View Full Version : Quick Intro And Recruiting

The Reborn
11-08-09, 02:45 PM
Hello, I joined Althanas last week and currently am in a couple of threads. One of which is open to anyone who wants to partake in a battle. It is called There Will Be Blood and is in the Citadel.

Im currently in my second year of University in a History and English double major. I'm hoping to go through or my masters and then teach in Australia for a couple of years.

If anyone wants to start a quest or battle please dont hesitate to ask me I'm open for just about anything.

11-08-09, 02:50 PM
Welcome! We're glad to have you. Sounds like you have a full plate, and a huge amount of potential to bring to our lovely world. Can't wait to see your work, and hopefully write with you at some point.

And I'm very jealous of the whole Australia plan. :)