View Full Version : Battle Scrolls 4. (Open Challenge)

09-28-09, 08:21 AM
(Open to any one person!)

Pacing back and forth on a particularly warm July evening, a fellow named Lorenor found himself in front of the Citadel. Staring at the structure, the behemoth building seemed to pierce the sky itself. Not certain why he found himself in the Citadel that particular night, the fellow took a moment to ascertain his surroundings. Studying carefully, Lorenor noticed the particulars of Radasanth by night. With his senses peaked thanks to the powers of the living dark, the fellow was capable of seeing even in a pitch-black night like this one was.

Well-lit, even at night, Radasanth was a busy metropolis. Denizens of Radasanth performed the mindless dance like drones. Crowds gathered to and from the Citadel and its nearest taverns. They watched particular battles and events on screens that were fueled by magic. Gamblers bet on their favorite competitors. Money was exchanged from the hands of the gamblers to the hands of brokers. It was a never-ending process that was maddeningly precise.

Fortunes were earned and lost in a matter of seconds.

Noble-folk wandered the streets with their fancy attire. Members of the Corone Armed Forces gallantly protected the civilian folk from the dangers of the night. They patrolled endlessly and interacted only to give a stern command or warning about this or that activity.

Whores patrolled the streets as well. The fellow spotted a few in the corner selling their wares to the very same guards that utilized their services in a never ending cycle of debauchery. Another citizen wandered in the general vicinity of the fellow and sparked up a conversation. The fellow turned towards the citizen and noticed that the stranger was a monk of the order.

"Ah. Lorenor. There you are." The monk said.

"Brother Sebastian." The mutant responded. "It is good to see you again on this fine evening."

There were many stars in the night sky. Very few clouds were visible. This offered up a great view of Althanas' many constellations.

"Is something amiss Brother Lorenor?" The monk asked of Lorenor.

Recently, Lorenor had joined the ranks of the order to increase his combat training and escape the wrath of the Knights of Dawn. Both reasons had proven beneficial to him. Lorenor let the question linger in the air for a moment. He sat down on the steps of the Citadel and looked up to the monk with a confused expression on his face.

"My training has been lax of late. I wish to continue my services in the Order." Lorenor said truthfully.

"Your services are always welcome Brother Lorenor. Is it not true that you've recently joined the Corone Armed Forces?" The monk sat down next to Lorenor.

"I've only recently enlisted."

"Do they not have a military academy?" The monk asked.

"They do."

"Well then. How has your training been lax?" The monk asked.

"I've mostly been participating in siege operations. Its not the same thing as a one-on-one battle." Lorenor hesitated for a moment. "The Citadel offers a more free experience of what combat should really be like. Siege warfare has its tactician's training, but its not the same thing as what the Citadel offers."

"I see." The monk responded. "Very well. Would you like a Chamber prepared for you?"

The mutant hesitated. "Set up a sparring ring for me that will do. I do not want the constraints of a Citadel Chamber."

Lorenor stood up just then and looked at the monk in the eye. "Prepare an open challenge for me. I don't care who accepts it, friend or foe. I just need to get back in the game." A serious expression was on the mutant's face now. The fellow was serious.

"It shall be done. I shall personally see to it that a sparring arena be set up."

"Excellent my friend." Lorenor responded.


A time later, the sparring arena was set up. It was a red circle that was roughly fifty feet by fifty feet. Etched on the ground, the circle looked like it was well worn. Any other sparring sessions for the hour were moved elsewhere as the fellow sat in the center-most area of the ring. The circle was lit by torch-light and many monks were gathered in observation of the circle. The circle was one of many training spheres placed within a large courtyard located in the Citadel's first-floor region. Lorenor was sitting on the ground in a deep meditation, with his eyes closed, as he waited for an opponent to show.

^(Enter here)

10-09-09, 12:34 AM
July seemed to leave its impression on the citadel quite early this year. Many people dampened and drenched with sweat fled the streets, seeking shelter in the vast walls of the citadel. Among them were gamblers, bookies, warriors, magicians, and monks. An odd crowd to find yourself in on a scorching afternoon like this. In the midst of these people stood Derrick Magnum, traveling mage and ladies man. His first trip to the citadel would definitely prove to be one of his most memorable. As Derrick stared in confusion thinking of what to do next a monk, just smaller than him, tugged on his unbuttoned black tunic.

“Pardon me sir, but would you be interested in a sparring match?” The monk leaned closer to Derrick, causing the hairs on his neck to stand straight. Derrick gave the monk a strange half cocked grin, trying to hold back his laughter. “You do not understand, not versus me, but a great man of unimaginable power... They call him Lorenor!”

Derrick’s grin quickly crawled from the place it once rest on his tanned face. Now he stared blank eyed at the monk with a look of eagerness. He had heard of Lorenor, time and time again actually. It was said that he carried himself from hell itself countless times. Derrick was many things and among those things, until now, dumb had never been used to define him.

“Monk, now you’re speaking my language!” Derrick exclaimed as he patted the monk softly on the back.

“Follow me. Let us hope your bravery has been well earned and you are not just wasting Lorenor’s time.” The monk spoke as if even he was scared for Derrick.


Derrick entered a dimly lit courtyard the heat still making sweat fall from his head and sliver slowly down the crease of his spine. A red circle sat in the middle of the courtyard with a silent being sitting alone in the center. Around the arena stood monks. Derrick looked patiently from his opponent back to the monk who had led him here. For several minutes he stood silently waiting for Lorenor to cease his meditation. He wasn’t going to wait forever, he wanted to start his first Citadel fight out with a bang. He knew just the way to get his opponents attention.

“Hey prick, as much as we both know you need your beauty sleep... Which you do... Lets get this show on the road man.” Derrick truthfully looked up to Lorenor, but if he stood a chance in this fight he would have to make Lorenor fight not with his wits but his emotions.

10-10-09, 08:43 PM
(Sorry for the wait)

A pull. That's what Lorenor sensed when his opponent arrived that July afternoon. He sensed a pull and a tug at his subconscious mind. Waking from his self-induced meditative state, the mutant stood up slowly as he heard what his opponent had to say. There was a sly grin on the mutant's face. Lorenor slowly dusted himself off, then took a good long look at his opponent. With eyes that glowed from the depths of hell itself, the mutant was an oddity as far as Althanas' warriors went. Standing at a mere five feet in height, some would take the mutant as being a weakling due to height. But that he was not.

Weighing in at approximately two hundred pounds, a steady diet of high-protein monster meat and blood made the mutant a dedicated warrior. His muscles were well structured. He had a broad chest, shoulders to match his chest, and well formed triceps. Though these features were hidden by the lord's clothing that he wore.

Dressed in the popular style of Salvar's lordship, the mutant opted in wearing an outfit embroidered in gold made of black vlince. His cloak, was a thick hide cloak that was commonly wore by Salvar's citizens. The cloak was out of place in the July heat. Yet he wore it out of habit. Lorenor's hood was down so his features were plainly visible. A cool afternoon wind made his clothing ripple softly like a lake stirring when a stone struck its surface. Lorenor was the chaos within the storm. Dread before the tsunami, the proverbial chill up one's spine. The mutant was a force of nature, he was no longer a warrior bound by the rules of the Firmanent alone.

Hearing the arrogant words of his opponent, the mutant could not help but grin. It was a grotesque expression. Sensing the power-levels of the young warrior, Lorenor mentally selected the proper tools for the battle ahead. Drawing the Blade of N'Jal, Lorenor stopped to admire the masterwork craftsmanship of the steel weapon. It glowed with its own aura of darkness. Tainting the very air itself, the darkness rippled out from the core of the weapon. Lorenor held the weapon in a relaxed position, one that was refined from all his recent combat training.

He did not respond to his opponent but rather he nodded deeply.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Lorenor said. "I was in the middle of my training before you arrived. I do apologize. But yes you are right, we are here for one purpose alone, and that's for battle." Lorenor said casually.

He continued.

"With that, friend, I will allow you the first strike. I do suggest you take the invitation."

10-11-09, 05:14 PM
A taunt! The great Lorenor would dare throw a taunt. Derrick knew of his reputation, but to taunt a man is just insulting. Derrick’s plan had backfired, instead of angering Lorenor, he was now upset. It was understandable that Lorenor a veteran to everything fighting would let Derrick, a small town mage, take his first shot. Derrick knew he would have to show Lorenor that he was more than just another name. There were so many names in Althanas and in reality Lore nor V'halkulus was just that to Derrick, a name.

Derrick stood slightly taller than the ghoul in front of him. He wondered if anything was left truly alive in Lorenor. He was a creature now, primal and dark as the deepest chasms of the ocean. Derrick only knowing of Lorenor, really had no idea what he was getting into in this fight.

“Alright if that works for you.” Derrick was attempting not to show the emotions he was clearly feeling. “I’ll do my best!”

With that Derrick Magnum, the traveling mage charged his opponent. His speed was definitely a bit faster than a regular mans, he hoped it might catch Lorenor off guard. Not a well versed fighter by any means, speed was really all Derrick had on most opponents. He had never faced anyone close to Lorenor in reputation of evident strength and talent. Derrick could be described as many things, but a coward was not one of them.

Suddenly Derrick was within striking range of the mutant and he swung Astra, his oak staff towards the skull of Lorenor. If this worked it would open a second attack that Derrick hoped would put a quick end to Lorenor.

10-11-09, 08:44 PM
Seeing the attack coming, the mutant held his ground. Using a very particular fighting style, Lorenor grew accustomed to pain. Taking hits was an advantage in a battle, it was the knowledge of taking a hit, and knowing how to react to the damage that the hit placed upon the body. Judging the man's equipment quickly, the mutant recognized the basic oak material of his staff and decided on an immediate reaction. His foe went right to the skull and the mutant had to grin at that.

Not even bothering to move, the mutant decided that he would take the hit dead on. Attempting to gauge the strength and powers of one's opponent was a big deal to the mutant. He would learn everything he can about his opponent before the night was through.

A wind traveled across the battlefield and the mutant's cloak danced with the breeze. His feet were steady against the ground, and his sword was held tightly in his hand. The blade glowed with a tremendous power of darkness, the mutant knew that the core contained his destiny. Should it ever break, the mutant's undoing would commence. Lorneor wondered how much that the old crone spoke to him was truth, and what was lie.

Covering the distance between the two quickly, his foe had a good reaction time. The mutant studied how fast his opponent moved. It was very quick, but to the mutant's eyes it felt like forever and a day. Lorenor's reaction time was somewhat impressive, slightly more above the man's before him, so he knew they moved on equal footing. Give or take. Lorenor stiffened his muscles, and tightened his neck. He was expecting a lot from his newly discovered opponent.

When the oak staff came in to attack its target, Lorenor, the mutant closed his eyes briefly. A darkness covered his face. Feeling the quickening in his heart, his chest rose and fell quickly. His anticipation was getting the better of him as he saw the oak staff coming in closer and closer. When it did connect, the mutant was not disappointed.

The oak staff crashed against the mutant's head. Lorenor did not even move or react, he just stood there. A loud sound reverberated across the field, and the mutant developed a big bruise along the side of his head. As a sado-masochist, Lorenor enjoyed giving pain and receiving pain. He was not let down by the apparent strength within this lad. He saw a bravery within the man's heart too as well.

"Not a bad hit."

Lorenor had to use his endurance to ensure that he was not knocked down by the powerful blow.

"You can refine your technique considerably further."

Lorenor said casually as he felt the pain from the impact settle in. Lorenor thrived on pain, it pushed him to go further. The mutant then moved with his reaction time and considerable speed. He moved his elbow in a spinning technique, maneuvering underneath the weight of the staff. Lorenor was striking with his unarmed arm, thrusting the movement forward and potentially into the abdominal section of the man. He hoped for a simple hit. Keeping his sword in hand the entire time, Lorenor concentrated on moving one side of his body only. Shifting his body weight with tremendous skill, Lorenor's movements were fluid and controlled. He was highly skilled at extreme close combat range, and all the mutant wanted was the first hit to connect in a long series of combination attacks. If he could get the first, he would instruct this handsome lad in what it meant to inflict pain on others. The ball was now in his side of the court.

10-11-09, 11:59 PM
Please excuse any errors in grammer, I am using laptop which doesn't have spell check I will fix anything in later edits.

Derrick concentrated all of his strength on that one strike and to his surprise he landed it. It was either a pure stint of luck or Lorenor had intended to take Derrick's strike. Either way the mutant revealed to Derrick that even he could still feel pain. That was all Derrick needed to stay motivated in this fight, a chance. It was a huge leap to think he could defeat the ghoul, but there was still a chance and that is what Derrick thrived on. He had been the under dog in so many instances before this and came out on top. While Lorenor spoke and absorbed the blow to his skull, Derrick analyzed how exactly he could obtain victory.

This guy is nuts!

Derrick had met some pretty crazy characters, but never a man who would take an oncoming blow to the head from an unknown opponent. Fighting was pure sport for some and evidently this wasn't the ghouls first rodeo.

Within a short matter of moments the mutant was launching a counter attack. He came back at Derrick with such rigor that it caught him completely off guard. He wasn't ready for the mutant's melee blow that was intended to hit Derrick directly in the abdomen. The mutant had great precision and landed his strike with obvious equanimity. The calmness of Lorenor in the midst of a fight was surprising to Derrick, who loved to just go butt heads and brawl. Derrick really had no real fighting style and blocking was out of the question, both of his hands being currently occupied by his staff he took the full force of Lorenor' punch with barely enough time to even tense his stomach muscles.

A terrible pain came hand in hand with the contact of Lorenor' blow. It would be something that Derrick would not soon forget. Lorenor' knuckles probably would leave bruises even on the spine of Derrick. Within moments blood discharged from Derrick's mouth at a slow pace. He already knew that this fight would bring much more of the crimson liquid from many points on his body.

Taking a moment to brace himself for the mutants following attacks Derrick stepped back with haste.

"Not bad either." Derrick lied, another blow like that would be the end of him.

With one hand on his staff attempting to gyrate it with flair and the other swabbing blood from his lips he prepared for the mutant.

10-12-09, 02:17 AM
With a newly won patience discovered at the hands of his constant battle-training with the Monks of the Order, Lorenor took a step back. The melee was disengaged once he discovered the obvious weaknesses in his opponent. The mutant could taste the blood in the air, and in a younger day, the blood would have driven him to a frenzy. The newer warrior that stood before Magnum however was a man who was experienced. He had a purpose now that was hard-fought and hard-won. Turning to look at the Monks for a moment, they nodded their approval of Lorenor's behavior.

He had acted with honor. Despite his lawful evil alignment, Lorenor had a strong sense of honor. It defined the ghoul for what he was, a monster with a clashing sense of right and wrong. Though he was a manipulative bastard by nature, the mutant had come a long way in his journey. He'd grown matured in his old age, and knew that immortality would bring new adventures yet. This was merely one of them.

"Take your time, young one. There is no rush. There is no need to fall under self-imposed desires to impress. You are amongst equals here. With the Monks watching you will not fall. So take your time." Lorenor said, in a strangely Fatherly like way.

The mutant rotated his weapon several times and then moved back into his loose combat position. Each movement was refined, controlled and showed an inherent skill that Lorenor possessed. Not a single movement was wasted or flamboyant. Lorenor returned his sword to the original position of the blade. It faced the ground at a forty-five degree angle. The tip of the blade a mere inch or two off the ground. Lorenor started to walk towards his opponent.

Wearing a smile on his face, the mutant was clearly enjoying himself against his newly discovered pet. He could use the man as a pet if he so desired. But that would come later. His opponent was a handsome lad, and Lorenor would invite him to a drink after the match. Perhaps more than one drink, perhaps they would share a bed. The possibilities made the mutant shiver slightly as he walked despite the afternoon heat. Feeling his heart pumping blood at an accelerated rate, Lorenor prepared to test the boy's weapon skills.

Yes, this is quite fun.

10-24-09, 11:31 AM
Sorry for the wait and the short post

The mutant, Lorenor, rarely gave away signs of weakness. It was beginning to occur to Derrick that his opponent may not have any imperfections. Still though Derrick would have to fight on, even with Lorenor’s wise words Derrick felt he wanted to impress him. To be in league with such a great renowned man would prove to be very beneficial in the future.

Derrick smeared the blood from his lips onto the sleeve of his tunic as he prepared for Lorenor’s oncoming attack. He wasn’t sure why the mutant was being so kind to him, but he was grateful.

“Ghoul, I wish to learn what you have to teach...” Derrick paused to brush sweat from his forehead. “After this fight may we speak, I would much like to hear some of your tales.”

The honesty in Derrick’s voice was piercing and sincere. He longed to become a great warrior and to leave his named etched in the history books of Althanas. He didn’t care if it was for doing evil deeds or those that are more valiant.

Derrick knowing that this was a battle and seeing the ghoul approach him holding his sword in a flawless manor, knew it was time to prepare for another attack from Lorenor. He stood still though awaiting the mutant to answer his question.

10-25-09, 04:54 PM
He is not taking advantage of the opening? Strange.

I will have to thank him later for that one.

By then, the earlier bruise was beginning to heal up naturally on its own. His opponent spoke for a moment. His words caused the mutant to come to an abrupt stop in his movements, he looked at the man casually for a few seconds. Lorenor was completely taken aback by the lad's response to his actions. Strange to find a youth like that with so much honor in his heart. I will have to be extra careful with this one. I don't want to cause permanent harm to him. Lorenor thought to himself as he waited for the man to finish speaking.

Once done, Lorenor nodded in response.

"That can be arranged. I have some time off after this battle is over. But in the mean time, let us continue this dance."

Lorenor looked over to the gathered monks for a moment. Then he returned his intense gaze back to his opponent. This was not a death-match, but rather a training match. Lorenor was there to learn. Yet in the process he'd found himself in the uncomfortable role of a teacher. The mutant looked at the youth for a long moment before deciding that he was ready to continue the match. In terms of power, the mutant knew that he was superior to the youth, but he did not act haughty towards him in anyway what so ever.

Corone was filled with many braggers and ruffians. Heroes who were false, and at the same time, where heroes operated so too did their shadowy counterparts. Lorenor represented the villains community in Althanas, but yet, he had honor. Looking at his opponent now, the mutant cracked his neck briefly, and then prepared himself by moving back into a loose combat position.

"We can talk after the match is over. If you are looking for steady employ I might know of something for you." Lorenor said with a soft smile on his face.

Then, he suddenly ran the rest of the distance towards his opponent. He ran at best speed, sheathing his weapon before he ever got to his opponent. In the stead, he leaped forward in a graceful maneuver and sent a plain, confident hooking punch towards the right side of the man's head. He was striking with the Aegis Bracer. He knew it was a slightly unfair advantage, but the mutant wanted to end the match if he could. He would be surprised if the youth was capable of parrying his bracer-for-arm, or even countering him with that staff. It would surprise him. And that's what he was hoping for.

Don't let me down kid.

11-04-09, 12:43 AM
The crimson blood painted blotches on the worn tunic of Derrick. He desired entirely to be like the mutant. He wanted his power and his intelligence. Derrick could see himself accompanying Lorenor on his travels. Maybe that was his path, but it was to early really for him to know. Right now he found himself facing off against the ghoul in combat, a place that not many men could truly find comfortable.

The mutant had outrageous speed and strength, that was proven once before in this fight already. But what he had coming next was a whole new element entirely.

Before Derrick could spit the blood that was drooping from his bottom lip to the ground the mutant and spanned the whole arena. It was what seemed like less than a blink of an eye. Derrick barely had time to see the Bracer flying towards his face. He dove backwards throwing all of his weight and body into the movement, trying not to let the mutant land another devastating hit like the first. It worked, the only thing that Lorenor hit was the blood that trickled from Derrick’s lip in all the commotion.

He was barely spared what was likely to be a battle finishing blow. He eluded Lorenor, but at what cost. He didn’t want his moves to seem cowardly to his newly found mentor. He quickly regained his footing and looked at the mutant, only for a moment. He didn’t want to do anything foolhardy, but knew he had to do something besides a basic slash and dash to his foe.

Let’s see how he does against two of me...

Derrick grinned at Lorenor for a second and lowered his head, tucking his chin to his throat. Eyes closed he spread his arms throwing forth much force into his conjuration. Derrick’s skin seemed to boil and spread. It ran for a moment and suspended quickly to the ground, separating from his body. The liquids the fell from Derrick seemed to be forming into a puddle on the ground. Then suddenly he looked up, his eyes glowing and his mouth wide.

“Try this out for size Lorenor!”

Without warning from the puddle a cloned copy of Derrick arose. From Astra to his rumpled tunic, the clone was an exact copy of Derrick.

Derrick looked from Lorenor, to the mirrored image of himself for a second and nodded. With that they both charged the mutant...

11-04-09, 01:06 PM
Without warning, the mutant had triggered an unexpected reaction in his opponent.

Turning in a complete circular motion, blood was spilled everywhere. However, the mutant's attack was completely evaded. Lorenor knew that when the Aegis Bracer did not connect against raw flesh. The blood in the air seemed to slow down for the briefest of moments as a new power was called from deep within is opponent. With his eyes widening with pure shock and interest, the mutant saw his opponent literally tear himself a new copy of himself. It was a powerful sort of illusion magic that he'd never seen before.

By the Thayne, what is this power?! Lorenor thought to himself.

Lorenor tried to use his senses against the illusion was no mere trick. It was an exact genetic copy of the original. That's a nice trick man. Was the last thought Lorenor had before the pair suddenly bound towards him. The mutant kept himself on guard after the devastating hit and miss maneuver of the previous attack. He hadn't expected his newly discovered opponent to pull such a skilled evasion.

Lorenor had taken on multiple opponents in previous wars. He knew what to do, once he'd even taken a Spider-Magi dead on. Fighting two copies of his opponents wasn't going to be pretty, but it was manageable. Lorenor quickly gathered up his sword in both hands. The steel glowed with a terrible darkness that flowed from the core of the weapon. His opponent moved quickly against him.

Deciding that he was going to strike against the copy first, Lorenor performed a quick dashing maneuver towards his opponent. Depending on how close he was to his foe, in proximity to the real version of Derrick, the clone would now be the focal point of perception. Lorenor calculated that risk ahead of time and prepared to see what the clone was going to do next...

Note: To make this next sequence of the battle more fluid, feel free to bunny me if necessary. I will react with whatever you throw at me!

11-04-09, 05:51 PM
Derrick could tell his last move put the monks to thought. They had seen so many battle hardened warriors and it surprised him that still some of them could be surprised. It was Derrick’s only really effective spell against the mutant. The other spells he had in his arsenal would not even leave a dent on the practiced foe. Derrick had to resort to putting all of his hope into an exact animate copy of himself, not a bad plan at all.

Lorenor, you may be twice my speed, but let’s see how you match up to two of me.

A snide grin smeared across the blood and sweat stained face of Derrick Magnum as he encircled his foe, his clone copy mimicking the same movements on the opposite side of Lorenor. This fight would need to end soon. Derrick was already feeling weaker from summoning his double. The duo seemed to feel each other’s thoughts and anticipated one another’s movements. While Lorenor paid more mind to the copy of Derrick. This left him somewhat open to a more intelligent based strike by the actual Derrick.

Derrick saw a glitter in his doubles eyes. He knew this was his chance to strike and hopefully injure Lorenor. They charged together, but the silent Lorenor was more ready than he let off. A veteran of many arts, Lorenor was able to defend against the copies advances with ease. Not only did he parry Derrick’s on coming blow but also made time to close the opening he left the clone.

With the mighty steel blade he held, Lorenor hewed the right hand of Derrick’s double. As expected by Derrick, Lorenor was not down or out in this fight. That didn’t quite mean he was up either. Derrick and his clone backed up from the ghoul showing him no signs of pain he may or may not have dealt.

“Lorenor the good thing about an animate copy of one’s self is that they feel no pain. They will fight on no matter the odds or the wounds inflicted onto them.” Derrick spoke with an agitated tone; Lorenor was obviously getting the better of him.

I have got to go all out, finish this guy off!

The handless bleeding clone of Derrick stood, unmoved by the events prior to this moment. He obviously felt no pain and had no thoughts besides helping Derrick defeat Lorenor. Derrick panted and quickly twirled his oak staff Astra. He wasn’t going to let Lorenor down, he couldn’t. There was a future on the line here and Derrick could truly see himself falling under the wing of Lorenor and calling him his mentor or even his master.

With a speedy withdraw back into reality Derrick envisioned a series of basic maneuvers that he knew his clone could picture also in his mind. Their minds were linked in unison and their thoughts blended as if they were still one being.

It’s time!

Derrick dug his booted feet into the ground preparing for his take off. He would throw all of his speed into the following strikes with his clone picking up all attempts by Lorenor to fend the young mage off. With an almost simultaneous bolt the two duplicated warriors charged, their spears pointed directly in the direction of their foe. For the first time in the battle Derrick was taking the aggressor position and he seemed to be doing a decent job at it. Suddenly Derrick came almost face to face with Lorenor and swung his staff towards the stomach of the ghoul. His clone followed closely behind, pointed the sharp end of his staff towards Lorenor’s skull. The plan was to distract the ghoul with a basic strike, while his clone used spear end of Astra to pierce the fiend.

11-05-09, 04:26 AM
At anyone time, the mutant was more than capable of sensing both of the combatants in the arena. Lorenor knew that they were both closing in on him, and the mutant could have reacted any number of ways. Instead, the mutant reacted in that unpredictable fashion of his. He decided to take the man's bait and call his bluff. A sharp blade, vibrating from its perfection, was heading right towards Lorenor's head. The mutant shifted his body weight against the attack and tilted his body so that the sharp blade merely severed one of his infamous dreadlocks.

As the dreadlock fell to the ground, Lorenor reacted to the incoming attacks. The blade sliced a small incision clearly into his epidermis causing black blood to flow down his zygomatic arch. Lorenor barely acknowledged the pain of the fresh injury even as his regeneration process caused it to close shut. What he did acknowledge was the other clone's incoming attack. Lorenor's gamble had paid off, and the incoming strike had placed both combatants in extreme-close combat range. This was one of Lorenor's areas of expertise.

Lorenor doubled over when the glancing blow struck his well formed midsection.

Though the mutant was strong, his body was still capable of feeling of pain. His powers were far from perfect and the mutant doubted they ever would be. One thing that the Monks of the Order taught him was how to survive! Feeling the devastating blow of his opponent connect with his stomach, the mutant's body was hunched over perfectly. Using this to is advantage, Lorenor countered against both of the warriors that now surrounded him.

Seeing the beads of sweat flowing down his opponent's face, Lorenor could almost reach out and kiss Derrick. There would be a later time for that. The mutant proceeded to lean forward with a well-timed head-butt. The next part of his counter involved the skillful use of his weapon. Lorenor pushed his weight downward against his opponents in attempt to shift the forward momentum in his favor. When Lorenor pushed downward, he suddenly bound towards Derrick, the real Derrick, with a powerful slicing motion. He put his entire body's weight and mass in the attack. Moving with the weapon, the mutant made a slash attempt to hopefully cut right through the chest of his newly discovered foe. As Lorenor slashed, his whole body came around, and he used the offending staff for added momentum. Feeling the pain of the staff, Lorenor's movement came crashing down towards the clone in a full three hundred and sixty degree revolution. The mutant intended to take both opponents down in one skilled stroke.

Not a single movement was wasted, it was almost beautiful to watch the attack. It was almost art.

01-26-10, 01:21 AM
The ghoul was faster than he was, Derrick had to give it to him. Just moments prior it was looking like Derrick could have pulled through but a lot can change in a matter of moments. Lorenor could attest to that as his powerful swing connected with Derrick's clone. The duplicate was caught completely off guard and could hardly defend the well timed moves of Lorenor. The mutant was good and maybe Derrick was quite a bit out classed in this fight, but he still had a fighting chance.

As Lorenor's blade sliced through the midsection of Derrick's clone he was open for a second. Derrick wasn't even sure he could pierce the mutant, but it was worth a shot. With tightened forearms Derrick heaved Astra towards the back of Lorenor, hoping that there was still a chance in this fight. With his current weakened state it was either kill or be killed for Derrick.

01-30-10, 05:01 PM
There we go!

Still devising the particulars of the system of combat that the Monks were trying to teach, the mutant needed to learn far more than what he already had at his disposal. With his calve muscles bulging with every powerful movement, Lorenor reacted to each incoming attack. Derrick attacked with impressive skill for a young neophyte. Dust and earth flowed upward to about mid-section of the mutant's body. Circumstances presented made it incredibly difficult to concentrate on the situation, and indeed, Derrick found an opening.

Whereas the opening was minute, it presented a world of opportunity. The fighting style that Lorenor was practicing was a dangerous one and required extreme concentration and knowledge of one's surroundings. There was also the required study of where the opponent was physically striking either through an armed or unarmed basis. When the cloned copy fell in battle, Lorenor was preparing to maneuver around the attack. However, he was still locked in the basic movement of the previous attack upon the clone.

In so realizing this, Lorenor's feet slid across the ground a few inches towards the fallen target. Preparing to react, the mutant realized that his actions left him wide open to the next maneuver. Instead, Lorenor prepared himself to accept the full impact of the hit that was coming. Making his body tough and capable of withstanding such blows was part of his training, albeit, Lorenor was still a neophyte himself. Feeling the crack of the man's weapon across his back, the mutant had a moment to simply lean backwards into the incoming attack.

Sparing precious seconds in the battles, the blow knocked Lorenor to the ground. A powerful bruise developed where Astra struck the mutant so skillfully. Landing on the ground, the mutant turned to face his opponent with a quick pivot. Feeling the weight of the weapon against his back, the mutant completed the pivot movement. Moving his injured back against the ground, Lorenor bent his legs upwards, and kicked in an attempt to disarm the young neophyte who was his opponent. After the kicking movement, Lorenor used his momentum to roll backwards and on his feet. Holding his weapon the entire time, the mutant stared at his opponent grimacing at the pain he felt from the terrible welt. Lorenor lunged forward with his sword and aimed the attack towards the man's chest.

While he moved, his lungs and heart were pumping acid through his body.

02-08-10, 11:46 PM
If that didn't hurt him, than I don't know what will! Derrick thought while trying to prepare for the oncoming assault from the mutant.

The mage was now panting from the movements he had preformed moments prior, while his opponent seemed to run on an endless supply of energy. It didn't shock Derrick though, but it was a skill he hoped to one day sharpen. His stamina had often come into question during grueling fights similar to one he was fighting now. In reality the mage was still young and lacked the essential skills needed to fight a warrior of Lorenor's caliber. It was something that had haunted the mage since the beginning of the duel.

Derrick struggled to regain his energy in time to dodge the oncoming blow of his foe. It wasn't going to be a pretty outcome, but the mage only hoped that the rumored magic of the Ai'Brone could patch him back together after the fight.

Within a matter of seconds it was all over. Lorenor had landed his strike, breaking every bone that provided Derrick's organ's a shell. What was meant to protect the young mage turned out to be his undoing. His rib cage collapsed inward, small fragments ripping through tender tissue and vital organ's. Within a matter of seconds a stream of blood rushed through the elf's throat and forced it's way out of his mouth. The warm crimson liquid flowed continuously, alerting the monk's that the duel was over and it was time to heal the broken mage.

02-09-10, 12:10 AM
When his sword finally pierced flesh, the mutant felt a certain sadness in his heart. Blood sprayed everywhere from the devastating injury. Lorenor pulled his weapon quickly out of the man's body but it was already too late. He had prolonged the battle as long as he could. In reality, Lorenor liked the kid. But liking one's opponent did not mean he didn't have a battle to win. With blood dripping donw his person, the mutant looked down as his opponent fell. Somehow, nothing was accomplished. He did not feel angry, sad, remorse, hate, or love. He simply felt empty. With a thud, the man's body hit the floor and the facade of the monk's illusion quickly faded away leaving only Lorenor and his fallen victim. Several Monks entered the room in a crazy sort of way pushing past the mutant to get to his opponent. Blood dripped from his darkened blade. The darkness gathered around the blade as the weapon fed from the blood it absorbed. Lorenor didn't notice it but the blood from Derrick Magnum seeped into the hungry weapon. As this happened, the mutant's own darkness became that much more...something else.

Staring at the medics as they worked on Derrick Magnum, Lorenor suddenly felt something. As this powerful emotion gathered inside of his black heart, the conqueror began to laugh hysterically from the rush of battle. The blood covered his person from head to toe and dripped down his face.

Lorenor had sustained several injuries throughout the battle. However, he had refused the assistance of the Monks. His concern lay with Derrick Magnum solely. Upon seeing the death of the skilled man, the mutant was filled with the desire to give the man the Immortal's Embrace. Thinking about it, he wondered if the Monks would allow him to help the man. A single Monk wandered towards Lorenor.

"You should leave now Lord Lorenor." The Monk said. "You need to clean yourself off and prepare yourself for the next challenge." The mutant did not respond, he simply kept staring at Derrick Magnum. "Lorenor, are you hearing what I am saying? Are you coherent?" The mutant's eyes were considerably dimmer than they normally were.

After a few moments passed, Lorenor turned and acknowledged the Monk.

"Tell me what chamber he is to stay at. I wish to stand by him whilst he recovers."

"That can be arranged Lord Lorenor." The Monk said. "Do you have any other requests?"

"I wish to speak with the Grand Master overseeing my education..."

"That can be arranged. Go rest now Lorenor. You appear very weary."

"Very well. I shall go rest, but I wish to be informed what room he will be staying at. I want to be by his side. Put me in the same chamber with him."

And Lorenor walked out of The Citadel's combat chamber with the Monk guiding him towards the infirmary area.

02-09-10, 01:12 AM
Upon his awake from the Lorenor induced state of comatose, Derrick was struck with a feeling of shock. It seemed that he was very much alive, despite his last memory of being struck by the deadly strike of his foe. Even more to his surprise he awoke to a small room housing not only himself but also the mutant. It was a bit much to take in at once Derrick thought as he slid his hand across the smooth skin that covered the wound that Lorenor had opened on his chest.

"What the hell is going on here Lorenor?!" A bewildered expression spread across Derrick's face, wondering how he had lived through the onslaught of the mutant.

The room that housed the two healing warriors was small, obviously it had been meant for one. There was only a single bed, which Derrick laid in, and a chair, where the victorious Lorenor sat. All around the two was a dark matter, that seemed to be seeping from Lorenor's being, pouring from him like sand in an hourglass.

A vision of the fight coursed through Derrick's thoughts. It was all coming back to him now, how Lorenor had taken it easy on him when he could have simply ended the duel with a single blow. It came to him more hastily now, the ongoing words of wisdom that the mutant had ushered to the young mage.

"Why'd you let it last so long when you could've squashed me like a bug Lorenor?!" There were so many questions Derrick sought answers too, but he figured this was a good start.

02-09-10, 01:48 AM
Finally, after the Monks worked their healing magics, the mutant saw that Derrick stirred. The youth finally awoke with a start, and the mutant noticed that also. He was probably traumatized from the near-death experience. The mutant had his share of defeats under his belt as well and knew what the hair-raising experience of death was like. Simply stated: it sucked. He listened to the young man for a few moments and when the question was asked, Lorenor nodded solemnly.

"Perhaps I possess the power to have destroyed you out right. But there would have been no sport in that." Lorenor began. He closed his eyes for a moment as he spoke, the glowing purple energy fading off and casting him in darkness for a brief moment. "I am a student of the Order. I am studying to perfect a certain style of combat that they have been teaching me." Lorenor kept his eyes on Derrick's person. "Plus I like you. I honestly did not want to kill you...so I held back. I haven't had that much fun in a while."

Lorenor took a goblet of some liquid that the Monks had given him. He put the goblet meticulously to his lips, and drank of the substance. Once he'd done that, he placed the goblet down and sighed as the liquid rushed through his body. His eyes reopened and the eerie glow returned to his face adding that purple hue to his dark gray skin. Lorenor tapped his chin for a moment.

"You are very brave Derrick. I have a proposition for you..." And that's how it all began.

02-09-10, 02:11 AM
The mutant spoke in a friendly tone, a tone that differed from the one he had during their fight. It was calm, patient, and even hinted compassion. Derrick felt that it was a side of the mutant that very few people had seen, and even fewer had lived to tell about. Before Derrick responded he thought of the potential danger being in league with the mutant presented. Through out Althanas Lorenor had managed to make a name for himself and in some places he was a wanted man. There were many who would pay the ghouls weight in gold to see him and the company he keeps killed. As the thoughts raced through his mind, Derrick couldn't help to think he wasn't prepared. If Lorenor had beaten him with so little effort, could that mean Derrick wasn't good enough.

After a minute of silence Derrick finally turned to face the glow of the mutants purple gaze. "I've opened my ears and my mind to you Lorenor, so lay it on me..." Derrick had decided that chances like this didn't just come knocking every day. He had brought something out in the ghoul, and for good or bad, he was going to at least hear Lorenor out.

02-09-10, 02:25 AM
Lorenor grinned widely. It was a strange gesture on his face, but hinted at something much deeper that the mutant possessed in his black heart. Many ideas raced through his head, possibilities of where he could guide this youth if he took him under his wing. Tapping his chin twice, the mutant took another sip of whatever liquid it was he was consuming from the goblet. There were possibilities, oh so many possibilities. Lorenor kept his eyes on the youth for a long moment, his chest rising up and down with an excitement he had not felt in many moons. Thoughts of the past coursed through his mind.

He suddenly remembered his fellow Paladin of N'Jal, the Captain, MetalDrago Scorpio. Something about Derrick Magnum made Lorenor think of his best friend in the Thayne forsaken planet of Althanas. As his thoughts wandered to his notes and the various ideas he had for many, countless projects, the mutant spoke after about a minuted passed.

"First you must recover. Seek me out again when you are healthy enough. We will continue our journey together from there. I could use a skilled warrior like yourself at my organization. But you don't have to join it per se. I can provide you with work if you want it." With that, Lorenor stood up, took a deep pull of the goblet, finishing the contents of the goblet. He looked at Derrick with a strange expression of longing on his face. "I will return here one day soon. When that day happens, come seek me out...with that, we must part ways for now. I have a certain enemy to defeat." Lorenor grinned again and left the chamber to take care of dark matters elsewhere.

02-09-10, 02:39 AM
The mutant's words hit Derrick deep. He knew he wasn't quite ready to follow this dark man down a the path in which he offered, but with time Derrick knew he could improve. He could sharpen his skills so the next time the two met Lorenor would be overtaken with the feeling of surprise. If there was one thing that Derrick Magnum was, it was determined, and Lorenor had just given him a purpose. It wasn't often that an opportunity came along like this one that was before him.

As Lorenor left the room Derrick muttered something under his breath. "The next time we meet Lorenor I will be ready. I won't let you down, friend."

It had be a lifetime since the elf could honestly call another being his friend. The mutant was just that though, whether he embraced it or not. The room around Derrick slowly started to fade away as he drifted back to sleep, all the while thinking of the mutant's proposition.

02-12-10, 08:56 AM
Battle Scrolls 4: As requested, detailed commentary. I’m going to be working through this, and it’s a bit long so it might take me a hot minute to get it done and through. I’m going to try and provide as much commentary in the necessary places as possible, but if you’d like clarification or anything feel free to PM me and I’ll help explain things or go over something more in-depth. For the judging, I’m going to be putting up the scores like this :: [ML: (score) | BM: (score)] :: Likewise I will use the same abbreviations for your user names when I’m making comments.

Continuity [ML: 7 | BM: 5]


:: Your opening post set up the scene for your character very well, and you didn’t do it only through narrative either. That’s a plus. You used dialogue to express what your character had done to this point, who he was aligned with, and what his intentions in the thread were.


:: Your opening post was indicative of your intentions, to fight a greater fighter and learn, and you continued that throughout the thread. However, I didn’t really get a lot about who Derrick is, where he came from, what he plans to do with his life or what he’s done to that point. The back-story of a character can be very influential in explaining personality, dialogue, action, and generally help the reader really get a firm grasp of the character as a whole. You’re not looking just to create a static character and then be in-depth about his actions. You want a round, dynamic character that can change, has characteristics, and a history that helps explain those characteristics.

Setting [ML: 5.5 | BM: 5]

:: Other than the very beginning, neither of you remembered to really include the setting into the thread at all. Remember, it’s not just about creating it and leaving it. You can add it in now and then, remember to look at the monks, come close to the flames, find the edge of the ring… things like that at least remind the reader that there is a set atmosphere and picture to look at.

Pacing [ML: 6 | BM 6.5]

:: The pacing of the thread is meant to keep the reader interested, keep a steady pace that flows well, not make them want to look away, as well as provide clarity to the action and the writing itself by not being muddle or causing the reader confusion. Both of you, in the case of keeping me interested, and not making me want to look away did very well. However, there were slight differences in your writing style that made the difference in the score between you both.


:: When you write action, you have the tendency to write a little too much, too many multiple clause sentences in a row which slow the pacing down a little bit. The flow of the story keeps consistent, but it is also a flow that causes it to slow considerably. As such, I would suggest you take the time to write at least a few shorter sentences in the action of the thread, in order to create a little bit quicker pace and sharper emphasis on the important aspects of what you’re writing about. For example, when you are writing out your actual attacks, you can throw in some shorter sentences to emphasize the movements that the character takes. In the end, it will make the reader pay attention to the motions themselves, and draw them in with full knowledge of the exact way the attack happened.


:: Your issue wasn’t the way you formed long sentences, but an overuse of short ones. You can throw in a few longer ones to slow down the pacing of the thread when you aren’t immediately engaged, which will allow the reader to catch their breath. Lol. Also, sometimes at certain parts of the thread, you seem to not really emphasize the actual technique of your character, but instead focus on the basics and move on. Give the reader something to hang onto, and use the opportunity to form advanced techniques in writing, which helps makes your writing a little bit more interesting.

Dialogue [ML: 6.5 | BM: 6]


:: [[Lorenor said, in a strangely Fatherly like way.]] Post 7 :: I’m going to elaborate on this a little below in persona, but I would like to point out that “fatherly like way.” Is a great way to describe a tone and voice. It offers the reader a description of the dialogue, as well as a taste of the personality of the character.

:: However, after the battle was over, it seemed that you were slipping back into the olde English type language a little. Remember to keep it constant. You can speak with an air of authority and power without speaking with words like “whilst”.


:: [[“Ghoul, I wish to learn what you have to teach...” Derrick paused to brush sweat from his forehead. “After this fight may we speak, I would much like to hear some of your tales.”]] Post 8 :: I’m not sure why you made your dialogue bold, suddenly and without reason, but it’s not necessarily something that’s improper in writing… just a pet peeve of mine. :p

What I really quoted this for is because the dialogue seemed to change drastically since the previous spoken words that you had offered the reader. You went from a bit of a lower diction dialogue to something much higher diction. Be careful, if you change the type of words you use so much from what you previously had, and change the diction, it affects both dialogue and persona. In this case, I’m just looking at it from the dialogue stand-point.

Action [ML: 6 | BM: 5]


:: [[Not a single movement was wasted or flamboyant. Lorenor returned his sword to the original position of the blade. It faced the ground at a forty-five degree angle. The tip of the blade a mere inch or two off the ground. Lorenor started to walk towards his opponent.]] Post 7 :: The action is alright, though a little explanation of why he has to be so precise would help explain this, as well as make it feel less technical manual feeling. You’ve come a long way from the technical manual writing that I was seeing at one point, and I like that, but every once in a while you slip into it here and there. The “forty-five degree angle” part is what I’m referring to.


:: As I said in other sections, action is a good mix of everything, from the way you respond and your personality, as well as how you attack. It’s not all just about what type of swipe you take with your staff, but also about little quirks that make the character more real, and motions and reactions that make him realistic and a dynamic character (like what I commented on in the continuity).

Persona [ML: 7 | BM: 5]


:: [[He'd grown matured in his old age, and knew that immortality would bring new adventures yet.]] Post 7 :: I like this, this is a good use of narrative to explain the personality of a character, without having to write out extremely long reasons for the way they acted. You did very well to incorporate your persona into the thread without making it the focus. See the first thing in the dialogue as well. (Oh, there is a spelling mistake though, “matured” should be “mature”.)


:: Without a concrete background to go off of, it’s hard to gauge a character’s personality except by their dialogue and their actions. In this case, you changed your dialogue a bit, and you didn’t give a lot of action that was indicative of a personality that pertained to Derrick. I would focus on really making the character come to life, making him dynamic and realistic, and from there give him some quirks, a personality. Everyone has something they do habitually without realizing it, some people do something simple like count things they do like steps and stuff, other people can take it to a social extreme and kiss the ground before they fight for whatever reason. Things like these are personality though, and explaining who Derrick is before you get too deeply into the thread is always a great way to start working on giving the reader a personality to attach to the mage. You don’t have to put it in all at once, you can spread it out over a few posts or the entire thread, as long as the reader knows who Derrick is and what he’s all about by the end it’s all good.

Technique [ML: 7 | BM: 5]


:: Also, in the opening post, you overuse the use of a single word to replace the proper noun of Lorenor. You said “fellow” three times in the first paragraph of the first post, and three times in the 4th full paragraph of the first post. Instead of fellow, try and use something else, like ghoul, mutant, Lorenor, or any other common noun that can replace the proper noun which is your name.


:: I said it before, up towards the top somewhere. Use of advanced technique doesn’t mean go all out and form overly elaborate metaphors and similes (just two examples of grammatical techniques in writing). But, every now and then, something to sweeten up the writing and keep the reader interested is going to go a long way. You’re looking not to wow the reader with every sentence, too much advanced technique and you’ll border on purple prose and the pacing will drag. But little one liners that compare something in the setting to something else, a personality to something, things like that can help a lot.

Mechanics [ML: 6 | BM: 5.5]


:: [[Though these features were hidden by the lord's clothing that he wore.]] From post 3 :: You should have had a comma after “Though” in order to make it a proper sentence, or better yet, you could have started the sentence with “These” and put though at the end. “These features were hidden by the lord’s clothing that he wore though.” And then you won’t have to have a comma there.

:: [[His cloak, was a thick hide cloak that was commonly wore by Salvar's citizens.]] Post 3 :: the comma after “cloak” isn’t necessary and cuts the way the sentence is read making it out of place. It should read “His cloak was…”


:: [[Derrick entered a dimly lit courtyard the heat still making sweat fall from his head and sliver slowly down the crease of his spine.]] From post 2 :: You missed a comma, between “courtyard” and “the”… also, it doesn’t read very clearly the way it is. Instead of “courtyard, the heat still making…” which would make two dependent clauses stick together without an independent clause to create a proper sentence, you could make a small edit like this : “courtyard, heat still [made] sweat fall” and then everything after the comma would be a proper independent clause and form a complete sentence.

:: [[It was understandable that Lorenor a veteran to everything fighting would let Derrick, a small town mage, take his first shot.]] Post 4 :: Just like you did after Derrick, there should have been a comma after Lorenor, and another after fighting. “It was understandable that Lorenor[,] a veteran to everything fighting[,]…”

:: [[Suddenly Derrick was within striking range of the mutant and he swung Astra, his oak staff towards the skull of Lorenor.]] Post 4 :: Like above, if you are going to add something to explain you should put it between commas. “…he swung Astra, his oak staff[,] towards…”

:: [[Derrick knowing that this was a battle and seeing the ghoul approach him holding his sword in a flawless manor, knew it was time to prepare for another attack from Lorenor.]] Post 8 :: Comma needed after “Derrick” and before “knowing”. A rule of thumb to follow for this is if you can separate if by commas and the sentence reads well still ignoring what’s in commas… your right. For example: “Derrick knew it was time to prepare for another attack from Lorenor.” Without the entire clause, it still reads correctly. However, if you read from “Derrick knowing” to “flawless manor” (which should be manner) it’s not a complete sentence, neither is “knew it” to “from Lorenor.”

Clarity [ML: 6 | BM: 6]


:: There are more than a few points when you use certain words in certain places that make the writing seem like present tense, when the majority of it is written in past tense. For example, here is one from the first post ::

[[With his senses peaked thanks to the powers of the living dark, the fellow was capable of seeing even in a pitch-black night like this one was.]] “like this one was.” “this” in the sentence makes the reader think that you’re talking about present time, not a past time. You can easily change “this” to the word “that” and it would stay past tense.

:: Also, in the opening post, you overuse the use of a single word to replace the proper noun of Lorenor. You said “fellow” three times in the first paragraph of the first post, and three times in the 4th full paragraph of the first post. Instead of fellow, try and use something else, like ghoul, mutant, Lorenor, or any other common noun that can replace the proper noun which is your name.

:: [[He would learn everything he can about his opponent before the night was through.]] Post 5 :: “…everything he [could] about…” The word can is the present tense form of could.


:: Like I commented above for Lorenor, you slipped into something that can be taken as present tense in a past tense dominated narrative. Be careful to not differ in your tense agreement, otherwise it’s unclear and makes it a little sloppy. Here’s the sentence, and my suggestions ::

[[Now he stared blank eyed at the monk with a look of eagerness.]] Instead of the word “now” which makes the person think of the present, you could have left the word out completely and gone with “He stared blank eyed…” and it would have stayed in past tense.

:: [[He was a creature now, primal and dark as the deepest chasms of the ocean.]] Post 4 :: Again, “now” isn’t necessary in this because it’s use makes it seem like you went back to first person. Without the word the sentence reads just as it would have with it, though the tense agreement stays in the past tense.

Wild Card [ML: 6 | BM: 6]

:: Both of you did a fantastic job with this. It was a great fight, and I’m thankful that I got to read it. I’m not normally a huge fan of reading battles, but this was well done. You cooperated well with each other, and the writing by both of you came out very well. Congrats!


Lorenor :: 63!

BattleMage :: 55!


Lorenor :: 2750 exp | 225 gold

BattleMage :: 750 exp | 185 gold

02-12-10, 09:04 AM
Exp and GP added!