View Full Version : I'm Killing Denebriel Whether You Like It Or Not

Rayse Valentino
09-27-09, 03:42 AM
Long thread titles aside, this bitch is going down! The event takes place during The Long Winter, and will involve The Company gathering all the reliable mercenaries it can to get into The Church's HQ, taking out Deneb's lieutenants and the queen bitch herself.

Essential players: Caden Law

Players that are cordially invited: Godhand, Rayse Valentino

Basically, Caden Law, wizard extraordinaire, will find Denebriel's weakness sometime before the thread, and meet up with Rayse, and together they plan this whole thing out. The actual thread takes place at the start of the assault, which uses some wacky magic to get the entire assault group directly into the heart of their HQ. It's an in-and-out mission, so once she's dead the group evacuates before the security gets too heavy. This jives perfectly with the current situation in Salvar, as the church slowly starts losing without Denebriel (who caused the winter), but pretends she's still alive for her influence over the church members.

It's unfortunate that one of her main lieutenants, Ashiakin, decided to go missing for years IRL, but there are plenty of NPC lieutenants ready to tear some people apart. Anyone who joins is free to create their own lieutenants, or we could propose some in this thread. Ideally I'd like a lieutenant to myself (the one before Denebriel's room) and Godhand+Caden Law will generally tackle the bitch herself. That's the initial plan, but it's fluid, flexible, and open to suggestion.

So yeah, when I get the word from Caden Law we're good to go, but if anyone is interested as a mercenary, member of the opposing army, some neutral army, or some other faction, make sure you're 1) active and 2) won't drop out. those are my only requirements, which seem pretty reasonable. I'll add more to this thread as I think of things, just getting this out here right now.

Caden Law
09-27-09, 03:49 AM
...holy crap I've been drafted D:

Okay, I guess I'll try and finish up my current thread then. Caden can just blow back through Salvar instead of being magic'd all the way over to Raiaera like I'd originally planned.

Saxon, if you would, drop me a line about all this please. I've got a couple questions about Denebriel and all that.

My only real constraint is that we do whatever it takes to keep this bastard thread moving. If it gets bogged down with individual fights, branch off threads and then ask a mod to merge them back in once the fights are concluded (assuming they finish in time; otherwise they could just be judged on their own or something).

09-27-09, 09:48 AM
Saxon, if you would, drop me a line about all this please. I've got a couple questions about Denebriel and all that.

My AIM is Sirusv2ptO. Use it.

Also for any sort of misconceptions about Rayse's colorful title about this quest, he and I have talked about this at length and I have no problem with it. If this quest is completed and judged, it'll go into canon and I'll make sure to factor it into the current chapter.

There are a couple of other things that need to be addressed;

1) Because this is a thread dealing with the current state of affairs of Salvar, even if it takes place during the Long Winter, it can be created in the HoW subforum. But if it is, the deadline for the chapter then applies to you. It's up to you.

2) Make sure you make an OOC note of where this is taking place somewhere in your thread.

3) I can throw you guys into the Approved Quest side of the chapter if you'd like. It makes you eligible for bigger rewards, recognition, etc. as well as giving points to whatever faction you choose. But, that is really up to you.

If you guys have any questions, talk to me over AIM or shoot me a PM.

Rayse Valentino
09-27-09, 10:11 PM
I plan on having the thread in the Salvar sub-forum of the FQ section. The deadlines thing seems kinda odd, as I've seen quests whose content took place in earlier chapters without repercussion. I thought that stuff only applied to threads created in the current chapter and not finished before the end of it, not new threads whose content simply takes place at an earlier time. Hell, if it takes place at the end of The Long Winter (aka killing Denebriel stops the winter), then it fits as an intro to HoW, and as such is part of the current chapter.

This will be taking place in Knife's Edge. I think the thread will get right into the Cathedral from the get-go. I don't know what this Approved Quest stuff is, but me likey rewards.

I'll give this a few days or so to trump up some extra characters. I'm only looking for one or two, preferably people invested in the war and also powerful, but anyone would do really.


Oh, also, I want to somehow get an HQ for The Company in Knife's Edge. Made from city ruins, it would be sort of like a mercenary guild, where people would go and collect job postings off the wall. And in a hub like Knife's Edge, it could even be a place people would use ICly. An actual, tangible location with a fixed goal. After the Denebriel thing, Rayse is willing to do whatever it takes to secure this, which includes profiting off the spoils of war as it draws to an end. A lot of characters don't really have a place to call home. I want The Company's HQ to be a home for many characters.

09-29-09, 03:14 PM
Sorry dude, I just talked to Task and I can't be in two FQ quests at once even if they're in different regions. I've been building up to join the Raiaera FQ for about seven threads now, so I don't really want to abandon all the work I've done on that side.

09-29-09, 04:27 PM
The deadlines thing seems kinda odd, as I've seen quests whose content took place in earlier chapters without repercussion. I thought that stuff only applied to threads created in the current chapter and not finished before the end of it, not new threads whose content simply takes place at an earlier time.

I'm being strict on this because this is Salvar's last chapter in the FQ. Once the chapter ends, it's done. I'll move any quests out of the archive into the general Salvar subforum for people to complete, but rewards concerning the FQ after the chapter/deadline in Salvar's area of the FQ are no longer applicable to that thread. You and others are going to be given plenty of time to complete your threads, but you need to make sure you finish your thread within the time limit of the chapter.

Now, if instead you don't want to write in the FQ with this thread of yours for that reason, then you can just start it in the Salvar forum and the time limit won't apply to you. But, neither will the rewards. In the end, it's really up to you what you want out of this. Rewards while under a deadline and changing canon, or just changing canon. The choice is yours.

Oh, also, I want to somehow get an HQ for The Company in Knife's Edge. Made from city ruins, it would be sort of like a mercenary guild, where people would go and collect job postings off the wall. And in a hub like Knife's Edge, it could even be a place people would use ICly. An actual, tangible location with a fixed goal. After the Denebriel thing, Rayse is willing to do whatever it takes to secure this, which includes profiting off the spoils of war as it draws to an end. A lot of characters don't really have a place to call home. I want The Company's HQ to be a home for many characters.

You really need to read the Approved Quest section of the mission boards.

3) All approved quests participants who score a 70 or above on their quests will be given a special prize depending on the outcome of the war.

a) Should you have sided with the League and they end up winning the war, you will be given a parcel of land and the beginnings of a fiefdom that will be under your direct control. You will then be given status as a baron which will be reflected in a unique member title of your choice provided it has "Baron", "Noble" or "Feudal Lord" in it in some fashion. With a new fiefdom, land, and title under your belt you will be given the status to war with other nobles and build your fiefdoms, specialize it, and populate it in any way you choose.

The specifications of these fiefdoms and the land awarded to you will be unique from other fiefdoms that players/power groups will be able to claim in a future event in Salvar called 'Feudal Wars'. Be the first to get one!

You can get a fiefdom if you meet the requirements above at the end of the chapter. Fiefdoms are essentially HQs without the baggage and can be treated as something you can grow into a town, city, state or even a country (Nation of Dave, anyone?). If an HQ is what you're after for this quest, this is your way of getting it.

In case your curious, all the rewards and how to get your quest approved can be found here;


09-30-09, 12:18 AM
Oh, I think we're talking about two different things. I think we're on the same page in that we want it started in this chapter, and ended in this chapter before the deadline. I was more referring to when the content took place ICly, so just forget I said anything.

Godhand: Ultimately, it's your decision. Do whatever you want.

So, basically I need some sort of powerhouse with a vested interest in either killing gods or generally being anti-church. Just one will do and we're pretty much good to go. Just post here or PM me. For example: Bloodrose. You're not allowed to make a huff about inactives and then go inactive yourself!

09-30-09, 12:20 PM
I don't plan on being inactive, but to be honest, I can't really see myself participating in this. Not because I don't like the idea, but more because I can't really justify Teric being in Knife's Edge and taking part in the killing of Denebriel. It doesn't mesh with the story I started building last Chapter, and with what I've got planned for this Chapter.

Teric will definitely be lending a big hand to the League of Salvic States side of the conflict, but I don't think I can lend a hand here.

Caden Law
10-17-09, 04:25 AM
As an aside, let's keep this bastard moving at all costs, please.