View Full Version : a little this and that

01-02-10, 07:57 PM
I like to think up stories all the time though I usually never get beyond thinking up a couple of scenes. This is a short little something that seems to lend itself to being a parable, though I thought of it as two diary exerpts.

An excerpt from a diary dated 26 June 1917

Most people don't believe that fairies are real, but me, I know they are real. They took my brother away from me. He liked to play outside, and he would venture off sometimes. Two days ago he went into the forest by our house, and never returned. Yesterday they sent a search party after him. One hundred people looked all day and night for him, but they didn't find a trace. It's because they took him. The fairies spirited him away. Damn them. Damn them for taking away my brother. Damn them for taking him away from me.

Another excerpt dated 24 June 1937

I was making lunch. I was doing the normalest thing ever, I was making a ham and cheese sandwich, when I looked out the window and saw my younger brother. I couldn't believe it. I closed my eyes thinking that he would disappear. But he was still there. I went out to see him, but when I greeted him he just looked at me all strange and asked who I was. I told him I was his brother but he didn't believe me. I explained the situation to him a bit more and told him that I had grown up and stuff and then he believed me. He asked me if I had missed him and I replied by saying yes very much and I lifted him up and gave him a big hug.
It was then that I was no longer mad at the fairies. I realized that they had not taken him from me, but that they had kept him for me. He was the same young fun loving boy that had entered the woods all those years ago. It was I who had changed.