View Full Version : Seamus- Character Development

11-20-09, 01:16 AM
This thread exists to get feedback, input and hear suggestions/improvements/changes that need to be made for the named character, helpful critisism is requested, although outright flaming is strongly discouraged.

Your opinion, although requested, may be ignored if your ideas do not blend well with the writers mental image.
Nothing said here will be held against you in any other thread, unless you want it to.

In order to make this work this first post shall be seperated from the ORIGINAL character post..

Then subsequent 'updates' will be copied into this post as we work forward, so new arrivals are looking at the latest model.
Full versions will be included as we go along in the latest reply post as well giving us a way to track progression (first we did that, then this, and developed that into this to make that redundant and so forth)
I'd like to thank the mods in advance for reading this and NOT MERGING THE POSTS.
Thank you.

(character goes here)

BTW the original character is in the second post, so we don't need the latest copy TWICE in a row yet...

11-20-09, 01:18 AM


Having no ability to die has definitely left a mark on Seamus, his tendency to run forward while others move to hide or take cover has astonished many allies and foe alike, as a result this is something he often capitalises on.
This said, lacking the fear of death doesn't mean Seamus is fearless, instead he has a far greater emphasis on pain as something to avoid if possible, but given in fighting pain is something to be expected, Seamus tends to try to end the fight as quickly as possible.
Generally however Seamus seems a well balanced boy, speaks a variety of tongues and is both intelligent and inexperienced, his undeath is something he tends to hide, keeping those he tells quiet about the matter, for already 2 groups of religious zealots are making his lifestyle more difficult, fortunately Seamus is keeping several steps ahead of these individuals.
Seamus tries to enjoy life as it comes and rarely seems down; ultimately he is a young man who tries to enjoy what is presented to him in the most entertaining way possible.

(choose 2 main and 3 minor.)

Core Characteristics:

His soul remains intact despite the lich magic being pooled between 3 ‘primary’ pots in which the very basis of his survival is centred, if all three were destroyed the entire ‘network’ of lesser pots would be redundant and useless, and Seamus would die within a month if not killed directly. It goes without saying that these 3 principle pots have been hidden in very secretive locations and while not guarded they are protected by various magic of Seamus’s fathers creation

Additional to this Seamus has created and hidden about another 10 near his home town, largely done to help practice and perfect the skills he needed for creating his lich runes...
Of those about 3 are dodgy (meaning a high chance of the enchantments going wrong and destroying the pot and causing Seamus to have to resurrect elsewhere, with the normal pot destruction penalties of between 2 minute to 2 days of out of world punishment) and another 3 of these are scattered inside his home property (kept in obvious locations in very pretty pots, they look likely to be the actual primary pots, although none of them actually are) leaving him with only 4 reliable scattered pots in his home town away from home itself.
Additional to this he has another 15 pots, 6 of which are scattered through near home villages, and the remaining 9 are located in trio’s in the capitals of the nations of (xxx yyy zzz)

Lich Runes:
MIN requirements: Pen, Paper, Small animal (live), 6 stones with 'natural' (drilling doesn't make them magic) holes in them or another RAW magic source ; these are placed inside small pots for protection, and placed in various locations, each life given in sacrifice creates a 'connection' to other pots, the 'larger' the life the stronger and therefore easier to relocate the 'connecting path' when isolated from the pathways created by his closest pot. The 'connecting paths' are thin threads of life in the 'death domain' and are walked by the spirits of those sacrificed to create that link, some (such as cats) can connect 2 pots several times for a far more locatable path, or can connect several pots together at once, allowing for improved 'linkage'

Seamus cannot be killed by conventional means, instead he rebirths near nearest Lich runes of his choice when death occurs his body turning to dust where it falls (which then scatters into the air/wind), this process can be disrupted by destruction of his 'current' (meaning latest rebirth pot) lich rune pot prior to his death, which forces a delay (2 hours to 7 days) before his return)

Youthful practice:
Seamus has moderate skill in fighting in armed and unarmed combat, a variety of one handed weaponry up to short swords (long swords he is clumsy with) and is able to use a shield, Seamus is also trained enough at bow use to be able to hunt rabbits and the like granting him the ability to hit a man at ranges up to 30 meters. Seamus can parry but is inexperienced in doing so. Seamus is also somewhat skilled in pole type weaponry, in particular has played with spears, axes and quarterstaff. However Seamus carries no 'high level' skill in any one weapon. Seamus gained practice in combat with his sister, and their lich natures allowed them to practice with REAL weaponry, and their father encouraged the pair to explore and practice various options, giving the pair a wide experience in a variety of weapons. Seamus lacks any formal training, and having trained with only another inexperienced sibling, is not exhaustively trained in use of weapons. This places him at a disadvantage to any properly trained combatant, or experienced fighter, but at an advantage against any completely novice fighter such as a farm hand.
Seamus knows to weave when charging a ranged opponent, his sister preferred bows, while he preferred the 'personality' of a well crafted blade.
(gives him a balanced ability to use a wide variety of weapons and the basics of properly wielding them, however he has a true form of ‘jack of all trades, master of none’ meaning anyone with proper practice in use of a weapon has a decided edge... this means he has effectively a 80% to standard competency in a wide range of weapons.)

Magic Knowledge:
Can read several types of magical runes of varying types (principally 'modern' text types), although some are beyond his experience (quest leaders please specify if Seamus can't, (because you don’t want him to, or because they are too ‘old’), otherwise he will try to interpret them them).

Clothing Runes:
Can create clothing for his ‘reincarnations’ by attaching small papers to his Lich Rune Pots allowing him to change his appearance on ‘rebirth’ however learning the correct runes to create either takes significant trial and error, or actually wearing the clothes while meditating to gain 'insight' in how to create them by runes (sometimes for up to 48 hours)
So far has been unable to create ‘unliving’ materials (although it is rumoured to be possible), so Iron, bronze and similar amours are non-existent in his collection of options.
This ability allows him to 'return' to a village in local garb, rather than having to purchase new clothing to blend in every time he returns (obviously appearing in the village in ‘outsider’ clothing on a semi regular basis would be highly suspicious particularly if you had to visit the same merchant twice in the same week in the same exact outsider outfit.)
Seamus has also developed a backpack rune; however he spent a week meditating on the single backpack. He hasn’t tried repeating the process due to suspecting it will take similar periods to perfect additional models.

First Aid: ??(drop)??
Seamus doesn't normally carry bandages and the like, but he has experience and some degree of skill at bandaging, splints, stopping bleeding and treating other injuries on himself and others, although his skill doesn't extend to knowing correct antidotes for poisons or stings in differing areas. His ability to staunch life threatening wounds seems surprising considering his ability to die and return, but sometimes lasting a few more hours before death is what’s needed to allow his latest lich pot to 'activate' and prevent a wasteful time consuming search to 'rejoin' his network of Lich pots from his present location.

Amateur Fieldwork:
Seamus can follow obvious tracks and potentially guess what made them, and find some common healing agents that are well known and seemingly obvious. He can't follow obscured tracks and will avoid those curatives that look similar to other dangerous plants lacking experience in these matters.
He will also observe carefully things found out of place like a branch down on the road, and be wary of ambush when things appear so, also notices glints of light or unusual colours when an environment, enabling him to identify poorly setup raids and ambushes prior to their being sprung.

Sapient Pearwood Pen
Literally follows him on death. (Re: Terry Pratchet, renaming possible but this currently makes 'sense') and like most pens can write
Contains: Single small dose of a potent sleeping poison, fall asleep within 1 minute and kills within 2 minutes, can be inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the lining of the mouth (this takes double time), found under a hidden cap and is a white powder with no scent.
Seamus only uses this poison on himself in the rare situations that he desperately needs to die or escape a situation with the minimum fuss.
Refills are obtained from father (normally immediately after use). Antidote status unknown.

Fathers Gifts:
Acquired on gaining a level (inc level 1) grants him a magical gift from his fathers collection. Known examples are: Phoenix feathers with stained runes, Gems containing magic, a Sap' Pear staff exists, other magical scrolls and other rare items.
90% of these are gifts for one reason: to grant Seamus a 'gift' that will never part his side. Given the inconvenience of continually having to acquire new weapons whenever he is killed has posed a problem in the past, turning his once respectable allowance into a pittance, his Father has taken it upon himself to grant Seamus a few items to help him satisfy his urge to explore the world.

Infinite Gold bag:
Seamus' Money bag is a gift from one of his fathers’ contemporaries, following him where-ever he goes (or returns). It contains Seamus' coinage and has no limit to how many it can hold, nor does it’s mass change when holding one coin or 30,000. Robber beware however for when a foul intended individual attempts to open the bag and slip his fingers in to remove the gold, the bag will 'steal' their fingers instead. So far Seamus hasn't been able to determine where the robber’s fingers go, but he isn't sure he wants to find out. When stolen will ‘return’ within 24 hours normally, by disappearing within a magical circle that appears, typically when Seamus is asleep. Teleports the instant Seamus returns to life as well. Believed impossible to trace it’s path.
- The gold bag contains only as much gold as was put in by an individual, rather than being an unlimited gold supply.
- The magic of the bag is unknown of origin, and even sensitive magic seers haven't noticed any particular power from it, making magic detection or reversal impossible.
Seamus has attempted to store other items inside the bag, however non-metal items cannot be found once put inside, making it useless for temporary storage.

Seamus' has managed to use his clothing runes to create a backpack for him to use, but so far has been unable to manage to replicate the essential contents he desires for it, when equipped it normally contains:
Water Bladder
Sticks (splints)
Iron rods for cooking on
a collection of small pots (1 cup)
Large pot
Food (dependant on local goods)
Herbs for flavour (again locally acquired)
Herbs for 'reputed' healing properties, generally these are investigated from local healers and acquired from the forests as he wanders

Water Bladder:
Seamus loves his magical items, and not surprisingly his water bladder is one too. Created by his father, it emulates his money bag, having a finite weight but possibly infinite contents (its upper limit of contents is unmeasured). Seamus used to leave the bladder in streams when he slept back when he first acquired the bladder, and due to it’s rate of filling (and draining) being limited by the neck of the bottle (as any conventional bottle would be) the streams didn't run dry, today Seamus rarely if ever fills it when he isn't at home, in an attempt to improve the flavour of the contents.
The bladder has a few Gems sewn into it's lining, these grant it's containment abilities and it's 'following' of Seamus, but aren't obvious from the outside but their magical fields might be noticed by magically sensitive individuals

His father is a powerful sorcerer whose magic is well known to go wrong at bad times.
His teleportation spell he created transports himself just fine however the last 2 people who tried the same spell found their body mass smeared over a wide area.
At least the second person was slightly more successful having got there in once piece.. Unfortunately his body started expanding like a balloon and exploded painting the room with his body matter.
Seamus’s father is convinced he’s even fixed that to make a more multipurpose spell, however no one has been willing to try the ‘redesigned’ spell.

Most of his other spells seem to be of a similar nature and after his third child was killed by one of his errant spells the Sorcerer took it upon himself to prevent it happening again.

Seamus was the wizards 12th child and the most successful attempt to create a lich from his children was conducted upon him, his 10th sibling, his brother has retained his body at the expense of his mind, and his sister (the 11th) retained her mind and is almost normal, except how various body parts start to rot and fall off from time to time, before later healing again.
Losing your face before the prom is frowned upon, and she did, unfortunately missing out on a great social occasion, which has driven her to study with her father to find a spell of sorts to correct the errors, and is the most magical among her siblings.
Seamus however is not so adept with magic, although making his own lich notes and runes is a talent that he has taken use of, unfortunately the Lich 'rebirth' runes need to be stationary for 24 hours before they can be used properly.
Seamus can and has used this for rapid transportation, simply by killing himself in the least painful way available (his personal favourite is sleeping poisons) so that he can get to a destination in the time it takes him to die.
So far he has survived 6 attempts to destroy him through the sheer number of Lich pots of his and his fathers’ creation. However because some religious orders see his continued existence as an insult to their gods, he has reason to avoid both publically announcing his existence and the identity of his father to any non-mages. As a result of these pursuing orders he has become adept at returning to his pots, however if the currently ‘linked’ pot is destroyed and he is killed before he can touch another of his pots, it will take him an extended time to return

Seamus is noted personality wise to appear to be a well balanced individual, in fact his father spent considerable money on hiring people to help raise his children accordingly while he worked in his lab, although the mortality rate of these employees was considered high, it was noted by authorities you were more likely to be murdered in the slums on any given night, than you were to be killed in the employ of Seamus’s father and so no actions were taken against him.
Seamus’s ‘normalcy’ however has been rumoured among those groups who disapprove but don’t have reason to attempt to destroy him; to be somewhat less stable than normal people and no living person has reported seeing him angry thus far, the fact this is true is said by the less approving as a sign he is dangerous, however other groups simply suggest that it’s hard to get angry at ANYTHING when being killed is only a minor setback to your daily plans

1: Invent time travel,
2: Go back in time,
3: Win lotto,
4: Repeat 2 and 3 till I can purchase a small nation
5: Become a rich eccentric genius with a perchance for taking over the world over the weekend and giving it back on Monday... (You are not mad if you are rich.)
6: Include glossary:

'death domain':
Quite literally a domain or dimension separate from this world, notable for flashes of light caused by the loss of a life in the real world domain. This domain is of undefined size and state, sometimes it seems you can walk all the way 'around the world' in a few hours, other times it appears to be limitless. The notable features include: Black on Black vision with hints of colour and a smell of dust similar to an unopened attic and 'dark creatures' which can't be seen, but the presence of which can be felt (hard frost on bare skin sensation when nearby, a kind of burning cold), and sometimes heard by what should be the most terrifying howl/scream hybrid you could experience. What exactly the creatures are, Seamus and his siblings have no idea, but they honestly hope to never find out (their father, who is curious beyond belief and encourages his children to get closer and investigate... the children notably avoid this issue)

History contains more accurate record, but current known family are:
Father (powerful sorcerer of 'unusual' talent, made his children liches to prevent 'accidents' unfortunately he started with 12 kids, and only 3 survived the process)
Sister (skilled in magic, has problem of body parts going blue and trying to rot, while her bones continue to move similar to skeleton) (living mind, body semi-dead/regenerating, soul intact )
Older brother (body live, mind 'undead', soul intact, cannot speak, but is showing increasingly that he is capable of independent thought, but is lacking expression of those, previously followed instructions to the letter as a zombie)
Seamus (successful lich, body and mind true fusion of undeath and life. Soul intact)

A creature that cannot 'die' simply returning to life time and again for some reason or another: Seamus and his surviving siblings are liches because of the magic of runes often frequented inside various jars hence 'lich pots'

'Lich Pots'
Seamus keeps his Lich Runes within small jars for safekeeping away from rodents, water, fire, and prying fingers. Normally kept in low profile locations to make his return to life easier, Seamus has been known to send 'unpretty' pots to certain far flung leaders which of course get stored in unromantic locations such as storehouses, from which Seamus can appear and thus he establishes a network of pots in those kingdoms.
Seamus is well travelled thanks to these innovative spell tools.

'Lich Links'
The link of Seamus to his pots is like a thread, and it extends from only one pot at a time, on his death he is 'rewound' to the current pot in the death domain, where he can either choose to rebirth there, or else he can follow one of the links to the other pots subsequently joined, the stronger the spiritual link and closer geographically the shorter the path between the pots


Hidden Properties:
Moves around alot and can’t carry non magical items with him when dead.
- Loses all ‘normal’ possessions whenever he regenerates
- Obviously carries the bare minimum gold investment and maximum free goods (such as wild herbs rather than bought herbs)
- has to be able to fight with both improvised and unfamiliar weapons with some degree of ability in order to defend himself...
- Specialisation will begin after investment in magical weaponry

Does not fear death, but does fear pain
- Avoids getting injured with no gain
- Can be tortured, ripped apart and will remember the pain following such ordeals that eventually kill him.
- Avoids capture, preferring quick rapid battles to those that are drawn out...
- Fights like a berserker, not fearing quick relatively painless death, but will kill himself given the opportunity rather than be captured.

Seems relatively stable.
- New to fighting, adventuring and the like
- Has not been tortured by his foes for any extended period thus far.
- Is vulnerable to corruption of his sprit and with ‘pious’ religious fanatics for those seeking the path of ‘light’ is liable to be driven into a path of darkness.
- Obviously wasn’t especially exposed to the ‘experiments’ conducted on his siblings
- Seeks to do the world Good at present, his intentions may be twisted or reversed depending on what occurs in his time...
- If corrupted, his original core beliefs do NOT prevent him from returning to a path of good intentions, so redemption is possible.
- Appears likely that he will be driven to darkness however and shunned by light due to his fundamentally undead nature, despite his actual interests.

3 out of 12 kids successful? What kind of insanity is this?
Due to the nature of the process it isn’t easy to get it right, and when trying to make someone ELSE undead rather than yourself the basic texts advising you how to live forever prove inaccurate....
- possibility IS open that 1 or 2 of the other siblings remains alive, but they are not part of the family group... perhaps implying they are completely insane, or fundamentally changed from the origins of the others, namely having lost the soul of the child in question, perhaps a daemonic spirit or similar has taken control?

Lich: When reborn:
- needs clothes: Clothing Runes (time consuming to get accurate but effective)
- needs weapon: Youthful Practice gives a skill to make him less useless, though hardly effective
- needs equipment: Starts with a backpack, and buys other equipment as required...
Gains a new item every level, depending on personal preference (rather than starting with 20 items of high level magic)
- needs money: Keeps money on regeneration due to his IGP, but does not have unlimited supply, simply effective storage.
- needs water: a curiously ‘unlimited’ supply of water due to magical interest... Doesn’t taste very nice however, but will keep an entire team satisfied on a regular basis until... that curious adventure when it actually does run out. (dun dun dun... :p) If poisoned the water Bladder will have to be properly drained and ‘purified’ using magic before it can be refilled.
- Needs food: tough biscuits, but generally rebirths in towns.
- needs fire: knows flint, could construct bow for fire starting (Field Craft) or can purchase tools in town
(food water fire shelter.... the last can be neglected)

- would be nice to be able to replace lost pots: Pairing his Lich Rune Skill and his SP Pen he has the ability to create a new ‘rebirth’ location any time, any place, anywhere... the problems to create it are parchment (easy) a small live animal (large animals are possible, but even small animals could be a real challenge in some regions), Sealable Pot to keep the parchment dry (pref small... but no not actually very easy to find in many locations), and with a 12 hour waiting period, Seamus could be in trouble.

connection to back story:
- Magic Knowledge: following being raised with his father, he knows how to read a couple weird languages, and infer the properties of rune based spells.
- First aid: having been killed without a ‘live’ lich pot binds Seamus to the death domain, causing a delay in real time, and as the 2 dimensions have no relation between each other really, this could yield an fast or slow way to get back to the normal dimension, and due to the ‘creatures’ there he doesn’t want to be there any longer than he has to be
- Field craft: Although being undead is nice, acknowledging he has been trained by his fathers chosen educators to be able to distinguish between the kinds of tracks left by a deer from those of a horse in mud, follow flattened grass in the right direction, hunt animals with a little competency (as a novice would be able, though not very successfully without more practice) and generally know the difference between a branch broken in the last 2 weeks and the last year (often the ‘weathering’ of the wood or presence of sap at the break) to make a person aware of what needs to be known in the world around them when they are intending to go adventuring and exploring. Also taught basic survival skills like fire building, shelter building and placement (“don’t put it in the dried out riverbed you dolt; what happens when it rains!”).

Following is tempting to dispose of:
First aid.

11-20-09, 01:19 AM


Having no ability to die has definitely left a mark on Seamus, his tendency to run forward while others move to hide or take cover has astonished many allies and foe alike, as a result this is something he often capitalises on.
This said, lacking the fear of death doesn't mean Seamus is fearless, instead he has a far greater emphasis on pain as something to avoid if possible, but given in fighting pain is something to be expected, Seamus tends to try to end the fight as quickly as possible.
Generally however Seamus seems a well balanced boy, speaks a variety of tongues and is both intelligent and inexperienced, his undeath is something he tends to hide, keeping those he tells quiet about the matter, for already 2 groups of religious zealots are making his lifestyle more difficult, fortunately Seamus is keeping several steps ahead of these individuals.
Seamus tries to enjoy life as it comes and rarely seems down; ultimately he is a young man who tries to enjoy what is presented to him in the most entertaining way possible.

(choose 2 main and 3 minor.)

Core Characteristics:

His soul remains intact despite the lich magic being pooled between 3 ‘primary’ pots in which the very basis of his survival is centred, if all three were destroyed the entire ‘network’ of lesser pots would be redundant and useless, and Seamus would die within a month if not killed directly. It goes without saying that these 3 principle pots have been hidden in very secretive locations and while not guarded they are protected by various magic of Seamus’s fathers creation

Additional to this Seamus has created and hidden about another 10 near his home town, largely done to help practice and perfect the skills he needed for creating his lich runes...
Of those about 3 are dodgy (meaning a high chance of the enchantments going wrong and destroying the pot and causing Seamus to have to resurrect elsewhere, with the normal pot destruction penalties of between 2 minute to 2 days of out of world punishment) and another 3 of these are scattered inside his home property (kept in obvious locations in very pretty pots, they look likely to be the actual primary pots, although none of them actually are) leaving him with only 4 reliable scattered pots in his home town away from home itself.
Additional to this he has another 15 pots, 6 of which are scattered through near home villages, and the remaining 9 are located in trio’s in the capitals of the nations of (xxx yyy zzz)

Lich Runes:
MIN requirements: Pen, Paper, Small animal (live), 6 stones with 'natural' (drilling doesn't make them magic) holes in them or another RAW magic source ; these are placed inside small pots for protection, and placed in various locations, each life given in sacrifice creates a 'connection' to other pots, the 'larger' the life the stronger and therefore easier to relocate the 'connecting path' when isolated from the pathways created by his closest pot. The 'connecting paths' are thin threads of life in the 'death domain' and are walked by the spirits of those sacrificed to create that link, some (such as cats) can connect 2 pots several times for a far more locatable path, or can connect several pots together at once, allowing for improved 'linkage'

Seamus cannot be killed by conventional means, instead he rebirths near nearest Lich runes of his choice when death occurs his body turning to dust where it falls (which then scatters into the air/wind), this process can be disrupted by destruction of his 'current' (meaning latest rebirth pot) lich rune pot prior to his death, which forces a delay (2 hours to 7 days) before his return)

Youthful practice:
Seamus has moderate skill in fighting in armed and unarmed combat, a variety of one handed weaponry up to short swords (long swords he is clumsy with) and is able to use a shield, Seamus is also trained enough at bow use to be able to hunt rabbits and the like granting him the ability to hit a man at ranges up to 30 meters. Seamus can parry but is inexperienced in doing so. Seamus is also somewhat skilled in pole type weaponry, in particular has played with spears, axes and quarterstaff. However Seamus carries no 'high level' skill in any one weapon. Seamus gained practice in combat with his sister, and their lich natures allowed them to practice with REAL weaponry, and their father encouraged the pair to explore and practice various options, giving the pair a wide experience in a variety of weapons. Seamus lacks any formal training, and having trained with only another inexperienced sibling, is not exhaustively trained in use of weapons. This places him at a disadvantage to any properly trained combatant, or experienced fighter, but at an advantage against any completely novice fighter such as a farm hand.
Seamus knows to weave when charging a ranged opponent, his sister preferred bows, while he preferred the 'personality' of a well crafted blade.
(gives him a balanced ability to use a wide variety of weapons and the basics of properly wielding them, however he has a true form of ‘jack of all trades, master of none’ meaning anyone with proper practice in use of a weapon has a decided edge... this means he has effectively a 80% to standard competency in a wide range of weapons.)

Magic Knowledge:
Can read several types of magical runes of varying types (principally 'modern' text types), although some are beyond his experience (quest leaders please specify if Seamus can't, (because you don’t want him to, or because they are too ‘old’), otherwise he will try to interpret them them).

Clothing Runes:
Can create clothing for his ‘reincarnations’ by attaching small papers to his Lich Rune Pots allowing him to change his appearance on ‘rebirth’ however learning the correct runes to create either takes significant trial and error, or actually wearing the clothes while meditating to gain 'insight' in how to create them by runes (sometimes for up to 48 hours)
So far has been unable to create ‘unliving’ materials (although it is rumoured to be possible), so Iron, bronze and similar amours are non-existent in his collection of options.
This ability allows him to 'return' to a village in local garb, rather than having to purchase new clothing to blend in every time he returns (obviously appearing in the village in ‘outsider’ clothing on a semi regular basis would be highly suspicious particularly if you had to visit the same merchant twice in the same week in the same exact outsider outfit.)
Seamus has also developed a backpack rune; however he spent a week meditating on the single backpack. He hasn’t tried repeating the process due to suspecting it will take similar periods to perfect additional models.

First Aid: ??(drop)??
Seamus doesn't normally carry bandages and the like, but he has experience and some degree of skill at bandaging, splints, stopping bleeding and treating other injuries on himself and others, although his skill doesn't extend to knowing correct antidotes for poisons or stings in differing areas. His ability to staunch life threatening wounds seems surprising considering his ability to die and return, but sometimes lasting a few more hours before death is what’s needed to allow his latest lich pot to 'activate' and prevent a wasteful time consuming search to 'rejoin' his network of Lich pots from his present location.

Amateur Fieldwork:
Seamus can follow obvious tracks and potentially guess what made them, and find some common healing agents that are well known and seemingly obvious. He can't follow obscured tracks and will avoid those curatives that look similar to other dangerous plants lacking experience in these matters.
He will also observe carefully things found out of place like a branch down on the road, and be wary of ambush when things appear so, also notices glints of light or unusual colours when an environment, enabling him to identify poorly setup raids and ambushes prior to their being sprung.

Sapient Pearwood Pen
Literally follows him on death. (Re: Terry Pratchet, renaming possible but this currently makes 'sense') and like most pens can write
Contains: Single small dose of a potent sleeping poison, fall asleep within 1 minute and kills within 2 minutes, can be inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the lining of the mouth (this takes double time), found under a hidden cap and is a white powder with no scent.
Seamus only uses this poison on himself in the rare situations that he desperately needs to die or escape a situation with the minimum fuss.
Refills are obtained from father (normally immediately after use). Antidote status unknown.

Fathers Gifts:
Acquired on gaining a level (inc level 1) grants him a magical gift from his fathers collection. Known examples are: Phoenix feathers with stained runes, Gems containing magic, a Sap' Pear staff exists, other magical scrolls and other rare items.
90% of these are gifts for one reason: to grant Seamus a 'gift' that will never part his side. Given the inconvenience of continually having to acquire new weapons whenever he is killed has posed a problem in the past, turning his once respectable allowance into a pittance, his Father has taken it upon himself to grant Seamus a few items to help him satisfy his urge to explore the world.

Infinite Gold bag:
Seamus' Money bag is a gift from one of his fathers’ contemporaries, following him where-ever he goes (or returns). It contains Seamus' coinage and has no limit to how many it can hold, nor does it’s mass change when holding one coin or 30,000. Robber beware however for when a foul intended individual attempts to open the bag and slip his fingers in to remove the gold, the bag will 'steal' their fingers instead. So far Seamus hasn't been able to determine where the robber’s fingers go, but he isn't sure he wants to find out. When stolen will ‘return’ within 24 hours normally, by disappearing within a magical circle that appears, typically when Seamus is asleep. Teleports the instant Seamus returns to life as well. Believed impossible to trace it’s path.
- The gold bag contains only as much gold as was put in by an individual, rather than being an unlimited gold supply.
- The magic of the bag is unknown of origin, and even sensitive magic seers haven't noticed any particular power from it, making magic detection or reversal impossible.
Seamus has attempted to store other items inside the bag, however non-metal items cannot be found once put inside, making it useless for temporary storage.

Seamus' has managed to use his clothing runes to create a backpack for him to use, but so far has been unable to manage to replicate the essential contents he desires for it, when equipped it normally contains:
Water Bladder
Sticks (splints)
Iron rods for cooking on
a collection of small pots (1 cup)
Large pot
Food (dependant on local goods)
Herbs for flavour (again locally acquired)
Herbs for 'reputed' healing properties, generally these are investigated from local healers and acquired from the forests as he wanders

Water Bladder:
Seamus loves his magical items, and not surprisingly his water bladder is one too. Created by his father, it emulates his money bag, having a finite weight but possibly infinite contents (its upper limit of contents is unmeasured). Seamus used to leave the bladder in streams when he slept back when he first acquired the bladder, and due to it’s rate of filling (and draining) being limited by the neck of the bottle (as any conventional bottle would be) the streams didn't run dry, today Seamus rarely if ever fills it when he isn't at home, in an attempt to improve the flavour of the contents.
The bladder has a few Gems sewn into it's lining, these grant it's containment abilities and it's 'following' of Seamus, but aren't obvious from the outside but their magical fields might be noticed by magically sensitive individuals

His father is a powerful sorcerer whose magic is well known to go wrong at bad times.
His teleportation spell he created transports himself just fine however the last 2 people who tried the same spell found their body mass smeared over a wide area.
At least the second person was slightly more successful having got there in once piece.. Unfortunately his body started expanding like a balloon and exploded painting the room with his body matter.
Seamus’s father is convinced he’s even fixed that to make a more multipurpose spell, however no one has been willing to try the ‘redesigned’ spell.

Most of his other spells seem to be of a similar nature and after his third child was killed by one of his errant spells the Sorcerer took it upon himself to prevent it happening again.

Seamus was the wizards 12th child and the most successful attempt to create a lich from his children was conducted upon him, his 10th sibling, his brother has retained his body at the expense of his mind, and his sister (the 11th) retained her mind and is almost normal, except how various body parts start to rot and fall off from time to time, before later healing again.
Losing your face before the prom is frowned upon, and she did, unfortunately missing out on a great social occasion, which has driven her to study with her father to find a spell of sorts to correct the errors, and is the most magical among her siblings.
Seamus however is not so adept with magic, although making his own lich notes and runes is a talent that he has taken use of, unfortunately the Lich 'rebirth' runes need to be stationary for 24 hours before they can be used properly.
Seamus can and has used this for rapid transportation, simply by killing himself in the least painful way available (his personal favourite is sleeping poisons) so that he can get to a destination in the time it takes him to die.
So far he has survived 6 attempts to destroy him through the sheer number of Lich pots of his and his fathers’ creation. However because some religious orders see his continued existence as an insult to their gods, he has reason to avoid both publically announcing his existence and the identity of his father to any non-mages. As a result of these pursuing orders he has become adept at returning to his pots, however if the currently ‘linked’ pot is destroyed and he is killed before he can touch another of his pots, it will take him an extended time to return

Seamus is noted personality wise to appear to be a well balanced individual, in fact his father spent considerable money on hiring people to help raise his children accordingly while he worked in his lab, although the mortality rate of these employees was considered high, it was noted by authorities you were more likely to be murdered in the slums on any given night, than you were to be killed in the employ of Seamus’s father and so no actions were taken against him.
Seamus’s ‘normalcy’ however has been rumoured among those groups who disapprove but don’t have reason to attempt to destroy him; to be somewhat less stable than normal people and no living person has reported seeing him angry thus far, the fact this is true is said by the less approving as a sign he is dangerous, however other groups simply suggest that it’s hard to get angry at ANYTHING when being killed is only a minor setback to your daily plans

1: Invent time travel,
2: Go back in time,
3: Win lotto,
4: Repeat 2 and 3 till I can purchase a small nation
5: Become a rich eccentric genius with a perchance for taking over the world over the weekend and giving it back on Monday... (You are not mad if you are rich.)
6: Include glossary:

'death domain':
Quite literally a domain or dimension separate from this world, notable for flashes of light caused by the loss of a life in the real world domain. This domain is of undefined size and state, sometimes it seems you can walk all the way 'around the world' in a few hours, other times it appears to be limitless. The notable features include: Black on Black vision with hints of colour and a smell of dust similar to an unopened attic and 'dark creatures' which can't be seen, but the presence of which can be felt (hard frost on bare skin sensation when nearby, a kind of burning cold), and sometimes heard by what should be the most terrifying howl/scream hybrid you could experience. What exactly the creatures are, Seamus and his siblings have no idea, but they honestly hope to never find out (their father, who is curious beyond belief and encourages his children to get closer and investigate... the children notably avoid this issue)

History contains more accurate record, but current known family are:
Father (powerful sorcerer of 'unusual' talent, made his children liches to prevent 'accidents' unfortunately he started with 12 kids, and only 3 survived the process)
Sister (skilled in magic, has problem of body parts going blue and trying to rot, while her bones continue to move similar to skeleton) (living mind, body semi-dead/regenerating, soul intact )
Older brother (body live, mind 'undead', soul intact, cannot speak, but is showing increasingly that he is capable of independent thought, but is lacking expression of those, previously followed instructions to the letter as a zombie)
Seamus (successful lich, body and mind true fusion of undeath and life. Soul intact)

A creature that cannot 'die' simply returning to life time and again for some reason or another: Seamus and his surviving siblings are liches because of the magic of runes often frequented inside various jars hence 'lich pots'

'Lich Pots'
Seamus keeps his Lich Runes within small jars for safekeeping away from rodents, water, fire, and prying fingers. Normally kept in low profile locations to make his return to life easier, Seamus has been known to send 'unpretty' pots to certain far flung leaders which of course get stored in unromantic locations such as storehouses, from which Seamus can appear and thus he establishes a network of pots in those kingdoms.
Seamus is well travelled thanks to these innovative spell tools.

'Lich Links'
The link of Seamus to his pots is like a thread, and it extends from only one pot at a time, on his death he is 'rewound' to the current pot in the death domain, where he can either choose to rebirth there, or else he can follow one of the links to the other pots subsequently joined, the stronger the spiritual link and closer geographically the shorter the path between the pots


Hidden Properties:
Moves around alot and can’t carry non magical items with him when dead.
- Loses all ‘normal’ possessions whenever he regenerates
- Obviously carries the bare minimum gold investment and maximum free goods (such as wild herbs rather than bought herbs)
- has to be able to fight with both improvised and unfamiliar weapons with some degree of ability in order to defend himself...
- Specialisation will begin after investment in magical weaponry

Does not fear death, but does fear pain
- Avoids getting injured with no gain
- Can be tortured, ripped apart and will remember the pain following such ordeals that eventually kill him.
- Avoids capture, preferring quick rapid battles to those that are drawn out...
- Fights like a berserker, not fearing quick relatively painless death, but will kill himself given the opportunity rather than be captured.

Seems relatively stable.
- New to fighting, adventuring and the like
- Has not been tortured by his foes for any extended period thus far.
- Is vulnerable to corruption of his sprit and with ‘pious’ religious fanatics for those seeking the path of ‘light’ is liable to be driven into a path of darkness.
- Obviously wasn’t especially exposed to the ‘experiments’ conducted on his siblings
- Seeks to do the world Good at present, his intentions may be twisted or reversed depending on what occurs in his time...
- If corrupted, his original core beliefs do NOT prevent him from returning to a path of good intentions, so redemption is possible.
- Appears likely that he will be driven to darkness however and shunned by light due to his fundamentally undead nature, despite his actual interests.

3 out of 12 kids successful? What kind of insanity is this?
Due to the nature of the process it isn’t easy to get it right, and when trying to make someone ELSE undead rather than yourself the basic texts advising you how to live forever prove inaccurate....
- possibility IS open that 1 or 2 of the other siblings remains alive, but they are not part of the family group... perhaps implying they are completely insane, or fundamentally changed from the origins of the others, namely having lost the soul of the child in question, perhaps a daemonic spirit or similar has taken control?

Lich: When reborn:
- needs clothes: Clothing Runes (time consuming to get accurate but effective)
- needs weapon: Youthful Practice gives a skill to make him less useless, though hardly effective
- needs equipment: Starts with a backpack, and buys other equipment as required...
Gains a new item every level, depending on personal preference (rather than starting with 20 items of high level magic)
- needs money: Keeps money on regeneration due to his IGP, but does not have unlimited supply, simply effective storage.
- needs water: a curiously ‘unlimited’ supply of water due to magical interest... Doesn’t taste very nice however, but will keep an entire team satisfied on a regular basis until... that curious adventure when it actually does run out. (dun dun dun... :p) If poisoned the water Bladder will have to be properly drained and ‘purified’ using magic before it can be refilled.
- Needs food: tough biscuits, but generally rebirths in towns.
- needs fire: knows flint, could construct bow for fire starting (Field Craft) or can purchase tools in town
(food water fire shelter.... the last can be neglected)

- would be nice to be able to replace lost pots: Pairing his Lich Rune Skill and his SP Pen he has the ability to create a new ‘rebirth’ location any time, any place, anywhere... the problems to create it are parchment (easy) a small live animal (large animals are possible, but even small animals could be a real challenge in some regions), Sealable Pot to keep the parchment dry (pref small... but no not actually very easy to find in many locations), and with a 12 hour waiting period, Seamus could be in trouble.

connection to back story:
- Magic Knowledge: following being raised with his father, he knows how to read a couple weird languages, and infer the properties of rune based spells.
- First aid: having been killed without a ‘live’ lich pot binds Seamus to the death domain, causing a delay in real time, and as the 2 dimensions have no relation between each other really, this could yield an fast or slow way to get back to the normal dimension, and due to the ‘creatures’ there he doesn’t want to be there any longer than he has to be
- Field craft: Although being undead is nice, acknowledging he has been trained by his fathers chosen educators to be able to distinguish between the kinds of tracks left by a deer from those of a horse in mud, follow flattened grass in the right direction, hunt animals with a little competency (as a novice would be able, though not very successfully without more practice) and generally know the difference between a branch broken in the last 2 weeks and the last year (often the ‘weathering’ of the wood or presence of sap at the break) to make a person aware of what needs to be known in the world around them when they are intending to go adventuring and exploring. Also taught basic survival skills like fire building, shelter building and placement (“don’t put it in the dried out riverbed you dolt; what happens when it rains!”).

Following is tempting to dispose of:
First aid.

11-20-09, 12:55 PM
What is this?

11-20-09, 02:17 PM
A writing development and design thread for a character i'm making for this very site...

what else does it look like?
I'm looking for feedback and comments regarding improvements or odd characteristics that need to be changed.

that is why this is here.

EDIT: i'm going to make this more obvious in the first post... it is a bit obsure.

Edit: Does that make it clearer?

11-20-09, 04:05 PM
Ah, well... in that sense... it wouldn't work as a level 0 character. There is simply FAR too much stuff for the character.

First off, the general grammatical errors should be clarified before anything, it's muddled and hard to read. After that, make sure to space out the different thoughts that you have developed in each section... otherwise it's really hard to read.

Other than that, the bags seem to be almost completely taken from Terry Pratchett, you even have his name in there at one point. I'd suggest trying to find something else to put in its place, or at the very least make it a bit more original.

11-21-09, 03:51 PM
the bags have nothing to do with terry pratchet they simply are magic bags that teleport to his location after his 'resurrection', their magic is based on things like pheniox feathers, and various enchantments of 'return'.

The staff and pen are Sapient pearwood, the whole concept of a magical staff that will follow anywhere you go is highly amusing to me :p particually because i have a perfect idea how to describe it's odd nature...

With a new name that makes sence i'd be happy to rename it, but somtimes going with what people KNOW rather than creating something randomly new is better.
From my investigation Terry has copywrited many character names and the series, but NOT copywrited 'sapient pearwood' or a number of other things, making it appropreate to use without breaking restrictions...

maybe Enriched Oak might be a better name...