View Full Version : Fritz Kheel

10-02-09, 03:35 PM
Name: Fritz Kheel
Age: 23
Race: Human
Hair color: Auburn
Eye color: Green
Height: 5'10
Weight: 138lbs
Occupation: Currently unemployed and wandering.

Personality: Fritz is a kind young man that was once a brilliant tactician for the Scara Brae military. Despite the fact that he's been involved with many conflicts in his life, he has always disliked violence and the consequences of war. It's very rare that he ever gets worked up or flustered. He has a strong tolerance to other peoples rudeness. He can also be a bit under spoken at times but always shows respect to those who show it in return. He's also a bit of a nature freak and loves animals, like his pet squirrel, Nutz. In regards to his dreams, they are very childish. While most would agree that violence and war will never end, he truely wishes to stop the fighting once and for all. This could be due to the fact that he didn't have much of a home life as a child due to his parents strict ruling.

Appearance: Fritz has a rather basic style of clothing. He's had to play incognito since he bailed out on the military a few years back. So until they quit looking for him, he's wearing middle class clothing. He also has a hooded jacket that he wears when he's trying to hide his image. Once things with the military begin to die down, he will probably purchase something a little more "flashy" at the bazaar.

History: Fritz grew up under a strict household. His parents forced him to study for most of his childhood. When he reached the age of 15, his parents sent him off to a military school where he was taught the art of war. Even from a young age he disliked violence but at the time he only wanted his parents to be proud of him. He worked his way to the top of his class and was handed off to the military at the age of 18, where he became a one of the top tacticians for his age.

The military life was terrible. At the time, trouble was brewing with neighboring military forces and war had already broken out. Fritz was forced to watch on from the sidelines as members of each army was cut down. He never once set foot on the battlefield, the military only kept him around to draw up new plans. So the year he turned 21, he deserted his post and begin to travel as far away from that place as possible.

Two years have past and he still wanders, he's manage to fend for himself and has taken up the art of magic to defend himself. As for his goals or his destination, he's still trying to think up something.

Skills: He has a variety of different Lightning and Earth element magic skills.

Spark- a jolt of lightning that moves across the ground in a zigzag. Damage output is weak and mostly used to keep enemies airborne for a follow up attack. It can reach up to 3 yards away before losing it's charge. This move can also be used with the lightning rods in his inventory to give it a slightly different affect. Placing the rods into the ground and charging them with spark can set off an electrical explosion that deals the same damage as spark but has more "Knock-back" to it.

Bolt Ball- an orb of electricity about the size of a bowling ball. This ball of lightning hovers in the air and doesn't move. Any contact with it causes it to let loose an electrical shock that deals moderate damage.

Sand Snare- Can turn soil into sand, making difficult for characters to move quickly.

Life from Death- ((Not to be used in battle)) This move is specifically for storyline progression. The ability to use Earth magic has also given him the ability to accelerate the growth of plant life. In the wake of many battles, the land is left barren and wasted. Using his new skill and given the long amount of days that it takes for this skill to work, he is capable of turning a battle ravaged field into a flourishing grassland. This could take days or possibly weeks given the size of the area. However, he can't create something from nothing. Meaning, extreme places like snow covered areas or deserts are out of the question.

Magic is above average.
Physical Defense is extremely low
Physical Offense is extremely low
Acrobatics are are above average

Weapon: A steel battle staff
Items of interest: 5 lightning rods

Familiar: His companion is a squirrel that he has decided to name Nutz. He takes no part in battle but allows Fritz to have someone to talk to when he is in a scene that has limited persons to converse with. Nutz doesn't talk back though.

10-02-09, 03:51 PM
How far can Spark reach? We should have it no more than 3 yards at this time.

Also, what does it mean to "combo with lightning rods"?

Please drop the number of steel rods to 5, and remove the flash bombs for now. Also, military powers that are present on Althanas that are prevalently human are Corone (though it's in a Civil War so pick your side carefully), Salvar (which is nearing the close of it's own civil war in the Featured Quest section of the site), and Scara Brae (which is small, and a region dedicated to level 0-1 characters and always a good place to start out).

10-02-09, 04:01 PM
Alright, done and done. Also, is alright if make him above average in acrobatics or should I just remain average?

10-02-09, 04:02 PM
You can change it to above average if you'd like to. I'll let you make that edit before I approve this.

10-02-09, 04:06 PM

10-02-09, 04:09 PM
And Approved!

Be careful with the lightening stuff, and have fun.