View Full Version : Recruiting 1: Paid to Desecrate

10-06-09, 06:05 PM
Yes, we will be Paid to Desecrate. My character is a 2.2m tall homicidal maniac who can lift 20 times his own weight so if you wish to help him burn down churches and desecrate the land I'll be glad to have you join me. Of course this is an approved quest. I'll probably wait for 4 days for anybody who wants to join, if anyone wants to join when it's started also hit this thread up, we'll find a way for you to join in. All Saxon allows it.

The requirements are that you post every 3 days, cause I want at least a little bit of activity if not daily. Anybody up for burning down churches and killing some innocent people, I mean innocent people who can't even fight back. Pure evil, I call this.


Mission Name: Paid to Desecrate

Faction: League of Salvic States

Summary: While all the war preparations are going on a strange figure has been burning down churches in random fiefdoms all around Salvar, working day and night it is unknown where the culprit is. He seems to work alone and never rests, the destruction caused has been limited to churches and anybody in the vicinity, although they know the culprit is alone they have not found him or any evidence of who it is. Although the culprit doesn't seem to conceal his actions and movements nobody seems to be able to catch up with him. The countless dead men and women all seem to have died from either flame or tearing apart of the flesh.

10-06-09, 06:29 PM
The requirements are that you post every 4 days, or Saxon can close down the thread, which is not such a good thing.

Actually this limitation only applies to missions. With Approved Quests you can take as long as you like! The reasoning for this is that missions are pre-made quests that somebody has to claim in order to start, and when you claim it you're filling up that slot. If you're not posting in that topic, you're wasting that quest which ruins it for anyone else who wanted to claim that quest. With Approved Quests, it's up to you to do all the heavy lifting, but you will be proportionately rewarded for your efforts in the end.

10-06-09, 07:25 PM
Interesting... then I guess it's fine then, I'll just have to edit my post.