View Full Version : Transitions: Sea Bound (Closed)

10-12-09, 12:35 AM
Closed to Cosmic Relaxation.
This Quest take place after the following:
Battle Scrolls 4
Transitions: South Road (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19840)

The open sea wasn't for every man truthfully. For some it was a means of escape though, and Derrick Magnum was one of those men. He longed to escape Corone, he knew his true purpose was adventure. He didn't want to end up like the rest of the patrons in the bar. He was worth much more than that, even if he was the only person who believed it. He had already seen so much since he left Underwood. First he tried his hand in open combat in the citadel against a veteran foe, Lorenor V'halkulus. Derrick would remember that battle for the rest of his days.

From Radasanth the traveling mage took the south road that would lead him to another battle, this time with a beast rider named Faldor. There was much more to lose in that fight, not being in the citadel. Derrick barely left it alive and still was wearing the scars that now became an invariable reminded of the changes he was making in his life. He no longer wanted to work all day and binge drink at night. Surviving the South Road motivated Derrick more than anything. He knew in the days to come he would receive his own fair share of scars and stories. That didn't bother him in the least.

From lush forests to flat plains Derrick traveled, in search of the coast of Corone. He wished to take a boat to Fallien, hearing of great wealth and renown that awaited warriors there. He didn't have much gold to barter with but if all else failed he could just stow away in a boat bound for Fallien. Soon Derrick would break off from the south road and head west towards the Firewiner river in search of a town called Evermore. Rumor reached his ear that a young man there could help him find a way to Fallien. Without the young man's name though Derrick began to fear he was out of luck. In any case though where there's a will there's a way, and Derrick had a stronger will than most men.

So alone Derrick Magnum took his chance for excitement and adventure, leaving the well traveled path of the South Road west into the flat plains of Tylmerande. Even he was uncertain where he would end up.

Cosmic Relaxation
10-13-09, 06:27 PM
The hammering subsided as the last nail was hit into position. Marius wiped his brow with a cloth and sat down beside his ship, admiring it. The ketch seemed to glow in the sunlight; the wood shining golden brown and the masts climbing to the sky. As of two weeks ago, the ship was unable to float, now it was near completely restored.

“She’ll be ready to sail soon.” He said to himself, gathering his breath.

The small ship, the Starla, was surfaced, mounted and getting its hull replaced. It stood just east of the docks of Evermore, at Rouffo’s Shipyard. The shipyard was one of the smaller ones in Corone, but had a reputation for fantastic work. Marius was referred their by a friend of his down by the docks.

Men were working on the ship, and it was sure to be finished today. And what better day for it to be finished on than this day, with the sun shining beautifully on the ocean waters of Corone, the docks full of travelers and everyone merry.

“Oh, she will.” Said Rouffo, a stout dark elf as he walking up to Marius.

“The stern is finished, tis steady as she ever was.”

“My men are just finishing the hull.”

“How bad was it?”

“Awful. Must’ve been six years gone by since the woods been changed.”

“Hasn’t been done since my time with it.” he stated.

“The wood was half ways eaten through. Those worms’ll do it to ya too. Lucky these southern waters hardly get cold enough for the them buggers to survive, otherwise you’d not have made it back last trip.”

“O, I had far worse things to worry about on my last trip than bugs.”

“Eh, either way.”

Marius stood up, walking along his ship, running his fingers across the newly placed wood.

“What made you use oak?”

“It’s a dense wood. Plain o’ll Corone lumber is fine no doubt, but it cant keep its seal.”

“I see.” Marius said, dreading what he was to say next. “What do I owe you for this Rouffo.”

“A lot more than you have.” The man said with a grin. “Say, what was that you brought back from Serenti?”


“Well that’s too bad.” Rouffo said following Marius around the yard.

“Why’s that.”

“I tell you what. You get me some of Falliens olives, and we’ll call it even.”

“What’s it for?”

“The oil. It has a million and one uses on a ship… oh, and the misses wants it too. There impossible to find around here, every once in a while a merchant whip will carry some, but never enough. Fallien Olives are superb, some say the trees last thousands of years."

“No need to explain further.” Marius said with a smile. “I’ll get you your olives.”

10-13-09, 10:19 PM
Evermore was unlike any town Derrick had ever been. Than of course Derrick had never been this close to any large body of water before and was actually quite scared of it. He was among the small percentage of people in Althanas who couldn't swim and had never been on the open sea before. Like any adventurer though, Derrick would have to start taking his fair share of risks. He would have to first start with getting over his fear of water.

Along the docks ran a seemingly peaceful water current that picked up a bit down stream from Evermore. Tranquility was the perfect word for Evermore. The way the sun reflecting off the Firewiner, the friendly faces, and the very buildings themselves all could be credited for the towns appeal. It was the perfect place to raise a family, but not for Derrick. He had engaged in his own fair share of small town perks and was ready to hit the road.

As Derrick walked flabbergasted atop the sturdy oak boardwalk a friendly man came behind him, throwing him out of his head trip.

"Ain't ever seen a boat, have ya boy?" Derrick turned around to see a tall twiggy man. Each time he opened his mouth a full set of cracked tinted teeth was revealed.

"Can't say that I have sir." Derrick outstretched a friendly hand to the man. "I'm Derrick Magnum!"

The man smiled and shook Derrick's hand, "I'm Flakes, Franklin Flakes."

"I'm sorry Mr. Flakes but I am in a bit of a rush and am in dire need of directions, assistance, or maybe a point in the direction to someone who could help me."

Flakes nodded signifying to continue, with each move of his body his long ivory hair would fall partially in front of his face. He was a pretty strange guy.

"I am in search of a ship heading to Fallien."

"Would love to help buddy but I can't. Only boat I pay attention to is my own and we don't head anywhere near that region. Honestly it's said their just a bunch of primal savage people, those Fallien folk. I wouldn't trust one as far as I could throw them and I'm 45."

Derrick really didn't understand what the mans age proved about his physical prowess but he couldn't waste any more time on this degenerate.


Two hours later Derrick found himself alone leaning over the boardwalk of Evermore. He hadn't done such a great job of finding a boat that would take him to Fallien. Just as he was about to give up hope he saw a boat being repaired in a distant dock. He decided to try his luck once more and approach the boat that carried two talking men.

"Hey you guys wouldn't happen to be heading to Fallien would you!" Derrick yelled to the two distant figures.

Cosmic Relaxation
10-15-09, 08:55 PM
“Drop the bow!”

“Drop the bow!” Was echoed again by another man.

With the cut of a rope, the Starla fell completely into the water with an enormous splash. Cheers from the men could be heard all around the area. Marius watched with glee at his newly repaired ship, almost ready to be sailed again. It hardly took two hours to finish the hull of the ship, and now all that was left was to reattach the sails and re-rig, which would only take the day. He would have to set off early tomorrow morning to return in time for the wine season in Radasanth, something that was guaranteed income.

A faint shout could be heard in the distance on the docks.

“Did you here that?” asked Marius straining his eyes to see the figure in the distance.

“I did. The fellow wants to know if were going to Fallien.” Rouffo focused his eyes on the man in the distance. “He looks well enough. Looks like this could be your lucky day.”

“Indeed. Although two doesn’t make a crew. We’ll need to find more.”

“Shall we invite him?”

With a grin Marius stood up calling to the man in the distance. “If ye be needing a sail to Fallien get yourself over here!”