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Archanex Jotham
10-27-09, 01:11 PM
Name:(First)Jotham (Last) Archanex (Title) Apprentice Magus

Age: Immortal

Race: Elder Magus/Overmage

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Deep Dark Brown.

Height: 6.0'

Weight: 210lbs

Occupation:Technomagus/Elemental Magus


I am a student of the Ancient Arts.

The arcane flows through my veins.

My people have long lived in recluse in Concordia Forest. In secrecy, my people research the teachings of the ancient Elves of Concordia. A forest people, the Elves have long studied the Arkanos. The name of the Arkanos is an ancient words taught to our children by the Elders of my people. It is said, that the All-Thayne himself blessed our people when we first traveled to Althanas ages prior. I think about my people often. All of my people become a Magi of some sorts from early youth, and often times, a few Battle Magi emerge from our ranks. The finest sorcerers in all of Althanas have heralded from my people's teachings. The teachings of the ancient Arkanos.

With the Arkanos, it is possible to manipulate the very Elemental Energy that exists as a force called Manna. All living beings possess a Pool of Manna which is like a natural reservoir of this potent Energy. Manna is a colorless substance and is used to tap whatever Element is being harnessed for the working of the art. With Manna, one can manipulate the very fabric of the Firmanent itself. Each working of Manna is contained within the precepts of the Spell. The words of the Spell are all-important to the Magus.

Without the wording, Manna would be useless to a Magi of any school. I am learned in the wording of Spells since I learned how to read and write. My education is very important to me. I study the Elemental Manna and its precepts every hour of every day. But I am yet no Master. An Apprentice is what I am currently, even in my old age. I have lived to the ripe old age of five hundred years. Despite that, I have only managed to tap into the secrets of the Arkanos.

Taking that knowledge into my heart, I harness my teachings. Use my teachings. And instruct others in the ways of my people. As a Magus, I am a Fair Student of Average Skill. I have learned much in the ways of my people and have sought out the Adventure necessary to test the ways of my people. For me, the study is everything. The thrill of using my Manna Pool in ways that I previously thought highly improbable, is the ultimate rush for me. I am a student first and foremost.

Also, I am a seeker of Adventure and Excitement. When I began traveling from Concordia Forest, Ruild, I immediately journeyed towards Radasanth and its Adventure filled streets. I kept myself busy with the various duties and miscellaneous jobs posted by Job Brokers. That is how I made my money. That is how I attuned my power. And power? I am not one to brag, but I possess a considerable amount. Currently though, I would be the first to admit it needs refinement.

This is my story.

This is my legacy.

-Words of Jotham Archanex.

Personality Archetypes: This is the personality of Jotham Archanex.






Virtue-Faith (Believes in the Thayne and is a follower of Khal'Jaren)

1-Achieve mastery in the manipulation of the Elemental Manna.

2-Construct his own Spells.

3-Learn the ancient Art of Arkanos Alchemy.

4-Master the School of Destruction.

5-Obtain fame and glory as a Master Magus.


1-Books and Runes.






Alignment:Lawful Good (LG)


Standing at an impressive height for a Magus, Jotham is six feet tall and weighs about two hundred ten pounds all together. He has a fit physique, because part of a healthy mind is a healthy body. A well defined chest, and a broad shoulder area give him the appearance of an athlete. His muscles aren't overly large, but they are impressive for a Magus. Jotham has a noticeable scar on his face that goes across the middle of his nose. He also wears many Magi oriented symbols on his body. Jotham has large, sinewy hands and long, flowing hair. His hair is a bright red color. His eyes are deep dark brown, so deep that they seem to glow with elemental energies.

Jotham has a nimbus that surrounds him from time to time. This nimbus is raw elemental energy, that represents the color of his main element. This color is red which represents the elemental properties of fire. Depending on how chaotic Jotham's emotions are at the time, the nimbus will flare out with a brilliant shine. This nimbus is currently purely for aesthetic effect and doesn't seem to affect anything...yet.

Jotham wears the simple yet elegant robes of an Apprentice Magus. They are colored light brown. He wears a large backpack on his person to carry various tools and effects, he wears a belt with many pouches attached, and wears a signet ring on one hand. Jotham is predominantly a left-handed person. He wears hide boots, his belt has an elegant buckle, and he also wears gloves to protect his hands. Around his head is a simple, yet elegant looking amulet. Jotham enjoys to put on jewelry and even has several earrings visible upon his earlobes. He also wears a very warm hide cloak with no visible markings that has a cowled hood.

At all times, Jotham carries a large battle-staff that doubles as a walking stick for long journeys. Jotham walks with a noticeable limp. He also has a beard on his face that is also red colored.

Historical Tome: Ages ago, during the time immemorial of Althanas, there existed the Firmanent, the Antifirmanent and Phantaria. Through Phantaria, many species ended up on Althanas and settled as their new homes. It is through this exploration and taming of Althanas that a once Off-World race settled in the lands of Concordia Forest. Using their advanced methods of traveling across the universe of Althanas proper, one of the many traveling species found their way to Althanas during ancient times. This species, known as the Overmage in a distant star of Ayenee, changed their names when they settled on Althanas. Calling themselves the Elder Magus, this race of advanced humans possessed the secrets of the Arkanos and boasted the secrets of immortality itself.

The Arkanos is an ancient art form more than a magical pursuit. Not as crude and under developed as the Spell-songs cast by the Raiaeran Elves, This art called for the manipulation of the very elemental energies themselves. A Magus would force their will upon the battlefield and with that force of will, manipulate the potent energies within the field. Each elemental property was capable of causing different actions and reactions depending on the laws of physics. When the Magus forced his will upon the environment, many changes began to occur across the land of Althanas. It is important that one understand the power, before one could understand the man. Each of the Magi that were raised by the Elder Magus was worth ten normal Magi.

Born to a non-distinct family, the names of his parents were lost to history. His family, was known as Clan Archanex. Not a particularly old clan by any means, the clan was only several ages old. The oldest of the Elder Magi were thousands of years old. Each of the Elder Magi were capable of harnessing the elemental manna in such a way that it made them unique amongst all other humanoid races on Althanas. By asserting their will upon the environment, the Elder Magi could in essence, alter the very fabric of the Firmanent itself.

Jotham's story began at early youth when he first joined the Tribunal of Magi. This Tribunal was an education system set up in the society of the Elder Magus. Each student was put through a rigorous education program where they learned how to calm their emotions, find their inner peace, and channel the potent Elemental Manna for great effect. Channeling was the most crucial part of Jotham's education. Discovering his affinity for the elemental powers of Fire, the Apprentice worked quickly to master the most basic Spell that an Apprentice in the school of Destruction could learn. By that time, Jotham was already five hundred years of age, and it would take another century or two for him to master the rest of the arsenal in his spells.

Having learned all that he could from the Tribunal, Jotham traveled many lands until he found his way to Althanas. Heralding from the land of Ayenee, beyond the Gates of Sensibility, the Magus' story was just about to begin. Being an Overmage like any other, Jotham's story didn't start until he left the Tribunal and ventured to the land of Althanas. Now a young man by the standards of the Elder Magi, Jotham was ready to seek out his own fame, fortune, and glory. And so began Jotham's story.

Skill Grid:

Magus Sphere-The Magus Sphere represents Jothams' currently accrued knowledge. The Magus Sphere is Jotham's basic skill at manipulating the Elemental Manna. Since Jotham's primary Element Fire, most of his Destruction School Spells will be Fire-Oriented in nature. However, because of the advanced knowledge of the Overmage, each Overmage is -potentially- capable of mastering -all- of the known Elements. However, this will take many years of study and dedicated to the Arkanos arts. The Magus Sphere represents all the current Spells in Jotham's Grimoire.

Elemental Manna Pool-This force is the Elemental energy that the Overmage manipulates. Please note: Overmage and Elder Magi can be used interchangeably. Each Overmage has a specific, pre-set Pool of Elemental Manna that represents colorless energy. This energy obtains a color depending on the will of the Overmage. At first, the amounts of raw Manna are minute, but as the Overmage becomes more powerful, the Manna will increase. Note: Manna regenerates naturally over time. Currently, Jotham has Fifty units of Elemental Manna at his disposal.

(School of Destruction) Dynamic Explosion(Fire)-Cost: Ten Units of Manna.

This Spell, acquired through years of study and practice, allow the Overmage to manipulate Elemental Fire. Elemental Fire is not the same as "normal" fire and appears as a blue-colored fire. This Elemental Fire has an extremely destructive capacity. It can spread across normal surfaces (Such as cloth, leather, hide) quickly and is chemically adhesive to most types of materials. Especially common and low-tier materials. Against materials like Iron and Steel, the Spell can burn hot enough to Melt Iron. Against Steel it is hot enough to Super-Heat Steel. These effects require Player Permission to work on their valued Items and weapons. It is assumed that without Player Permission, the special effects of this Ability will NOT work. Note: Whilst Jotham is casting Dynamic Explosion, he can perform NO other actions. He MUST concentrate on casting this and any other Spells.

On flesh, the Dynamic Explosion casts quite a punch. It can cause up to Moderate damage with the equivalent damage potential of a strike of an -Iron- weapon. It is important to note that whilst Jotham is casting -ANY- Spell, he is vulnerable to attack. This Spell can currently be cast three times a Day.

Note: The Dynamic Explosion takes 1-3 -full- Turns to Channel before they are summoned. This length of time depends on the size of the Dynamic Explosion being used.

(School of Healing) Lay On Hands(Heal)-Cost:Twenty Units of Manna.

This Spell, acquired through years of study and practice, allow the Overmage to manipulate the Elemental Light. Elemental Light has many purposes, primarily curative and buffing purposes. This is Jotham's only acquired Spell with the Healing Arts. Eventually he will obtain more. The Spell requires focused concentration of the healing energies located within The Light. When this is done, the Overmage must place his hands upon an -basic- Injury to mend it. Lay On Hands functions just like a bandage might. It heals the Injury. Whilst the Overmage is casting this Spell, he can perform no other actions.

Can be cast once a day.

Note: Lay On Hands takes -between- 1-5 -full- turns before it is prepped. It depends on the severity of the Injury.

(School of Enchanting)Spell Sword (Enchant)-Cost:Twenty Units of Manna.

This Spell, acquired through years of study and practice, allow the Overmage to manipulate Manna in such a way that he can Enchant various objects temporarily. This Enchantment, not permanent, imbues a single object with the Elemental property of the Overmage's choice. Thusly, armor enhanced in this way will gain the defensive properties of the Element in question, and weapons enhanced in this way will gain the offensive properties of the Element in question. Enchanting is a temporary deal which lasts only a mere five turns per thread. However, the advantage granted by the proper application of the Spell Sword are too great to underestimate. With proper application, a timely Enchanting with the Spell Sword will allow a team-member to quickly fell opponents in a timely fashion.

Spell Sword can be cast three times a day. But only once on a single object per thread. Eventually, Jotham will be able to permanently Enchant objects. Whilst Jotham is casting this Spell, his hands must physically touch the object in question. Spell Sword only works on inorganic objects. It -can never- be used to enchant people or animals.

Note: Each use of Spell Sword requires -two- turns to Channel before each attempt.

Combat Sphere-As an Overmage, it is important for the students to develop their fighting technique as well. Spell-casting leaves the Overmage vulnerable to attack and as such, it becomes necessary to learn one or more fighting styles. Mastering a fighting style is not necessary, but rudimentary self-defense is required. It is up to the Overmage to become a true Battlemage.

(Bladed Fighting)-Jotham has learned how to handle simple bladed weapons. Right now his skill is such that he can only manipulate small blades like Daggers, Knives, and Throwing Daggers. Currently, he has -Average- Skill with these bladed weapons.

(Staff Fighting)-Jotham has learned how to handle combat sticks and staves. Right now his skill is such that he can manipulate basic Staves with some degree of skill. He has shown some potential with this talent. Eventually he could become a master at using the Combat Staff. His skill is currently -Above Average- Skill with the Combat Staff since this weapon is his primary weapon.


1-Battle Staff-A long, seven foot staff outfitted for battle. This staff is basically a thick, seven foot oak stick that is quite sturdy. It packs quite a wallop. It doubles as a walking stick and is surprisingly light in the hands of the Overmage.

2-Pair of Masterwork Iron Daggers-These are two simple make Daggers made of Iron that are masterwork in nature. They each have a scabbard. Jotham is good enough to use these daggers simultaneously in battle.

3-Padded combat gloves-A pair of leather gloves that are padded with Iron. This makes getting punched by Jotham very painful.

4-(Items) Large Backpack with many pockets (1x), Belt with rings to attach pouches (1x), 10 large pouches, 5 small pouches, Personal Grimoire, Pigments and Inks for writing Spells, Parchment Paper for Scrolls.

Racial Weakness:

1-Dynamic Strength. Warriors that are gifted with this power of Super-Strength can be lethal to the Overmage. Overmages are about cunning, speed, and intellect and Strength can devastate a single or many Overmages. Attacks performed with Dynamic Strength buffs do double-lethal damage.

2-Mute Effects. Overmages are extra vulnerable to any effect, or artifact, or spells that cause the Mute status. Mute Spells are -twice- as effective on an Overmage as they would be on any other Mage. Mutes take about a day or two longer to wear off than normal, and as such, Overmages are weary of the Mute Spells.

3-Dragon's Fire. Breath Weapons from Dragons and other ancient races can instantly Kill an Overmage outright.

Elemental Weakness: Elemental Water does Double-Lethal Damage.

Visla Eraclaire
10-27-09, 08:13 PM
Welcome. This is a very interesting and well-thought character. I think it has a lot of potential and am interested to see where you go with it.

Melting iron seemed a bit strong, but since it is limited to player permission I am going to allow it.

You mention that you are vulnerable while channeling. Do you have to channel to maintain your flames or just to summon them? How quickly does the healing channeling function?

I have a couple questions about your manna regeneration. You said it regenerates over time, but how quickly? All at once at night? Slowly over the day? Does it take a full day to get the manna back? I see you are limited in how many times per day you can cast each spell. That seems like it might be a good enough limitation in and of itself.

I have a quick question about Spell Sword. What I gather is that if you enchant a sword with fire it deals fiery damage and if you enchant an armor with fire it is resistant to fire (and weak against water?). I'd appreciate some clarification of the exact effects.

I appreciated your inclusion of weaknesses.

If you'd like to discuss the manna issue or anything else, contact me via AIM. Oh and don't mind the goofy avatar and such. It's temporary.

Archanex Jotham
10-27-09, 09:42 PM
Thanks for taking up my character Visla, I appreciate it. By the way its Pavel, this is my fourth Character on Althanas, technically fifth, but I don't use one anymore. I'll tackle your questions one by one.

@1-He has to channel to actually summon the flames. Maybe I wasn't clear enough about the thought-process since my ideas were a bit jumbled. The flames take about a turn or three to summon depending on the -size- of the flames he is attempting to summon. This is subject to moderator's final approval and Player-granted permission.

@2-I think the healing channeling would be -at least- one full turn before he can actually use it.

@3-Once Jotham has depleted his Manna completely, it takes a -full day and night- (Roughly 24-48 Hours) to completely replenish his Manna Pool.

@4-Yeah each element is weak to opposite element. When it comes in contact with an Element, it will receive double-lethal damage. So to use Fire against Water is an acceptable tactic, but if Water is used against Fire, the same double-damage rule applies.

Anything else you need clarification on, let me know. I'll gladly make edits where necessary.

Visla Eraclaire
10-27-09, 10:26 PM
Edit those channeling times into the post. Also, I just want to get one more clarification on the enchantment. It aligns the item so that it does extra damage/defense against a given element. Does it actually manifest the element? That is to say, does enchanting a sword with fire make it burn with flames? Can you enchant an item with your healing element and make it heal wounds? Or does it just align the weapon so that if it hits a water or darkness aligned creature it does more damage?

Archanex Jotham
10-27-09, 10:57 PM
Whoo this is a tough one isn't it?

Well. The Spell Sword functions by using the Elemental Manna to conjure the Element into the weapon. So in a sense yeah, the sword would burn with the Elemental Energy, but since its an Enchantment, it wouldn't actually harm the object in question. So far its only Destro school. And so far that implies that Jotham can only use the Fire element for Enchantments. I'm trying to keep it fair. He will learn to do better Spell Sword Enchantments as he goes.

Yeah your last point is correct. If an object is used to attack a creature while it is imbued with the Fire Element, then it will do damage accordingly to a level 0 or level whatever (Level X) object we are talking about. The Fire would do double damage against Water-based enchantments, etc, and do normal damage against any other object it strikes.

Also I amended the Turns casting to my Sheet. I hope that helps. Any other thoughts, please let me know.

Visla Eraclaire
10-28-09, 06:47 AM
The only final caution I would give is that you're going to need to do the longer channeling if you want to melt metal. It's all based on consent and you're experienced enough to understand that.

I'm satisfied. I hope you enjoy your new character, Pavel.