friendship was so few to her. Yet she risked her ability to fly, her life. To save him. Was that just friendship? She didn't know. was confused on this. She stepped out perhaps minutes... maybe half an hour later. She dressed and headed back. Only to sit on the porch of the house they were staying in.