View Full Version : Demonstration Match

Sighter Tnailog
10-20-09, 03:09 PM
I am looking for a friendly competitor to take on a speed battle, something of a demonstration match.

A lost art form on Althanas, the speed battle operates on three simple principles.

1) It occurs in more than ten and less than twenty posts.
2) Each post is separated from the last post by no fewer than 10 minutes.
3) You don't take yourself seriously.

I have blocked out a period of time Sunday afternoon -- from 2ish to 6ish -- in which I can commit to the speed battle. If the rules are followed, it should be over in anywhere from an hour and forty minutes to three hours and twenty minutes. And my experience with these battles tends to be that they go much faster than strictly ten minutes between posts -- part of a speed battle is trying to work out a post fast enough that your opponent doesn't have time to rest between posts, while still balancing the notion with your desire to put in a decent showing and show up your opponent.

Again, I want to run the battle from 2ish to 6ish (I'm in the Central time zone, in America). If you would like to commit to the endeavor, please holler here. I'll roughly take first comers, unless for storyline reasons someone I need to battle appears; I will also take this list for future interested speed battlers, and as time permits I will holler if I don't battle this time.

10-20-09, 03:29 PM
I'd be willing to give you a run for your money, if you're up for it.

10-20-09, 04:35 PM
Hey Sighter, I don't recall ever actually battling you. You'd own me anyway, but it would be fun nonetheless. Let me know what's up.

10-21-09, 04:13 AM
Duffy would be up for it, speed posting I can do to a fantastical degree, although the quality of my meagre talent diminishes in doing so.

10-21-09, 06:49 AM
I knock out all my posts in less than ten minutes, period, end of sentence. That's probably the source of my problem. They'd probably be much better if I slowed down a little.

Regardless, I'd be willing to take you on, if you were ever finding yourself with a block of time open sometime after six on a tuesday/wednesday time frame.

I'm in your same time zone, and right when this match occurs, I'm asleep, for I work nights.

So, something to consider for the future if you feel like doing one again in such a time.

10-22-09, 03:10 PM
My weekend is closing up, so I need to know whether or not you've selected somebody to do this soon so I can free up some time for this battle if you want to try it with me. I'm guessing LordLeopold isn't back on coincidence, but I figured I'd mention this in case I was wrong.

Sighter Tnailog
10-26-09, 12:30 PM
So, seeing as my Hebrew class decided to pitch fits at me after I set aside this time, you probably noticed I wasn't here nor there on Sunday.

Saxon, you did post first; I'll get to the rest of you folks in time, but Saxon had first dibs. Is there a time for you that might be good for rescheduling?

10-26-09, 03:42 PM
Weekends are best. I'm not sure when you're free next, but either saturday or sunday would be fine with me. Weekdays I'm too busy or fried from everything else.