View Full Version : Inside New World Order

11-22-09, 09:15 PM
(Closed to Godhand)

It was a dreadful day in Radasanth.

Dreadful, and just the start of a day Lakin had feared.

First, she’d been assigned to the beginners group. Lakin corrected herself Level 0, which amounted to the same thing and to add insult to embarrassment she was being hauled off to a training session with her sponsor without any formal introduction whatsoever. This just wasn't done. Lakin was an experienced diplomat for Dead Pool Network, a large well established Clan in the Realm of Ayenee and Ambassador for East Akashima with a royal title none the less. It was hard to believe that her situation qualified her to enter NWO’s most exclusive training academy but didn’t help in any way when being allocated a rank.

On the field Lakin thought she was lucky to have found a place in the front line of the training formation, a spot that came around with the frequency of a lunar eclipse so naturally she sprinted for it, outrunning tall hulking men for the position and stepped straight into a gaping big puddle of something slimy. It was not pleasant and it smelled. She leapt out quickly enough but it was too late the damage had already been done. At least she’d been wearing her cloak, not that it protected her white leather pants—they reeked. The other trainee’s gave her revolted looks and put as much distance as possible between her and themselves but in her current frame of mind that suited Lakin just fine. She backed out of line, in the middle of the row, removed her mud-soaked cloak and on a whim threw it behind her. As luck would have it, just as she was about claim a dry position in the line she saw her cloak fly up in the air, fan open and land straight down on the top of the instructor’s head with the silver clasps unbelievably locking together around his face.

She didn’t have to guess what was about to happen next.

“Don’t bother stepping back into line Le Comte,” Captain Tao snapped. His brows slanted together in a furious scowl as he looked her up and down in utter disbelief. Tao decided enough was enough. “You My Lady will train with your sponsor.” He was cursing as he unravelled the wet, foul smelling material from around his head. “Godhand, will send for you as soon as it is possible but you might consider bathing beforehand.” Excusing her, Tao returned to the group surrounding them.

Lakin twisted, looking for a place any place to escape to. Finally her eyes hit on the enormous, char veined doors of the Mansion. She headed for them like someone who had just won an award and that was where the podium was to receive it. The wood was heavy, it creaked as she pushed inside and a chime echoed overhead alerting a small uniformed porter sagged beneath the weight of an antique desk chair close by.

“Can I be of assistance My Lady?”

Lakin shook her head. “No thank you but if anyone should ask, I will be in my room.” She observed the rough interior of the Main Hall and revised her original evaluation from adequate to barely tolerable. Broken furniture was piled haphazardly everywhere. Large holes, torn carpets, abandoned weapons and blackened walls haunted the hall like the ghosts of war. At least it was quiet and surprisingly untouched in the west wing of the Manor. Lakin headed straight for a hot bath and when she entered her chambers a pleasing fire burned in the hearth, the sensation of warmth swept over her body. She was so relieved to be back in the privacy of her room and though it was small, scantily furnished with no windows; it offered sanctuary from New World Order.

A man was sitting on the couch, staring at her intently. Lakin blinked, but he didn’t disappear.Thoughts raced through her mind in rapid succession. How did he get in here? She distinctly recalled closing the door when she came in. How did he get past her guards? Had he already been in her room when she entered? Even more disturbing—when she bathed? It wasn’t possible. Her eyes wrinkled in confusion, surely she would have seen him. Why was he just sitting there? A pained expression broke out across her face. She was frightened but somehow she found her voice. “Y-you ne-need to leave, m-my guards are just outside the door. If its gold you want, I don’t have any.”

He stayed silent, but continued looking at her with a bewildered expression. The white of his eyes seemed to glow as if they were made of metal with the pupils set in like diamonds but he was too far away to see the colour. A tiny crystal dragon dangled like fire from a thick silver chain around his neck, catching the light and consuming it.

Could she get to her sword? How long would it take for her to get it out? No he was sitting too close to it. She could yell for help. Her gaze flew to the door on the other side of the room and then to him speculatively. He was a thick set man, composed she could see that. Lakin assessed his height at around seven foot at least, a man that size could probably overtake her guards even if she called them. It didn’t seem wise to try it. For the moment he seemed to be studying her closely. Lakin remained where she was, she didn’t want to give him any reason to move. Her best option at that moment was to use this time to inspect him as keenly as he was studying her. Lakin examined his face first carefully noting the overhanging forehead, round shaped eyes, crooked nose and strong chin with a slight scar. He was far too calm for a maniac.

He continued to stare at her in complete silence.

Strange, Lakin thought. The robe he was wearing was too eye-catching for a thief, rather he had the look of a scholar. The thought hit her like a bolt of lightning, it was all clear now. She smiled suddenly at him, causing him to frown.

“Godhand is it?”

He looked blankly at her.

“Look, I can explain,” Lakin began, relieved she walked over to the couch and sat down next to him. Jerez, he smelled good too.

He looked down, watching her indirectly.

“It was an accident and—” She stopped mid-sentence because now she could see his strange eyes. Cased in a pencil thin fringe of brown lashes, they were all glistening white and the dark jewels for pupils had disappeared. She gulped, he was no human...

She shook her head, he wasn’t her sponsor, what was she thinking. “W-who...”

He turned to her and abruptly placed a long pale finger against his lips.

She froze, eyes wide at this gesture.

He leaned over and using his other hand, placed the tips of his fingers against her forehead. It felt odd, and a calm tingling sensation resonated through her. Now that he was close, she could distinguish the scent of white jasmine, the same white jasmine that to her recollection only grew at Falling Waters, DpN’s safe-house. She blinked twice. “Who are you?”

Guardian Karle tja’l looked down at Lakin. He hadn’t been able to understand her strange words, but he would change that now. He gazed upon her face as the translating spell took place. Her beauty emanated. She more than impressed him. A smooth, deeply persuasive voice infiltrated the room. “I am Karle, and I am here to help you Lakin. Do not be afraid.”

Her eyes flew open. “You know my name?”

“Yes,” he confirmed. “I have been sent here by the Ancients of DpN.” Karle smiled briefly. “It is time for you to repay your debt.”

She looked at him stunned; she had all but forgotten her promise in the Bazaar. It had been in another life time; the Pagoda challenge, the magic, and the almighty Slayer of the Rot. “So you are here to collect?”

“No, no...” Karle tried to re-phrase his answer, “to guide you. Forgive me. I am slow to adjust to this language.” He shook his head. “Please allow me to explain...”


Winter painted Radasanth in grey colours, each tree, and each stout branch were dreary and desolate of foliage. On this cloudless night a portal emerged, it opened like a veil being slowly lifted revealing three women with skin so pale and drawn they were barely discernible against the pallid backdrop. When they raised their heads and looked up their eyes the same blood red as the blazing Fallien sun. Two of the women circled the area with wary intensity, their striking white teeth sharp like tempered steel flashed when the moonlight caught them.

The third one with her shining blonde hair falling loosely to her waist stood back watching. “You will need all your strength” said Serene, the onlooker. She stared around her and in a few brief seconds drank in as much as she could of this new world. Through suddenly bared teeth Serene hissed and turned to her companions, “we have a long journey to Niema.”

11-26-09, 09:37 PM
It had been a day or two ago. Scores of men and a few women were standing in front of a small podium. They were all dressed differently; some were displaying silks and colors to rival any peacock while others were dressed in dull browns, but all of them wore the same blank expression. Nobody knew what to expect. Then, he'd stepped out. Raelyse was fond of preening his feathers and Dan swaddled himself in the leathers of his enemies, but Godhand was all business all the time and outfitted himself accordingly. They all recognized him immediately, of course, as soon as he'd stepped out of the manor. All of their breaths hitched as he slowly walked over, an irritable scowl marking his features and a man dressed in a dark combat suit walking slightly behind him. He finally reached the podium and took a brief look around at the new recruits before speaking.

“You people…You know who I am. But you don’t know why I’m here. Well, I know why you’re here. You thought that you could walk right in, we’d lead you through a little workout and when you were done you could put on an NWO t-shirt and walk around Radasanth throwing your weight around like you own the place. Let me clear some things up right now: you are NOT NWO! You will NOT throw your weight around, you will NOT wear the black and white, and for god’s sake you will NOT call yourselves NWO! You are not even initiates: you are nobodies, you are Level Zero. You are my least valuable asset. You are nothing.”

He surveyed their faces. There was apprehension in some, sneers on others but others simply kept up a stoic facade.

“Now…There is a slight chance you could become more than nothing. The only reason you even got accepted, the only reason I’m even out here talking to you is that you have some promise. Nonetheless, right now you are not fit to lace my boots. You are children. But by the time we are done here, you will all be men.” He paused. “EVEN THE WOMEN.”

“Many of you will not make it through this regimen. Those who do will be named initiates. Initiates may wear the black and white and are under our protection, nevertheless you will STILL not be NWO. This is as far as most of the survivors will make it. I have no doubt after you reach this level most will try to coast through life by exploiting the fact that you are protected and never look to become part of the upper echelon. That’s fine; it weeds out those that lack ambition.”

“Finally, those precious few that choose to continue with even more brutal training and service to the cause may become acolytes. This is the first true rank within our order; once you are an acolyte, you are NWO, with everything that entails. You will have access to the mansion, and more importantly you will be able to request the assistance of one of the founders for some of the missions you undertake independently. To reiterate, once you achieve the acolyte rank you will have access to the most powerful men on the planet. I don’t need to tell you that with one of us on your side there is nothing you can’t do. After that, the requirements for advancement you are not worthy to hear. As I said, you are nothing. Level Zero. But for now, through your actions outside our walls you have proven your promise and earned our attention. Let’s see what you do with it.”

After his little speech he'd adjusted his tie, straightened his cuffs and left them to the Captain. The Captain was once a young man that Godhand had taken under his wing during one of his tours of duty in some nothing country's militia, and though he'd been green then several years and wars later he was a capable combatant with a good eye that Godhand trusted enough to entrust him with the new blood. The truth was that Godhand had never wanted to take on recruits, which is why he'd taken in an outsider to deal with them. When he first dreamed up the NWO he had wanted it to be a highly elite, highly exclusive group comprised of the most powerful human beings on the face of the earth. And it had worked; they'd steamrolled right through the mansion's former owner, once upon a time a powerful crime lord, and established themselves as the dominant force in Radasanth. They were all so dangerous and unhinged that even the Scarlet Brigade gave them a wide berth.

Things were going well. For a while.

11-30-09, 04:25 PM
But then, the inevitable happened. Godhand was no slouch, he commanded respect from most people, but the NWO was such an unstable association of freaks, felons and psychopaths that no one member had any significant hold on the others. They were all liable to disappear for weeks at a time, leaving Godhand practically by himself to fend off anybody that wanted to make their names by wresting control of the Dirks Estate from the NWO. So far he'd been able to handle it and the fact that it almost always boiled down to him or Seth Dahlios fighting off an entire invading force single handed had only made their legend grow. The thought was that the other members inside knew about the attack and simply felt a lone member could handle it.

But he knew their reputation wouldn't last forever, and he'd barely managed to fend off the last few waves of rabid swine by himself. It was thus with a heavy heart that he opted to allow a handpicked group of recruits to train there, infusing the NWO with new blood while also setting up a small second-string defensive force. With any luck at all a couple of the recruits would actually turn out to be worth something and he could use them in lieu of one of the founders, but only time would tell.

As he was walking back to the manor, a fidgety young man approached him and handed him a bill. He walked alongside the mercenary as he read it, but before he could finish he chimed in.

“5000 marks. That’s what it cost to convert the estate into a fully equipped training ground.”

Godhand gave the man a sidelong sardonic smile before handing him the bill back.

“So? Cut them a check.”

“The treasury is blocked to me. That check will bounce higher than a basketball on the moon.”

“That’s why I said 'cut them a check', not 'pay them.' What are they gonna do, muscle us? We ARE the muscle.”

It was a quick trip back to his office in one of the more undamaged wings of the mansion. He wasn't really such a shit-kicking tough guy, but public renown and word of mouth had turned him into such a larger-than-life character that if he didn't ham it up for the benefit of the new recruits it seemed like he was letting everybody down.

The mail was in a small stack in front of his office door. He picked it up and walked in, shutting the door behind him and sitting behind his desk. Tilting his chair back cautiously to see if anybody was looking at him from outside the window, he covertly opened one of his desk drawers and removed a pair of reading glasses. The red-eyed monster world-beater was myopic; if the boys could see him now he'd never hear the end of it. He began flipping through the letters one by one.

Bill, bill, cease and desist letter from the Coronian government (second notice), summons to appear in court and testify regarding the events of the Dirks takeover (third notice), bill...

There was a letter from one of his mafioso friends. He opened the envelope to find a postcard with a picture of a concentration camp and "I wish you were here" printed on the bottom. He flipped it over and looked at the back but that was all there was.

Suddenly, there was a hideous racket outside his door. It sounded like two iron rhinos grinding against each other, and it only seemed to be getting louder. He shot up from his desk and opened the door, forgetting that he still had his reading glasses on.


A gangly new initiate was pushing a rusty cart with equipment piled on top. He'd nearly jumped out of his own skin when the door to Godhand's office had flown open.

"S-...Sorry, boss. We got to get this stuff to the new barracks."

"Well take that shit elsewhere! Now!"

He walked back to his office and soon enough the terrible grinding sound faded away as the initiate cleared the corridor. It was always something with these people. He opened a small cabinet next to his desk and pulled out a bottle of brandy along with a glass, pouring himself a drink before opening that day's paper.

Bad news on the doorstep; there was panic in the streets of Radasanth. The civil war was in full swing with more and more of the country being swallowed up. The capital was still firmly in the grip of the royalists but he knew that wouldn't last forever. And sooner or later, the NWO was going to get approached by one of the sides to assist. It was an inevitability; with that type of fighting force in their pocket, death was almost assured for the upper echelons of whatever the opposing force was. He knew they couldn't face down an army, but a surgical series of assassinations was easily within their power. Sure enough, at the moment both sides gave them a wary eye. Neither wanted to tip their hand or make an enemy of the NWO too quickly and that let the group work with relative impunity. Godhand wasn't sure if he would have been able to get away with this training operation when the ruling party was at full force. At the very least, he would have been forced to pay someone off. Otherwise, they sure as hell wouldn't have sent them a notice. They'd have sent them a batallion.

Before he could really settle in however there was a knock at his door. Godhand quickly took off his glasses, stowing them in a desk drawer before calling out.

"Who is it?"

"Captain Tao."

"Alright, come in."

The man seemed upset and there was a smattering of some foul smelling slime on his shirt. There was a moment where neither said anything.


"There's a problem with one of the recruits."

"What sort of pro- never mind, I don't care. Throw him out. We can get more."

"We can't throw this one out."

Godhand gave a harsh, incredulous laugh.

"Like hell we can't! Tell him to pack his shit and get out."

"You're her sponsor."

Godhand nearly choked on his brandy.

"No, I'm not."

He spoke the words with a dangerous whisper.

"I nominated yo-"

"You motherfucker! I told you I didn't want to have anything to do with those kids!"

He spoke even as he stood up from his chair. The captain lifted his hands in deference and stepped back.

“What else could I do? You know who her father is!"

Realization hit him and he sank back down, defeated.

"Oh Christ, that one. Are we even sure the Duke HAS a daughter?"

“Letho himself vouched for the woman and the Ai'Bron Monks swear she met Dan in the Pagoda. Be it only briefly, she did survive, no one is quite sure how. That is why I thought it best that you deal with the girl."

"The monks must have been bought. They had to be; Dan wouldn't let me live if I ever fought him and as far as I know I'm his dearest friend."

"Be that as it may..."

"Yeah. Yeah, I know." He sighed. "Can she ride?"

"As far as I know."

"Some sort of ruin has been uncovered in the northern end of the estate. Have her meet me there tomorrow morning."

“I will see to it personally,” Tao replied, appearing to regain his composure.

"And Tao..."

"I know, I know. 'Don't ever do this to me again'."

"Don't-Get the fuck out of here!"

12-10-09, 11:01 PM
“I am Karle tja’. First Son of Dion. Guardian of the fifth power.”

Lakin sat transfixed. He really was quite extraordinary. His caramel hair hung down his back and pristine white robes covered in bizarre golden symbols hung to the floor. In his left hand he held a silver wand, the end of which shimmered softly and on the right side of his neck tattooed in gold ink was a winged animal that resembled a hawk, but not entirely, the body was much larger.

“I am from Bastilon Nyne in the Realm of Ayenee. Word of your appointment here in Althanas was sent to us by your DpN Council. It was fortunate news indeed. Two days ago the Sage of my people had a vision of prophecy.” He swallowed, clearing his throat. “She foretold of a Common Collector—a man not of our world, with the ability to hear pure harmonic tones far beyond a human’s capacity. Each single note corresponds to a certain frequency. Frequencies a Collector can use to call portals to him. The acoustic waves contain vast mystical powers; no one really knows to what extent. You must understand that in our worlds gateways or portals are largely natural phenomenon opened at fixed points. Those with the ability to cast entrances at will were thought to have left this existence long ago.” He pointed to the necklace he was wearing. “This is a key to awareness.”

Lakin brushed the dragon gem with her fingertips and felt a prickle of energy hum through her body.

“It is called a Harmonic and it speaks to only one. He who hears its resonance can influence space and time. They say the crystal of every Harmonic aligns perfectly with its Collector. To hear the Harmonic, is to know absolute serenity. You felt it stir did you not?”

“Yes,” Lakin replied, giving a slow measured smile.

There was no doubt in his mind now, the prophecy was true. The Harmonic he wore around his neck was sending out tiny ripples of energy in yearning; calling the one who perceives it. Karle studied it more carefully and after a moment slipped the necklace into Lakin’s unsuspecting hands, and then continued.

“Think of a Vampire in that split second between the mortal state and torpor. Pure energy, we call it inertia or the fifth plane. In this plane, for a hundred years and under the careful watch of the DpN Elders, Valentine the first Vampire of Haidia has been held. My people were far from happy with the entrustment, they worried relentlessly about the carnage should Valentine escape, for her power is limitless. So great was their concern, it governed everything they did until they felt they were successful in their task.

Lakin was enthralled by the smooth crystal dangling from the necklace drew her attention and without warning a wave of trepidation engulfed her.

“The DpN Ancients secretly buried Valentines mortal vassal here, on Max Dirks estate. A trusted advisor to DpN—they decided for his own safety that he should have no knowledge of what they had done. It was the only way to be sure. When you advised your Leader Tania of Max Dirks situation with New World Order and that Max had lost the estate we soon realized a terrible error had been made.”

She felt badly for Karle, his voice was so heavy with regret.

“A mistake of momentous proportions,” Karle admitted. He stopped talking and looked down as if he were reading a book filled with uncertainty, “another disturbance had taken place on the fifth plane.” He felt the phenomenon as if he was watching tendrils of shadow creep across the forest behind the sun. When he looked back at Lakin his expression was sharper, more urgent. Karle quickly gathered his thoughts, there was very little time. “The Sage revealed much to us that day. She foretold of a progeny, a direct descendant of the Valentine, Serene Huntress and a great ritual called the Pass-Over.“ Karle felt a sensation of dread but still he continued. “The strongest vampire sects will perform the ritual so the harmonic powers will transfer Serene. In her new state, with the Collectors abilities, she will be able to bring forth the entrance to the fifth plane, and release Valentine. “

The magnitude of the situation crashed upon Lakin in the moment that Karle directed a more searching look to her.

“The Collectors do not survive the ritual.” Karle said quietly. He shook his head while imploring eyes locked with hers. “Do you understand?”

Lakin nodded, “Yes Karle I know what I must do. “ Lakin would have expected to bristle at the task, considering the gravity of what she’d just been told, but she showed no emotion.

“Your quest is to protect the Collector; because the Harmonic cannot be destroyed.”

Lakin felt a slight breeze, there was a peculiar light in the room and suddenly she was alone.


The figure in the distance made a haunting apparition. One designed to capture the envy of every woman, and the attention of any man. Her face was smooth white stone engraved with the aristocratic arrogance of a noble, while her blood filled eyes had the look of a savage. Her gaze so fierce—so intense Lakin was held in place like grips of steel. Every curve was exactly molded and barely concealed by a soft, black mini dress and clinging thigh-high boots. A short, elegantly trimmed cape caught by the wind, drifted behind her with tangles of long, pale, golden hair.

Apparently only Lakin could see her.

The woman was transparent; Lakin saw how dark it was behind her. She hovered between a broken limestone pillar and a tall pile of half-buried rubble. Further behind were two towering stone shapes that formed in a triangle and beside them was a meandering stream that curled downward into an underground lake, which extended so far Lakin couldn’t see the end of it. Wondering if what she was seeing was some trick of the fire-light, Lakin closed her eyes. When she looked again the woman was still there, only real now. Solid to touch Lakin speculated. Why didn’t anyone else see her? Lakin supposed, no one else seemed disturbed by the new arrival. Blue sparks flashed from the Harmonic dangling at Lakin’s neck in short sharp intervals. Lakin put the necklace on for safe keeping after Karle’s departure. She decided to take action and rose to her feet. Lakin took a nervous step forward toward the woman and then stopped. Good sense overcame her hastiness, Lakin decided against approaching.

She acted so strangely her companions turned to look at her, three faces with surprised expressions illuminated by the campfire watched Lakin curiously. Even Captain Tao lifted his head at her abrupt movement, the silver edge of his hood shone in the firelight.

“Did you see something?” Lyon, one of the other students asked. “You look odd Lakin. What’s wrong?”

“The woman... right there.” Lakin told him, but in the second or two that it took for Lakin’s eyes to flick to Lyon’s face and back to the ruins, the woman had disappeared. “She was standing there.”

“What woman?” Lyon said. “I saw no one.”

It was then that Eolith came forward, sharp tongued unfriendly Eolith who never said a kind word to anyone when he could lecture or criticize instead. “Really Lakin,” he interrupted. “I wish you would stay focused while we are revising our plan for the morning. “You were just seeing things. There is nothing out there but a few small animals.” Eolith was growing impatient; his voice took on its usual sharp edge.

“Captain Tao,” said Lyon, “did you see anything unusual?”

Tao sat far apart from the other two and his self-imposed isolation roused Lakin’s curiosity. She wondered about the colour of his hair beneath his low hanging hood—from the colour of his bushy eyebrows and thick lashes she would guess it was a deep red. She imagined his body was as powerfully built as his cheek bones suggested. It was hard to tell when he wore the same uniform oversized pants and jacket every day and never changed like some of the other instructors did. Reserved, self-reliant and interested only in the performance of his duties, that was her opinion of him and every other NWO boss.

“No,” Tao replied, soft and quiet as always. “I was watching the fire. I saw nothing.”

Sensing Tao was aware of her scrutiny, Lakin looked away from where her companions sat, glancing instead toward the old ruins. The wind blew in hard from the mountains and across the ruins catching the flames of the campfire, sending a pattern of light and shadow along the broken walls just beyond it.

“She was there,” Lakin insisted.

“Describe exactly what you saw,” Tao directed.

Lakin did, including that she thought she could see straight through her. Even in the hue of the firelight Lakin could see Tao’s face grow confused.

Lyon decided it was time to add to the mystery. “Plenty of ghosts in that old city, I reckon.”

Tao mused. “The ruins have something to do with Old Radasanth,” but he couldn’t remember just what.

“Ghosts,” Eolith scoffed in his booming voice. “Don’t worry we will protect you Lakin.”

“Of course,” Lyon said, smiling at Eolith. Eolith showed no response; instead he sat with downcast eyes looking at the fire.

“Perhaps we will find the answers tomorrow, when Godhand arrives. He will most likely start explorations as soon as possible.” Captain Tao spoke before Lakin could protest that she wasn’t imagining things. “I think we should douse the fire, retire for the night.”

12-30-09, 03:09 AM
Godhand awoke that morning to a chorus of yells and cheers that sounded like it was coming from right outside his window, but he'd be damned if he could see anything happening out there. He showered, groomed himself, brushed his teeth and so on before pouring himself a solitary glass of scotch to start the day off right. When he finally exited his room he was ready to tackle the day, but before going off to his appointment at the newly discovered ruins he decided to see what all that racket was. He walked out of the mansion and the sun was hidden behind the clouds, casting everything in a pale white glow as the rays of sunlight were filtered. It was his favorite kind of day; it would have been perfect if there wasn't so much goddamn noise.

He finally found out what it was. One of the trainers was using the small arena the contractors had built and was making the recruits fight in it. A smaller fellow seemed to be having a good streak and was attracting a lot of cheers, which was what had woken him up. Finally, it seemed the instructor had had enough of the young fighter's showboating. He called the largest of the students forward into the cage before speaking and bowed to Godhand to show him he was aware of his presence.

"Alright, you miserable little shits, pay attention! The boss is watching! Do any of you know what it feels like to get jackknifed into the dirt by a freak twice your size!? IT FEELS JUST LIKE YOU THINK IT FEELS!"

He then signaled the large boy to attack.

And attack he did. The smaller fighter put up a decent fight but soon enough was overwhelmed by the beast's sheer size and power. Confident that the instructor had demonstrated how perilous it was to fight someone a great deal larger than you regardless of your skill and experience, Godhand motioned for the trainer to call him off.

“Okay, that’s enough.”

The clubbing blows kept raining down on the nearly unconscious middleweight.

“I said that’s enough.”

The hits just kept on coming.


At that point it could have easily turned fatal. Godhand turned to the pitboss as he scrambled over the wooden fence encircling the arena.


Just as the giant reared his fist back to finish the poor bastard off, Godhand leaped up unto his back and grabbed his wrist, looped his other hand through the captured arm, grabbed unto his other arm’s bicep and applied pressure. Almost instantly the giant’s knees buckled and he fell to one knee, with Godhand pulling back like he was trying to rein in a horse until he was in a torpor, half passed out and no harm to anybody. His arms uncoiled like a nest of snakes and the kid fell on the ground wheezing.

The sergeant outstretched a hand to present the scene to the students.

"The master at work, people! Do EXACTLY AS I SAY and one day you might have a SHADOW OF A CHANCE of becoming that good!"

Godhand climbed out of the arena, breathing heavily. The instructor approached him as he headed for the stables.

"What should we do with him, boss?"

"Christ. Well, we can always use another goddamn ape. Just make sure he doesn't kill anybody, would you?"

"I'll try."

"Try my ass. You will DO. What do you think I'm paying you for?"

Godhand let out a frustrated sigh before speaking again.

“You know what the difference is between us and Imperial? Their recruits were nobles, or aspired to be. Our recruits are yobs, or aspire to be.”

“Yeah, but we kicked Imperial’s ass so what does that tell you?”

“Besides the fact that God is dead? Just go make sure the kid isn't dead. I may have overdone it.”

Godhand climbed unto a horse and rode off in the direction of the ruins.
When he finally arrived Tao was waiting with a small group of students; two kids he had no reason to know and the problem child. He dismounted and calmly approached them while fishing a cigarette out of his pack and lighting a match, leaning into the flame. He took a deep drag, closing his eyes to let it work it's magic, before speaking.


02-03-13, 04:27 AM
Lakin swiped in frustration at the constant buzzing around her ears. Radasanthian march flies. The ruins were overrun with the prickly pests, but she was determined to ignore them. Investigating what she’d seen the night before was more important than the sting of any insect. The ruins were a welcome refuge from the hostile looks of the other recruits, even with its nuisances. They blamed her for the sudden banishment to the wilderness at the northern end of the estate. Lakin chose to ignore the accusation in their expressions in the same manner she did the flies.

She relished exploring and after a restless night, taking a closer look at where the phantom woman had appeared was just the thing she needed. Lakin strode through an abundance of low-growing broad green leaves; until she saw the first signs of daybreak glinting through tall stone pillars in wide beams bursting with dust motes. The rays of sunlight summoned her forward, and in a few strides, she’d entered a small clearing that was lively in comparison to the dimness of the campsite. Spread across the entire expanse, were small white berries and thick-leaved grass plants with bright orange flowers. In earnest, the ruins were like an oasis on the battle-won estate. It was left fairly untouched.

Her thoughts fixed on her situation; a choice had to be made. She needed someone to whom she could trust. After all the turmoil she had been through, the one thing she had learned, was that there were very few people in Althanas that she could depend on, and her beloved DpN clan was too far away to warrant considering. So far the NWO boot camp had not been the roaring success she was expecting. Her gaze wondered in the direction of NWO’s headquarters, if all that power could be used in the Collectors defence and against the Vampire Clans of Ayenee, her task would be made much easier. She was so weary of battling alone against odds that seemed impossible. Lakin would use all the experience she’d gathered navigating the difficult political waters of DpN’s alliances to face the challenge ahead. Her decision was made—if she could strike a bargain with the infamous NWO leader, she would.

Tao would likely be angry when he found out she had left the camp without notifying him, but she feared he might have refused her request. She needed to know if the woman had been a figment of her imagination. Thankfully Eolith had been indulgent; he stirred just as she’d been readying to leave. Wary of her plan, he did scowl in an attempt to make her stay in camp. But it didn’t take much to convince him his concerns were unnecessary.

The golden siren with a black heart.

In truth, the apparition had appeared to Tao, clear as day and while Lakin had been filled with alarm, Tao was full of wonder. He pretended not to see her. To protect himself growing up, he had given up trying to convince people that he could see things. He learned that they could never see past their own fear and superstition. The golden siren with a black heart had appeared to him many times, but not like last night, only ever in his dreams and never in the company of others. This time was different. The sensation he felt was so intense, it had felt like pain but he realised now that the spirit provoked not pain but a fierce hunger and then a sickening emptiness when she vanished. His visions were always set in the ruins, it was always very dark, close to midnight and her skin was always the colour of mail armour that glistened like diamonds. He couldn’t see her face, but in the distance he saw the same burning backdrop, Niema on fire. Tao shook himself. He put away his thoughts to turn and watch Godhand ride in.

Eolith and Lyon stood close-by, anticipating greatness.


Tao inhaled sharply and instinctively tensed as he moved to stand beside Godhand. “Your student,” the problem child Tao thought, “went that way.” His gaze narrowed on the ruins in the distance. “The girl seems to think she is free to do whatever she likes.” Tao marched off toward his horse. “Do you want me to go after her? Or as her sponsor would you like to do the honours?” Tao snorted.

“I vote we leave her there,” Eolith grumbled.


Serene stared up at the midnight sky captivated. She would enjoy ruling Niema. There was no moon or stars in her world only darkness. Serene watched as one by one tiny lights in the dark heavens twinkled on. She closed her eyes when she heard the soft crunch of boots on the dry leaves as Brynith came behind her. Serene stood up in the water and faced her.

Brynith reached up and unfastened the leather tie that held back her hair. “I hate the feel of dirt on my skin,” her hair fell to her waist and she ran her fingers through it. “I’ve noticed you have a similar dislike, which surprised me, rumour has it the clans of Vaynne bathe very rarely.”

“And Lower Cave covens are grossly deformed with large heads that spit poison.” Serene snarled, “only fools believe rumours Brynith. Now come to me.”

Brynith looked straight into Serene’s eyes as she stripped away her garment and walked into the pond until she was waist high. The water was cold but she didn’t feel it, her flesh was ice.

“Look at me,” Serene commanded. “I am hungrier than any vampire you have ever had.” She began moving her fingers over her breasts, gently pinching. “Spread your legs,” she whispered. Serene’s hands delved low and her fangs sank brutally into the skin just above the younger vampire’s heart.

12-25-13, 06:07 PM
(Can you please not delete this thread, one day Andreus will write his post)