View Full Version : In search of...

Reiko Valour
11-22-09, 01:34 AM
Looking to kick off a few quests with this guy but not looking to do it solo, can't stand those things.

Anyway as an odd-jobber that at times dabbles in nobler ventures looking for a young lass to get in trouble with and a guy able to take the blame. A joke of course but a lighter tone is the aim for these jaunts.

As for possible questing avenues to go down, among some that have developed beyond a base are such events as picking through an old dragons lair as it's become the haunt of quite a few bandits making use of its long abandoned loot.

Winding up within a large manor house that is both occupied by the living and choked with the dead on a night better spent indoors.

Just woke up but forming one at the moment of a little culture shock trip but that really depends on how varied the origins of the other party members are. So if interested give a post, a suggestion, an idea. Always up for a banter and ideas bashing.

Start it all in this maybe. Right here. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=157024#post157024)

Twisted Infinitum
12-05-09, 06:49 AM
I can provide both a troubling lass and a guy bound for blame. I'll start working on a post right now cause I've got the itch, and cause you use such big words. I love a man with big words, because size matters. That's why I use ExtenZe. The natural herbal.....*

Okay, story elements to use, after you've read my post:

Edgar's goblet could be one of two things. Firstly, a trinket from the dragon lair, so Edgar would be the informant in that matter. Secondly, and I think better, it could be a souvenier snatched from the manor house. More can be revealed later, but the story of that begins when he crashes a party held there, and ends with him falling from a second story window, goblet in hand, and angry country noblemen on his heels.

As for culture shock... Calico always finds a way to induce shock. She knows a few things about culture, too. Fun to put together, but too easily broken.

*Excuse any insanity. Just getting into character. I haven't used this one in a while. Squeeee, I feel brain cells dying already!

Edit: I hope you get the GEICO reverence because, oh man, is that ever going to stick. (That's not breaking character, by the way, just some otherworldly knowledge at work.)

Reiko Valour
12-07-09, 10:43 PM
Wasn't expecting someone to actually take part. Hell wasn't expecting the two slots to be filled by a mental mengarie. Well time to get round to making a post then, should have one up tomorrow when my faculties are a bit sharper and my eyelids weigh very little.