View Full Version : Forum Clean Up!

10-02-09, 03:39 PM
Hey everyone. I had started to post a generally obscure message in every thread that had been around for more than a year, however... it occurred to me... why do that when I can just make an announcement and clean the forum much quicker that way?

I will be doing this prune every 4 months, on the 4th month of the year, and it will cover everything before that month. So... January will purge from Sept-Dec of the previous year; May will purge Jan-April of the previous year; September will purge May-August of the previous year; then back to January.

So ::

If your thread has been waiting to be posted in for more than a year, starting September 30th, then I will be moving it to the archive. If you are still interested in continuing your thread, you can PM myself or another staff member and I will remove it from the archive and return it to it's proper place.

You will have to provide me a link in order to do so, but that's all.

Thank you very much,

10-02-09, 08:39 PM
The forum has been officially cleaned up to posts last made in October of 2008. Again, if you want an old thread reopened to continue it, just PM myself. Thanks.