View Full Version : Alerar Submissions Thread

Sighter Tnailog
11-23-09, 09:33 AM
I am posting this here 'cause it gets more traffic that way.

But I'm looking at putting together some Alerar Missions Boards, setting up some people to be roving "GMs" for Alerar-themed missions, and generally finding some players who are interested enough in Alerar to take the lead in some of its content development. My plans are very open-ended, in that I'm more interested in hearing YOUR ideas and letting you run with them than I am in telling you what to do and forcing it on you.

If you have suggestions, you can send them my way via PM or post them here, it matters not.

11-23-09, 07:14 PM
I have an idea, and I believe Alerar, all things considered, is the ideal location for it. It's something I plan on using in the future for this character and his nemisis.

The Facility

Its located in the northeast, where the mountains are hard, located beneath a military base. It's the perfect cover, for who could question Alerar having a base near the Raiaeran border to keep a lookout for an unexpected attack?

Built and maintained by Dwarven engineers, and staffed by the brightest minds in Althanas, those who know of The Facility know that all those who enter The facility, never leave, save for a few individuals high in the government. The Facility's purpose is singular, the pursuit of science without regard to morals or ethics.

The Facility is tightly guarded by the Alerarian Special Forces, but not even they get to leave The Facility, least word of its existence leak out. It is overseen by one man, known only as Lord Kilrem, though if the man presented is the real Lord Kilrem or not is unknown. Kilrem reports directly to the High Graf and the King/Queen, and no one else.

It is to this place that eventually I'll have Xos become kidnapped to, along with his Nemesis. Sort of like Area 51.