View Full Version : Fredrich Wilhem De Grimmalditore

12-05-09, 10:22 PM
Name: Fredrich Wilhem De Grimmalditore
Age: 20
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown with a twinge of blonde
Eye Color: Misty grey
Height: 6' 2"
*Occupation: Witch Hunter

*Personality: Outspoken and naive, his mouth can get him into trouble for speaking his mind before he realises he's fouled up, raised in a wealthy merchant family, his recent shipwrecking and being stranded has left him shell shocked and destitute and at a loss for understanding why no-one is giving him a modicum of respect or even the time of day. Extremely prideful, he will take most any slight as a challenge and slur upon his family name, yet due to his upbringing will always treat everyone with a great deal of respect where possible, and a stream of curses and slurs where not.

Appearance: A tall and rather pale young man with the beginnings of a moustache growing from his upper lip in the filthy rags that were once a fashionable slashed tunic, cape and leather boots with pale red breaches and a leather fedora. Right now the hat is missing, his tunic is stained and ripped more so then it was, his cape is in tatters and his left boot is missing

History: Coming from a port town with an abundance of merchant families and the subsequent renaissance politics that brings, his life was always in danger but was none the warier for it. Eventually his family got caught up in a three way feud with two other rival families and, sensing imminent loss, sent him away to safe havens to continue their family line. Unfortunately the ship he had set sail on was sabotaged and sank. due in large parts luck but also mostly to a new patronage of a new and still nameless deity who demands that Fredrich live and hunt down 'evil that is most present' in the world. So the deity guided the weakened Fredrich across the treacherous waters to the shore of Neverscale beach with nothing there only a big soggy stick to defend himself with. Fredrich quickly realised just because this Deity saved him doesn't mean he particularly likes him.

Skills: Virtually none. Outside of haggling, banking and other economic traits his father thought him, he is a fish out of water, an utter greenhorn.

Equipment: A big, soggy, stick. Yep, its a stick and rather big and soggy.

12-05-09, 10:34 PM
What's the wood the stick is made from?

Other than that, you've made this profile easy to approve. Thank you.

12-05-09, 10:38 PM
Because I am horribly unoriginal and it was a ship he came from, I'll just say its made of oak. Or palmetto

12-05-09, 10:40 PM
Because I love the concept, it's made of both. It's actually more of a bow (like the wood bows monks use) that is made of both oak and palmetto. He found it on the ship, yeah.

Sound good?

12-05-09, 10:43 PM
Sounds awesome, I'll make up some excuse that because it had no string, he never realised it was bow and couldn't use it even it he did, so yeah, its more of a bow now. Thanks mate.

12-05-09, 10:46 PM

Welcome aboard.