View Full Version : FQ Recruitment Salvar: No Knowledge of Wisdom

Visla Eraclaire
10-01-09, 07:41 AM
I have an approved thread to aid the League of Salvic States in the Salvar portion of the FQ. It may not start immediately, because it is contingent on the judgment and approval of a few preceding threads. I'll try to get it going as soon as possible, given the time limit.

I'm happy to do it as a solo, but I wanted to see if anyone was interested. Low and high level characters alike are fine.

Synopsis : Visla has acquired an item which weakens the effects of divine magic, including that used by the Church. After approaching several Barons in hopes of enlisting the aid of their armies, she convinces one to let her assist and lead a raid against a Church enclave. The artifact grows in power through the nearby deaths of divine creatures, spellcasters, and devotees. The goal for Visla is essentially as high a body count as possible to empower her item, with a secondary objective of helping snuff out the intolerable zealotry of the Church.

Reply here with interest.

10-01-09, 08:25 AM
Divine, did somebody say killing divine? If I get approved in time I'll join for sure. Since divine IS pretty much light. Killing stuff is what my character does anyway.

Visla Eraclaire
10-01-09, 08:40 AM
Technically, divine as I intend it doesn't just mean the forces of light. The followers of evil gods or thaynes would work just as well, but I think the Church of the Sway probably fits the bill for people you want to kill.

I'm going to add one more thing. I want to get this done relatively quickly. I'm willing to put in the time to make swift, effective posts. Anyone who joins really should be dedicated to replying as early as reasonably possible and not leaving posts unread or unanswered for more than a day or so without good cause.

I'm not trying to be a jerk to anyone. I've just know we've all had issues with unfinished threads and since this is the FQ, I don't want to see that happen.

10-01-09, 08:46 AM
Oh have no worries about that, I will be active daily. Subscribe to the game thread and post as soon as I can. I hope we can get along in the future. This character will hopefully see your character as a source of power to drain from so that he doesn't kill you too soon. I'll just have to see how it goes.

Visla Eraclaire
10-03-09, 04:04 PM
Is anyone else interested in this? I've just completed the lead-in quest and gotten approval for the idea from Saxon.

I'll be making my final decision on participants tomorrow, so if anyone else feels like killing some clerics, speak up.

10-04-09, 08:38 AM
Opps, I'm 30 minutes late. Sorry. I'll get my post up soon.

Do you have instant messaging? It'll be easier to relate ideas that way.

For some reason I don't think I can contact you on AIM, well at least your not responding.

Visla Eraclaire
10-04-09, 08:46 AM
Kindly don't post yet. I'm leaving the thread closed for the moment. I will update you and other interested parties as it progresses. My IM is in my profile.

10-04-09, 08:57 AM
Okay, no problem, just post somewhere when you open the thread. I'll assure you that I'm active.

Visla Eraclaire
10-04-09, 09:01 AM
Given the information I have received about the FQ, I may wait until a second thread to open it, but we'll see how this develops.

BTW ~ I don't always answer my IMs immediately, and aim frequently doesn't notify me when people not on my list IM me, so, you'll have to have a little more patience in the future.

10-04-09, 10:49 PM
That's... too bad. It became a solo quest as I predicted, I saw it up until the third post and then gave up.

Visla Eraclaire
10-05-09, 04:53 AM
Well, if you kept reading you'd have seen that it was part one of a continuing story, and that it was finished in a day.

Part two is One Error Begets Another and I am seeking assistance with it because there's frankly no way I will survive it alone. I am not attempting to finish it in a day, but I would like it to move along quickly. Anyone who would like to participate, just take a quick look at No Knowledge of Wisdom and tell me how you can help raid this monastery. I know that it's a little difficult to insert yourself into the story at this point, but be creative.

If I don't get any responses from people with ideas, I guess I'll have to figure a way to save the kids myself after a few days.

10-05-09, 05:04 AM
Arghh, I don't want to read 6000 words that is mainly dialogue. Too troublesome. A summary, if possible?

You don't have to explain what happened in the first one, just say like what is 'required' of the second.

Visla Eraclaire
10-05-09, 05:36 AM
Thank you for your consideration. If you can't be bothered to read a short thread and you have a disdain for dialogue, you're out. I can understand a reluctance to read, but the way you phrased it just screamed out to me, "This person is incompatible with my RP style." Best of luck.

For others, a summary of No Knowledge of Wisdom:

Visla and Aelva set out to yet another noble to pitch the idea of going out to slay church members and empower the Godshard, an artifact that can weaken divine magic. After failing at several great halls, the pair comes upon the land whose Lord is allegedly out on campaign. They ask for shelter and are attacked by guards at the gate, who reveal they work for the Church. Inside, the manor has been converted into a hospital for wounded clergy. Aelva and Visla, with some reluctance, clear the building of Church members and find a noblewoman entranced in a bedroom upstairs. Before they can investigate further, a holy swordsman arrives who appears to be in command. Battle is joined and the leader banishes Aelva with a flash of light, but gives Visla an opening to bash his skull in.

With the man lying dead, the noblewoman awakes and explains that she and her children were held captive by the church in order to force her husband's armies to lose battle after battle. If he won, one of them would be injured. If he tried to return, all of them would be killed. The woman feeds Visla a healing potion slowly as she goes through the lengthy and painful ritual of resurrecting Aelva.

The ritual is completed just as newly arrived Church forces are bashing in the door to the bedroom. Aelva, Visla, and the noblewoman escape into the night sky on Aelva's wings. They drop the woman off at a nearby fief and receive directions to the monastery where the children are being held.

This thread is about that follow-up mission.

Anyone else?

10-05-09, 05:59 AM
Ahh, it seems I was rejected. Thanks for your time.