View Full Version : FQ Update 12/5/09

12-05-09, 03:49 PM
As many of you know, the current chapter of the FQ is under way. While Raiaera continues to be consumed by Xem'Zund's tyranny and undead hordes, its citizens fight for survival as another faction slowly wades into the mire of war.

In Salvar, the steppes of Uroda are stained with blood as the League of Salvic States wipes out any remaining presence of the Church of the Ethereal Sway within its borders. With its sworn enemy on the brink of defeat, the League has made its march upon Knife's Edge to take the fight to the Church's doorstep.

If any of this has you hooked into participating, it isn't too late to get involved! The deadline for the current chapter in the FQ is 12:00 A.M, January 5th, 2010. There are still many rewards, recognition and items of power to go around for everyone involved, so be sure to tune in and participate! For more information you can check out the Raiaera (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19869) and Salvar (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19815) information threads.

While the deadline is beginning to loom, I wanted to remind everyone to continue to be diligent and active in their endeavors within the FQ, no matter what side of the map you're on. While extensions will be awarded at the end of the chapter for threads who need it to finish up, that's exactly what they will be. Awarded. Don't expect to be able to do the majority of your work within a 1-2 week span within the deadline in order to be eligible for rewards. Extensions are for putting finishing touches on quests or to run the last leg of one, not start them. Keep that in mind.

As the holidays approach and semesters are coming to a close, I want to say thanks to everyone for the participation in the FQ so far and even if it is getting a bit lax, I'd like to encourage those who are already participating to continue to do so. You started strong, so finish strong. It isn't too late.

Thanks and enjoy a safe and happy holiday season!

12-14-09, 01:00 PM

As of next week, I'll be posting a registration for the battle of At the Edge for Salvar's conclusion in the FQ. The battle will consist of one thread and will take place in Knife's Edge during which the League will launch an attack on the Church who are controlling the city. Realistically, this thread is going to be like an all out melee battle that is common on Althanas. Chaotic, hard to keep track of, and wildly fun. I'll be trying to organize some NPCs for people to take control of during the battle or things they can do to help push the battle either way, but the side delcared winner of the war after the chapter ends will be the victor of this thread.

The event of At the Edge will last for two weeks after it starts at the chapter's conclusion. Anybody who wasn't previously involved with the FQ before can sign up and is encouraged to participate. This is supposed to be Salvar's last blast before it leaves the FQ, so take advantage of it and have some fun! This is your last chance to experience what it's like to be right in the middle of history as it's being written for Althanas canon!

The registration, again, will be posted in the Heart of War forums on Monday, December 21st. The deadline for signing up for At the Edge will be 12:00 AM, December 30th!

If you have any ideas, questions or concerns about the At the Edge event, contact me.
