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11-04-09, 05:14 PM
The beginnings of something more


It was a dank, dark, and drab moment in time. Ok, so really it was more of a normal, every day moment in time. You know the ones. They exist en masse in everyone's lives every day. They come and go like some of the least pertinent of Logan's flings. But, there was something unusual about this moment. It was just Logan didn't realize it -- yet.

As his feet traipsed across the marble floors toward the large open stone structure akin to the Ancient Roman Colosseum, his eyes scanned about for something. Well, more someone I suppose, but nevertheless his eyes scanned about. In his haste to arrive punctually, he had forgotten the most important part of this whole deal, the other parties to be involved.

Somehow -- yeah, somehow, as if the hundreds of things he constantly juggled as he managed Vice weren't enough to cause him to have a mental deluge from time to time -- in all his intelligence and wit he had casually forgotten to place the invitations in the hands of the individuals who were meant to receive them. In fact, if his memory served him, the stack of special invitations sat atop his desk as he ran across the hallways surrounding the innards of the arena.

He slid to a stop as he cursed his luck. "Well, what the bloody hell am I supposed to do now," he questioned into the lonely abyss around him. "I've rented this God-forsaken place for the day, and here I am without anyone to share it with. I swear, I must have the worst damned luck of all," he continued to curse to nobody in particular.

A sudden, quick movement startled him to attention. It took much to startle the psion. After all, everything resonated a psionic signature of some kind, and most of the time he had no trouble whatsoever detecting it. This movement, whatever caused it, was different however. It left him astonished, and in all his wisdom, experience, and intelligence, completely frozen in curiosity.


Ok, this particular thread is open to any and all level zeroes through level twos. This thread has a purpose, which will be revealed later. I don't care if you think your writing sucks, please participate. And remember...

With this thread, just have some fun. It's not about quantity for this thread, it's gonna be about creative fun.

Welcome aboard!

P.S. -- There will be no editing of posts for grammar, spelling, or any other errors. Just write what comes and go with it from there!

11-04-09, 05:39 PM
The sun was shining, and the erudite and voluptuous Miss Ruby La Roux was fanning herself beneath a parasol on the very outer and upper step of the 'Delicate and Ancynt Ruins.' As educated as she was, she was inclined to agree with the somewhat loose spelling of 'ancient,' it added spurious glamour to the proceedings. Behind her, trailing in the direct sunlight like a common hussy born of Radasanth, Lilith peered at dusty murals and ancient pillars with a furious interest that scared the spell singer half to death. She'd never seen her so enthralled by something, well, not since Jack came to the Spring Ball wearing nothing more than a fig leaf and his conveniently held invitation.

"I still think we are missing the point in being here, governesses might take note of the architectural foundations of a place such as thus, but a true lady of Scara Brae does not travel so far in such appalling conditions to discuss semantics, ancient tongues and the history of pre-eminent peoples!" She snapped a chime and sarcastic retort over her shoulder as she fanned her sweating face with a delicately tailored white glove.

"Because," Lilith began, with a level of sarcasm greater but concealed by a baritone boredom, "some of us wish to learn of the wider world and to not hide in petty little gossip and idle banter," Ruby's practical sister set herself upright and peered at the guidebook which was hastily scribbled onto curiously vinegary parchment. "We should go down into the ba-" as she turned her tanned forehead to the centre of the Colosseum, the sight of another being startled her, out of her lips popped a small gasp of air, suited for a lady to express her discontent and surprise.

'What- what is is Lilith?" Ruby questioned, glancing over her shoulder again and then trailing off to follow her companion's eyes. "Oh, good lord - I, oh the injustice!" The Crimson Mistress was called mistress not for her night time nuptials, but for her red temper at the slightest injustice to common decency. "You!" She began, throwing the parasol aside and storming off down the steps with Lilith trailing behind her, "You there, what in the blazes are you doing, this is my hour, [/i]my[/i] bloody hour!"

The irony in a Valkyrie ploughing down the stairs into the sandy basin amused Lilith, who gave up her chase halfway down. She guessed, after all her attempts at distracting her sister with conversation of a refined and courtly nature, they'd end up talking about men, drinking wine and gossiping with strangers in foreign places after all.

11-04-09, 07:43 PM
The island of Scara Brae, not the place Derrick really had ever been or ever planned on going. It was still a place though, and for that reason Derrick now found himself there. The old Derrick, a drunkard, wouldn’t have even been seen outside of Underwood, much less in Scara Brae. But the new and improved Derrick “The Wondering Mage” Magnum was now intrigued by things of this nature. He liked travel and chance encounters with strange people.

The ferry ride wasn’t too long to Scara Brae, but it may have just felt long on account of the loud Dwarf named Fester constantly gabbing on about his caves and the hills from which he came. Derrick had never encountered a dwarf, surprisingly. From what he could tell though, Fester and his kinfolk were a perfect fit for the Underwood bars and taverns.

The bastard didn’t let Derrick get one word in. It was all “When I was a young dwarf…” this, or “When I was a young dwarf…” that. It relieved Derrick that he finally was in Scara Brae and no longer in the company of the annoying Fester the Dwarf.

There was no true purpose for Derrick’s trip to Scara Brae, he simply had little else to do while he waited for a boat from Evermore (Corone) to Fallien, and decided simply to take the ferry to the small island and check it out. Maybe he would be enticed into an adventure or thrown into some back alley brawl. Now that he stood marveling in the streets of the third largest city he had ever been he was speechless. It had no well known citadel like in Corone and he did not want to waste his day as a fly in a bar. So he just continued up the narrow cobblestone streets, shuffling his feet in sequence with his staff ‘Astra.’

In front of Derrick was a large Coliseum with a stone structure near it. Through the structure he saw a man sliding and gliding about and was enthralled by his movements. He was a strange guy, but he wasn’t a dwarf, and for that reason Derrick was already interested.

“Hey buddy, you look like you could use a hand!” Derrick yelled to the man.

Archanex Jotham
11-05-09, 06:09 AM
It was a strange twist of fate that found Archanex Jotham, Overmage, within that specific ruins. Drawn to a pulse, no, a presence, the young Overmage decided it best to venture towards the ruins. He was originally in Scara Brae in search of some legendary Liviol Wood to upgrade his battle staff with. However, the search was currently dry. He had only been in Scara Brae for a few months now, since earlier in the year. Archanex Jotham was also seeking a chance for steady employ and steady research. All armies needed skilled Magi and the youth was certain he could find steady employ in Scara Brae.

Seeing the old path that lead to the ruins, the youth was prepared to pass it by when he suddenly detected that presence resonating from within. Not a particularly skilled Overmage of any special talents, the youth still had some talents. The latent elemental energy within the surroundings had a particularly strange disturbance that flowed through it. A disturbance that resonated from somewhere nearby. Feeling a call to this disturbance, Jotham turned towards it. Deciding that he had nothing better to do, the youth went ahead and moved towards the strange pull. Keeping his battle staff at the ready, Jotham walked purposefully towards the source of the pull.

Much to his surprise, he found an ancient ruins. This place was like a wellspring of the Elemental Manna. Jotham blinked several times as he was capable of seeing the raw Elemental energy flowing through the air within that place. Spheres of the power danced about in sparks of multi-colored lights. Jotham thought that the entire setting was beautiful indeed. Jotham looked up and noticed the afternoon sky overhead, several strange clouds lurked. Some of them had particularly interesting shapes that made the Overmage curious. He was no cloud-reader however, and so he turned towards the strangers in the area.

Looking into the ruins, Jotham could see several people within. They gave off distinct nimbus clouds, but the man in the center gave off a particularly powerful nimbus. Jotham guessed that the source of the pull emanated from the man in the center. It was like a cluster of distinct energy patterns. Jotham leaned against his staff for a moment, staring at the individuals within. There were two lovely ladies, and a mysterious fellow that also walked with a staff. How interesting, another fellow Magi. Jotham thought to himself as he looked at the curious fellow with the staff.

Jotham decided that the area was probably safe. It was isolated enough that an attack from afar could not reach them. Also, the pillars of the place were made of incredibly sturdy marble that withstood the test of time. Jotham guessed that the marble predated the Demon War. He saw that the fellow with the staff and the two ladies walked over to the devil in question. Deciding that he should do the same, Jotham walked over towards the gathering crowd. He kept his eyes narrowed, but showed a particularly deep interest in the man. Something about the stranger's nimbus cloud seemed very familiar to Jotham, but he couldn't quite place it. Ignoring the strange feelings for now, Jotham walked behind the other Magi (Derrick Magnum). He kept a respectful distance away from the man however. His attention was mostly focused on the man in the center of the gathering. Jotham felt the power become stronger when he came in contact with the energy of the man. This power seemed to resonate from the very core of the stranger, Jotham hungered for the power the man possessed. So close to it now, Jotham could taste it in his mouth.

He wore a mischievous grin when he stared at Logan McCloud. The familiar feelings were not going away. Where have I sensed energy like this before?

11-05-09, 01:05 PM
In a moment of fleeting shock and awe, the veteran let down his guard. He was so startled by the voices and signatures of multiple persons that he simply forgot what he was in the Colosseum for to begin with. Thinking more on the faint memories of signatures past then of signatures present, he was drawn deeper into the center of the Colosseum. The footsteps of the psion were steady and forceful, the mixture of sand and pebbles beneath parting around each foot in rhythm.

Upon reaching the most central point of the massive round stone architecture, he lowered into a deep bow, almost disgustingly formal in it's nature. As he rose slowly, his eyes took in the sight of one Ruby La Roux, and other forms he could not recognize easily by their faces, or signatures. Ruby, while she wouldn't willingly admit to it, had become a slight bit of a celebrity among Logan's counterparts in Vice. The men he typically found himself working with had a penchant for the overly melodramatic, and Logan admittedly had a heavy penchant for women in general. The others, however, left him baffled and utterly at a loss for words.

Well, momentarily at a loss for words, anyways. After all, this was the psion who fought more battles with his mind than his swords. Granted, his primary abilities arose from his disposition and powerful control of his own mind and every now and again the control of another's. The pause and momentous silence of the psion was broken seconds later as he looked to Ruby, "What a pleasure, Ms. La Roux. I was not expecting you, but am quite pleased to find you here."

His voice was not weak or quiet. In that moment it was far more projected than even he himself could remember. It boomed throughout the Colosseum, and would echo all the way to each person in time.

"While I had not expected the company of you all, I cannot say I am displeased by it," he shouted out as his voice once more echoed throughout the mostly empty Colosseum. "I am Logan McCloud, and I bid you welcome to the remnants of what was once a glorious stadium. Where battles were fought, and lives were both saved and ended in a single move. Where once the greatest these lands could offer found themselves cheering on one another for something none today could even imagine. This place serves as both a memorial, and a reminder." Logan paused as he gently shook his head.

"But, it is on this day that if you will aide me, I intend it to serve as much, much more. This is the day that this Colosseum becomes far more than a shell! If you will join me, and work with me, this place -- these ruins -- will become our new home. Our place of refuge and our place of performance," his voice boomed forth, and his passion was clearly evident.

"While I did not intend to welcome new members into my family, I open my arms and my heart. These times all across these lands are dire, and these lands become barren more and more by each passing day. Those I once called friends are not to be found amongst the denizens of these places, or these lands. What was once heralded as a great a glorious realm is now no more different than this very Colossus of stone, marble, and dirt. Simply put, these lands are nothing more than ruins," he held out his arms as if begging and pleading in a very strange manner.

"Please, come closer so that we may all share in the beauty that is this place, and so that you all may learn of the kinship of family. The kind of family that stays by your side when no one else will. The kind of family that is closer than a brother. If you will simply help, this place, these lands, can be...more," with the final words he gazed upon each of the gathered with a look of longing, and also acceptance.

11-05-09, 04:08 PM
Ruby calmed down, although only slightly, and crunched her heel into the sand floor of the Coliseum without any modicum of dignity. Her nostrils flared like a mare’s battle-charge, crushing and imploding and snorting, Lilith, now stood by her side with a sassy swagger rolled her eyes. “That was certainly an interesting outburst, I wonder what you’d be like if the moon was full.” The sardonic tingled in the air, but was lost on all but the multi-talented bucket of sand of the Tantalum Troupe. Reserved to being a bystander, she left Ruby to her own noose.

Looking around, Lilith made casual observation about the two others, not interested in the slightest in the tall and cankerous individual who proclaimed their arrival as part of some grand design, no doubt Ruby would be fully and dually wrapped up in the proceedings, the little songbird that she was, but it’d be her to pick up the pieces and carry her home with the hiccups and headaches after. It always was.

“Well,” Ruby began, suddenly aware that it was increasingly becoming hot. She’d dropped the parasol a little over zealously, and bowed politely with a pull on the hem of her dress before turning to retrieve it a few steps up the side of the arena. “You could forgive a woman for over-reacting good sir, when all she required was a peaceful trip of reflection with her companion,” she said aloud to that all could hear as she returned, tucking her arm under Lilith’s and shading them both with the little white umbrella, laced with red ribbons.

“I dare not ask how you know my name, as I know talents lay not her,” she prodded her heart, “but here,” and tapped her head, “but I will ask most humbly and dignifiedly of the performance you speak of? We are,” she glanced at Lilith and shuffled her feet coyly,” moderately talented ladies of the theatre, both in attendance and physically being on the stage in our own sensibilities. Pride aside, what can we do, and what play or song and illuminant tale are you encapsulating?”

Slowly they made progress from the edge of the Arena to be closer to the white haired man, his offer seemed, after all, to be perfectly amicable and acceptable. Perhaps they might have been unconventional recipients of such a request, but clad in their polar extremes of bright crimson and black, and pallid creams and white, the duo looked on expectantly.

In acknowledgement of the others who’d by Fate’s recollection appeared in the arena in their own fashion, Ruby bowed politely and implored Lilith to the same with an elbow to the ribs. “M’names Lilith, right hand confidant and general slave under heel to her highness here,” she chuckled and they embraced tighter. Finally, the inquisitively minded actress mused, something more interesting than bloody rocks!

11-05-09, 06:47 PM
Derrick’s eyes darted back and forth between the two ladies. Their constant banter made it hard for his head to process what was being asked of him. He could hardly concentrate on the man, Logan, who seemed delighted to share the evening with the crowd. Derrick arched his head back letting out a much needed yawn as he watched the much more outspoken women, Ruby, completely embarrass her counterpart. From there his eyes turned to the final guest a mage, much like himself. He was held back and quiet. Derrick liked this man the most of the crowd that he was currently surrounded by.

“I wish to hear more, kind sir.” Derrick nodded towards Logan. He never fully removed his eyes from Jotham though.

Derrick didn’t wish to address Ruby. He knew that after hearing the tales of a Dwarf for the majority of the day he couldn’t handle the accounts of another loose-lipped stranger. Her counterpart though seemed much more withdrawn from the whole situation. Obviously she was there just to care for Ruby as if she were a dog for a blind man. That spoke a lot of Ruby’s character to Derrick.

With a grin and a nod Derrick acknowledged everyone in the party, with the exception of Ruby.

Archanex Jotham
11-05-09, 07:39 PM
What is this? A pull, no, something incredibly stronger. An invitation of sorts is resonating from him.

Thinking at the moment at hand, the Overmage was drawn closer to inspect Logan McCloud. He realized that the man had considerable and far reaching influence if he knew people from Scara Brae. Archanex Jotham was impressed by the man's apparently knowledge and wisdom. Placing his invitation on the table, the Overmage still wondered what it was he could possibly contribute to this man's cause. Initially, Archanex set out to Scara Brae in the search of employ. He realized that this man could provide it. Turning to look at the three others, Jotham studied their respective nimbus. Ruby and Derrick had two distinct clouds that radiated with elemental energies. However, the most interesting nimbus belonged to Logan.

It gave off a powerful aura that seemed to subtly affect the environment around him. The Overmage's eyes sparkled with interest. There was something powerful about this ancient ruins. He could almost taste the sweat of flesh and the rusty-taste of blood in the air. Elemental energy still resided in the air from when Magi of the old world summoned their powerful spells from the Eternal Tap. Jotham was reminiscing about the ancient days when he saw that Ruby spoke to Logan McCloud. The other man, Derrick Magnum also addressed Logan McCloud. So it came upon his shoulder to introduce himself as well.

The gathered strangers were bound by the purpose and machinations of the man named Logan McCloud. Wherefore then is this a man? Such a man to be laid eyes upon as this fellow Logan McCloud. He appears then, a Highlander of the old world. With a radiant nimbus and skill and talent to match. Jotham was a deeply reflective individual, a man of action. He had spent much of his adult life in front of ancient books and scrolls learning the ways of the Overmage.

His people had their origins beyond the Gates of Sensibility in the lands of the Phantaria. There was a distant star named Ayenee. It was from this star that the Overmage came from. However, Jotham was new yet to these lands. Others of his people had become famous throughout history, but none were braggers about their origins. Blending in secrecy with the rest of the Althanas population, one might confuse an Overmage for the sturdy humans of the Salvarn tundra.

By then, Jotham had walked to the general proximity of the others. His eyes were filled with interest at the unfolding event. This man might offer employ. It could be what I have been looking for. His surface thoughts were not guarded from the Psions' powers. Jotham had no knowledge of the true power that Logan McCloud possessed. Jotham took a position close by to the position of Derrick Magnum. Magi were back-line people primarily when it came time for a line of skirmishing to be present. However, Jotham was comfortable in front-line combat as well. Not well versed in the combat arts, Jotham had enough rudimentary knowledge to survive against weaker opponents.

He could hear Ruby's words flow like honey from her lips. Jotham occasionally stared at Ruby's well formed bosom. Though he had an indirect stare that was hidden by the shadow of his up-turned cowl. The Overmage lowered his hood so that all could see his handsome visage. A scar adorned his face from previous ventures. Jotham's long red hair flowed from the top of his head and down the small of his back. There were some visible braided locks in his hair. Leaning against his staff, Jotham noticed the strange stare coming from Derrick Magnum. Jotham nodded towards the man politely. He could see the nimbus surrounding the lad.

Jotham was well within ear-shot range for Logan McCloud to hear.

"The name's Jotham. Jotham Archanex. I am an Apprentice Magi." Jotham said calmly. "If I understand it correctly perhaps you can assist with getting me some employ. I'm looking for work. I am certain that some of these other people are looking for work as well." Jotham said. His deep brown eyes seemed to glow with power from within.

The Reborn
11-06-09, 12:53 PM

Edward could feel his body longing for the metallic taste of blood to cross his lips. It had been days since he had fed, wishing to not feed off any humans within the area of Scara Brae. Each person he passed seemed to set sensors off, triggering instincts he fought against daily to not simply lunge and sink hit fangs into the soft flesh around the jugular to allow a river of blood to flow freely into his waiting mouth. No, he had given up those instincts when he turned on his clan, and now he was hunter like the humans he was meant to prey on. Although to his credit it had been a couple months since any of his fellow brethren had been able to track him down but safety was never something Edward truly felt.

Keeping his cloak pulled up tight around his body and hook over his head to hide his pale skin from anyone who might question him, Edward slipped through crowds out towards the ancient ruins he had used for shelter when the hunger began to become to much. People usually passed trough the ruins but did not stay long enough for him to lose control and feed upon them. Finally, the marble columns were in sight. He would soon have refuge and be able to decide where best to hunt to replenish his growing need for sustenance.

Drawing closer, Edward could here voices. Five distinct voices floated through the ruins and reached him as he froze along the outer columns. One man seemed very confident and invited the others to join him within his ‘family.’ Edward scoffed at the thought of a family. The last one he had belonged to had murdered his parents and trained him to be a cold blooded killer. The next voice was female, she sounded prim, proper, not someone you would expect to see in the ruins of a colosseum. She smelled the best of the group and Edward could feel his instincts begging him to strike, the hunger was mounting but had to be stifled for just a little longer.

Slipping from between the back columns, Edward leaned against one of the closer ones as the other men introduced themselves. They all seemed to have a certain stance about them. One that did not strike Edward as those who could hold their own in a physical battle, then again those were the most dangerous men of all. He had heard of the power that some men wielded in what was called magic. He had yet to have a run in with one of those men and hoped that today would not be his unlucky day to feel what a mage could do to him.

Taking a deep breath, Edward decided it was time to make himself noticeable. Although for all he knew the group already knew he was there. Stepping into the open, he first looked at the man Logan, the one who seemed most confident in the group. The one who was offering them all a new home. The thought of family did not excite Edward but protection in numbers however did. As long as he could keep his hunger in check and get out to feed soon this circumstance could work in his favor.

“I truly hope I’m not interrupting a closed invitation.” He smiled and let his hood fall back. Revealing his darkened eyes due to the hunger. “The names Edward Lorcarno, and Mr. McLoud, you have my interest.”

11-06-09, 05:11 PM
Logan took a pause, his arms still outstretched before the ones gathered around him. Fleetingly he felt the need to reach for his swords to defend himself, but then his eyes met the lady, Ruby La Roux, and any concerns he felt melted. The looks of the fabulous and most alluring Ruby La Roux were intentional. One could safely assume that her entire ensemble and her practically joined at the hip friend were intended to elicit a draw to the character's they chose to personify at any given moment in time.

The feelings of something carnal and lustful took over for a split second. His mouth parted as he prepared to speak his reply, but he paused once more. After a moment of listening to Ruby, and then the others around, he had regained his composure.

"Ahh, yes. I should suppose you would be a bit entertained by the thought of someone recognizing a local celebrity such as yourself, Ms. La Roux. And indeed, while you may not believe others to notice or consider you such, I, and my family most certainly do. Your small window of time upon the grandest stage of all," to which Logan lowered into an even more disgustingly regal bow, "has not gone unnoticed by my family. We consider you and Ms. Lilith to be the future of the live performance for many, many years to come. And I am ever so pleased to not only make your acquaintance, but to be within close proximity of you both. I feel star-struck, if you will."

It was true, to an extent, that Logan probably shouldn't have known of Ruby nor Lilith based upon what little amount of stage-work they had done -- if memory serves, the total count stands at a staunch zero. But nonetheless, he did. His family he spoke of, Vice, was one that had eyes and ears all over, and members that numbered more than most people realized. Leave it to Vice to know of such small-time acts such as the Tantalum Troupe, but they did.

In a swift motion of his arm, he beckoned closer the one requesting employ, "I had not yet gotten to that, good sir, but I assure thee that there will be great compensation in store for any involved and any who aide. Those who acknowledge their blades or their talents," he spoke the word talents as he nodded to both Ms. La Roux and Lilith in time, "to the family of Vice shall also be privy to the advantages of the family. Protection, security, wealth, and perhaps, if fate should deem it necessary, power."

His words would not seem forced, but in fact honest and very sincere. Genuine, if you will, was a trait many used to speak of the psion outside of his own knowledge. Truthfully, it was probably the most accurate word ever used to describe him, as he rarely said something he didn't intend to follow through with. Nevertheless, he turned to the one who neither said his name, nor his position other than that he wished to hear more.

"And I assure you, that what awaits you all is something more than just the knowledge of your own safety. That of your own families, and friends, is something we recommend and usually engage in as well. After all, your family will be our family. And in turn, our family will be your family. Also, I wish to offer to you all something greater than even that. I offer, through the family, knowledge, wisdom, and the means to accomplish whatever it is you all seek to accomplish. The means lies ready and willing, if you will just aide in it's own purposes to an end," he spoke with such ferocity that none could deny his passion for what lie ahead.

He spun on his heels as Edward made his approach, and himself known. "Ahh, Edward Lorcarno, I welcome you, as well. Though your presence is highly unexpected, I must also acknowledge your thirst in the current moment," speaking the last words he slipped a metallic canteen from his hip, filled with the blood of victim's unknown to any present -- hell, Logan had no clue who had to bleed for this purpose, he just knew someone did -- and tossed it end over end to Edward Lorcarno.

"Mr. Lorcarno, take a drink and enjoy. You will find this family is nothing like you have ever experienced before or may never experience again. We do not turn on our brothers, or our sisters, but defend them to the grave. We are a proud bunch, unified by the desire to protect one another's sanctity, at all costs. Nothing is considered sacred beyond our own bond's with one another. And it is that which I offer you, Edward, a true family," he spoke directly to Edward, almost in an uncanny 'I see into your soul' kind of way.

Logan took a few steps toward Ruby La Roux and her counterpart, Lilith, and offered a quiet aside, "And for you two ladies of the stage, of the past, present, and future, I offer something beyond the family. I offer not only my service, but my kinship. And I request your presence, and talents, to be featured among our family. I have many requests already for the men of the family to have private audiences with you both. Much to your surprise, I am sure."

Perhaps it seemed odd to Ruby and Lilith, but Logan was sincere as could be. He needed a means to deliver messages between the many parties of his family, and more so, he needed friends. He hadn't been close to anyone in quite some time, and he began to realize the toll it took upon him. He took Ruby's hand and raised it to his lips as he kissed it gently, "And if I may add, it is truly a pleasure to finally see both of you beauties in person." He then took Lilith's a repeated the movements.

He turned to the rest gathered, "And your questions are welcomed. I encourage them."

The Reborn
11-08-09, 09:53 PM
Being welcomed so easily allowed Edward to stop thinking about how long it would take him to draw his daggers and defend himself. Better yet, he didnt think about how he planned on escaping from men so comfortable to fighting in ways he could scarcely even imagine. Just as he had relaxed, his thirst was addressed and this sent a shiver down his spine. He still had full control of the hunger within him, so how was it that this Logan knew of his affliction. Regardless of this a flask slowly spiraled towards the vampire who allowed his hand to fluently snag it out of the air. Screwing off the cap, he allowed the scent to waft his nostrils and instantly his fangs began to slowly grow in length as his eyes turned black.

”Can I trust this man? If I do not feed on this blood now no one around me is safe and if I harm one of them they will surely turn on me. What does this man have to gain from helping a stranger who happened to stumble by at this exact moment?” These thoughts bombarded Edward but as his mind began to slip from thought to instinct so he tipped the flask up allowing the blood to pour into his mouth and down his throat. As the liquid began to circulate he could feel himself calming and his eyes shifting back to the beautiful blue which hid his true nature.

Drinking in the words Logan spoke like he had just downed the blood he offered, Edward found himself more and more intrigued by this offer. A family which would never abandon him regardless of the past which followed him. An offer of a group who fought to the death for one another rather then simply allowing each other to be used and discarded. This offer seemed to be speaking to the dark and inner most thoughts which Edward liked to keep locked up and hidden. The offer seemed almost to good to be true.

Scanning the faces of the others, he could see them all interested for their own reasons. This Logan man seemed to be able to spark a group quite easily and draw them in with his promises. Trust. Something that should never be given until earned and this instance was no different then any other. Running his fingers over the flask, Edward considered the potential which this man had to offer him, after all he had probably saved one of the remaining people from having to fight off a crazed vampire bent on stealing their life essence from their bodies.

“You say you welcome all questions, well I have only a couple.” As he spoke, Edward kept his eyes on Logan and none other. This man seemed to know more about the vampire then any other breathing creature with a heart beat had ever known. “What do you want from us, and how can we trust that these promises are truths and not simply deception?” Tossing the flask into the air, he watched it sail towards Logan.

Archanex Jotham
11-09-09, 12:21 AM
Listen to the words spoken by the dashing fellow, an agenda was revealed. No, a legacy. Jotham listened whilst Logan McCloud put it all on the line for this group of strangers. Looking down to his hands, the Overmage felt the mysterious forces of the Elemental Manna within the ruins. Flashes flowed through his mind, flashes of great battles come and gone. Seeking employ, and a steady place to continue his studies, the Overmage tapped his chin patiently.

He noticed the stares of the other Magus in the group, Derrick Magnum, and nodded towards the lad carefully. A foul presence touched the area of the ruins. A darkness seemed to creep up into the area most noticeably which sent a chill up and down Jotham's spine. He turned to look at the owner of the scent of death and destruction. It was the man whose name had been revealed as Edward Lorcarno. When Logan McCloud continued to wait for an embrace, Jotham simply bowed towards the man who would undoubtedly be his new employer.

Jotham didn't like much physical contact with people he barely knew. The Overmage was a religious, studious individual. His eyes sparkled with the knowledge of the Arkanos Arts. Looking at Logan's actions towards Ruby and her companion, Jotham vaguely wondered if Ruby was going to smack him or kick him in the sac. A grin spread across the face of the Overmage.

Logan McCloud was an agreeable individual who seemed to know what he was talking about. Personal politics and theological beliefs aside, Jotham found himself instantly like the man. As for Edward, Derrick, Ruby and Lilith, they were unknowns. They all had their own goals and agendas to fulfill whilst Jotham had his own. He'd come seeking employment in Scara Brae, and had found something much larger than he. Family huh?! Sounds promising, count me in.

"Well. I can only speak for myself. But granted such a gathering, it would seem that the Edward lad has asked the appropriate questions. Now, my only questions are, do you see the spirits of this place? They cry for retribution against those that have slain them. Althanas is falling into a second age of darkness. We must rise to prevent this from occurring. Xem'Zund's armies in Raiaera rise to exterminate all life on Althanas! Something must be done! What can I do to help against the Burning Crusade?"

Jotham was speaking passionately about the causes he believed in. He knew that Xem'Zund must fall. Whether it was by his hands or someone else's he would be certain that the dread Necromancer would fall. There was a glow in the Overmage's eyes, and his nimbus cloud seemed to shine powerfully at the outburst.

"On another note, Logan, count me in for this Party. I am sure they will serve my interests well." The Overmage said with great enthusiasm.

11-09-09, 12:33 PM
“There was a famous poet, whose name I cannot recall at this perfect moment, who said ‘Water water everywhere, and not a drop to drink.’ I would guess, from the sheer amount of profiteering your words are attempting to create, that you desire me for something; I am not the sort of lady, and neither is my dearest sister Lilith, to be so easily won over by soft talk.” Of course, Miss Ruby may have been a spell singer, a matron, a talented individual, but she was also a woman. Small talk always, always, always won her over. Especially when so especially well put.

“That gentleman’s question however,” she prodded her finger at the skulking man with the fangs, “is one to win me over. Answer that, and I shall allow you the pleasure of knowing me to be flattered.” To tease the Psion, Ruby made a show of crossing her arm under Lilith’s and standing defiantly next to her, her right hand hung loosely, her wedding ring on clear display. She didn’t think it’d stop the man’s blatant infatuation, but the day was young, and the state of her mind too mischievous and sober to not let such opportunities slip.

Lilith rolled her eyes in her typical manner, adjusting the hem of her dress and fiddling with the ribbons about her waist as the various interested parties imparted their demands, questions and nonsensical reasoning. She had agreed to come on this little forage into the sun on the pure and simple condition that they learnt something, anything, not even about rocks! Unlike her sister, Lilith Samson learnt about prying eyes, roving hands and uncomfortable advances from men out of her league a long time ago.

It was part of the reason she’s left Akashima, left her home…funny how little disasters can become sensuous adventures of their own. She’d never have discovered the Tantalum if she’d stayed, wallowed in her misery, succumbed. “I believe the man in the robe yonder, whom introduced himself as something foreign is spying on you…” She very much wanted to tag ‘but you love’ the attention’ but valued her life more than a chance for sarcasm.

Ruby nudged her back, “Shh, let him speak, I want to see how he takes the news,” she giggled, wriggled her fingers, nodded at each of the others once more, and settled beneath the parasol to here the grand theogonist’s speech to his assembled cast and players of the various parts.

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
11-10-09, 10:32 PM
Towards some structures a young man was examining the Roman structures of the building, pondering as he stroked against some of the columns and whatnot. He then sighed silently, before turning his gaze towards a small group of random people, which he was unfamiliar with. "Wonder what their doing... Or talking about." He whispered silently, several tentacles from within his backpack shrugged a bit, before one slithered out, it was labeled as 'III' he glanced at it then nodded a bit, as if he was understanding whatever it was saying.

Gyzmo decided to stay low from the group, until he knew what to do and if he would even be allowed to do something towards the group. So he just stayed low for now, cowering behind a column as he kept the massive serpent behind him, just in case. He was feeling paranoid once again as the devilish ruby glow appeared behind him, keeping him calm and assured him of safety.

11-14-09, 04:58 PM
A simple smile crossed the psion's facial features. With a nod he acknowledge the growing group's singular and unanimous question. He lets his eyes gaze from person to person to person as he looked around at the small gathered crowd. The question was simple, but the answer was not quite so. In fact, it was probably far more complicated to explain than those gathered would ever realize.

As Edward tossed the item into the air Logan seemed a bit astonished. Probably for good reason considering he had intended on him keeping the gift. The canteen sailed through the air, and as it neared the psion he thrust a hand into the air and caught it deftly. 'So much for aiding the vampire,' he thought to himself.

Logan leaned back against a half-broken stone pillar as he looked upon the group with a half-grin, half-curious smirk. "I suppose I should get to that, shouldn't I," he asked them all rhetorically. His eyes met Edward's with a gentle smile that belied something more, "All I want from each of you is a commitment and a loyalty to the Family. And no, that is not a commitment or loyalty to me. I am merely a vessel for the Family, chosen because of my talents and abilities," he spoke his last words and paused a moment.

He scanned the group slowly, letting his eyes fall on each person present for only a split second. When he came across Ruby he spoke to her telepathically, "And you, Ruby, have been chosen specifically for your talents and certain -- " He paused for a split moment and then finished, [I]"assets. Especially your talents, of course" He continued moving his eyes from person to person before continuing in his normal voice.

"As for whether what I speak is truth or deception, I have no way to prove to you otherwise. Trust is earned over time. It is not freely given based on spoken words or open promises. No, quite the contrary. I have found that those things merely provide the opportunity for an open mind or heart to see if such promises are indeed truth or deception. I do assure you all that while you may assume I did not seek you all out, your presence here is neither coincidence nor surprise," he used his hands with various gestures to emphasize individual points in his speech.

Turning to the Overmage, Logan approached. He rested his hand upon the mage's shoulder with a nod and then a gesture with his hand to the rest of the group as he began to explain something more, "And as for your question of what can you do. It is simply, really. If you wish aide in stopping Xem, then by all means, you will have it. The Family is now your family. We will aide in any means we can. Your needs, your wants, and your problems are the Family's. When you raise your sword, or your staff, you will find others raising theirs will you in support. We never fight alone, and from now on, neither will you. Welcome, my brother. Welcome."

As the psion spoke of the Family his mind wandered to Ruby, and then sent her another message telepathically, "Oh, and Ms. La Roux, even if you do not accept my offer, I consider it a complete pleasure to have seen such beauty as your own as it exists like diamonds. Those who have them tend to undervalue them, and those that don't have them see their true value." He paused for a moment mentally as he turned back to the group.

"What further questions do you all have? I would like to take the time for us all to travel together to the island of Moirae, where I have begun to set up our newest base of operations. I have arranged our means of travel, and furthermore, I have arranged suitable quarters for each of you," he spoke softly, yet confidently.

His eyes turned back to Ruby with a grin, "I will be offering you and Lilith my service in however you wish it. You and her are offered my quarters as your own should you want them." He paused as he gave her a quick confused look, "And you know I didn't mean THAT, Ms. La Roux!" He gave her a quick wink and then smiled at Lilith.

"So, who's up for a trip?"

OOC: This thread will end once we arrive at the ship. We will begin a second thread from that spot.

Also, due to Battlemage's lack of response via PM or post, he will be written out by Archanex in his next post. Battlemage, if you read this and want back in, please PM me so we can work out details.

Thank you all! This is fun!

Archanex Jotham
11-14-09, 10:39 PM
Feeling slight discomfort when the Psion touched him, the Overmage's outward expression changed to a twitch ever so subtly. It quickly faded however when it was decided that the Overmage's new "Family" would assist in toppling Xem'Zund if nobody else had by then. Jotham would become a powerful asset to the Family, he knew, and he would do what he must in order to survive. Turning towards the other Mage, Derrick Magnum, he suddenly noticed that the other's presence was gone from the ruins. Jotham frowned at this for he had longed to speak to Derrick at length and compare notes, strategy, tactics, and other concerns of the Magi.

As if he'd somehow lost a potential partner, Jotham sighed visibly. He'd wanted to get to know Derrick Magnum as a fellow member of whatever the Family was that they were all destined to join. So as that was the case at hand, Jotham realized that they would all be working together. He turned towards the Vampire, Edward, and nodded with a newly discovered respect for the blood drinker. Working together would be part of the story now, but in one small matter this was still Jotham's story. Closing his eyes, he felt the flow of the Elemental Manna within the area and felt like channeling its power.

With the other Magi gone, Jotham sighed. His education would be decided by his new superior officers. He would have vast resources at his disposal, if Logan's claims were true. Thinking about what had just happened, Jotham tapped his chin in deep thought. His eyes shone with brilliance and he actually smiled when Logan referred to the Overmage as a brother. Coming from an obscure Family with an obscure background, the Overmages had no true place in history yet. Jotham was writing the story of his entire people and there would need to be cogs in the machine.

The Elemental Manna flowed within the ruins. It carried with it a particularly bright hue that shined with synergetic power. Jotham reached out to the Elemental Manna for a moment and felt its calming surge flowing through his body. Able to manipulate the Elemental Manna due to his Manna Pool, the Overmage concentrated on ensuring that his energy was maxed out. He opened his eyes after a passing moment in time and looked at Logan.

Logan was now family, and that's all that mattered to the Overmage.

"Tell me Sir McCloud, what is the name of our newly found Family? After all, shouldn't such organizations have names?" Jotham was curious about that matter.

11-25-09, 10:49 AM
Ruby listened with intent, although didn’t make any move to act upon it until she was certain he’d finished his little mental tirade. She felt suddenly uncomfortable, realizing she was both married, and deeply in love in that marriage, and also very exposed in this sandy brandistock of a situation, multi-pronged blades and a knife’s edge teetering her to and fro between comfort and despair. The words were meaningful, although she could not tell if they were meant with purely plutonic graces or literally crawling with sex, she supposed he wasn’t repulsive, but there were considerations.

“I will accompany you,” Lilith interjected, deciding Ruby would agree without confirmation. The sisters embraced tighter under the parasol and let the tension in the air fade. All the while, Ruby repeated ‘assets’ in her mind, trying to decide if Logan had meant her ample bossoms or something less sinister. The wink made up her mind for her, yep, just sex, and here’s me thinking I was being wooed…

“Come, Lilith, we will make brief repartitions to our encampment on the outer ring of the coliseum and do away with out belongings – Blank and Dagger can take them back to the city and we will see what this,” she waved her gloved hand ad homonym to the psion, casting his advances aside, at least for the time being. “Man? See what he has to offer.” They turned together, nodding politely at the others who’d gathered to hear Logan’s proclamation and then skipped and pranced up the steps to a distant set of crates and research implements Lilith had insisted they bring.

Naturally, the two bottles of champagne in the right crate, poking out from the tarpaulin and paint brushes would be consumed very quickly before they made any ‘journey.’

In Scara Brae, and Ruby hoped in other cities too, you simply didn’t do it with strangers sober. Lilith popped the first cork, and Ruby the second, the neck of the bottles chimed together a second later, and the rush of bubbles and fizz sounded a mutual agreement on a new adventure, far from the madding crowd of the city, and one that hopefully, would bring the Tantalum Theatre Troupe a new source of income.

They turned to look down into the arena and watched the others make their offers and questions, collectivity the sisters drank, calculated, and waited for the right moment to make their return call and be on their way. Life was becoming a constant calculation of entrances, so much so, they wondered silently together just when exactly Act One would begin.

Archanex Jotham
12-11-09, 07:53 PM
(Permission to post again granted by Logan, thank you very much. Bunnies approved by Logan too.)

Observing Logan interacting with the ladies made Jotham smile. Jotham could see the ring on her finger being flaunted which meant she was taken. The way she was flaunting the ring made the Overmage think that she was a calculative, manipulating sort of a person. That there, is quite the interesting woman. Married but yet flaunting her stuff anyway. Jotham made a note to avoid underestimating the woman and her companion, they seemed like an interesting duo.

Standing there for a moment, Jotham walked over towards Logan's position after they left. He heard the directions to the awaiting ship, but there were many questions that Jotham had for the man. Walking with his combat stick, the Apprentice looked at Logan with an inquisitive expression on his face.

"The Organization is known as Vice. Also known as The Family." Logan said calmly.

Jotham nodded casually, he was very quickly taken by the man. He seemed to be a resourceful individual. Were Jotham previously had no purpose in Scara Brae, the Apprentice had suddenly found his purpose. Joining Vice seemed like the next logical step. An afternoon breeze flowed across the area that he found himself in, making his robes flap in wildly. The breeze was warm with a hint of the tropics. Closing his eyes, Jotham visualized the tropical regions of Corone. He also visualized the vast lands of Keribas, and the regions back home, in Ayenee. Seeing the various colours of the elemental manna in his head, Jotham felt the vibration of the coliseum.

Ghosts of the past haunted his vision of the Firmanent and Antifirmanent. Great battles were visible in his head as he studied them, Warriors brandishing their swords, Magi casting their spells. For a moment, he could have sworn he heard the cries of the fallen as they were defeated one by one. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Now that he knew the name of the organization, Vice, Jotham was certain that his purpose would come with it.

"Say. I feel that a drink should be the proper course of celebration. How about we spend some time in a nearby Pub, and celebrate this thing called Vice." He turned to look at Edward. "Of course you are invited too my friend since we are all Family now." Jotham said. "Let's go, the afternoon is young, and there are many adventures yet to be had."

12-12-09, 02:45 PM
Logan merely chuckled at the response and further distancing of the two girls from his position at the near center of the ancient ruins. What was once a beautiful mark of a powerful empire and land had become no more than ruins. As his eyes moved about thinking quietly to himself as he listened to the remarks of the girls and the one known as Jotham they happened across a line of swords and maces dried with blood of warriors long since perished. A smirk pursed his lips for a moment, and then disappeared.

As the last of the group approached him, none other than Jothan himself, he nodded and gave his sound remarks. With a motion toward where the girls had somewhat disappeared to he smiled. Simply smiled -- though, truthfully, Logan's smiles were never just a smile, and this particular smile was no different.

"A drink sounds nice, brother, but first I pose a final question to you and you alone."

He took a few steps and without speaking audibly he telepathed, "Which of those two ladies do you, my young friend, desire most?" With a laugh and a nod he kept walking toward the ladies location, kicking a helmet complete with severed skull within to the side and out of his way. As he neared the ladies, he let out an even more jovial laugh in an almost chess-like move.

One thing Logan knew was when someone intended to play mind games. One other thing he knew was how to play them like a violin solo in the greatest composition.

"Ladies, we shall meet you at the Scara Brae docks in three hours from now. I would recommend you bring at least one change of garments -- "

He turned to look at Ruby, glancing down at her hand and the ring, "I expect we might get a little dirty on our trip." The words, as usual, were all in Ruby's head and hers alone.

"Now, sir, shall we find ourselves our drinks?" He smirked as he turned back to Jotham, raising his hand and motioning off beyond the ladies.

OOC: Much like the thing with Battlemage above, Edward is being written out. He's been given ample time to reply, and a PM was sent a while back with no reply.

Ruby, feel free to write him out in your post.

12-13-09, 08:53 PM
It's not too late to join you guys is it? If so just ignore this post :3

Aislynn climbed the steps to colosseum with an air of weariness. After deciding to take a break from the woodland that she had called her home, the young woman had ventured towards the first place that caught her interest.

Scara Brae was a busy place, she noticed, bustling with people of all sorts of different nationalitys. It was also very hot. 'Perhaps should have planned my trip more carefully.' she thought with a small sigh, scurrying gratefully into the refreshingly cool sanctity of the ruins.

Looking about her, she noted that the air smelt slightly musty, giving her the impression that the building was indeed as old as it seemed. A scurrying in her pocket caught her attention, causing her to glance down at the small, furry clad face of her familiar.

He peered up at his mistress, his form, for the moment, that of a small field mouse in order to hide from prying eyes. He twitched his whiskers in disgust and ducked back own into Aislynn's pocket without a word. The scent of age did not sit well with his currently sensitive nose.

Supressing a chuckle at his behaviour, Aislynn continued to explore the building, stopping when the sounds of voices reached her sharp ears. She peered curiously into what looked like the center of the structure.

A small group of people were gathered there, seeingly aroud a tall silver-haired individual who was stood in the middle of them. She idily drifted closer, listening as the man, Logan McCloud as he had now introduced himself, addressed the group.

'He sounds very passionate in his offer,' she mused mentally, watching the responces of the others. A voluptuous crimson haired woman was the first to respond, her tone and subtle actions becomingly increasingly flirtatious towards McCloud as the conversation between the group continued. The woman's companion was in her own right, slightly more subdued with the little she did speak often having a sarcastic edge.

"You'll get yourself into trouble eavesdropping," muttered Yukito from her shoulder, startling her momentarily, just as the robed mage who was also in attedance stepped forward to speak. "I'm just deciding wether or not I feel inclined to join them," she replied, giving the small demon a dark look to which he answered with an undignified snort. "You're dithering," he retorted before scurrying away into the safety of his hiding place.

She poked the pocket irritably, procuring a small squeak from the silver individual residing in it. She looked back to the group and noticed with a jolt that they seemed to be wrapping the proceedings up. 'Yukito's right, I do dither,' she thought, mentally berating herself. 'Well Aislynn,if it's too late to join them, you only have yourself to blame.'

Deciding to take her chances, she stepped forward, making herself known to the group currently hovering around a pile of crates.

12-17-09, 06:07 PM
Due to posting commitments and a busy period, this will have to be my closing post. Sorry for any sketchy detailing.

Although the attention was most appealing to the ladies of Scara Brae’s lower echelons, it was quickly becoming tiresome to Ruby, to be in the spotlight for reasons she could not help, nor act upon. At the end of the day the two sisters silently contemplated, life was a long façade of brilliant remedies to the mundane state of being; Ruby looked at Lilith, sipped her champagne, and resigned herself to being ordinary just a little bit longer. Her sister’s dissaproving stare tended to do that to you; omniscient sisterhoods were almost as perishing as the thought of Logan’s…apendage seeking closer council with either of them.

“Should we rejoin the missiv?” Ruby enquired with a gentle pinking of her finger and cocking of the head, forgiving the Narrator’s irony as he described the positioning of her body in a somewhat lude tone. “It looks as if,” she glanced over her shoulder and spied Logan approaching. Without thinking, she haunched her shoulders and puffed out her meager chest, like a robin in summer, utterly lost but going for the thrush.

“The ship?” She bowed as he formally declared his desires in the form of repugnant wit involving mud and slander. Still, he was making an effort, and that was more than most men. “We shall retire to the comfort of our quarters and return forthwith.”

She stopped, realising he’d already turned to walk away with the other sordid members of the congregation. She watched as some of them left, the offer on the table not satisfactory, others walked behind the man with ears peaked and tails wagging,
lapdogs. Lilith coughed politely, to bring her sister back to earth. “I assume I will be carrying the crates back to the city?”

“No, no need, I’ll sing a song and be on our way – “

“Last time you did that it was your svanesangen, and the Prima Vista had to be rebuilt…thrice.”

“Have a little faith,” Ruby winked, sipping the last dregs of champagne from her glass and arranging her corset so that she could make preperations.

She opened her mouth and inhaled a swathe of the sand that seemed to hang in the air, a thousand years of history impaled her lungs with acrid taste and she sputtered.

"Oh for the love of..." Lilith finished her own glass, tossed the contents of her research into a crate and bent down with her back straightened. "Never easy is it!" She picked up the crate like a pack mule and wobbled down the coliseum's crumbling architecture.


Neatly prepared and looking fabulous, the two sisters appeared at the verge of the ship they assumed, from the seediness, salty twang and general hubbub, to be that belonging to Logan. “Dirty?” She shouted up at him, “this is positively clean! If you’ve any intention of making me a dishonest woman on a wreck such as this good sir, you will see to it,” she stepped up onto the gangplank and loading bay and waltzed on high, Lilith trailed behind her with a look that spoke of a thousand inconveniences. “That my quarters are positively revolting.”

At the back of her mind, Lilith made a mental checklist of all the things needed to land either of them exiled or at war with another foul and insestious creature…a predicament she’d been in far too many times. Champagne…check! Seedy men…Check! Ruby’s pride…check!

All they needed now was an aether bound remnant or ghoul – the cliches of the dramaturgical world in which they lived were practically scrambling off the page to carry their bags onto the deck.

Wonderful, they both chimed, although for very different reasons.


Spurious Glamour: Wherever Ruby goes, heads turn, and typically of the male and seedy variety. She is beginning to possess a certain radiance about her, that lends itself well not only to the auditing of her 'performance' talents, but to the power of her persuasive and discursive momentum as well. Ruby is thus beginning to understand the autocratic merits of persuasion, beguilement, and other womanly ways.

12-17-09, 08:08 PM
Jotham is now being written out as well, per his request. Welcome aboard Mistress, I have a place reserved for ya!

Logan turned to the young woman no more than few yards away approaching quietly. She didn't speak immediately, but he knew all too well why she was there. He also knew why she had waited so long to come forward, and in a way it did not surprise him when she finally did. His eyes glanced back toward Ruby and her companion long enough to see the two leave.

Jotham had departed without a further discussion with him. He had muttered a few words and just kinda ran out of the place in a hurry. The same thing had happened with the other man, and Logan was beginning to wonder if there was some connection. He couldn't help but shrug it off, though,and thus he found himself turned back to this new person.

She was fair in her own right, but lacked a few of the more voluptuous qualities of Ms. Ruby La Roux. What she seemed to lack in -- ahem -- qualities, she made up for in mental signature. It made him take a pause as his eyes met hers. There were few with an intensity in their signature as she possessed. Surely, this was an important piece to some puzzle, and he needed to know just how strong she was.

He lowered his head to a bow and then returned his gaze to her eyes. Momentarily, he was stunned, but only just. Taking her hand, and checking to ensure Ruby had ventured far enough out of eyesight, he kissed the back of her palm softly.

"Ahh, Ms. Aislynn you said? What a pleasant surprise. As I am assuming you heard, I am Logan, and I have an invitation for you."

He smiled broadly at her.

"If you would like to join us, I will make the proper preparations. And I must insist you do join us. I would very much like to lend you my services should you have such need. I am available in any way you wish."

He added telepathically to her, "And I mean ANY way you wish." He smiled as his mind game had begun once more.

"If you like, you may join me for a drink or perhaps we may take horses to the ship now?"

12-17-09, 11:36 PM
Aislynn raised an eyebrow as McCloud; she refused to use his first name in her musings; surreptitiously glanced in the direction the scarlet beauty had retreated before leaning over her hand to lightly graze his lips on the skin. ‘It seems he has a weakness for women,’ she thought, frowning a little as he straightened up to address her, ‘I wonder if he treats all females such?’

"Ahh, Ms. Aislynn you said? What a pleasant surprise."

Her irritation faded abruptly as a small choke erupted from her throat at the use of her name, the young woman remembering very clearly that she still had yet to introduce herself. ‘He can read minds?’ she thought franticly, ‘Then… if he heard my reference to myself earlier... he must have…’ her eyes widened as a light pink flush crept over her pale cheeks upon the realisation that he most likely had heard her previous assessment of his character. She closed her eyes in embarrassment as from her pocket, a quiet snickering became audible to her ears.

She irritably slapped her hand against her pocket to silence the creature as McCloud grinned at her while he proceeded to offer her a place in the journey he had proposed only moments ago. The young woman smiled awkwardly as the man also proceeded to offer her his services, opening her mouth to assure him that it was unnecessary when she was silenced by the sound of his voice in her head.

’And I mean ANY way you wish.’ His voice had said, causing her face to colour up even more at the blatant innuendo. Completely unused to such attention, Aislynn felt briefly flattered before her common sense kicked in. ‘Did Mistress Roux and her companion also receive such an offer?’ she inquired testily, still unsettled at the idea that her thoughts were like an open book to this charismatic individual.

She looked the man over, taking in his crisp blue shirt and clean shaven appearance. He certainly did cut a handsome figure, though he was obviously quite a few years older than her. Upon his invitation to either linger for a drink or to head straight to the boat, Aislynn felt her lip twitch upwards at the way his tone seemed to assume she had already agreed.

Her thoughts drifted to the pack slung carelessly over her shoulder, packed to brimming with all the necessities needed for such a journey, almost as though she instinctively knew what was in store for her. ‘I came to Scara Brae for a change of pace,’ she reasoned before declining his offer for a drink in favour of proceeding to the boat, ’I’d be a fool if I didn’t take advantage of this unusual opportunity.’

01-29-10, 03:00 AM
Her questioning his intentions and his curiosities of the ladies caused him to purse his lips in disapproval. "But of course they received an offer of similarity. After all, what sort of gentleman would I be had I not offered them a drink before the adventure is set to begin," he asked with a gentle slyness that belied anything she thought she knew of him.

Turning to look at where the others had departed, he sighed. "It looks like our journey will be comprised of just you and I. Not that I am one to complain on that. However, I suppose that means you will be free to ask me any questions you so choose during the time we are together and in private. Just be prepared, I promise to answer honestly and openly, even against my own better judgements," he rambled on.

He took stock of the woman one last time, and then noted the small mound that had formed in her pocket. "Stowaways will have to be checked when we get to the ship, you know," he pointed to her pocket. "The captain is a stickler for good inventory checking."

Finally, he turned and gathered his few things and looked to the woman. "Let us be off, I suppose." And so he and his new female companion set off toward the direction of the docks. It was an easy three day journey, two if one were to make haste. Logan, however, saw no reason for haste.

Soon they would arrive at the docks, and board the ship that would lead all of them to their destiny. The destiny that was the future of The Family.

01-29-10, 03:02 AM
OOC: Thread has been submitted for judging. Please do not post in this thread any longer. A new thread will go up soon enough.

Amaril Torrun
02-23-10, 09:40 PM
Open to Anyone 0-2

I was asked for a quick judgment with some brief commentary. While most of what I have to say below is about how to improve, I do look forward to the next installment of Vice’s growth on Althanas and hope to see all of you there.


Continuity - 4 -

Setting - 3 - It was vaguely described and all but forgotten thereafter. Try to allow your readers to see the surroundings with all senses, instead of just sight.

Pacing - 2 - The coming and going of so many people in a relatively short thread made the reading choppy at best.


Dialogue - 5 - There was some creativity involved in a few lines, but at the same time a lot of the dialogue was the same cliché phrases one would expect with a group of people coming together and meeting for the first time.

Action - 3 - It doesn’t take a grand battle to give your readers some indication that a character is a living, breathing, moving individual. Logan added in some flavor with the kisses on the ladies’ hands and Ruby’s tugging and hugging of Lilith was a nice touch, but for the most part it seemed like everything and everyone was just set in an unwavering position. Maybe someone can nudge a rock back and forth between his feet as he waits his turn to speak. Or maybe someone notices that a cricket has hopped onto her arm and quickly swats it away. Remember, you’re role playing animated characters in an animated world.

Persona - 3 - I learned a lot about everyone’s characters’ goals. I didn’t get as much information about who the characters were. Actual character growth was next to nonexistent, though the nature of the thread was a factor in that.

Writing Style

Mechanics - 4 -

Technique - 3 - There were many areas of the story where sentences seemed to be reappearing in different ways, one right after the other, as if in an attempt to make posts longer than necessary. A key element to solid writing is the ability to know how to cut out needless chunks of words that only clutter the ideas you want to get across.

Clarity - 4 -

Wild Card - 4 -

Total: 35

If any one of you have any questions about the above commentary or would like some further, personal guidance considering this thread or any other, feel free to hit me up with the handy dandy Private Messaging service.

Logan earns 728 experience.

Ruby La Roux earns 206 experience.

BattleMage earns 124 experience.

Archanex Jotham earns 206 experience.

The Reborn earns 124 experience.

Gyzmo Gadjiltron earns 85 experience.

Mistress-Of-The-Maze earns 124 experience.

02-24-10, 06:32 AM
Exp and GP added.

Ruby is level 1 now! ewww... :p