View Full Version : Fruit Vampire Gertrude

01-07-10, 06:15 PM
Name: Gertrude
Age: 25
Race: vampire-human and angel hybrid
Hair Color: red
Eye Color: green
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 145 lb (slender but not anorexic looking is the idea here)
*Occupation: hobby herbalist, is studying horticulture and mixing plants to create new types of fruit… what would maybe be called in modern times “genetic engineering” or some such.

Having grown up in a small village setting, she is a very personable character who likes to account for her actions 100%. She does have a bit of pride concerning her parentage, so she tries to live up to it as much as possible, both to adhere to the Angelic ideals and to help diminish the idea that all vampires are evil beings with no respect for others. This does sometimes get her into sticky situations where she wants to do the best thing for everyone, and perhaps through growing up and meeting others she will learn that sometimes what is best is not necessarily good for eeeeeeveryone. She is well read, and tends to have a decent amount of basic knowledge of things found in books as well as old lore of angels and vampires passed down to her from the village elders by word of mouth.

She is tall and slender, but with an unmistakable air of power and grace. Her green eyes will feel as if they can see what is written on your very soul as she stares straight into your eyes when she speaks to you, and her voice is rich and supple. Her red hair is closer to a dark brown… in the shadow it’s still unmistakably red, but in the sunlight it almost glows a brilliant red that shines. It is generally pulled back in a loose knot at the nape of her neck. With pale, only lightly tanned skin she is sometimes mistaken for someone who doesn’t generally get their hands dirty, but as she loves the lands and the fields you’ll find that her nails generally have a little bit of grunge/dirt under them in the corners. Being a practical person, her clothing will reflect this—longer pocketed “cargo” shorts with a close tank top are really all she needs to feel comfortable. Her knap-sack is decently large to handle all of the plant cuttings she wants to collect with several pockets and zippers and buttons.

Gertrude was born of an angel father and a vampire-human father. She is unable to claim her heritage of angel-kinness because her father is afraid that if he acknowledges her that he will be cast from heaven for bedding a vampire. Her mother was very loving and supportive of Gertrude as she was growing up, and she never really minded that her father wouldn’t acknowledge her—her existence/story is not one of angst. Growing up, she found that she had inherited her mother’s traits of vampirism… but not in the usual way. She is half angel, you know. Instead of draining the life force of other humans/creatures/etc, she sucks it from fruit. Nectar, juice, pulp… to her this satisfies that need. Growing up, she always had an affinity for tending gardens—herb, vegetable, fruit… anything that is grown from the earth she always had a way with. Now that she is older and about to go out on her own to experience the world, she is looking for new plants to garner seeds or cuttings from for her own horticultural studies.

Earthen Heal – This is used out-of-combat only, and will allow her to heal some minor damage on herself and minimal damage on others. Her connection with the earth allows her to ask it for assistance in helping herself and others that she feels are good people that she would like to share this connection with. (This does not give them the skill at all.) It can be used perhaps… 5 times per thread as it’s an out of combat only skill? Or only every 3 or 4 posts of her own within the thread?
Bark Skin - Gertrude’s skin becomes tough and gnarled like bark on an old, withered tree if threatened. This would be a passive ability based on an adrenaline response to danger. This lasts until she is calmed down and generally makes her feel pretty ugly and embarrassed.
Plant/Herbalism Lore – This is the character’s main profession and foremost hobby and love. She has a rather extensive knowledge of all common and slightly uncommon plant species and their uses—both medicinal and magickal. As she travels around and quests, she will learn more about other kinds of plant native to other areas.
She is not an offensive person, so you will notice that most of her skill sets have to do with protective magick.
• Knapsack – medium sized… mostly kind of big because she set off to look for sapling/cuttings to bring back to her own garden at home/a new residence she might take up on her own. It has tons and tons of pockets with zippers and buttons and snaps… tons of places for seeds and other miscellaneous items.
• Small knife— this is used for gathering plant cuttings. Not really good for combat, but I guess in a pinch she might whip it out but chances are she would have no idea how to use it for defense. She’s a lover not a fighter by any means. ;)
• Gardening Tool Set—This includes things like a trowel, hand-held rake, and other small tools related to gardening.
• Sewing kit—you never know when your pants might rip. A few needles and some different colors of thread.
She has a golden retriever that she found as a puppy. Its name is Mildred. Gertrude did not ask Mildred to follow her, and in fact if she had it her way the dog would not have come with, but for some reason the darn thing keeps following her around. Mildred envisions herself as Gertrude’s protector (as she is a little quick to trust if not a bit naïve about the world), and tries her best to scare away any questionable characters. Mildred has no fighting traits right now but will perhaps develop them later on as she grows and levels.
Gertrude doesn’t know this, but the dog was sent to watch over her by her father who cannot claim her. This gesture seems to imply that he likes what she is doing in the world and would like to be there for her—but cannot. The dog is a demon-kin, but of the neutral sort. Not all demons are evil, and not all angels are good, you see. ;)

01-14-10, 02:44 PM
Earthen Heal :: This works outside of combat? I’m going to assume against NPC’s and in quests, correct?

Bark Skin :: I’d like if you could put a time limit on it, something like only for a couple minutes at a time and then a little bit before it reacts again.

Small Knife :: Make it steel or iron and your set

Finally, in your history you have two fathers, :p
Might want to change that so that the vampire-human is a woman, as I think that is what your history says later on.

Other than that it all looks pretty good. Just get that and you’ll be set.

01-20-10, 08:30 AM
Earthen Heal :: This works outside of combat? I’m going to assume against NPC’s and in quests, correct?

Bark Skin :: I’d like if you could put a time limit on it, something like only for a couple minutes at a time and then a little bit before it reacts again.

Small Knife :: Make it steel or iron and your set

Finally, in your history you have two fathers, :p
Might want to change that so that the vampire-human is a woman, as I think that is what your history says later on.

Other than that it all looks pretty good. Just get that and you’ll be set.

Oh boy, we have another homophobe. (Just kidding.) Thanks for pointing that out, I'll edit it straight away. ;)

The knife will be steel.

I can definitely put a time-limit on the bark skin, we'll do 3min activation period with a 5min cooldown?

Earthen heal wouldn't work *against* NPCs so much as possibly for them. I designed her to generally quest with other people so it would probably work more toward their benefit... the point I was making with out of combat is that she's not a "hack and slash" battle-ground character--I want to develop more storyline and thinking (!!!) with her. :)

01-20-10, 10:35 AM
Sounds fair enough. Just be careful to not make the bark skin too strong.
