View Full Version : Boograh!

Skie and Avery
11-10-09, 04:44 PM
I hate choosing titles for ooc threads. :(

Working on the colorwork for this one now, but thought I'd share the inked version. It's an illustration for a friend's band. She's a queen who was killed and then kept alive by alchemy and sheer badassery and an important part of the storyline of the songs they're working on.


I hope I made her look haughty enough. :\ I can't stop nitpicking over all the terrible proportions and messed up linework, but hopefully Prismacolors will heal all wounds.

Visla Eraclaire
11-10-09, 04:53 PM
I think the tubes need to be steampunkier to suggest they are not in fact evil tentacles... unless they are evil tentacles. The interface of tube and skin needs something... as it is they look like someone turned on no-clip.

Otherwise awesome. You're going to get a ton of "OOOOH AHHH SO COOL". So instead of pandering, I figured I'd be constructive.

11-10-09, 04:54 PM
I thought she had tiger tails. She's pretty though. I'd do her.

11-10-09, 05:03 PM
Those are supposed to be tubes? Hmm. Okay then.

Well, the hand looks a bit masculine to me, but I don't exactly have a keen sense of art in my blood, so what do I know?

11-11-09, 08:59 AM
She's pretty though. I'd do her.I second that. :cool:

11-11-09, 09:20 AM
I thought she had tiger tails. She's pretty though. I'd do her.

You utterly just made my day :D

11-11-09, 12:21 PM
Your artwork makes me happy. :D You have this awesome graphic style of lineart, and your lineweights are excellent. Lineweight is something I REALLY need to work on, so's I am jealous!

My one crit would be, for making the tubes more, um, tube-y.....make the ends a little more square-shaped, maybe add a little indentation in the skin around it? Not a whole lot, just enough to indicate something's sticking out of it.

And I think she looks plenty haughty. :)

Skie and Avery
11-11-09, 03:12 PM
Ha ha, I've been agonizing over her neck angle and what I've done to her torso that I never really thought about how un-tubelike her tubes look. :P I've added some linework around them to try and help give it more of the appearance of entering her body, and I'd always planned on putting some bruising around the point of entry for the tubes, but I think I'm going to wait to get ahold of colored pencils to do that. I'm not sure I have the marker blending skills to make it look alright. Hopefully the gray coloring helps!

I've started to work on the coloring, albiet slowly. Colorwork always brings me such terrible anxiety, because I feel like it's my weakest link, so to speak. I'm working so slowly, so no scans, but I did snap a picture.

Also, Logan, I'm glad the hand stood out to you, because it's supposed to. Her hands are a giveaway of the fact that her youth and beauty are unnaturally gained, apparently. They're supposed to subtly look older and more gnarled. :D

And thank you Gina. I used a double sided Sharpie for the linework on this one. I used the Ultra Fine end to go over everything and the larger end for the outline. I'm kind of regretting using Sharpie, though, because the Prismacolors make it bleed a bit. Next time I need to remember to either ink after the colorwork or wait until I have a waterproof ink pen. :(


11-11-09, 03:19 PM
Ahh, so I'm not crazy then. Cool.

Also, the line-work around the tube insertion points make a BIG difference. It looks great, and your color work is great. Stop knocking yourself over it.

11-11-09, 09:11 PM
Manda, that is some badass coloring. I love the highlight on the tubes, I love when people can get good effects with markers.
Oh MAN I wish I could color with Prismas like this....I don't have a good set, but I kind of suck at coloring when it's not watercolor/photoshop.

I may have asked you this before, but do you have a deviantART?

11-11-09, 11:55 PM
Manda, that is some badass coloring. I love the highlight on the tubes, I love when people can get good effects with markers.
Oh MAN I wish I could color with Prismas like this....I don't have a good set, but I kind of suck at coloring when it's not watercolor/photoshop.

I may have asked you this before, but do you have a deviantART?

I wish I could take Photoshop lessons from you, I'm terrible. TT_______TT

I'm really happy with the highlights on the tubes, and I just used two markers to get it. I've got a pretty limited set, too, but I was recently gifted a few extra colors through a crafting swap and gained the Cool Grey 60% and a colorless blender. I did the coloring of the tubes with the grey and then went back with the blender and used it to bleach out the places I wanted to highlight. It worked out a lot better than I expected. :)

ETA: I have a poorly neglected deviantart: www.waywardwillothewisp.deviantart.com