View Full Version : A Friendly Guide to Recruitment

Sighter Tnailog
10-13-09, 01:49 PM
So, you're looking to recruit someone for your battle or quest, huh? Whether you're a new player starting your first battle, or a veteran player starting your next epic quest, this guide is for you.

A few simple tips can help your quest get noticed and increase your responses. Before you post your new thread, look over the recent recruitment threads yourself! Someone might be seeking help on a similar quest or trying to find a battle companion. Some of the best threads I've ever seen have been the result of two people who would have done separate work combining their best ideas into one product. Put as much effort into your recruitment title as you would into the title of your actual thread. Find a way to describe not only the story you are recruiting for, but the kind of person you are looking for. Cleverness yields more responses! People want to know what they are getting into before they join up. Be precise with what you want; specify the number of participants, the expected posting rate from those involved, and the type of quest. Indicate the style of the thread. Some threads are simply fun diversions, never intended to take the effort or focus required of Judge's Choice candidates. And some threads are meant to be taken very seriously. Be clear about the quality you desire! If a thread is already up, providing a link is essential. Most players are busy, so cutting out the labor involved on their part will help you find participants considerably. Consider carefully how you want to select your fellow questgoers. If you expect high demand for a quest, you may want to consider taking applications via PM so you won't hurt the feelings of anyone who isn't selected. Who knows, you might want to quest with them another day! If you accept applicants through the thread itself, it is good form to accept people on a first-come, first-served basis. This is merely courtesy, not a hard-and-fast rule, but is considered a part of forum decorum. When you are done recruiting, please indicate so in your recruitment thread.It is my hope that these guidelines--which are not official, merely ad hoc observations from years of practice--will help you find participants for your threads. They can be summarized thusly:

Synergize--Check recruitment threads often to see how your plans might fit with the plans of other Althanas players.

Describe--Clearly explain the type of player you are looking for, your expectations for the thread in terms of time and quality, and as much of the storyline as you are comfortable sharing. A link to your quest or battle can go a long way!

Be Polite--Even if someone isn't a good fit for your quest, most people don't want to harm relationships with fellow players by turning your quest application into a high-stakes competition. Unless you're a lovable troll, good form is to accept applications by PM; take thread responses on a first-come, first-served basis; and indicate when your recruitment thread has run its course.