View Full Version : Quinton Ped Registration

12-01-09, 05:49 PM
Name: Quinton Charles Ped
Race: Human/Avian
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: Blue
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 135
Occupation: Hunter,fur trader

Personality: Q a very easy-going kind of guy shy at first but quickly warms up to people. He is dependable I a fight a solid long range attacker, but not afraid to get down and dirty and is not afraid to get up in his opponent’s face if need be.

Appearance: Q is a tall (6’2”) human/avian with wings. He weighs 135 lbs due to hollow bones for flight. His wings are a grayish weight color with a 14 foot wing span. They neatly fold in to his clothes which has put cuts in to allow the opening and closing of them. He has pointy and well defined face with a square jaw and cheek bones. He has a scare across his left eye in a downward slant from being attacked as a child by a bear.

History: He grew up with his family until he was three. His family was attacked by a group of roaming bandits. His parents died but he was saved buy a hunter who raised him. He got his wings when he was abducted by a witch when he turned 12 and her tests did this to him. When he returned to the hunter he then learned to hunt from the air. Upon his 21 birthday he was given a black powder rifle with a bayonet with which he now uses for fighting and hunting.

Skills:he is average at hunting, slightly above average at tracking, slightly above average at scent masking, well below average at traping, and is slighty skilled in fighting with his gun (which is broken untill can be fixed) and bayonet (for stabbing). As for his fighting style skills, he is slightly below average in firearms and also in archery, but his is slighty above average in melee edged combat (bayonet) He flys and average of 10 mile per hour and can fly in short bursts of up to 15 miles per hour. Diving he can reach a speed of 20 miles per hour. He is slighty below average in the use of bows due to his upbringing with a gun.

Equipment: He carries his Black powder rifle (broken), his bayonet, and a bag that contains his bullet cartridges (lead balls and gun powder raped in cloth). He carries a rucksack with his food, water, his dull hunting knife, flint, rope, oak bow with oak arrows.

Familiers: He has one familiar it is a giant eagle ( 10 foot wing span, 3 feet tall, and intelligent enough to understand basic commands) named Philip. He is a golden eagle with a white under belly/ underside of wings.

12-04-09, 10:47 AM
First of all, welcome to Althanas.

I like the profile, however there are some things we need to iron out together. The really really big one is the rifle. Technology on Althanas is far less advanced than even say Civil War era America. As such we try our best to ensure level zero characters (or new characters in general) do not have the means to wield guns.

This may change at some point, but for now it is the way things are set up in order to ensure balance. One concession you and I could make to maybe allow for the gun would be if the gun was currently broken and in need of repair before it could be used. Another might be that he doesn't have the rifle yet and must quest for it at some point.

Also, from what I see in the profile and skills, at level zero I would be ok allowing one of the skills as listed as "skilled". From what I can see and infer, hunting would cover tracking of animals, setting traps, maybe even baiting animals from hiding. That is more of a skill group than a single skill. The processing of animals would lead me to infer it to also be a skill group than a single skill, with skinning of the animal, processing of meat, and even possibly tanning of the hide.

The fighting with a gun and bayonet could be listed simply as a fighting style, and I wouldn't mind allowing for that style to be slightly skilled.

Consider, if you would, that at level zero your character is fresh to Althanas. While he might remember the knowledge of how to do the various moves he learned before, or the means of tracking an animal, his muscle memory would be practically non-existant. There would be a new learning curve, albeit a reasonably short one, to regain some of that muscle memory back.

I hope that makes some sense. I do like the concept of the character, and am intrigued to see you roleplay and write with him. But first let's take care of the balancing and such, and then we can maybe get together for your first quest.

EDIT: Also, your hunting knives, I will allow for one hunting knife and the bayonet (if you keep the rifle). The knife is made of steel with a rather dull edge, but the bayonet is made of iron with a sharper point. The knife can roughly cut through leathers when applied with as much force as your character can apply, the bayonet can pierce leathers reasonably well, but it cannot cut or slice.

12-04-09, 06:25 PM
Ok, ok I can see where you are coming from. I really like your ideas if it’s ok I would like to keep the gun (broken as you said) with it I can just used the bayonet as a stabbing weapon. I game with the knife thing sound fine to me. With the whole skills thing I don’t really know what you would want me to do with that but I’m game with whatever you come up with.

12-04-09, 07:03 PM
also because his gun is broken for a while, could i have a bow untill it can be fixed?

12-04-09, 11:40 PM
Ok, good. We're making progress.

For clarifications purpose on the rifle, he may have the rifle in his inventory, but as we discussed it is indeed broken. The only way to fix it is going to require a quest (or multiple depending on the judge(s) who happen to review the quest and the request for the repair of the rifle). There is no garuntee it can be fixed, but other arrangements might be made at a later time (or later character profile update at your next level or a level thereafter) if and when necessary.

As for the skills, here was my thinking:

Hunting isn't so much a singular skill. It is much more like a skill tree in that in order to be "skilled" at hunting, Q-ped would need to be "skilled" or "average" in skills such as tracking of prey (perhaps using scent or pheromones?), setting traps, masking his own scent, etc.

So maybe instead of just listing him as being "skilled" in hunting, we could have it listed like this --

Hunting -- "average" -- The art of hunting is more than just a single skill. It requires knowledge of the prey and of the means to take the prey down or immobilize the prey.

Tracking -- "slightly above average" -- Quinten has learned to somewhat effectively track and follow his prey when hunting. This gains him a slight advantage most notable when he is tracking injured prey. He uses scents, pheromones, and markings left by the prey to determine the direction and pace at which the prey fled.

Scent Masking -- "slightly above average" -- Quinten has learned to somewhat effectively mask his own scent when hunting prey in order to gain a surprise advantage when necessary. He uses the scents of his surroundings to help him hide slightly better than the average human could. This affords him a slight advantage when trying to sneak up on prey and remain unnoticed.

Trapping -- "well-below average" -- Quinten hasn't really learned the means of setting traps, yet, but he is aware that he could attempt to set one if the opportunity arose. The chances would be very minimal that the trap would work or be effective, and a small chance exists that in setting the trap he'd trap himself unintentionally. As a result, Quentin rarely uses traps and focuses more upon his tracking and masking abilities.

Now, there is far more to hunting than just those three, and I encourage you to maybe think a little bit about the whole methods hunter's use during the hunt. You might be able to come up with some more useful skills that would fall under the "tree" of hunting that Quentin could use.

As for what I meant with the fighting style, it would be something like what follows --

Firearms Style -- "slightly below average" -- Quentin was at one time very skilled at using a rifle, and could probably still wield one if the need arose. His accuracy would be severely limited, possibly even bad enough to need many, many shots before actually striking prey with a shot. This fighting style also requires some distance between himself and the target, otherwise any added benefit from firearms is negated almost entirely.

Archery Style -- "slightly below average" -- Quentin's understanding of the components of a bow and arrow exist purely from his knowledge and previous expertise of firearms. The mechanisms are entirely different, but the premise and concept is the same. As such, Quentin can wield a bow with moderate accuracy, perhaps only needing two or three shots before striking his target. Even if Quentin struck his target, the chance of it being a successful kill shot would be very slim. The Archery Style of fighting does afford Quentin a slight advantage in surprise, as he remains nearly silent when knocking and firing the arrows.

Melee Edged Style -- "slightly above average" -- This has become Quentin's primary fighting style when in close proximity to his target or prey. He is slightly better than the average human at wielding and using his bayonet or hunting knife, and may strike his target with the first attempt. Usually his successful strikes cause minor lacerations and cuts for the target, but he has been known to cause a deeper wound when very, very lucky.

I hope this all makes sense. I definitely like the character, but see a few things that need to be changed or edited to fit the balance we try to achieve here.

Lastly, Quentin may have an Oak bow and five oak arrows with iron arrowheads for the purpose of a ranged weapon.

12-05-09, 08:10 AM
ok i have made some changes but as you know i am new to althanas so this is a lil weird for me so im trying.

12-05-09, 12:16 PM
That'll work, bud. Thanks for your cooperation! You did a great job, and I look forward to seeing your writing soon enough.


12-05-09, 12:33 PM
thanks man ur the best.