View Full Version : Writing block, goals and motivation

Josef ben Loewe
11-25-09, 05:58 AM
While I did finish two threads with my other character, I do find it hard to continue posting (with one character).

Sometimes I get frustrated by being unable to express my ideas because English isn't my first language. Other times I get frustrated by my slow posting and thus lack of character development through leveling; then I just want to create a new character. Or I just don't know what to write.

When I writing a thread alone or with someone else I notice that I constantly have the Rubric in my head. I want to get a high score for my writings. While being aware of the Rubric does actually improve my writings I also makes me work hours on a single post and get frustrated.

My other problem is that I constantly want to create new characters... I love creating characters because I can invent a whole new character out of nowhere with an original personality, an intriguing background and unique skills. But after I've created a character I find it hard to keep posting, as I said above.

So, I have a couple of questions!

First of all: how do you balance perfectionism and just having fun writing? What do you find more important: quality or fun?

Secondly: how do you keep interested in continuing with an existing character when you can't post frequently?

Thirdly: how do you keep motivated for writing in general? (instead of interactive video games with images, sounds, speed, etc.)

11-27-09, 03:30 PM
Well I'm a perfectionist (as much as I can be) so I can't really answer the first question. However, the second question was something that bothered me since I've started writing.

How in the world do you stay interested in a character when you are not using it all the time. This happened to me just recently in a thread I am doing with Inkfinger (House of Wolves for those who want to check it out really good read.) Anyway what I had to do was re-read the whole thread...twice! It took a second for me to really get back in the groove (it's still taking me time) but I eventually (will) jumped back into the thread like I want.

11-27-09, 05:17 PM
First of all: how do you balance perfectionism and just having fun writing? What do you find more important: quality or fun?

Secondly: how do you keep interested in continuing with an existing character when you can't post frequently?

Thirdly: how do you keep motivated for writing in general? (instead of interactive video games with images, sounds, speed, etc.)

1 :: I ignore perfectionism... more often than not, it's what causes writers block. I don't like that Althanas has become a place where you have to be perfect to score well, but I also don't like that everyone's striving to write an epic with every thread. Just have fun, and when you have fun, the writing flows on its own.

2 :: I make sure, when I have limited time, to plot out ideas for the character. If I'm not on Althanas able to post IC, whether it be due to real life stuff getting in the way, writers block, or working too much behind the scenes, I make sure to take time to think about what I want to do with my character.

I think the paramount thing when pondering how to get active without a lot of time is to plot ahead of time, think of where you want to go and what you want to do. Then, easiest thing, get other people involved. Some may disagree, but I feel that if I'm writing with someone else I'm almost obligated to post... like my not posting is holding up someone else... and when I feel like that I feel like I should post. Then, I go back to what I wrote in the first post, and just have fun with it. Sometimes I need to start a thread by forcing my posts, but as I start writing is slowly comes to me. As long as I'm having fun, I can write... sometimes well, sometimes not, but the end result is a post and again... fun is what makes the posts come out.

3 :: The first two points are what give me motivation, and help me continue to post. Though I'm not the most active, and I'll be the first to admit that, I tend to write in spurts. As I do so, I just take into consideration the first two points and that helps me keep up posting.

Hope that helps.